
华卡雷瓦雷瓦森林的红木纪念树林,新西兰北岛 Redwood Memorial Grove in Whakarewarewa Forest, North Island, New Zealand (© Michael Breitung/Huber/eStock Photo)

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华卡雷瓦雷瓦森林的红木纪念树林新西兰 Redwood Memorial Grove in Whakarewarewa Forest, North Island, New Zealand (© Michael Breitung/Huber/eStock Photo)

A walk among the giants

On the New Zealand's North Island, Whakarewarewa Forest is home to a diverse range of native plants and animals. There's also a series of lakes as well as hot springs, bubbling mud pools, and even active geysers. But Whakarewarewa Forest features something that no other forest in New Zealand can claim: a grove of majestic redwood trees called the Redwood Memorial Grove. The trees in the grove were introduced from their native California at the beginning of the 20th century.

Today, the Redwood Memorial Grove is a popular hotspot for tourists hoping to walk among the giants, with an elevated walkway that winds through the roughly 600 acres of redwoods. Some of the trees have grown as high as 230-feet in the century since they were planted. These California transplants seem to have taken to their new home quite well.




哈特谢普苏特女王神庙鸟瞰图,埃及卢克索古城 Aerial view of the Temple of Hatshepsut near Luxor, Egypt (© Ratnakorn Piyasirisorost/Moment/Getty Images)

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哈特谢普苏特女王神庙鸟瞰图,埃及卢克索古城 Aerial view of the Temple of Hatshepsut near Luxor, Egypt (© Ratnakorn Piyasirisorost/Moment/Getty Images)

Unearthing a queen's lost tale

Almost 3,500 years ago under Queen Hatshepsut's reign, Egypt enjoyed decades of peace and flourishing culture, and this elegant temple is just one piece of her larger-than-life legacy. But the pharaoh who succeeded Hatshepsut forbade all mention of her rule, taking credit for her monuments and leaving her name all but unknown for millennia.

By the 19th century, many archaeologists had noticed a gap in the recorded succession of pharaohs. Through their efforts decoding hieroglyphics, cataloging artifacts, and finally excavating Hatshepsut's great temple in 1906, the greatest woman ruler of her time began reclaiming her place in the history books.

Isn't it lucky we have people willing to dirty their hands and dig up the truth? On International Archaeology Day, which happens every third Saturday of October, we're celebrating those who solve human history's mysteries: the archaeologists of the past, present, and future.





世界著名气泡酒产地普罗塞克山丘, 意大利威尼托 Farra di Soligo in the Prosecco Hills of Veneto, Italy (© Olimpio Fantuz/Sime/eStock Photo)

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世界著名气泡酒产地普罗塞克山丘,意大利威尼托 Farra di Soligo in the Prosecco Hills of Veneto, Italy (© Olimpio Fantuz/Sime/eStock Photo)

Autumn in the Prosecco Hills

It's fall here in the Prosecco Hills of northeastern Italy. We're just outside Farra di Soligo, a village about 30 miles northwest of Venice. This region is known for growing the glera grape used to make the white wine called prosecco. Once a humble sparkling wine, and considered a poor cousin to Champagne, prosecco now eclipses Champagne in global popularity. More than 600 million bottles of prosecco were produced in Italy in 2018, about twice the amount of Champagne.

Of those 600 million bottles produced a year, about 90 million bottles of prosecco come from the Prosecco Hills region. Like most Italian grape-growing areas, the Prosecco Hills boast a spectacular landscape. Small plots of grapes have grown on narrow grassy terraces known as 'ciglioni' since the 17th century. From above, the ciglioni produce a checkerboard effect with vines growing both horizontally along and vertical to the hillsides. Some plots even use the 19th-century 'bellussera' technique of training the grapevines to grow up along trees. This region is so distinctive, it was named a UNESCO World Heritage Site in 2019.


它落在意大利东北部的普罗塞科山上。我们就在法拉·迪·索利戈(Farra di Soligo)外面,这是一个距离威尼斯西北约30英里的村庄。这一地区以种植用来酿造白葡萄酒普罗塞科(prosecco)的格雷拉葡萄而闻名。普罗塞科一度是一种谦逊的起泡酒,被认为是香槟的穷表亲,但现在它在全球的受欢迎程度超过了香槟。2018年,意大利生产了6亿多瓶prosecco,约为香槟产量的两倍。

在每年生产的6亿瓶产品中,约有9000万瓶来自prosecco Hills地区。像大多数意大利葡萄种植区一样,普洛塞科山拥有壮观的景观。自17世纪以来,小片葡萄种植在被称为“ciglioni”的狭窄草地梯田上。从上面看,ciglioni产生了棋盘效应,藤蔓沿山坡水平和垂直生长。一些葡萄园甚至采用19世纪的“贝卢斯拉”技术,训练葡萄沿着木生长。该地区非常独特,2019年被联合国教科文组织命名为世界遗产

星空下的仙人掌家族,美国萨瓜罗国家公园 Saguaro 'family' and Milky Way, Saguaro National Park, Arizona (© Christian Foto Az/Shutterstock)

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星空下的仙人掌家族,美国萨瓜罗国家公园 Saguaro 'family' and Milky Way, Saguaro National Park, Arizona (© Christian Foto Az/Shutterstock)

Happy birthday, Saguaro National Park

If you know what these distinctively shaped cactuses are called, you can name this patch of public land in the Sonoran Desert. Saguaro National Park was established on this day in 1994 to protect giant saguaros like these. The slow-growing, prickly behemoths have been known to reach almost 80 feet into the Arizona sky. Just don't be tempted to climb one—take it from us, a closer look at that celestial display isn't worth getting jabbed by 3-inch saguaro spines.



侏罗纪时期的鱼龙化石,英国多塞特 An ichthyosaur fossil of the Jurassic period, Dinosaurland Fossil Museum, Lyme Regis, Dorset, England (© Christopher Jones/Alamy)

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侏罗纪时期的鱼龙化石英国多塞特 An ichthyosaur fossil of the Jurassic period, Dinosaurland Fossil Museum, Lyme Regis, Dorset, England (© Christopher Jones/Alamy)

Celebrating a young girl's age-old discovery

When 12-year-old Mary Anning uncovered the complete skeleton of a fish-like creature near her home on England's southern coast in 1811, extinction was a shaky idea in science. Fossils were nothing new—everything dies and leaves remains, after all. But could an entire species really die off? Were more of these 17-foot sea monsters lurking in the depths of the English Channel?

The fact that ichthyosaurs like this went extinct 90 million years ago seems obvious today (which, by the way, is National Fossil Day). But though such definite answers were still only suspicions during Mary Anning's lifetime, she persisted with paleontology. Her prolific fossil finds fueled both public interest and scientific understanding, and she even discovered two more species in her 20s: the pterodactyl and the plesiosaur. Though she died young at 47, largely denied recognition as a woman in Victorian society, her influence endures like the fossils that fascinated her.


1811年,当12岁的玛丽·安宁(Mary Anning)在她位于英格兰南部海岸的家附近发现了一具鱼形生物的完整骨架时,灭绝在科学上是一个不可靠的想法。化石并不是什么新鲜事,毕竟,一切都会死去,叶也会留下。但整个物种真的会灭绝吗?这些17英尺高的海怪中有更多潜伏在英吉利海峡深处吗?


布列塔尼大区的城市圣马洛,法国 Saint-Malo in Brittany, France (© Mathieu Rivrin/Moment/Getty Images)

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布列塔尼大区的城市圣马洛法国 Saint-Malo in Brittany, France (© Mathieu Rivrin/Moment/Getty Images)

High tide at the walled city

Saint-Malo was founded by the Gauls more than 2,000 years ago and has an appropriately rich and storied history. Built on the Brittany coast of the English Channel, Saint-Malo became an important stop for ships coming into and out of Western Europe. And because of its strategic location, Saint-Malo was, for a time, a favorite spot for pirates, corsairs, and privateers—as ships made their way through the channel, pirates lurking off the Saint-Malo coast could pounce easily while French authorities looked the other way. Now it's a tourist spot where visitors can walk down the city's historic streets.



拉莫里斯国家公园中的Wapizagonke湖区,加拿大魁北克 The Wapizagonke Lake in La Mauricie National Park, Quebec, Canada (© Instants/Getty Images)

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拉莫里斯国家公园中的Wapizagonke湖区加拿大魁北克 The Wapizagonke Lake in La Mauricie National Park, Quebec, Canada (© Instants/Getty Images)

Vibrant colours of Fall

This majestic view of the Wapizagonke Lake encapsulates the spirit of autumn through the vibrant display of colours. Located between Québec City and Montréal, La Mauricie National Park is a site for all types of nature lovers. The park offers activities such as hiking, kayaking, paddling, bird watching, ice climbing and even star gazing. With more than 150 lakes and home to one of the oldest mountain ranges – the Laurentian Mountains - La Mauricie National Park is a destination filled with spectacular vistas all-year-round.


瓦皮扎贡克的壮丽景色通过生动的色彩展示,体现了天的精神。La Mauricie国家公园位于魁北克市和蒙特勒尔之间,是各类自然爱好者的聚集地。公园里有徒步旅行、皮划艇、划、观鸟、攀,甚至还有观星等活动。拉莫里西国家公园拥有150多个湖泊,是最古老山脉之一——劳伦斯脉的所在地,是一个终年景色壮观的目的地。

Khuean Srinagarindra国家公园的Huay Mae Khamin瀑布, 泰国 Huay Mae Khamin waterfall in Khuean Srinagarindra National Park, Thailand (© Casper1774Studio/Getty Images)

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Khuean Srinagarindra国家公园的Huay Mae Khamin瀑布,泰国 Huay Mae Khamin waterfall in Khuean Srinagarindra National Park, Thailand (© Casper1774Studio/Getty Images)

Great on so many levels

Water flows evenly over seven distinct tiers of packed earth at Huay Mae Khamin waterfall, a remote gem 4 hours' drive northwest of Bangkok. Part of Khuean Srinagarindra National Park, the falls feature a trail network leading up to each terrace, offering visitors a close-up look at every level of the picturesque cascade.


在华美哈明瀑布,水流均匀地流过七层不同的堆积土。华美哈明瀑布位于曼谷西北部,距离遥远,只有4小时车程。瀑布是Khuean Srinagarindra国家公园的一部分,有一条通往每个露台的小径网络,游客可以近距离观察风景如画的瀑布的每一层。

达拉斯分水岭, 科罗拉多州西南部 Dallas Divide in southwest Colorado (© Ronda Kimbrow/Shutterstock)

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达拉斯分水岭, 科罗拉多州西南部 Dallas Divide in southwest Colorado (© Ronda Kimbrow/Shutterstock)

A valley view at 9,000 feet

This is the Dallas Divide, but we're hundreds of miles from (and 8,500 feet above) North Texas. This saddle amid the southwestern Colorado Rockies cuts a swath just north of the San Juan Mountains. Nestled in those peaks you'll find Telluride, Silverton, and other former mining towns that got a boost from the Rio Grande Southern Railroad when it came to the Dallas Divide in 1890. Nowadays the divide hosts US Highway 62, a less-traveled byway for most Colorado travelers—but worth the detour if you're keen on a sweeping valley vista.



中国江苏省南通市幼儿园学生在画布上绘画的鸟瞰图 Aerial view of kindergarteners drawing on a canvas in Nantong, in the Jiangsu province of China (© Xu Hui/VCG via Getty Images)

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中国江苏省南通市幼儿园学生在画布上绘画鸟瞰图 Aerial view of kindergarteners drawing on a canvas in Nantong, in the Jiangsu province of China (© Xu Hui/VCG via Getty Images)

A day to celebrate teachers

Today is World Teachers' Day. The UN created this day back in 1994 to draw attention to the vital role that teachers play in providing kids like these a quality education. The observation also highlights the obstacles that teachers face every day, particularly in challenging times like these.

Despite the massive disruptions to classrooms around the world because of the coronavirus pandemic, teachers everywhere have continued to work hard every day to encourage young people to learn and grow, and to think about the world around us. So, when these kindergartners are finished drawing, our hope is that they let their teachers know how appreciated they are! And we hope you can do something special for the teachers in your lives today, too.


