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乌布的德格拉朗梯田,印度尼西亚 Tegallalang terrace farms in Ubud, Bali, Indonesia (© Cavan Images/Adobe Stock)

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乌布的德格拉朗梯田印度尼西亚 Tegallalang terrace farms in Ubud, Bali, Indonesia (© Cavan Images/Adobe Stock)

俯瞰层叠的梯田 Hovering over harmonious horticulture



Tegallalang terrace farms in Ubud, Bali, Indonesia

Sweeping downhill in our homepage image are the famous rice terraces of Tegallalang, one of Bali's most popular tourist attractions. They are carved into the side of a valley near the town of Ubud and use the traditional Subak irrigation system, which dates back to the 9th century. Bali's rivers and streams provide year-round water for its crops but here people work hand-in-hand with nature, and a network of irrigation channels distribute water to each paddy field. They carefully tend rice plants during the growing season, as generations have done before them, before harvesting and distributing the rice between the community. The Subak system is so important in Balinese culture, it has been recognised by UNESCO. These terraces offer visitors panoramic views over the surrounding rice fields and lush landscape, as well as a picturesque example of people living in harmony with nature.

纳米比亚的植物 Quiver trees in Namibia (© Fotofeeling/DEEPOL by plainpicture)

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纳米比亚植物 Quiver trees in Namibia (© Fotofeeling/DEEPOL by plainpicture)

伸向天空 Stretching to the sky



Quiver trees in Namibia

The quiver trees pictured on our homepage are uniquely suited to Namibia's hot, dry climate. They are not trees at all, but an endangered species of aloe plant. These succulents can grow up to 30 feet tall and live for 200 years. The name comes from the Indigenous San people who made quivers out of the plant's tube-shaped branches to hold their arrows while hunting. You can see scattered quiver trees across southern Namibia, but for sheer numbers, head to the Quiver Tree Forest, where more than 200 of these distinctive plants grow among dolerite rock formations outside the city of Keetmanshoop. In June and July, during Namibia's winter, you can see the plant's flowers in bright, yellow bloom.

西沙瓦寺,素可泰历史公园,泰国 Wat Sri Sawai in Sukhothai Historical Park, Thailand (© Casper1774 Studio/Shutterstock)

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西沙瓦,素可泰历史公园泰国 Wat Sri Sawai in Sukhothai Historical Park, Thailand (© Casper1774 Studio/Shutterstock)

废墟中寻找美 Finding beauty in ruins



Wat Sri Sawai in Sukhothai Historical Park, Thailand

Welcome to Sukhothai Historical Park, one of Thailand's most spectacular UNESCO World Heritage sites. The park is dotted with ancient temples, the remains of a palace, and towering Buddha statues—within its boundaries is the historic town of Sukhothai, an important metropolitan hub in the 13th and 14th centuries. The name translates as 'the dawn of happiness' and you can spend many happy hours here, strolling among the beautiful lawns, trees, and lakes. The temple on our homepage is Wat Sri Sawai, one of the oldest on the site, founded in the late 12th or early 13th century. Sukhothai was the capital of the first Kingdom of Siam more than 700 years ago and this historic site continues to offer a window onto what is sometimes seen as a golden age of Thai civilization.

法罗群岛,丹麦 Saksun, Faroe Islands, Denmark (© miroslav_1/Getty Images)

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法罗群岛丹麦 Saksun, Faroe Islands, Denmark (© miroslav_1/Getty Images)

童话照进现实 Straight out of a fairy tale




Saksun, Faroe Islands, Denmark

Nestled in a picturesque valley next to a lagoon flanked by mountains, Saksun is a small, remote village famous for its stunning vistas. It is situated on the coast of Streymoy in the remote Faroe Islands, which sit about halfway between Iceland and Scotland in the North Atlantic. Home to these iconic houses with turf roofs and a tiny population—estimates vary between 8 and 30—it is said that there are more waterfalls in Saksun, than houses.

There's something to be said about the beauty of Saksun and its power to hypnotize visitors with its peaceful atmosphere. It is a far cry from the relatively bustling streets of Tórshavn, the capital of the islands. With greenery as far as the eye can see, Saksun provides an almost otherworldly sense of solitude.

科孚岛旧城堡 The Old Fortress of Corfu, Greece (© Netfalls Remy Musser/Shutterstock)

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科孚城堡 The Old Fortress of Corfu, Greece (© Netfalls Remy Musser/Shutterstock)

历史在这里复活 Where history comes alive



Old Fortress, Corfu, Greece

This imposing structure is the Old Fortress on the Greek island of Corfu, off the western coasts of Greece and Albania. Situated in a strategic location between the Ionian and Adriatic seas, Corfu became one of the most fortified places in Europe amid successive sieges by the Ottoman Empire. The island was ruled by the Republic of Venice for 400 years until the late 18th century, which built forts in Corfu's Old Town to defend its maritime trading interests. They held off three Ottoman sieges in 1537, 1571, and 1716 but have been repaired, rebuilt, and added to over the centuries. The Old Fortress has witnessed the rise and fall of mighty empires for hundreds of years, from the tip of a rocky peninsula jutting into the sea. These days, however, it is home to the public library and Corfu's archives.

阿雷纳尔火山,蒙泰韦尔德,哥斯达黎加 Arenal Volcano seen from Monteverde, Costa Rica (© Kevin Wells/Getty Images)

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阿雷纳尔火山,蒙泰韦尔德,哥斯达黎加 Arenal Volcano seen from Monteverde, Costa Rica (© Kevin Wells/Getty Images)

为了每个人,保护地球的生物多样性 Protecting Earth's biodiversity for everyone




International Day for Biodiversity

It’s International Day for Biological Diversity, a day to celebrate the variety of life on Earth in all its forms, from bacteria, plants, and animals to entire ecosystems like coral reefs and rainforests. All living things within each ecosystem are interconnected, and we rely on healthy ecosystems for our water, food, medicines, clothes, energy, and shelter. But many species are threatened with extinction and ecosystems are being destroyed, which mean Earth’s rich biodiversity is in decline.

Our homepage image shows Costa Rica’s Monteverde Cloud Forest, home to about half of all species in the country, including more than 2,500 types of plants and 400 bird species. Here you’ll find jaguars and pumas living alongside sloths, howler monkeys, and the endangered resplendent quetzal. This forest alone represents about 2.5% of the world’s biodiversity, the perfect ambassador for today’s event, which calls on us to rethink our relationship with nature and work to be better stewards of the Earth.

塞纳河,巴黎,法国 River Seine, Paris, France (© StockByM/Getty Images)

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塞纳巴黎法国 River Seine, Paris, France (© StockByM/Getty Images)

一座承载历史的 A bridge that holds up history




Pont d'Arcole over the Seine river, Paris, France

Welcome to Paris, France’s ancient capital city, through which flows one of the country’s longest rivers, the Seine. Human habitation here dates back to at least the 3rd century BCE, when a Gallic tribe called the Parisii settled on an island in the middle of the river. Today, that island is known as the Île de la Cité, seen on the left of our photo, and is home to Notre-Dame cathedral, as well as other striking buildings such as the medieval Conciergerie, pictured here.

It is linked to the Place de l'Hôtel-de-Ville by the Pont d’Arcole, one of 37 bridges connecting the city’s left and right banks. The Pont d’Arcole was built in the 1850s and holds a special place in Parisiennes’ hearts. In 1944, it supported General Jacques-Philippe Leclerc's tanks on their way to liberate Paris.

拉曼加,穆尔西亚,西班牙 (© SOMATUSCANI/Getty Images)

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拉曼加,穆尔西亚,西班牙 (© SOMATUSCANI/Getty Images)





加利福尼亚州圣克鲁斯的天然桥州立公园 Natural Bridges State Beach in Santa Cruz, California (© Jim Patterson/Tandem Stills + Motion)

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加利福尼亚州圣克鲁斯的天然州立公园 Natural Bridges State Beach in Santa Cruz, California (© Jim Patterson/Tandem Stills + Motion)

通往太平洋之窗 A window to the Pacific



Natural Bridges State Beach in Santa Cruz, California

California brown pelicans, cormorants, and gulls enjoy jostling for position on top of this stunning rock formation in Natural Bridges State Beach in Santa Cruz. It is the sole surviving natural 'bridge' in this state park. Once three bridges stood side-by-side here, carved by waves into cliffs that jutted out into the Pacific. This one stood in the middle, but the outermost bridge collapsed in 1905 and the innermost one disappeared in 1980.

The erosion of the waves is relentless, so eventually the final arch will collapse, and the birds will have to find another favorite perch. But there are plenty of other views on offer. The park is also a seasonal home to migratory monarch butterflies, which flutter through the air or cluster together in its eucalyptus grove. And if you're lucky, you might spot a migrating whale or see seals and otters playing offshore.

在奥克弗诺基国家野生动物保护区划独木舟 Canoe paddling in Okefenokee National Wildlife Refuge, Georgia (© Brad Beck/Tandem Stills + Motion)

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在奥克弗诺基国家野生动物保护区划独木舟 Canoe paddling in Okefenokee National Wildlife Refuge, Georgia (© Brad Beck/Tandem Stills + Motion)

一片平静的水域 Serene waters on a 'trembling earth'




American Wetlands Month

It's American Wetlands Month, a time to celebrate swamps, marshes, bogs, and other types of these important ecosystems. Wetlands play a vital role in storing carbon, improving water quality, and serving as habitat for many endangered plants and animals, including American crocodiles and whooping cranes. And yet, wetlands are threatened. Over the centuries, they have been drained to provide land for farming, industry, and housing. Pollution and invasive plants pose further threats. Since the late 1700s, more than half of the 221 million acres of wetlands that once existed in the 48 contiguous states have disappeared.

Georgia's Okefenokee Swamp, seen here, is a thriving wetland that is home to dozens of bird species, American alligators. and other critters. It is also the largest blackwater swamp in North America—the water appears almost black due to tannins from decaying vegetation. All looks calm in our homepage image, but the swamp gets its name from a Native American word that is often translated as 'trembling earth' or 'bubbling water.'