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豪猪山荒野国家公园中的小路,美国密歇根州 Escarpment Trail in Porcupine Mountains Wilderness State Park, Michigan (© Pat & Chuck Blackley/Alamy)

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豪猪荒野国家公园中的小路,美国密歇根州 Escarpment Trail in Porcupine Mountains Wilderness State Park, Michigan (© Pat & Chuck Blackley/Alamy)

Autumn comes to the Porcupines

The Escarpment Trail leads up to some of the park's best viewpoints for Lake of the Clouds and the Upper Carp River Valley. And in autumn, when this photo was taken, hikers are treated to a kaleidoscope of foliage as the hardwood forest canopy alights with fall color.

Autumn—specifically the fourth Saturday in September—is also time for National Public Lands Day. Established in 1994, the observance was created by the National Environmental Education Foundation. The main goal of National Public Lands Day is to promote volunteering to help maintain our amazing protected public lands across the nation. It's also a free day for most national and state parks—including Porcupine Mountains Wilderness State Park.




蔚蓝色的海王星 Neptune (© NASA/JPL)

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蔚蓝色的海王星 Neptune (© NASA/JPL)

Last stop before leaving the solar system

Official confirmation of Neptune's presence in our solar system came on September 23, 1846. Credit for this discovery inspired a dust-up in the international astronomy community, as scientists from both Britain and France claimed they had been the first to see the 8th and most-distant planet in our solar system. Eventually peace was brokered, and credit is now shared between the two factions. But those 19th-century astronomers were using solar system coordinates first recorded by Galileo in 1612. The Italian polymath correctly mapped Neptune's position more than 200 years earlier using a less powerful telescope. Galileo mistook Neptune for a star—but his coordinates prompted many stargazers who came along after him to look in the correct direction and identify Neptune.



在香港维多利亚公园庆祝中秋节的“明月”彩灯 'Rising Moon' lantern to celebrate the Mid-Autumn Festival in Hong Kong's Victoria Park (© Bobby Yip/Reuters)

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香港维多利亚公园庆祝中秋节的“明月”彩灯 'Rising Moon' lantern to celebrate the Mid-Autumn Festival in Hong Kong's Victoria Park (© Bobby Yip/Reuters)

An old celebration for a new season

This photo takes us to Hong Kong, where a group of engineers constructed a giant lantern sculpture called 'Rising Moon.' It's made of more than 7,000 recycled plastic water bottles with LED lights inside, to honor one of China's most important holidays, the Mid-Autumn Festival. While it's only been an 'official' public holiday in China since 2008, mention of the Mid-Autumn Festival first appeared in written historical texts as far back as 3,000 years ago. Families celebrate the holiday by lighting paper lanterns sharing a meal, traditionally at a round table. This reunion is said to bring good luck and happiness.

One of the tastier traditions of this holiday is the eating of mooncakes, which are a type of stuffed pastry served during the festival when the moon is supposedly at its fullest and brightest. These famous cakes can be sweet, stuffed with a sweet bean paste, or savory and stuffed with ham, sausage, or nuts and dried fruit. Mooncakes and are often given as gifts to friends, coworkers and family members, and the holiday is even sometimes called the Mooncake Festival. The Mid-Autumn Festival is not only a Chinese holiday, but is celebrated across Asia, with each nation observing this family-friendly holiday in their own unique ways.


这张照片把我们带到了香,在那里,一群工程师建造了一个巨大的灯笼雕塑,叫做“Rising Moon”,它由7000多个回收塑料水瓶制成,里面有LED灯,以纪念中国最重要的节日之一中节。虽然从2008年起,中秋节在中国只是一个“官方”公共假日,但早在3000年前,历史文献中就首次提到了中秋节。家庭通过点燃纸灯笼共享一顿饭来庆祝节日,传统上是在圆桌上。据说这次团聚会带来好运和幸福。


里祖托角城堡酒店, 意大利 Le Castella at Capo Rizzuto, Italy (© mRGB/Shutterstock)

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里祖托角城堡酒店, 意大利 Le Castella at Capo Rizzuto, Italy (© mRGB/Shutterstock)

Arrr! Can you talk like a pirate?

Ahoy matey! Today is International Talk Like a Pirate Day so we present to you a fortress that was really used to defend against pirates. Arr! This is Le Castella, a magnificent fortress on the Calabrian coast of Italy. For centuries it served as a defense against warring nations and rampaging pirates from the Ottoman Empire. Legend holds (and what good pirate story doesn't start that way?) that in 1536, an Algerian pirate nicknamed Redbeard stopped by here on one of his many European raiding sprees and wreaked havoc on this fortress. Gazing upon these rock walls, it’s easy to imagine area soldiers at battle with Redbeard and his pirate ships. Can you see the canons firing? Smell the plumes of smoke? Hear the clink-clink of sword on sword?

As for Talk Like a Pirate Day, the idea for such a day was dreamed up in 1995 by a couple of Oregon guys and became an unofficial holiday after writer and humorist Dave Barry helped make it go viral. Now every year on September 19, people all over the world raise their cups of grog and shout, ' Aye, aye!' Well, in our imagination, at least.




贝纳吉尔洞穴,葡萄牙阿尔加维 Benagil Cave in the Algarve, Portugal (© Michael Malorny/Offset by Shutterstock)

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贝纳吉尔洞穴葡萄牙阿尔加维 Benagil Cave in the Algarve, Portugal (© Michael Malorny/Offset by Shutterstock)

Eye of the cave

Many sea caves and rock formations line the alluring Algarve coast in the south of Portugal, and today we’re shedding light on Benagil Cave—one of the region’s most spectacular and famous natural landmarks. Just east of the small fishing village of Benagil, the cave was formed about 20 million years ago from the pounding waves that sweep in from the Atlantic. Rainfall has caused the softer segments of limestone to erode, creating a giant hole in the cave’s roof, which is what we’re looking down through in our photo.

The eye-shaped opening allows sunlight to stream into the cave, illuminating the golden beach and azure waters within its layered walls. The only way to explore the inside is by sea, so visitors need to hop on a boat, kayak, or paddleboard to enter the grotto.



墨西哥城贝拉斯艺术宫 Palacio de Bellas Artes, Mexico City (© Lukas Bischoff Photograph/Shutterstock)

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墨西哥城贝拉斯艺术宫 Palacio de Bellas Artes, Mexico City (© Lukas Bischoff Photograph/Shutterstock)

A cry for independence

The Palacio de Bellas Artes in Mexico City has hosted art exhibits, music and dance performances, and much more since its opening. The decadent Art Nouveau building opened in 1934 but was originally planned to open for Mexico's 100th birthday years earlier, in 1916. To get that story, we must travel 200 miles from this spot and back in time even further than the early 20th century.

On September 16, 1810, in Dolores, Mexico, the 'Cry of Dolores' rang out, signaling a call to arms. The Mexican War of Independence would last 11 years, finally breaking the country free from Spain. Though the war also ended in the month of September, it is the start of the conflict—September 16—that Mexicans celebrate as their Independence Day.


