阿卡切斯瞭望台,月亮谷,智利 Achaches lookout, Valley of the Moon, Chile (© Ignacio Palacios/Getty Images)

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阿卡切斯瞭望台,月亮谷智利 Achaches lookout, Valley of the Moon, Chile (© Ignacio Palacios/Getty Images)

带我飞向月球 Fly me to the moon



Achaches lookout, Valley of the Moon, Chile

El Valle de la Luna (Valley of the Moon) is located in the Atacama Desert of northern Chile. It has the most breathtaking view from the Achaches lookout. In 1982, Moon valley was declared a nature sanctuary for its stunning, untouched habitat and its peculiar lunar-like terrain. An interesting fact about the Valley of the Moon is that the desert hasn't received a single drop of rain in countless years.

标签: 智利, 月亮谷

