标签 海岸 下的文章

州立公园,索诺玛海岸,美国加利福尼亚州 Sonoma Coast State Park, California (© Rachid Dahnoun/Tandem Stills + Motion)

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州立公园,索诺玛海岸美国加利福尼亚州 Sonoma Coast State Park, California (© Rachid Dahnoun/Tandem Stills + Motion)

潮汐与暮色 Tides and twilight



Sonoma Coast State Park, California

Sonoma Coast State Park offers a picturesque retreat with its sandy beaches, natural arches, and secluded coves. Established in 1934, the park encompasses 17 miles of Northern California coastline between Jenner and Bodega Bay. Wildlife enthusiasts can spot seals, sea lions, whales, and a variety of birds like towhees, warblers, finches, sparrows, and orioles. History buffs will enjoy exploring the sea stack formation with rubbing marks believed to have been made by mammoths that roamed the area 40,000 years ago. The park is also home to historical sites like Bodega Head, where Russians built a fort in the early 1800s.

Fort Ross, near the park, was established in 1812 by the Russian-American Company. This settlement marked the southernmost expansion of Russian colonization in North America. The fort primarily served as a hub for the fur trade, focusing on hunting sea otters along the Pacific coast. By the mid-1830s, the fur trade had declined, and in 1841, the fort was sold to John Sutter, an American entrepreneur.

哈纳之路,毛伊岛,夏威夷,美国 Road to Hana, Maui, Hawaii (© Matteo Colombo/Getty Images)

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哈纳之路,毛伊岛夏威夷美国 Road to Hana, Maui, Hawaii (© Matteo Colombo/Getty Images)

放慢脚步,享受旅途! Slow down, enjoy the journey!



Road to Hana, Maui, Hawaii

With more than 600 curves and numerous one-lane bridges, it's best not to relax too much while navigating Hawaii's famous Road to Hana. It's hard to stay focused though, as the road winds its way through lush surroundings over 64 miles along the northern coast of Maui, from Kahului to Hana. Make a few stops along the way to get the best views of the rainforests and waterfalls that line the route. Popular attractions include the Waikamoi Ridge Trail, the easily accessible Twin Falls, and the black sands of Wai'ānapanapa State Park.

米罗伯塔莫斯海岸线上的楼梯,色萨利,希腊 Stairs on the shoreline at Mylopotamos, Thessaly, Greece (© Orestis Zoumpos/Amazing Aerial Agency)

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米罗伯塔莫斯海岸线上的楼梯,色萨利,希腊 Stairs on the shoreline at Mylopotamos, Thessaly, Greece (© Orestis Zoumpos/Amazing Aerial Agency)

迎接挑战! Step up to the challenge!




Take the Stairs Day

It's time to step up! Today is Take the Stairs Day, an initiative by the American Lung Association aimed at encouraging us to make small changes that can have a big impact on our well-being.

To mark the day, we're admiring the snake-like steps to Mylopotamos Beach on the mountainous Pelion peninsula, in northern Greece. The sinuous path to this secluded beach winds beneath the cool shade of pine trees. Enough steps for today? Don't worry, there's a beach bar along the way.

ballyvooney海岸,科佩海岸地质公园,爱尔兰 Ballyvooney Cove, Copper Coast Geopark, Ireland (© Andrea Pistolesi/Getty Images)

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ballyvooney海岸,科佩海岸地质公园爱尔兰 Ballyvooney Cove, Copper Coast Geopark, Ireland (© Andrea Pistolesi/Getty Images)

彩虹的尽头 Where the rainbow ends




St. Patrick's Day

Get ready for shamrocks, parades, and all things green, because today is St. Patrick's Day. Many countries around the world recognize the holiday, but the first celebration was in Ireland more than 1,000 years ago. St. Patrick's Day, also known as the Feast of Saint Patrick, is both a cultural and religious celebration recognizing Saint Patrick himself, an Irish, 5th century Christian missionary and bishop.

This view is of Copper Coast Geopark, a UNESCO Global Geopark on the southeast coast of Ireland. The area also boasts a rich cultural heritage, and is dotted with numerous historical sites, including Iron Age forts, inscribed stones, and ruins of medieval churches. This magnificent stretch of undulating cliffs and sandy coves is named after the 19th century copper mines that once operated there.

阿特拉尼,阿马尔菲海岸,意大利 Atrani, Amalfi Coast, Italy (© Amazing Aerial/Shutterstock)

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阿特拉尼,阿马尔菲海岸意大利 Atrani, Amalfi Coast, Italy (© Amazing Aerial/Shutterstock)

一张来自意大利的明信片 Postcard from Italy



Atrani, Amalfi Coast, Italy

With its red clay roofs above the spangled sea, Atrani shines in the sun on the Amalfi Coast in southwest Italy. Just 800 people get to call Atrani home, while the rest of us can just hope to visit one of the smallest towns in Italy and walk its intricately built roads and admire the small houses perched above the waiting beach. The traditional fishing village is part of the Costiera Amalfitana UNESCO World Heritage Site, and it has kept its traditional characteristics alive. It is a perfect Mediterranean getaway to soak up the sun and enjoy local seafood at a waterfront cafe.

楚科奇海的浮游植物水华,美国阿拉斯加州海岸附近 Blooms of phytoplankton in the Chukchi Sea off the coast of Alaska (© Norman Kuring/Kathryn Hansen/U.S. Geological Survey/NASA)

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楚科奇海的浮游植物水华,美国阿拉斯加海岸附近 Blooms of phytoplankton in the Chukchi Sea off the coast of Alaska (© Norman Kuring/Kathryn Hansen/U.S. Geological Survey/NASA)

什么生长得这样茂盛? What's blooming so brightly?





Blooms of phytoplankton in the Chukchi Sea

Hundreds of shades of blue are marbled together in this cool shot. No, it's not a work of modern art, it's right off the brush of nature. This is a satellite photo of phytoplankton blooming near Alaska as the cool, salty Chukchi Sea mingles with warmer, fresher water closer to shore.

But just what are phytoplankton? They're microscopic sun-powered organisms that float near the surface of the ocean, drifting with the currents. In fact, their name derives from the Greek 'phyton' for plant and 'planktos' for wanderer or drifter. Delicious and nutritious to various creatures living in oceans and estuaries, they're also vital to everyone on Earth: Phytoplankton are responsible for about half of the world's photosynthesis, the sun-powered process that takes in carbon dioxide and releases oxygen.

We're talking phytoplankton today in honor of Earth Science Week, an international event encouraging all of us to learn about or even devote our life to the Earth sciences. This year's theme is 'Earth Science for a Sustainable World,' emphasizing science's role in sustaining our planet. So, time to dust off that microscope, visit your local science museum, or perhaps just learn more about beautiful, swirling phytoplankton.

巴斯克海岸世界地质公园的比斯开湾,西班牙 Bay of Biscay in the Basque Coast Geopark near Bilbao, Spain (© Olimpio Fantuz/eStock Photo)

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巴斯克海岸世界地质公园的比斯开西班牙 Bay of Biscay in the Basque Coast Geopark near Bilbao, Spain (© Olimpio Fantuz/eStock Photo)

隐入大海的龙尾  Dragon tails trail to the sea


这些龙尾巴状的结构延伸至西班牙北部巴斯克海岸的比斯开湾,是地球上最独特、最引人注目的地质构造之一。对于地质学家和喜欢看岩石的人来说,这是一个仙境。巴斯克海岸地质公园(Basque Coast Geopark)在导游的带领下,游客可以发现6000万年不间断的地质历史。


International Geodiversity Day

These dragon tail-like structures that stretch into the Bay of Biscay on the Basque Coast of northern Spain are part of one of the most unique and remarkable geological formations on the planet. It's a wonderland for geologists, and for people who just like looking at cool rocks. Guided tours of the Basque Coast Geopark allow visitors to discover 60 million years of uninterrupted geological history.

Today is International Geodiversity Day, which brings to light the importance of geoscience in solving major challenges that humanity is facing today. This can include the study of geology, the lithosphere, and the large-scale structure of Earth's interior, as well as the atmosphere, hydrosphere, and biosphere.

布满奇石的青海岛,日本北长门海岸国定公园 Omijima Island in Kita-Nagato Kaigan Quasi-National Park, Japan (© Sean Pavone Photo/Adobe Stock)

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布满奇石的青海日本北长门海岸国定公园 Omijima Island in Kita-Nagato Kaigan Quasi-National Park, Japan (© Sean Pavone Photo/Adobe Stock)

海上阿尔卑斯山 Alps of the sea

Marine Day in Japan

The striking coastline of Omijima Island has earned it the nickname 'The Alps of the Sea.' Its sheer cliffs and dramatic angles certainly echo the skyscraping peaks in that European mountain range. But a visit to Omijimi Island will take you to the other side of the world, to Kita-Nagato Kaigan Quasi-National Park, in Yamaguchi, Japan. Year-round scuba diving adventures reveal a world under the waves just as beautiful as the one above the surface.



黄金海岸上的冲浪者,澳大利亚 Surfers catching waves at Palm Beach on the Gold Coast, Queensland, Australia (© Darren Tierney/Getty Images)

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黄金海岸上的冲浪者,澳大利亚 Surfers catching waves at Palm Beach on the Gold Coast, Queensland, Australia (© Darren Tierney/Getty Images)

这是什么水上魔法? What waterborne wizardry is this?

International Surfing Day

Of all the tricks humans have taught themselves, few delight and impress more than surfing. A sport, a pastime, an art, a philosophy of life, surfing is as close to magic as a person can perform on the untamed ocean. Today, the sport of wave riding gets its well-earned due with International Surfing Day, a time each year to honor the sport, the lifestyle of surfing, and the ocean itself, whose good health is vital to the sport and so much else. Surfers have a special connection to the ocean and the waves it produces. A surfable wave relies on so much: The winds hundreds or thousands of miles away that produced the energy to set the swells in motion—those swells might take days to arrive at the shoreline; and then the reef or point of land or underwater boulder upon which a swell will break into a perfectly shaped wave. Wind and timing are everything, and devoted surfers know the weather and the shore intimately.

Surfing can be done anywhere waves break, from Iceland to Ireland, Brazil to Senegal. But there are a handful of spots renowned for their waves, such as Hawaii, Tahiti, California, and the Gold Coast in Queensland, Australia, pictured here. As the sport has evolved, surfers have taken on bigger waves, giants that exceed 50 feet in height at now-famous surf breaks like Jaws, Mavericks, and the latest in Nazare, Portugal.

Surfing is believed to have originated in Polynesia more than 1,500 years ago, most likely in Tahiti and was observed by Westerners as early as the 1700s in Hawaii. Native Hawaiians are credited for creating the sport as we know it today. Duke Kahanamoku, Olympic swimmer, great waterman, and one of Hawaii's earliest celebrities, helped spread surfing's popularity to California and Australia in the early 1900s. Today, surfing is an Olympic sport, has a professional tour for both men and women, and is an integral part of popular culture. But for the lucky souls who know how to ride a wave, it's simply the best way to spend a day at the beach.





蓬塔德尔加达附近的海岸,葡萄牙 Coast near Ponta Delgada, Madeira, Portugal (© Jan Wlodarczyk/Alamy)

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蓬塔德尔加达附近的海岸葡萄牙 Coast near Ponta Delgada, Madeira, Portugal (© Jan Wlodarczyk/Alamy)

亚速尔群岛游玩 Gateway to the Azores

Ponta Delgada

Today we're taking a trip to Ponta Delgada in the Portuguese Azores island chain. It's the largest city on São Miguel, known as the 'green island,' the largest and most populated island in the autonomous region of Portugal. Gorgeous views and beaches make this a tourist hot spot. The Azores islands are especially popular for outdoor adventure, with world-class hiking, diving, and sailing.

