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亚苏尼国家公园,厄瓜多尔 Yasuní National Park in Amazonian Ecuador (© Paul Bertner/Minden Pictures)

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亚苏尼国家公园厄瓜多尔 Yasuní National Park in Amazonian Ecuador (© Paul Bertner/Minden Pictures)

地球之肺 The lungs of Earth

World Rainforest Day

Perhaps no other place on Earth plays a more crucial role in sustaining life as we know it than the Amazon rainforest, the largest in the world. The Amazon spans nine countries in South America including Ecuador, where this pristine ecoregion is protected by the Yasuní National Park, shown here. Today is set aside as World Rainforest Day, to remember the vital role of this and other rainforests and to champion efforts to protect them. The world's rainforests are under threat like never before from deforestation driven by agriculture and cattle ranching. Some studies have indicated humans have degraded or destroyed more than half of the world's rainforests. Fewer trees mean warmer temperatures, which increases the risk of drought and wildfire and compounds the damage of deforestation.

The Amazon has been called the lungs of the planet because the estimated 390 billion trees here convert much of the oxygen humans and other animals need to survive. The Amazon also cools our planet by capturing and storing carbon. It is as much the planet's air conditioner as it is its lungs. For that reason, the health of rainforests is crucial to arresting climate change.

The other gift of rainforests, and of the Amazon in particular, is biodiversity. The number of species of plants, animals, and insects in the Amazon is not in the thousands, but in the millions. Scientists estimate half of the planet's biodiversity exists in the Amazon. In fact, many of our modern pharmaceuticals are derived from Amazon plants. That makes the Amazon not just the Earth's lungs and air conditioning, but also its medicine cabinet.





山下盛开的箭叶脂根菊,美国大提顿国家公园 Balsamroot wildflowers bloom below the Teton Mountains in Grand Teton National Park, Wyoming (© Mike Cavaroc/Tandem Stills + Motion)

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下盛开的箭叶脂根菊,美国大提顿国家公园 Balsamroot wildflowers bloom below the Teton Mountains in Grand Teton National Park, Wyoming (© Mike Cavaroc/Tandem Stills + Motion)

壮丽的景色 A grand view

Grand Teton National Park

These arrowleaf balsamroot wildflowers, commonly known as Oregon sunflowers, have a grand view of the Grand Tetons from the valley below the towering range. The region's harsh weather means that only the hardiest of wildflowers can survive, and the bright yellow arrowheads fit the bill. The plants are drought tolerant, winter hardy, tenacious against trampling, and even fire resistant, with a taproot which regenerates leaves and flowers after the top has burned.

Located just 10 miles from Yellowstone National Park, Grand Teton National Park and the surrounding national forests constitute the almost 18-million-acre (28,000-square-mile) Greater Yellowstone Ecosystem, one of the world's largest intact mid-latitude temperate ecosystems. There's something for every lover of the outdoors here, and the park is a popular destination for mountaineering, hiking, fishing, and other forms of recreation, with more than 1,000 drive-in campsites and over 200 miles of hiking trails that provide access to backcountry camping areas. Grand Teton National Park is one of the 10 most popular parks in the United States.




大雾山国家公园,田纳西州 Great Smoky Mountains National Park, Tennessee (© Tony Barber/Getty Images)

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国家公园田纳西州 Great Smoky Mountains National Park, Tennessee (© Tony Barber/Getty Images)

田纳西之巅 The top of Tennessee

Nature Photography Day in the Smokies

If you're celebrating Nature Photography Day today, then Great Smoky Mountains National Park would be an excellent place to snap your own shots of sylvan splendor like this one. That's because you'd have two reasons to celebrate—the park turns 88 today. These misty peaks and valleys along the border between Tennessee and North Carolina were established as a national park on this day in 1934. All these years later, it may not be the most famous national park in the US, but it is by far the most popular. With more than 14 million visitors per year, it draws more people than the Grand Canyon, Yellowstone, and Yosemite combined.

True to its name, the park is known for its persistent haze. Native Americans–the region is the ancestral home of the Cherokee people–gave the place a name that translates to 'place of the blue smoke.' The smoke is actually a fog created in part by the native vegetation. It owes its blueish appearance to humidity and stagnant air. Almost all of the park is covered in deciduous and coniferous forest, a third of it old-growth trees that predate European settlement. The thick forests, range of elevations, and abundant rainfall support a stunning variety of wildlife. There are so many black bears that about two live in every square mile of the park. Bats, foxes, skunks, otters, bobcats, and 200 species of birds also call this place home. The park is most notable for its salamanders. In fact, it's known as the Salamander Capital of the World, with 30 species living here.

But the real stars of the park are the mountains. For panoramic vistas, this vantage point—Clingman's Dome on the Tennessee side of the park—is hard to beat. At 6,643 feet, it's also the highest point in the state. To take your own version of this shot, you don't even have to hike. Simply drive to the parking lot. But after you've got your pics, keep the camera handy. If the parking lot looks this good, imagine what photos you can take in the rest of the park.




但公园里真正的明星是山。从全景来看,这个位于公园田纳西州一侧的有利位置克林曼圆顶(Clingman's Dome)是无与伦比的。海拔6643英尺,也是该州的最高点。要拍摄你自己的照片,你甚至不需要徒步旅行。只需开车去停车场。但是在你拿到照片后,把相机放在手边。如果停车场看起来这么好,想象一下你可以在公园的其他地方拍些什么照片。

大弯曲国家公园的塞拉庞塞和格兰德河边的悬崖,美国得克萨斯州 Cliffs of the Sierra Ponce and Rio Grande River, Big Bend National Park, Texas (© Tim Fitzharris/Minden Pictures)

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大弯曲国家公园的塞拉庞塞和格兰德边的悬崖美国得克萨斯州 Cliffs of the Sierra Ponce and Rio Grande River, Big Bend National Park, Texas (© Tim Fitzharris/Minden Pictures)

奇瓦瓦沙漠中的一处偏远绿洲 A remote oasis in the Chihuahuan Desert

Big Bend National Park turns 78

Join us for a hike at one of America's least-visited national parks. Big Bend National Park may be among the country's largest national parks with an area of over 800,000 acres (about the area of Rhode Island), but it's also one of the most remote. Found in West Texas along the Rio Grande at the Mexico border, the park entrance is roughly a two-hour drive from the nearest interstate. The good thing is, even in a 'busy' year when half a million people visit, there's plenty of space to enjoy the great outdoors unhindered by crowds.

Added to the national park system on this day in 1944, Big Bend contains the largest protected area of the Chihuahuan Desert in the United States. It's also known for having the darkest night skies among the contiguous states. This makes it a 'must visit' for stargazing; thousands of stars are visible when the skies are clear, along with the Milky Way. If you head out for a hike, keep your eyes peeled for the 1,200 plant species in the park. There are also plenty of animals, though most of them tend to come out only at night. Except birds, that is. Birdwatching is incredibly popular at Big Bend–it's on the paths of annual migrations, so more than 450 different bird species have been cataloged here.




波奴鲁鲁国家公园里的邦格尔邦格尔山脉,澳大利亚 Bungle Bungle Range in Purnululu National Park, Australia (© Francesco Riccardo Iacomino/Getty Images)

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波奴鲁鲁国家公园里的邦格尔邦格尔山脉澳大利亚 Bungle Bungle Range in Purnululu National Park, Australia (© Francesco Riccardo Iacomino/Getty Images)

蜂巢状的脉 Bungle beehives

Bungle Bungle Range in Purnululu National Park, Australia

Aboriginal Australians have lived in this area for more than 20,000 years. But only recently did the rest of the world learn of the otherworldly terrain of the mountains known as the Bungle Bungle Range. In 1982, a nature-documentary crew was filming remote areas within the Kimberley region of Western Australia and 'discovered' the little-known mountain range. Today it is the most popular aspect of Purnululu National Park, a UNESCO World Heritage site.

The Bungle Bungle Range is composed of sandstone domes that can be up to 800 feet tall. Formed by wind and rain over millions of years, the domes get their striking look due to alternating rusty orange bands colored by iron-oxide and grey bands colored by colonies of single-celled microbes called cyanobacteria. Beneath the beehive formations are large pools and caverns, some of which have ancient Aboriginal cave paintings on the walls.

澳大利亚Purnululu国家公园的Bungle Bungle山脉


Bungle Bungle山脉由高达800英尺的砂岩圆顶组成。这些圆顶是由数百万年的风雨形成的,由于交替出现由氧化铁着色的锈橙色带和由称为蓝藻的单细胞微生物菌落着色的灰色带,圆顶显得格外引人注目。在蜂巢的下面是大型的水池和洞穴,其中一些墙上有古老的土著绘画

科纳提国家公园,克罗地亚 Kornati National Park, Croatia (© Anton Petrus/Getty Images)

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科纳提国家公园克罗地亚 Kornati National Park, Croatia (© Anton Petrus/Getty Images)

适合每个人的屿公园 An island park for everyone

European Day of Parks

Enjoy swimming, snorkeling, diving, or sailing? How about soaking in a spectacular natural setting? Croatia's Kornati National Park checks all the boxes. The 84-square-mile park protects 89 islands, islets, and reefs off Croatia's scenic Adriatic Coast.

Today is the European Day of Parks, and we're joining others in taking time to appreciate and support protected natural areas throughout the continent. Kornati, one of Croatia's nine national parks, takes that mission seriously year-round. You can visit Kornati on a day trip from Zadar, an ancient seaside city with a Roman forum and other historic sites. And since 2005, Zadar has had the world's first sea organ, which plays music by way of sea waves and tubes located underneath a set of large marble steps. Many tour boat options offer quick access to the park, some that ply you with local food to enjoy en route. But we suspect you'll want to spend more than a day exploring the island wonders of Kornati National Park. It's an ecotourist's dream.




从观景台俯瞰格雷梅,格雷梅国家公园,土耳其卡帕多西亚省 View of Göreme from an observation deck, Göreme National Park, Cappadocia, Turkey (© Anton Petrus/Getty Images)

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从观景台俯瞰格雷梅,格雷梅国家公园土耳其卡帕多西亚省 View of Göreme from an observation deck, Göreme National Park, Cappadocia, Turkey (© Anton Petrus/Getty Images)

那些生动的岩石 Living rock

Göreme, in Cappadocia, Turkey

Both natural wonders and historic landmarks, the 'fairy chimneys' of Göreme may suggest the fantastical dwellings of an alien species or an illustration from a Dr. Seuss book. These and similar rock formations are known by many names—hoodoos, tent rocks, earth pyramids, as well as fairy chimneys—and are typically found in dry, hot areas. Here in Cappadocia, in south-central Turkey, they were formed when a thick layer of volcanic ash solidified over millions of years into soft, porous rock called tuff that was overlaid by hard basalt. Cracks in the basalt allowed wind and rain to gradually wash away the softer bottom layer, leaving the hard basalt to cap tall columns of the tuff. The result is these unusual, often beautiful—and perhaps puzzling—formations that spread across the Anatolian plain.

This part of modern day Turkey has been inhabited since at least the Hittite era, between 1800 and 1200 BCE, and possibly for much longer. Innumerable ancient empires fought over the region, with Hittites, Assyrians, Neo-Assyrians, Persians, Greeks, and Romans each laying claim to Anatolia at times. To escape this dangerous world, the locals learned to burrow into the hillsides for protection. Today, a visitor can see the vast, complex, interconnected caves in which societies thrived and sheltered for millennia. Göreme National Park was added to the UNESCO World Heritage List in 1985 and is now a popular tourist destination.


