威美亚峡谷和怀波奥瀑布上空的彩虹, 考艾岛, 夏威夷, 美国 Rainbow over Waimea Canyon and Waipo'o Falls, Kauai, Hawaii (© Beverley Van Praagh/Getty Images)

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威美亚峡谷和怀波奥瀑布上空的彩虹, 考艾, 夏威夷, 美国 Rainbow over Waimea Canyon and Waipo'o Falls, Kauai, Hawaii (© Beverley Van Praagh/Getty Images)

雨后见彩虹 A rainbow that's worth the rainfall



Waimea Canyon and Waipo'o Falls, Kauai, Hawaii

Waimea Canyon, sometimes referred to as the Grand Canyon of the Pacific, is home to the picturesque Waipo'o Falls. The water that flows through the falls and canyon descends from Mount Wai'ale'ale, one of the rainiest places on Earth. Around 4 million years ago, a portion of the volcanic Kaua'i collapsed, creating a depression that the Waimea River has further eroded into today's canyon. If you want to see the true variety of Kauai, leave the beach behind and take winding State Route 550 into the mountains. Along the way you will see stunning views of the shore and the canyon before arriving at the lookout for Waipo'o Falls.

标签: 美国, 夏威夷, 峡谷, 彩虹, 瀑布

