寓意幸福和团圆的春节灯笼,中国 Vibrant colours of lanterns, decorations and ornaments for Chinese New Year in celebration of luck, healthiness, happiness, reunion and prosperities Hong Kong, Chin

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寓意幸福和团圆的春节灯笼中国 Vibrant colours of lanterns, decorations and ornaments for Chinese New Year in celebration of luck, healthiness, happiness, reunion and prosperities  Hong Kong, China (© d3sign/Moment/Getty Images)

Chinese New Year 2022

Why do people put up red decorations on New Year? The story dates back to thousands of years ago…A monster named Nián comes to harass the villagers once a year. Later, people found that Nian would be afraid when it sees red color. Since then, people prepare red decorations on this day to drive away from the monster.



标签: 中国香港, 春节

