西班牙马德里,Cibeles喷泉和马德里市政厅为国际妇女节点亮 Cibeles Fountain and Madrid City Hall lit for International Women's Day, Madrid, Spain (© dpa picture alliance/Alamy)

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西班牙马德里,Cibeles喷和马德里市政厅为国际妇女节点亮 Cibeles Fountain and Madrid City Hall lit for International Women's Day, Madrid, Spain (© dpa picture alliance/Alamy)

庆祝女性 Celebrating women


今天是国际妇女节,这一天庆祝全世界的妇女,并采取行动创造一个多样化、包容和公平的世界。这一天起源于1910年德国活动家克拉拉·泽特金(Clara Zetkin)在一次会议上提出组织国际日的想法,并于次年开始。历史充满了妇女的重大成就和贡献。玛丽·居里获得了诺贝尔物理学和化学奖。Ada Lovelace于1836年编写了世界上第一个计算机程序。1964年,帕特西·明克是第一位当选美国国会议员的有色人种女性。姐姐Rosetta Tharpe影响了一代人,并帮助创建了摇滚乐流派。今天,我们与所有过去和现在的妇女一起庆祝她们的成就。今天你能做些什么来帮助创造一个性别平等的世界?

International Women's Day

Today is International Women's Day, a day to celebrate women all over the globe and to take action to create a world that's diverse, inclusive, and equitable. The day originated when German activist Clara Zetkin pitched the idea of organizing an international day at a conference in 1910 and it was observed starting the following year. History brims over with the significant accomplishments and contributions of women. Marie Curie won Nobel Prizes in both physics and chemistry. Ada Lovelace wrote the world's first computer program in 1836. In 1964, Patsy Mink was the first woman of color elected to US Congress. Sister Rosetta Tharpe influenced a generation and helped create the genre of rock and roll. Today we celebrate their achievements along with those of all women, past and present. What can you do today to help create a world with gender parity?

标签: 西班牙, 妇女节

