杜鲁门斯堡的州立托格汉诺克瀑布公园,纽约州,美国 Taughannock Falls State Park in Trumansburg, New York (© Paul Massie Photography/Getty Images)

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杜鲁门斯堡的州立托格汉诺克瀑布公园纽约州,美国 Taughannock Falls State Park in Trumansburg, New York (© Paul Massie Photography/Getty Images)

大自然的威严 Nature's majesty awaits!



Taughannock Falls State Park

Taughannock Falls State Park, in New York's scenic Finger Lakes area, is home to this magnificent waterfall of the same name, which plunges 215 feet over the cliffs into the gorge below. The park also boasts stunning pathways, unique rock formations, and numerous wild animals. It's not certain where the name Taughannock came from, though a leading theory says it is a combination of Iroquois and Algonquin terms, roughly translating to 'great fall in the woods.' The park, which was founded in 1924, guarantees visitors memorable adventures, whether you hike the rim paths for panoramic views of the falls and rock formations, take a plunge in Cayuga Lake, or bring a pair of binoculars for birding. A keen eye can spot winged locals such as turkey vultures, common loons, and great horned owls.

标签: 美国, 纽约, 瀑布

