
蒙塔尔巴诺埃利科纳,意大利西西里岛 Montalbano Elicona, Messina, Sicily, Italy (© Antonino Bartuccio/SOPA Collection/Offset by Shutterstock)

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蒙塔尔巴诺埃利科纳,意大利西西里岛 Montalbano Elicona, Messina, Sicily, Italy (© Antonino Bartuccio/SOPA Collection/Offset by Shutterstock)

In Sicily, history is everywhere

Today we're in Montalbano Elicona on the island of Sicily. It's known for the very old castle at the crest of the hill, as well as the quaint medieval village below. It's no wonder that Montalbano Elicona has been called one of the most beautiful towns in all of Italy. The castle itself is believed to have been built in the 13th century by medieval power broker Frederick II of Swabia. He wore many hats, including King of Sicily, Holy Roman Emperor, and—as far-fetched as it sounds—the King of Jerusalem, a title he claimed after conquering that city during the Sixth Crusade. The castle was originally designed as a fortress, but it also served as a summer residence for Frederick and other rulers who followed him.

Surrounding the castle are several other interesting historical sites, including the Church of St. Catherine, known for its Romanesque portal built in the 14th century, its mix of Catalan and renaissance architecture, marble statues of St. Catherine and St. Nicholas Bishop, and a representation of the Last Supper by artist Guido Reni. Also of note is the nearby Argimusco plateau, where an array of large oblong stones, including one which is said to resemble an eagle, have long prompted speculation that they were placed there by members of a prehistoric island culture. However, scientists now believe that these so-called megaliths of Argimusco, sometimes referred to as the Stonehenge of Sicily, are actually of natural origin, and the unique boulder shapes are simply the result of centuries of wind erosion.



城堡周围还有其他一些有趣的历史遗迹,包括圣凯瑟琳教堂(Church of St.Catherine),因其建于14世纪的罗马式大门而闻名,它融合了加泰罗尼亚和文艺复兴时期的建筑,圣凯瑟琳和圣尼古拉斯主教的大理石雕像,以及艺术家吉多·雷尼(Guido Reni)对《最后的晚餐》的描绘。同样值得注意的是附近的阿尔吉穆斯科高原,那里有一排长方形的大石头,其中一块据说像鹰,长期以来一直有人猜测它们是史前岛屿文化的成员放在那里的。然而,科学家们现在认为,这些所谓的阿吉姆斯科巨石,有时被称为西西里巨石阵,实际上是自然起源的,这些独特的巨石形状只是几个世纪风蚀的结果。

新河峡国家公园中的新河峡大桥,西弗吉尼亚州 New River Gorge Bridge in the New River Gorge National Park and Preserve, West Virginia (© Entropy Workshop/iStock/Getty Images Plus)

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国家公园中的新河峡大西弗吉尼亚州 New River Gorge Bridge in the New River Gorge National Park and Preserve, West Virginia (© Entropy Workshop/iStock/Getty Images Plus)

A river runs through it

To kick off National Park Week, which begins today, we're visiting America's newest national park, the New River Gorge National Park and Preserve, in West Virginia. This incredible view is of the New River Gorge Bridge, which, when completed in 1977, was the world's highest bridge carrying a regular roadway. It held that distinction for 24 years and is now a popular attraction for BASE jumpers and rappelers.

Far below the bridge is the New River, which—despite its name—is the second oldest river in the world. Its exact age is unknown, but geologists believe the New River is a segment of the preglacial Teays River, which fossil evidence suggests could be 320 million years old. Today, rafters and kayakers come to ride the New River rapids, which can reach a level of Class V, which means they're among the most difficult waters to navigate.




菲格雷斯的达利剧院博物馆, 西班牙 Dalí Theatre-Museum in Figueres, Spain (© Valerija Polakovska/Shutterstock)

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 菲格雷斯的达利剧院博物馆, 西班牙 Dalí Theatre-Museum in Figueres, Spain (© Valerija Polakovska/Shutterstock)

'A theatrical dream'

The work of surrealist artist Salvador Dalí is the stuff of dreams: melting clocks, burning giraffes, weird objects suspended in midair. Gaze at a Dalí and you may find yourself gripped with a strange sense of familiarity, like your subconscious has visited these strange places before. But what if you could literally step into a huge Dalí piece?

This odd, ostentatious building in Dalí's hometown of Figueres, Spain, is exactly that. Fully imagined and designed by the artist himself, the Dalí Theatre-Museum is built on the ruins of the town's former municipal theater, where a precocious 14-year-old Dalí once had his first exhibition. 'The people who come to see it will leave with the sensation of having had a theatrical dream,' said Dalí, and his design delivered. The Theatre-Museum is a labyrinthine guided tour exploring Dalí's artistic growth and his wild ways of thinking—it features 1,500-plus Dalí originals from all stages of his career, as well as collected works by artists who inspired him. Some might even say it houses the specter of the great surrealist: Dalí himself is buried in a crypt below the building.




亚伯拉罕湖中的树,加拿大艾伯塔 Tree trunks in Abraham Lake, Alberta, Canada (© Coolbiere/Getty Images)

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亚伯拉罕湖中的加拿大艾伯塔 Tree trunks in Abraham Lake, Alberta, Canada (© Coolbiere/Getty Images)

Lake and a reservoir

Today, we’re taking in views of Alberta’s largest reservoir – Abraham Lake. It was created in 1972 following the completion of the Bighorn Dam on the North Saskatchewan River. The dam was built by then Calgary Power Company, now TransAlta, to produce hydroelectric power. As seen here, Abraham Lake boasts a vivid shade of blue, further contributing to the breathtaking view with the mountains in the background. Of late, this gem in the Rockies has become a must-see for photographers every winter, for the emergence of the extraordinary frozen bubbles trapped under the lake. As the temperature drops, methane gas released from water-dwelling bacteria, forms into bubbles and freezes under the surface of the frozen lake. When the layer of ice on the lake is clear, the frozen bubbles can be seen and make for a remarkable spectacle.



卡里佐平原国家纪念区的野花,加利福尼亚 Wildflowers in the Carrizo Plain National Monument, California (© Dennis Frates/Alamy)

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卡里佐平原国家纪念区的野加利福尼亚 Wildflowers in the Carrizo Plain National Monument, California (© Dennis Frates/Alamy)

Nothing plain about it

The Carrizo Plain National Monument is a unique attraction in California—not just because of its breathtaking, colorful views, but also due to its quiet, isolated feel. Just a few hours from Los Angeles, it covers almost 250,000 acres along the base of the Temblor Mountains, giving visitors a chance to escape the crowds and experience nature. In spring, wildflowers cover the hills and valley floor, creating the amazing scene pictured here. The area also features other diverse plant species, including several listed as threatened or endangered. Wildlife includes antelope and elk, as well as rare species such as the San Joaquin kit fox, the blunt-nosed leopard lizard, and the giant kangaroo rat.



大城历史公园中的帕喜善佩寺,泰国大城府 Wat Phra Si Sanphet, Ayutthaya Historical Park, UNESCO World Heritage Site, Ayutthaya, Thailand (© travelstock44/Alamy)

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大城历史公园中的帕喜善佩泰国大城府 Wat Phra Si Sanphet, Ayutthaya Historical Park, UNESCO World Heritage Site, Ayutthaya, Thailand (© travelstock44/Alamy)

Ruins of a royal temple

In present-day Thailand sit the ruins of the ancient kingdom that preceded it, Ayutthaya. Wat Phra Si Sanphet, shown here, was the holiest site in the capital of that kingdom, a royal temple containing a 52-foot tall, golden Buddha among other treasures. The first king of Ayutthaya, Ramathibodi I, ordered construction of a royal palace here in 1350. Nearly a century later, they palace was moved to a different location in the city and the former palace grounds were converted to a holy site.

The three structures shown are called chedis, bell-like structures, topped with miniature chedis on their roofs. After serving as the seat of the kingdom for 417 years, the capital city of Ayutthaya was sacked in 1767 by the invading Burmese, who melted down the copious gold of the temples and palaces, then set the buildings on fire. All but these three chedis were completely destroyed, and over time they fell into ruin. Restoration began on the chedis in 1956, but only the foundations of the rest of the complex remain.


在今天的泰国,坐落着它之前的古老王国大城府的废墟。这里所示的瓦夫拉西桑菲特(Wat Phra Si Sanphet)是该国首都最神圣的地方,是一座皇家寺庙,里面有一尊52英尺高的金佛和其他珍宝。大城府的第一位国王拉马蒂博迪一世于1350年下令在这里建造一座皇宫。近一个世纪后,他们将故宫迁到了城市的另一个地方,原来的宫殿被改建成了圣地。


宇航员杰夫·威廉姆斯在国际空间站拍摄到的地球 Earth from the International Space Station, photographed by astronaut Jeff Williams (© Jeff Williams/NASA)

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宇航员杰夫·威廉姆斯在国际空间站拍摄到的地球 Earth from the International Space Station, photographed by astronaut Jeff Williams (© Jeff Williams/NASA)

In orbit for Yuri's Night

Sixty years ago today at around 9 AM Moscow time, Yuri Gagarin became the first human to get a view of Earth from space (like this one captured from the ISS by astronaut Jeff Williams). With the famous utterance 'Poyekhali!' ('Off we go!'), Gagarin launched into low Earth orbit in his Vostok 3KA spacecraft, making history in less than two hours with a complete trip around the planet. Landing in rural Russia, he became an instant worldwide celebrity—that is, after convincing puzzled locals he was a comrade and not a space alien.

Of course, with elation came deflation: Gagarin's flight dashed NASA's hopes of making an American the first person in space. But the Soviets' success kicked the Space Race into high gear, setting the stage for a spate of US spaceflights and eventually that first trip to the moon. Now that competition in spaceflight is less bitter, 'Yuri's Night' is observed today by astronomy lovers of all nationalities, celebrating how space exploration can unite the world. It's even a double holiday now: The first US Space Shuttle mission coincidentally launched on Yuri's Night in 1981.




吉野山,日本奈良 Mount Yoshino, Nara Prefecture, Japan (© Sean Pavone/iStock/Getty Images Plus)

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吉野山日本奈良 Mount Yoshino, Nara Prefecture, Japan (© Sean Pavone/iStock/Getty Images Plus)

The mountain of 30,000 sakura

Mount Yoshino ranks as one of the best places in Japan to immerse yourself in the spring cherry blossom season. Over 30,000 flowering Japanese cherry trees, or sakura, grow in four main groves on the hillside. Because the trees, some planted over 1,300 years ago, grow at different elevations, the cherry blossom front gradually moves up the mountain in a slow, fragrant wave as the season progresses. Peak bloom usually arrives between early and mid-April. Most years, crowds wander through the town of Yoshino, visiting its traditional temples and shires, before admiring the profusion of cherry blossoms, a custom known as hanami. Of course, we can practice hanami virtually with pictures. But if you're lucky enough to have a blooming cherry tree near you, we encourage you to pause and breathe the moment in.



Hovenweep国家纪念碑的方塔,犹他州 Square Tower Group in Hovenweep National Monument, Utah (© Brad McGinley Photography/Getty Images)

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Hovenweep国家纪念碑的方塔犹他州 Square Tower Group in Hovenweep National Monument, Utah (© Brad McGinley Photography/Getty Images)

A timeless view of the night sky

The bright sweep of the Milky Way is especially vivid amid the mesas, canyons, and prehistoric towers of Hovenweep National Monument. Straddling the southern Colorado-Utah border, Hovenweep is so remote that almost no artificial light disturbs the view of star-filled skies. The dazzling nightscapes are little different from those seen by the Ancestral Puebloans who built these towers. They were a farming culture who first settled in the area roughly 1,100 years ago. By the late 1200s they numbered around 2,500 people and had built these and other structures in six different villages. Archaeologists offer several theories to explain the use of the buildings. Some may have been defensive fortifications, storage areas, homes, or any combination of these. But researchers suggest that the tower called Hovenweep Castle, seen here, was almost certainly used as a celestial observatory.

That's why we're visiting Hovenweep during International Dark Sky Week, which lasts through the weekend. Organizers of the event, held during the week of the new moon in April, encourage us to observe the beauty of the night sky without light pollution. It's easy to do here—in 2014, the International Dark Sky Association named Hovenweep a Dark Sky Park, offering protections that preserve the extraordinarily pristine skies that once shone down on the Ancestral Puebloans.


