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埃尔博河上空的银河,阿尔伯塔省,加拿大 (© Alan Dyer/Getty Images)

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埃尔博上空的银河阿尔伯塔省加拿大 (© Alan Dyer/Getty Images)





大弯国家公园上空的银河,得克萨斯州,美国 Milky Way over Big Bend National Park, Texas (© wisanuboonrawd/Adobe Stock)

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大弯国家公园上空的银河得克萨斯州,美国 Milky Way over Big Bend National Park, Texas (© wisanuboonrawd/Adobe Stock)

盛宴 A galactic gig




Big Bend National Park turns 80

Ready to channel your inner nature enthusiast? Let's explore Big Bend National Park in West Texas, which is celebrating its 80th birthday today. The park is the largest protected area in the Chihuahuan Desert, covering over 1,250 square miles. It was established on June 12, 1944, when the state of Texas transferred this land to the federal government.

Within the park lie landmarks like the Castolon Historic District, where US and Mexican cultures met in one rural border community, and the Hot Springs Historic District, developed in the early 1900s, but with evidence of human occupation dating back thousands of years. Here you can walk in the footprints of modern pioneers, ranchers, and miners. This land is also one of North America's premier destinations for stargazing. With little light pollution from the surrounding areas, it has some of the darkest night skies in the area. Bring your binoculars and enjoy an evening full of Milky Way vistas, meteor showers, and taking pictures of the stunning night sky.

西南阿连特茹和维森廷海岸自然公园上空的银河,葡萄牙 Milky Way over Southwest Alentejo and Vicentine Coast Natural Park, Portugal (© Daniel Garrido/Getty Images)

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西南阿连特茹和维森廷海岸自然公园上空的银河葡萄牙 Milky Way over Southwest Alentejo and Vicentine Coast Natural Park, Portugal (© Daniel Garrido/Getty Images)

黑夜里的“彩虹” A rainbow's nocturnal cousin



Fall Astronomy Week

The Milky Way has billions of stars; among them, our own sun finds its place. The galaxy's name is derived from the radiant, pale appearance of the band of stars and gas clouds that graces Earth's sky. Methodical observations of the night sky started with early civilizations but astronomy, the oldest natural science, remains a source of fascination today. It's what brings stargazers to Portugal's Southwest Alentejo and Vicentine Coast Natural Park, a site free from heavy light pollution. Now's a good time to seek out your own celestial spectacle, as it is Astronomy Week and the main event, Saturday's Fall Astronomy Day, this year coincides with the autumnal equinox.

约书亚树国家公园上空的银河,美国加利福尼亚州 Milky Way over Joshua Tree National Park, California (© Schroptschop/Getty Images)

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约书亚树国家公园上空的银河美国加利福尼亚州 Milky Way over Joshua Tree National Park, California (© Schroptschop/Getty Images)

沙漠上空的星海 An ocean of stars above the desert




Astronomy Day

Get your telescope and star map app ready because it's Astronomy Day! Doug Berger, then president of the Astronomical Association of Northern California, created Astronomy Day in 1973 to get more people interested in the wonders of space. He set up telescopes on street corners, malls, and parks to give people a chance to see the stars firsthand.

Early astronomers lacked the means to view celestial objects beyond those which could be seen by the naked eye. But they still made major discoveries, such as calculating the size and distance of the moon, affirming the sun as the center of our solar system, and predicting the movement of stars relative to the seasons. Today we have sophisticated telescopes, from the orbiting James Webb Space Telescope to the portable ones you'll find in use at International Dark Sky Parks, including Joshua Tree National Park, seen in our photo. With such ground-breaking technology at our disposal, astronomers can boldly go where no human eyes have gone before.

意大利三峰山上空的银河 Milky Way above Tre Cime di Lavaredo, South Tyrol, Italy (© Juan Romero/Cavan Images)

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意大利三峰山上空的银河 Milky Way above Tre Cime di Lavaredo, South Tyrol, Italy (© Juan Romero/Cavan Images)

这些蔚为壮观的山峰在何处? Where are these spectacular peaks?



The Tre Cime di Lavaredo, Italy

This trio of peaks, known as the Tre Cime di Lavaredo, is located in the Sexten Dolomites of South Tyrol, Italy. The mountain group is one of the best-known in the Dolomites and tourists visit from all over the world to hike its trails. You'll enjoy a breathtaking view of the peaks from all angles and in the summer, you'll see a beautiful array of wildflowers. Make sure to plan ahead if you want to hike or camp under the moonlit sky and bring plenty of water and snacks. These peaks are part of the Dolomites World Heritage Site, which was designated in 2009.

死亡谷扎布里斯基角上空的银河,美国加利福尼亚州 The Milky Way over Zabriskie Point, Death Valley, California (© Matt Anderson Photography/Getty Images)

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死亡谷扎布里斯基角上空的银河美国加利福尼亚州 The Milky Way over Zabriskie Point, Death Valley, California (© Matt Anderson Photography/Getty Images)

布满星星的天空 A sky full of stars



Milky Way over Zabriskie Point, California

The iconic view from Zabriskie Point is one of the reasons why photographers and tourists flock to this spot all year round. Weather and water carved out these badlands for eons, resulting in this stunning striped rock formation with an array of colors. The darker material on several peaks was formed by lava of an ancient volcanic eruption, making some of these ridges higher than others. Nestled in Death Valley National Park, California, Zabriskie Point has been the backdrop of countless movies like 'Spartacus' and 'Stars Wars.' The scenic overlook is featured on the cover of Irish rock band U2's album, 'The Joshua Tree.' It's no wonder the Death Valley Dark Skies Festival is a hugely popular event. Zabriskie Point was named after Christian Zabriskie, a distinguished member of the Pacific Coast Borax Company from 1885 to 1933.

阿卡迪亚国家公园上空的银河系,美国缅因州 Milky Way over Acadia National Park, Maine (© Harry Collins/Getty Images)

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阿卡迪亚国家公园上空的银河系,美国缅因州 Milky Way over Acadia National Park, Maine (© Harry Collins/Getty Images)

繁星闪烁的夜晚 Starry, starry night

Acadia National Park, Maine

This striking photo lets us showcase two noteworthy events in one day, at no extra charge. (You’re welcome.) National Public Lands Day is observed on the fourth Saturday in September, and today’s also part of the Acadia Night Sky Festival, which celebrates the starlit skies over Maine’s gem of a national park.

It’s easy to take our national parks for granted. We certainly appreciate them and enjoy visiting, but today’s commemoration reminds us that they also need our help. National Public Lands Day turns the spotlight on parks and other public lands, inviting everyone to explore but also to volunteer to plant trees, work on trail-maintenance projects, and more. As a bonus: Admission is free today at national parks, monuments, and other participating federal sites.

Acadia is one of the smallest of the nation's 63 national parks, though it attracts an impressive 3 million visitors a year. Aside from its natural beauty, Acadia has some of the most spectacular star-filled night skies in the eastern United States. The natural darkness is protected, with restrictions on outdoor lighting in the park and surrounding areas. The Acadia Night Sky Festival, which started on September 21 and continues through tomorrow, celebrates the natural darkness and the celestial star show. A favorite way to mark the occasion is by kayaking in Castine's harbor, where bioluminescent phytoplankton illuminate the water with a swirling, unearthly glow. With sparkling waters below and out-of-this-world stargazing above, it's been called Acadia's 'Floating Planetarium.'





罗兰豁口上空的银河,法国上比利牛斯省 Milky Way behind Roland's Breach in the Pyrenees, Hautes-Pyrénées, France (© SPANI Arnaud/Alamy)

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罗兰豁口上空的银河法国比利牛斯省 Milky Way behind Roland's Breach in the Pyrenees, Hautes-Pyrénées, France (© SPANI Arnaud/Alamy)

从天而降的魔法 Magic fallen from the sky

Roland's Breach in the Pyrenees

This is the kind of image in front of which one cannot help but emit a "wow" of wonder. We are in front of the Roland's Breach, located on the periphery of the Cirque de Gavarnie, in the Hautes-Pyrénées, and behind which flow the billions of stars of the Milky Way. Very popular with hikers, this gap is a natural hole, 40 meters wide and 70 meters deep. Located at an altitude of 2807 meters, it plays the role of a mountain pass which marks the border between Spain and France on all its width.

According to the legend, the breach was created by Roland, Charlemagne's nephew, while he was trying to destroy his sword by hitting it against the rock.

The Cirque de Gavarnie is one of the most impressive sites in the French Pyrenees and was even listed as a UNESCO World Heritage Site in 1997.





多洛米蒂山上空的银河,意大利 Dolomite Mountains at night with the Milky Way, Italy (© Carlos Fernandez/Getty Images)

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多洛米蒂山上空的银河意大利 Dolomite Mountains at night with the Milky Way, Italy (© Carlos Fernandez/Getty Images)

彩虹 The Rainbow Bridge


Few places in Europe offer the opportunity to take in the Milky Way like the Dolomites. Far from cities and light pollution, and thousands of feet above sea level, the Dolomites offer a stunning, vibrant night sky above shear, jagged peaks that cut the dark. Also known as the 'Pale Mountains,' the Dolomites are named for the carbonate rock they are composed of, which was in turn named after 18th-century French mineralogist Déodat Gratet de Dolomieu, the first scientist to describe the mineral.

The Dolomite region in northeastern Italy boasts more than 2,100 named mountains, including the 'Queen of the Dolomites,' Marmolada, whose Punta Penía is the highest peak of the range. Nature lovers, hikers, and climbers flock to the Dolomites in summer, and the slopes are dominated by skiers and snowboarders during the long winter months. One sure way to appreciate the Dolomites' impressive peaks is to take a hot air balloon over the range.

欧洲很少有地方像白云石那样有机会进入银系。远离城市和污染,海拔数千英尺,白云石在剪切、参差不齐的山峰上提供了一个令人惊叹的、充满活力的夜空,切断了黑暗。白云石也被称为“苍白山脉”,因其组成的碳酸盐岩而命名,而碳酸盐岩又是以18世纪法国矿物学家Déodat Gratte de Dolomieu的名字命名的,他是第一位描述这种矿物的科学家。

意大利东北部的白云石地区拥有2100多座被命名的脉,其中包括“白云石女王”马尔莫拉达(Marmolada),其蓬塔彭尼亚峰(Punta Penía)是该山脉的最高峰。夏季,热爱大自然的人、徒步旅行者和登山者成群结队地来到白云石,在漫长的季,山坡上主要是滑雪者和滑者。欣赏白云石令人印象深刻的山峰的一个可靠方法是乘坐热气球飞越这一范围。

半穹顶景观点上空的银河,优胜美地国家公园,加利福尼亚州 Milky Way rising above Half Dome in Yosemite National Park, California (© Cory Marshall/Tandem Stills + Motion)

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半穹顶景观点上空的银河优胜美地国家公园加利福尼亚州 Milky Way rising above Half Dome in Yosemite National Park, California (© Cory Marshall/Tandem Stills + Motion)

你能把灯关掉吗? Could you turn off the lights?

Dark Sky Week

During International Dark Sky Week, we're counting ourselves lucky to have this spectacular nighttime view, considering the astonishing fact that 83% of the global population lives under a light-polluted sky. Unneeded artificial light is classified as a pollutant and has been proven to have harmful side effects. Not only does it waste money and energy, it also disrupts plants and animals, is believed to impact the climate, and blocks our view of the universe.

Encouraging people to get away from artificial light is one of the goals of International Dark Sky Week, and today's photo shows just how magnificent that can be. Here, we're treated to a beautiful view of the Milky Way from Yosemite National Park in California. Yosemite is part of a network of national parks monitoring dark night skies to gather a complete data set of light pollution. They've learned that 'two-thirds of Americans cannot see the Milky Way from their backyard, and if current light pollution trends continue, there will be almost no dark skies left in the contiguous United States by 2025.'

Luckily, dark sky is a recoverable resource. There are ways to reduce our light use and improve the view of the night sky for everyone. Think about it over the course of the next week, preferably while gazing at a night sky undisturbed by light pollution—or at least a beautiful photo of one.



