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罕肯瀑布,威尔斯格雷省立公园, 加拿大不列颠哥伦比亚省 Helmcken Falls, Wells Gray Provincial Park, British Columbia, Canada (© Laurens Verhoeven/Getty Images)

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罕肯瀑布,威尔斯格雷省立公园, 加拿大不列颠哥伦比亚省 Helmcken Falls, Wells Gray Provincial Park, British Columbia, Canada (© Laurens Verhoeven/Getty Images)

听它咆哮! Hear it roar!


罕肯瀑布 (Helmcken Falls) 坐落在威尔斯格雷省立公园 (Wells Gray Province Park) 内,是一处令人惊叹的自然奇观。 威尔斯格雷省立公园就是为了保护这座优美的瀑布而建立的。为政府工作的土地测量员罗伯特·亨利·李发现了这处大自然带给我们的天然珍宝。这座雄伟的瀑布是加拿大第五高的瀑布,从陡峭的大约有141米的高度火山悬崖上倾泻而下,释放出飘逸的气,在阳下翩翩起舞,也形成了彩虹与瀑布相互映衬的绝美景观。

辛华达峡谷的瀑布,贾斯珀国家公园,加拿大 (© Delpixart/Getty Images)

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辛华达峡谷瀑布贾斯珀国家公园加拿大 (© Delpixart/Getty Images)





哥伦比亚河峡谷,俄勒冈州,美国 Mossy Grotto Falls, Columbia River Gorge, Oregon (© Chase Dekker Wild-Life Images/Getty Images)

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哥伦比亚峡谷俄勒冈州,美国 Mossy Grotto Falls, Columbia River Gorge, Oregon (© Chase Dekker Wild-Life Images/Getty Images)

这个隐秘的瀑布在哪里? Where is this hidden waterfall?



Mossy Grotto Falls, Oregon

Mossy Grotto Falls is a tiny 20-foot waterfall in Oregon's Columbia River Gorge, home to around 90 waterfalls. This winsome waterfall became popular in recent years after several renowned photographers snapped it following its discovery in 2006. Waterfalls around the world draw our attention and inspire emotions (and even themes for pop songs). In contrast to the serene, burbling Mossy Grotto Falls, Angel Falls in Venezuela is the tallest in the world, where water plunges 2,648 feet before reaching the ground. This roaring wonder is awe-inspiring and one of the top tourist-draws in the country. If you need a moment of reflection, we recommend searching for the nearest waterfall and taking a trip to connect with nature.

威美亚峡谷和怀波奥瀑布上空的彩虹, 考艾岛, 夏威夷, 美国 Rainbow over Waimea Canyon and Waipo'o Falls, Kauai, Hawaii (© Beverley Van Praagh/Getty Images)

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威美亚峡谷和怀波奥瀑布上空的彩虹, 考艾, 夏威夷, 美国 Rainbow over Waimea Canyon and Waipo'o Falls, Kauai, Hawaii (© Beverley Van Praagh/Getty Images)

雨后见彩虹 A rainbow that's worth the rainfall



Waimea Canyon and Waipo'o Falls, Kauai, Hawaii

Waimea Canyon, sometimes referred to as the Grand Canyon of the Pacific, is home to the picturesque Waipo'o Falls. The water that flows through the falls and canyon descends from Mount Wai'ale'ale, one of the rainiest places on Earth. Around 4 million years ago, a portion of the volcanic Kaua'i collapsed, creating a depression that the Waimea River has further eroded into today's canyon. If you want to see the true variety of Kauai, leave the beach behind and take winding State Route 550 into the mountains. Along the way you will see stunning views of the shore and the canyon before arriving at the lookout for Waipo'o Falls.

“火流”马尾瀑布,约塞米蒂国家公园,美国加利福尼亚州 'Firefall' on Horsetail Fall, Yosemite National Park, California (© Jeff Lewis/Tandem Stills + Motion)

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“火流”马尾瀑布,约塞米蒂国家公园美国加利福尼亚州 'Firefall' on Horsetail Fall, Yosemite National Park, California (© Jeff Lewis/Tandem Stills + Motion)

这个悬崖怎么着火了? Why is this cliffside ablaze?



Horsetail Fall, Yosemite National Park, California

When nature converges in rare and glorious fashion on the east side of the rock formation known as El Capitan, Horsetail Fall is illuminated as if on fire. This phenomenon can only be seen for a couple of weeks in February if there is a clear sky, enough water flowing from snowmelt or rain, and perfect timing. This 'firefall' only lasts for around 10 minutes and vantage points can be crowded. Horsetail Fall and El Capitan are part of Yosemite National Park, the second-oldest national park in the US. We hope this year's visitors are fortunate enough to see this magical display.

贾斯珀国家公园纠结溪瀑布,阿尔伯塔省,加拿大 Tangle Creek Falls in Jasper National Park, Alberta, Canada (© Jeff Foott/Minden Pictures)

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贾斯珀国家公园纠结溪瀑布阿尔伯塔省加拿大 Tangle Creek Falls in Jasper National Park, Alberta, Canada (© Jeff Foott/Minden Pictures)

落基山脉的径流 Rocky Mountain runoff


贾斯珀国家公园拥有众多令人惊叹的瀑布,但唐格尔溪瀑布的多层瀑布构成了必看的奇观。瀑布位于阿尔伯塔省93冰原公园道附近,很容易到达。坦格尔溪瀑布(Tangle Creek Falls)的水在高速公路上也能感受到。如果你想拍一些令人惊叹的照片,那么下了高速公路,走近瀑布,真正沉浸在瀑布的美景中可能是值得的。

Jasper National Park, Alberta, Canada

Jasper National Park boasts numerous breathtaking waterfalls, but the multi-tiered cascade of Tangle Creek Falls makes for a must-see spectacle. Located off the 93 Icefields Parkway in Alberta, the falls are easily accessed. Tangle Creek Falls' misty spray can be felt out on the highway itself. If you're looking to capture some breathtaking shots, it may be worth getting off the highway and going closer to the falls to truly soak in its beauty.

奥尔德萨和佩尔迪多山国家公园里的瀑布,西班牙比利牛斯山脉 Waterfall on the Rio Arazas in Ordesa y Monte Perdido National Park, Pyrenees, Spain (© David Santiago Garcia/Cavan Images)

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奥尔德萨和佩尔迪多国家公园里的瀑布西班牙比利牛斯山脉 Waterfall on the Rio Arazas in Ordesa y Monte Perdido National Park, Pyrenees, Spain (© David Santiago Garcia/Cavan Images)

通往伊比利亚的门户 Gateway to Iberia


比利牛斯山脉在任何季节都很引人注目,但在夏季温暖持续到季的年份尤其美丽,自最早的文明在那里扎根以来,比利牛斯半岛一直是伊比利亚半和欧洲其他地区之间的天然边界。位于山脉中心的Ordesa y Monte Perdido国家公园创建于1918年,并于1982年扩建。如今,它已成为联合国教科文组织的世界遗产


Rio Arazas in Ordesa and Monte Perdido National Park, Pyrenees, Spain

Striking in any season, but particularly beautiful in years when the warmth of summer stretches into fall, the Pyrenees have served as a natural border between the Iberian Peninsula and the rest of Europe since the earliest civilizations took root there. Located in the center of the range, the Ordesa y Monte Perdido National Park was created in 1918 and expanded in 1982. Today it is a UNESCO World Heritage Site.

Boasting sheer cliffs and deep, verdant valleys, the park is a photographer's dream, with a landscape marked by remarkable geological landforms and diverse ecologies shaped by the drastic elevation changes of the Pyrenees. The region is home to several species that can only be found here, including the Pyrenean chamois and the Pyrenean desman, or water mole. The mammal considered the most rare and important in the region, the bucardo or Pyrenean ibex, went extinct in January 2000 despite preservation efforts.