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两只原驼, 托雷斯德尔帕恩国家公园 , 智利 Guanacos, Torres del Paine National Park, Chile (© Floris van Breugel/NPL/Minden Pictures)

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两只原驼, 托雷斯德尔帕恩国家公园 , 智利 Guanacos, Torres del Paine National Park, Chile (© Floris van Breugel/NPL/Minden Pictures)

态度和高度 Attitude and altitude

原驼, 托雷斯德尔帕恩国家公园 , 智利



Llama Day

Prick up your ears and crane your neck—it's National Llama Day. Part of a family that includes camels, alpacas, and guanacos, llamas have long been domesticated in South America because of their hardiness and ability to thrive on the bleak vegetation in the mountains and plateaus of the Andes. At up to 6 feet tall and weighing up to 400 pounds, they were used primarily as pack animals for about 6,500 years. They were also bred as a source of food, hides, tallow for candles, dung for fuel, and fabric. While inferior to alpaca and guanaco wool, llama fleece is soft, warm, durable, and fairly lightweight. It's used for clothing, rugs, and rope.

Unlike their wild guanaco cousins, seen in today's image in Torres del Paine National Park, Chile, llamas have been popular on farms across the US since the 1980s. Llamas are surprisingly clean, smart, and loyal companions that can even be trained as therapy animals. Their gentle nature has made them popular at petting zoos and farms, and unlike their camel cousins, they rarely spit at humans. They're also good guard animals that will charge at predators and scream at intruders. With a population of almost 30,000 in the country, Americans have clearly fallen in love with llamas.

阿胡汤加里基的日出,拉帕·努伊国家公园,复活节岛,智利 Sunrise at Ahu Tongariki, Rapa Nui National Park, Easter Island, Chile (© Piriya Photography/Getty Images)

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阿胡汤加里基的日出,拉帕·努伊国家公园复活节岛智利 Sunrise at Ahu Tongariki, Rapa Nui National Park, Easter Island, Chile (© Piriya Photography/Getty Images)

古老又神秘 Ancient and mysterious




Rapa Nui National Park, Easter Island, Chile

Welcome to Rapa Nui, also known as Easter Island, one of the world's most remote and enchanting paradises, roughly 2,330 miles west of mainland Chile. Famous for its iconic moai statues, Rapa Nui boasts breathtaking landscapes and rich cultural heritage. Experts are divided on when the island's ancestral inhabitants first arrived from Polynesia, though many researchers suggest it was around the 8th century. Take in the mesmerizing sunrise featured in today's image and explore the striking volcanic craters and lush, grassy plains where the imposing statues stand. The World Heritage property of Easter Island spans more than 17,000 acres, including four nearby islets.

The island's original inhabitants call it Rapa Nui, meaning 'Great Rapa,' referring to the land's similarity to Rapa Island, in French Polynesia. Dutch explorer Jacob Roggeveen, the first European to visit, named it Paasch-Eyland, or 'Easter Island' in English, to mark his arrival on Easter Sunday. You can explore this unique World Heritage site year-round. Dive into its vibrant history and let the island's charm sweep you away.

马可罗尼企鹅,德雷克海峡,智利 Macaroni penguins, Drake Passage, Chile (© Paul Souders/Getty Images)

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马可罗尼企鹅,德雷克海峡智利 Macaroni penguins, Drake Passage, Chile (© Paul Souders/Getty Images)

极地的马可罗尼企鹅 Macaroni and freeze



Penguin Awareness Day

Let's flap our flippers and dive into Penguin Awareness Day! Today's image features macaroni penguins swimming in the plankton-rich waters of the Drake Passage off the coast of Chile. These charming creatures, one of 18 different species of penguin in the Southern Hemisphere, can be recognized by their flashy amber crests and orange beaks. The name is said to have been coined by English sailors, derived from a term used to describe flamboyant dressers in the late 18th century.

Macaroni penguins can be a bad-tempered bunch who get into noisy fights. To avoid this, males often ease their way through crowded colonies with their heads tucked down to their chests. The main threats though, are not their fellow penguins. Reduced food availability, fishing nets, and the impact of climate change on sea ice are among challenges faced by this species, which has been classified as vulnerable due to population decline.

佩霍湖,百内国家公园,智利南部 Lake Pehoé, Torres del Paine National Park, Chile (© OST/Getty Images)

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佩霍百内国家公园智利南部 Lake Pehoé, Torres del Paine National Park, Chile (© OST/Getty Images)

照亮你忧郁的心 Shine a light into your blues



Lake Pehoé, Torres del Paine National Park, Chile

Turquoise waters surrounded by jagged peaks and lush forests—that's Lake Pehoé for you. Nestled in Torres del Paine National Park, Chile, this glacial lake reflects the towering peaks of the Cuernos del Paine, pictured here bathed in the sun's rays. The lake gets its color from finely ground rock particles and minerals, known as glacial flour, suspended in the water. The word 'paine,' pronounced pie-neh, in the park’s name is believed to have its roots in a Tehuelche word meaning 'blue' while 'torres' means towers. The park is named after three striking granite peaks that reach up to 8,200 feet above sea level but boasts many other spectacular mountains. At 700 square miles, Torres del Paine is a UNESCO Biosphere Reserve with a huge amount to offer visitors, from hiking and kayaking to stargazing. So, pack your sense of adventure and head south to beat the blues.

阿卡切斯瞭望台,月亮谷,智利 Achaches lookout, Valley of the Moon, Chile (© Ignacio Palacios/Getty Images)

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阿卡切斯瞭望台,月亮谷智利 Achaches lookout, Valley of the Moon, Chile (© Ignacio Palacios/Getty Images)

带我飞向月球 Fly me to the moon



Achaches lookout, Valley of the Moon, Chile

El Valle de la Luna (Valley of the Moon) is located in the Atacama Desert of northern Chile. It has the most breathtaking view from the Achaches lookout. In 1982, Moon valley was declared a nature sanctuary for its stunning, untouched habitat and its peculiar lunar-like terrain. An interesting fact about the Valley of the Moon is that the desert hasn't received a single drop of rain in countless years.

复活节岛上的摩艾石像,智利 Moai statues on Easter Island, Chile (© Karine Aigner/Tandem Stills + Motion)

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复活节岛上的摩艾石像智利 Moai statues on Easter Island, Chile (© Karine Aigner/Tandem Stills + Motion)

摩艾石像 Big rocks, big heads



Moai statues on Easter Island, Chile

Today we're looking at something you may have heard about before—the famous Moai statues on Chile's remote Easter Island. These big-headed statues were carved out of solidified volcanic ash by the Rapa Nui people between 1250 and 1500, and there are nearly 1,000 of them on the island. Archaeologists believe they were meant to honor Rapa Nui ancestors and were revered as symbols of power and authority. All but seven of the statues face away from the surrounding Pacific Ocean, and instead look inward toward the villages, as if positioned to watch protectively over the Rapa Nui.

拉西拉ESO天文台上的天文望远镜设备,智利 Swedish antenna at La Silla ESO Observatory, Chile (© Alberto Ghizzi Panizza/Getty Images)

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拉西拉ESO天文台上的天文望远镜设备,智利 Swedish antenna at La Silla ESO Observatory, Chile (© Alberto Ghizzi Panizza/Getty Images)

仰望夜空 Eyes on the skies

Astronomy Day

In one of the darkest places on Earth there's a cluster of telescopes that examine the heavens each night, sending detailed information about the celestial bodies they observe to astronomers across the planet. Far from any population centers or light pollution, the Atacama Desert is the world's driest nonpolar desert. It's the perfect place for La Silla Observatory, one of the largest observatories in the Southern Hemisphere, and the first to be used by the European Southern Observatory (ESO), a research organization made up of astronomers from 16 European nations. The first ESO telescope at the La Silla site in Chile began operating in 1966.

And what better place to spend World Astronomy Day? Started in 1973 by Doug Berger, the president of the Astronomical Association of Northern California, Berger's initial intent was to set up various telescopes in busy urban locations so that passersby could enjoy views of the heavens. Since then, the event has expanded and is now sponsored by several organizations associated with astronomy. The springtime Astronomy Day is mirrored by another in the fall between mid-September and mid-October.



还有什么地方能更好地度过世界天文日呢?1973年,北加州天文协会主席道格·伯杰(Doug Berger)创立了该望远镜,伯杰最初的意图是在繁忙的城市地点安装各种望远镜,以便路人可以欣赏天空。从那时起,这项活动已经扩大,现在由几个与天文学有关的组织赞助。9月中旬至10月中旬之间的季,春季天文学日与另一个天文学日相映成趣。

帕瑞纳天文台的望远镜和星迹,智利阿塔卡马沙漠 Telescopes and star trails at Paranal Observatory, Atacama Desert, Chile (© Matteo Omied/Alamy)

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帕瑞纳天文台望远镜和星迹,智利阿塔卡马沙漠 Telescopes and star trails at Paranal Observatory, Atacama Desert, Chile (© Matteo Omied/Alamy)

Happy Astronomy Day!

No, that's not a downpour of lightsabers—but it's no typical night sky either. Stargazing here at Paranal Observatory, on a mountaintop in Chile's desolate Atacama Desert, you'll get one of the clearest possible naked-eye views of the southern skies. This 'lightsaber' effect comes from the photo's long exposure: What we're seeing is these stars' paths as they track across the night sky due to our planet's rotation. The dazzling colors indicate temperature, from chilly red (5,000-ish degrees Fahrenheit) to balmy blue (temps in the tens of thousands).

What about those structures beneath the starry sky? They're three of the eight telescopes making up the Very Large Telescope, an aptly named project of the European Southern Observatory. Together the telescopes compose photographs of astronomically fine focus: If you were to drive a car on the surface of the moon (which we don't advise trying), the VLT could snap a crystal-clear shot of your headlights.




亚伊马火山与前景中的智利南洋杉,智利孔吉利奥国家公园 Volcano Llaima with Araucaria trees in the foreground, Conguillío National Park, Chile (© Fotografías Jorge León Cabello/Getty Images)

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亚伊马火山与前景中的智利南洋杉,智利孔吉利奥国家公园 Volcano Llaima with Araucaria trees in the foreground, Conguillío National Park, Chile (© Fotografías Jorge León Cabello/Getty Images)

Fall for Chile

Autumn in Chile varies widely as one travels from the Atacama Desert in the north more than 2,600 miles south to the tip of Tierra del Fuego. Around halfway between these two extremes you can find Conguillío National Park and the volcano Llaima at Chile's center. In March, at the start of the Southern Hemisphere's autumn, the leaves of the deciduous forest begin to turn color and fall, and the native Chilean pine trees (Araucarias) stand out even more strikingly.

Because of their distinctive appearance and the fact that they thrive in a wide range of climates, the trees became a favorite of botanists in the 19th century, who transported and cultivated them in many temperate climates around the world. The 'monkey puzzle' trees got their common English name in the 1850s when English barrister Charles Austin observed that 'It would be a puzzle for a monkey to climb that.' Even more amazing is that these trees can live over a thousand years and are themselves living fossils, descended from a lineage stretching back 260 million years to the time of the dinosaurs.



由于其独特的外观和在各种气候条件下茁壮成长的事实,这些树在19世纪成为植物学家的最爱,他们在世界各地的许多温带气候条件下运输和栽培它们。19世纪50年代,英国大律师查尔斯·奥斯汀(Charles Austin)指出,猴子爬上那棵树将是一个谜,于是“猴子拼图”树就有了共同的英文名称。更令人惊奇的是,这些树能活上一千多年,而且本身就是活化石,其世系可追溯到公元前2.6亿年恐龙。

Portrait of poet Pablo Neruda projected on building, Santiago, Chile (© Mario Tellez/Anadolu Agency/Getty Images)

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Portrait of poet Pablo Neruda projected on building, Santiago, Chile (© Mario Tellez/Anadolu Agency/Getty Images)

It's World Poetry Day

For World Poetry Day, we're seeing the stylized visage of poet Pablo Neruda projected on a building in his native Chile. World Poetry Day was established by UNESCO to acknowledge 'that individuals, everywhere in the world, share the same questions and feelings.' Neruda, a Nobel laureate generally held up by Chileans as their national poet, made his early mark with famously racy love poetry. But his palette of questions and feelings evolved, expanding into surrealism, epic history, and radical politics. His death in 1973 after a bout with cancer was mourned publicly by Chileans—in defiance of newly installed dictator Augusto Pinochet, whom many Chileans link to Neruda's untimely passing.

For World Poetry Day, UNESCO encourages embracing the tradition of reciting poetry for an audience—so keep your eyes peeled for poetry slams and other gatherings of language lovers sure to take place around the world today. Care to prepare? Brush up on your poetry knowledge with today's quiz.