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从环绕山峰的小径最高点看到的拉瓦莱多三峰山,意大利 Tre Cime di Lavaredo as seen from the Lavaredo fork, Sexten Dolomites, Italy (© AWL Images/Danita Delimont)

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从环绕山峰的小径最高点看到的拉瓦莱多三峰山意大利 Tre Cime di Lavaredo as seen from the Lavaredo fork, Sexten Dolomites, Italy (© AWL Images/Danita Delimont)

Where are the 'Pale Mountains'?

Behold the Tre Cime di Lavaredo, some of the most iconic peaks of the Dolomites range in the Italian Alps. The Dolomites, aka the 'Pale Mountains,' are named for the light-colored stone (dolomite) of the jagged range. This is the view from the highest point of a trail that encircles these three dramatic peaks. Usually mobbed with tourists in the summertime, autumn and spring offer a chance for a more tranquil amble along the 6-mile trail. The hike manages to reveal one stunning view after another with each turn of the route. Along the way, the hiker will pass three 'rifugios,' traditional Alpine shelters that offer drinks and meals, and even beds to stay the night.

Until 1919, the border between Italy and Austria-Hungary ran directly through the Tre Cime di Lavaredo, and there was heavy fighting here in World War I. Visitors can still see trenches and remnants of fortifications left from the so-called White War of the Alps. A small chapel, called Cappella degli Alpini, was built in memory of fallen soldiers in the area.




易北河上的巴斯泰桥,德国撒克逊瑞士国家公园 Bastei Bridge above the Elbe river in Saxon Switzerland National Park, Germany (© Reinhard Schmid/eStock Photo)

发布于 , 1383 次浏览


易北上的巴斯德国撒克逊瑞士国家公园 Bastei Bridge above the Elbe river in Saxon Switzerland National Park, Germany (© Reinhard Schmid/eStock Photo)

A bridge that rocks

Sandwiched between soaring pinnacles of sandstone, Bastei Bridge is a highlight of Saxon Switzerland National Park. But don't be fooled by the park's name because we're not in Switzerland; we're hundreds of miles away in eastern Germany, close to the border of the Czech Republic. The name comes from two Swiss artists who visited the area in the second half of the 18th century and felt the picturesque upland scenery was reminiscent of their homeland.

The park boasts untamed forests and spectacular rock formations, including the Bastei in our photo. The rock pillars here were formed by water erosion over a million years ago and tower 636 feet above the Elbe, one of the major rivers in Central Europe. If you're not afraid of heights, you can walk the bridge that has connected these jagged rocks for almost 200 years. Originally made of wood but rebuilt with stone in 1851 to accommodate the increasing tourist traffic, Bastei Bridge offers stunning panoramic views of the river and surrounding Elbe Sandstone Mountains. It also leads to the remains of an ancient castle that once stood here and is now an open-air museum.




戈尔内格拉特火车站和马特洪峰,瑞士采尔马特 Gornergrat railway station and the Matterhorn in Zermatt, Switzerland (© coolbiere photograph/Getty Images)

发布于 , 1200 次浏览


戈尔内格拉特火车站马特洪峰瑞士采尔马特 Gornergrat railway station and the Matterhorn in Zermatt, Switzerland (© coolbiere photograph/Getty Images)

The view will stop you in your tracks

When it comes to beautiful winter scenery, Switzerland is hard to beat. We're looking at the Gornergrat railway with the peak of the Matterhorn in the background. One of the last great peaks of the Alps to be climbed by humans, the Matterhorn was finally summited in 1865, capping off the decade or so that's been called the 'golden age of alpinism.' The iconic peak is a daunting pyramid of stone and ice, towering just inside Switzerland's border with Italy.

The train goes from the village center in Zermatt (at an altitude of 5,200 feet) to Gornergrat (over 10,000 feet) in 33 minutes, offering incredible views along the way. The train debuted in 1898 as the world's first fully electric cog railway, connecting three existing hotels. The new attraction helped to make Zermatt a popular tourist destination, and by the time the railway began winter operations in 1928, this corner of the high Alps had become a glamorous year-round vacation hotspot.


说到美丽的季风,瑞士是名列前茅,很难被击败的。 我们正在看到的是戈纳格拉特铁路,背景是马特洪峰。 马特洪峰是阿尔卑斯山最后一个人类需要攀登的高峰之一,它终于在1865年被人类登顶,结束了被称为"阿尔卑斯黄金时代"的历史。 这座标志性的山峰是由石头和块组成的巨大“金字塔”,耸立在与意大利相邻的瑞士边境之内。

火车从采尔马特的村庄中心(海拔5200英尺)出发,经过33分钟即可到达戈尔内格拉特(海拔10,000英尺以上),沿途有着令人难以置信的美景。 这列火车于1898年首次亮相,是世界上第一条全电动的齿轨铁路,连接了三个现有的酒店。 这个新景点使采尔马特成为一个受欢迎的旅游胜地,当铁路于1928年开始冬季运营时,阿尔卑斯山的这个角落已成为全年迷人的度假热点。

以布兰卡山脉为背景的安地斯皇后(莴氏普亚凤梨),秘鲁 Queen of the Andes plants with the Cordillera Blanca massif in the background, Peru (© Cyril Ruoso/Minden Pictures)

发布于 , 1033 次浏览


以布兰卡山脉为背景的安地斯皇后(莴氏普亚凤梨),秘鲁 Queen of the Andes plants with the Cordillera Blanca massif in the background, Peru (© Cyril Ruoso/Minden Pictures)

Mountains fit for a queen

Like sentinels standing guard, these towering stalks are flowers of the queen of the Andes, the world's largest bromeliad—some specimens can grow up to 50 feet tall. This extraordinary plant has adapted to grow only in the adverse conditions found on the high slopes of the Bolivian and Peruvian Andes. To see several of them in bloom at once is truly special, for the queen of the Andes sends up her flowering stalk just once, after a century or so of painstaking growth. A single plant will bloom for about three months, producing anywhere from 8,000 to 20,000 flowers, then die.

Because mountains present a variety of altitudes, exposures, and gradients, they host a broad spectrum of climatic zones and ecosystems. The plants in our image are thriving in Peru's Cordillera Blanca (White Range), the highest and most glaciated tropical mountain range in the world. Several peaks in the Cordillera Blanca tower more than 20,000 feet in elevation, making it a world-class climbing destination. Each step up or down in altitude seems to introduce a new ecosystem, with plants and animals that have adapted to each differentiated zone.

Protecting this biodiversity found on mountains is the theme for 2020's International Mountain Day, held each year on December 11. The UN, which founded International Mountain Day, invites us to join the conversation about the importance of mountains. On social media, use the hashtag #MountainsMatter to share about the biodiversity in the mountains near you.



由于山区呈现出各种海拔,暴露和坡度,因此它们拥有广泛的气候区和生态系统。我们所描绘的植物在秘鲁的科迪勒拉·布兰卡(White Range)繁茂,这是世界上最高和最冰川化的热带山脉。科迪勒拉布兰卡塔的几个山峰海拔超过20,000英尺,使其成为世界一流的攀岩胜地。海拔的每上升或下降似乎都会引入一个新的生态系统,动植物已经适应了每个不同的区域。


冬天的金阁寺,日本京都 Kinkakuji temple in winter, Kyoto, Japan (© yoko_ken_chan/Shutterstock)

发布于 , 1372 次浏览


冬天金阁寺日本京都 Kinkakuji temple in winter, Kyoto, Japan (© yoko_ken_chan/Shutterstock)

Stunning in winter

Kinkakuji, also known as the Golden Pavilion, is one of the most famous sights in Kyoto. The golden temple that is actually made of gold, has been a popular attraction for many. During the winter, the white color of the snow contrasts beautifully with the color of the temple creating a breathtaking sight.


金阁,也被称为金阁,是京都最著名的景点之一。 实际上由黄金制成的金殿,已成为许多人的热门景点。 在冬季,的白色与寺庙的颜色形成了鲜明的对比,营造出令人叹为观止的景象。

阿布鲁佐的Rocca Calascio,意大利 Rocca Calascio in Abruzzo, Italy (© Francesco Russo/eStock Photo)

发布于 , 1445 次浏览


阿布鲁佐的Rocca Calascio,意大利 Rocca Calascio in Abruzzo, Italy (© Francesco Russo/eStock Photo)

A fortress in the sky

Beginning as a lone watchtower high in the Apennines in the 10th century, the fortress called Rocca Calascio gained more heft over the next few hundred years. A quartet of additional towers and heavy walls were gradually added around the first tower. These fortifications made clear that Rocco Calascio was ready for any military rivals who might scale the slopes from the valley below to attack this garrison. The fight never came. The ruins you see here are not battle scars but the result of a powerful earthquakes. By the early 1700s, Rocca Calascio was abandoned, but it can still claim the title of highest fortress in the Apennines—and some of the most spectacular views in all of Italy. In fact, filmmakers have chosen the site for several movies, including 'The Name of the Rose' and 'Ladyhawke.'

从10世纪亚平宁的一座孤金瞭望塔开始,这座名为罗卡·卡拉西奥的堡垒在接下来的几百年里变得更加高。在第一座塔楼周围逐渐增加了四分之一的塔楼和沉重的墙壁。这些防御工事表明,罗科·卡拉西奥已经为任何可能从下面的山谷上扩大斜坡攻击这个驻军的军事对手做好准备。战斗从未来过。你在这里看到的废墟不是战斗的伤疤,而是强烈地震的结果。到17世纪早期,罗卡卡拉西奥被遗弃,但它仍然可以声称在亚彭宁斯最高的堡垒的称号 - 和一些在意大利最壮观的景色。事实上,电影制作人已经为几部电影选择了该网站,包括《玫瑰的名字》和《夫人霍克》。

普利特维采湖群国家公园中的高架步道,克罗地亚 Elevated path in Plitvice Lakes National Park, Croatia (© Alessandro Laporta/Offset by Shutterstock)

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普利特维采国家公园中的高架步道克罗地亚 Elevated path in Plitvice Lakes National Park, Croatia (© Alessandro Laporta/Offset by Shutterstock)

A hidden jewel in Croatia

Today we're walking out into the winter wonderland of Plitvice Lakes National Park, the oldest and largest national park in Croatia. More than a million tourists per year flock to this central mountainous region, renowned for its cascading waterfalls and 16 turquoise-colored lakes. These wooden pathways meander for miles around and above the lakes, beside waterfalls and over streams and rivers, which disappear into the moss-covered earth only to burst through again somewhere downstream. In fact, the lakes are all interconnected by underground flows and are separated from each other by natural dams of travertine.

The park is open year-round, and winter is its slowest season. If you're brave enough to venture down the park's slippery pathways in December or January, you may be rewarded with views straight out of a fairy tale.


今天,我们要走进十六湖国家公园(Plitvice Lakes National Park)的季仙境,该公园是克罗地亚最古老,最大的国家公园。 每年有超过一百万的游客涌向这个中央山区,该区以级联的瀑布和16个蓝绿色的湖泊而闻名。 这些木制小径在湖泊周围和上方蜿蜒数英里,在瀑布旁边,在溪流和河流上消失,消失在苔藓覆盖的泥土中,仅在下游某处再次突然出现。 实际上,所有湖泊都通过地下水流相互连接,并通过天然的堤坝隔开。

公园全年开放,冬季是最慢长的季节。 如果您有足够的勇气在12月或1月冒险走下公园的湿滑小径,您可能欣赏到的是童话故事般的风景。

贝纳斯克,西班牙韦斯卡 The village of Benasque, Huesca, Spain (© Miscelleneoustock/Alamy)

发布于 , 1001 次浏览


贝纳斯克西班牙韦斯卡 The village of Benasque, Huesca, Spain (© Miscelleneoustock/Alamy)

A cozy winter village

When snow blankets the steep slopes of the Pyrenees—the mountain range that forms a natural border between Spain and France—the cozy Spanish village of Benasque offers a cheerful refuge on a winter's eve. Beautifully preserved Romanesque and Renaissance manors and churches line the narrow cobblestone streets, and it's easy to feel as though you've stepped back in time. Aside from these cultural charms, most visitors come to Benasque for outdoor adventure. Surrounded by the highest peaks of the Pyrenees, the Benasque Valley receives heavy snowfall and is a popular skiing destination. Summer attracts even more visitors to the area, when hiking, mountain biking, paragliding, and river rafting are big draws.


当积覆盖比利牛斯山脉的陡峭坡时(该山脉是西班牙和法国之间的天然边界),舒适的西班牙村庄贝纳斯克(Benasque)在冬天的前夜提供了一个避风。 保存完好的罗马式和文艺复兴时期的庄园和教堂排在狭窄的鹅卵石街道上,让您有种时倒流的感觉。 除了这些文化魅力外,大多数游客都来贝纳斯克(Benasque)进行户外探险。 贝纳斯克山谷比利牛斯山脉的最高峰所环绕,下大雪,是一个受欢迎的滑雪胜地。 夏天是徒步旅行,山地自行车,滑翔伞和漂流的热门之地,吸引了更多的游客前往该地区。