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洛桑日内瓦湖上空的暴风雨,瑞典 Stormy sky over Lake Geneva in Lausanne, Switzerland (© Suradech Singhanat/Shutterstock)

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洛桑日内瓦湖上空的暴风雨瑞典 Stormy sky over Lake Geneva in Lausanne, Switzerland (© Suradech Singhanat/Shutterstock)

一个黑暗的暴风雨之夜 On a dark and stormy night...




Frankenstein Friday

If the sight of storm clouds gathering over Lake Geneva puts you in a dark and ponderous mood, then you have an idea of Mary Shelley's frame of mind when she conceived the story that would become her seminal work. While Shelley wrote several historical novels and travel books, it was this macabre story of a grotesque creature that made her legacy.

Today and every final Friday of October is Frankenstein Friday, a celebration of Shelley's 1818 novel about a doctor who reanimates the dead—a tale of terror that many also think of as the first science fiction novel.  Shelley concocted the concept for 'Frankenstein' (aka 'The Modern Prometheus') here at Lake Geneva in the northern Alps on the French-Swiss border. She spent an unusually cold and wet summer here in 1816 with her future husband Percy Bysshe Shelley and Lord Byron, both poets. Confined indoors, the group challenged one another to come up with ghost stories. Mary quickly wrote the short story that would become 'Frankenstein,' inspired in no small part by the gloom and chill of Lake Geneva on one dark and stormy night.

意大利威尼斯的叹息桥 Bridge of Sighs in Venice, Italy (© Doug Pearson/Alamy)

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意大利威尼斯的叹息 Bridge of Sighs in Venice, Italy (© Doug Pearson/Alamy)

一个吻和一声叹息 A kiss and a sigh


在威尼斯的叹息桥(Ponte dei Sospiri)下,当你的夫引导你穿过城市的运河时,是亲吻你心爱的人的好去处。但这个名字所指的叹息并不是因为你凝视着你亲爱的眼睛。这座封闭的桥于1600年完工,将新监狱(Prigioni Nuove)与总督府的审讯室连接起来,据说囚犯最后一次看到美丽的威尼斯是在这座桥上。这足以让人叹息。

Bridge of Sighs in Venice, Italy

Beneath Venice's Ponte dei Sospiri (Bridge of Sighs), is a popular place to kiss your beloved as your gondolier guides you through the city's canals. But the sighs that the name refers to aren't from staring into your darling's eyes. The enclosed bridge, completed in 1600, connects the Prigioni Nuove (New Prison) to the interrogation rooms in the Doge's Palace, and it is said that a prisoner's last look at beautiful Venice would be on that bridge. And that's reason enough to sigh indeed.

巴尔干中央国家公园的布罗肯现象,保加利亚 Brocken specter in Central Balkan National Park, Bulgaria (© Maya Karkalicheva/Getty Images)

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巴尔干中央国家公园的布罗肯现象保加利亚 Brocken specter in Central Balkan National Park, Bulgaria (© Maya Karkalicheva/Getty Images)

上的幽灵 A ghost on the mountain


万圣节即将来临,我们呈现了布洛克幽灵的鬼影。尽管出现了,而且这个赛季,布罗肯幽灵并没有什么超自然现象。这是观察者在半空中投射在强源对面的上的放大阴影。布罗肯幽灵是罕见的,但在黎明时爬上一座山,爬上蒙蒙的山坡,你可能很幸运地看到了这种效果。尽管这种幽灵,也被称为布罗肯弓、山幽灵或布罗肯幽灵,可以出现在条件合适的任何地方,但德国哈兹山脉山峰布罗肯的浓雾创造了一个当地传说,这一现象由此得名。1780年,约翰·西尔伯施拉格(Johann Silberschlag)观察并描述了布罗肯幽灵,此后,有关该地区的文献中经常有记录。

Brocken specter in Central Balkan National Park, Bulgaria

With Halloween around the corner, we present the ghostly image of a Brocken specter. Despite appearances, and the season, there's nothing paranormal about a Brocken specter. It's the magnified shadow of an observer cast in midair upon a cloud opposite a strong light source. Brocken specters are rare but climb a mountain at dawn up to the misty slopes and you may be fortunate enough to witness the effect. While the specter, also known as a Brocken bow, mountain specter, or specter of the Brocken, can appear anywhere in which conditions are right, the thick fogs of the Brocken, a peak in the Harz Mountains in Germany, have created a local legend from which the phenomenon draws its name. The Brocken specter was observed and described by Johann Silberschlag in 1780 and has since been recorded often in literature about the region.

怪物公园里的奥库斯雕像, 意大利博马尔佐花园 Orcus sculpture in the Gardens of Bomarzo in Bomarzo, Italy (© Scott Wilson/Alamy)

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怪物公园里的奥库斯雕像, 意大利博马尔佐花园 Orcus sculpture in the Gardens of Bomarzo in Bomarzo, Italy (© Scott Wilson/Alamy)

怪物公园 Park of the Monsters


加入我们的万圣节前夕之旅,前往罗马西北约60英里的意大利小镇。我们要带你去博马佐,那里有一座曾经被遗忘的16世纪园,里面摆放着巨大的雕塑,这些雕塑的目的是唤起人们的愉悦。在我们的照片中,奥卡斯的嘴,一个罗马冥界之神,一个诅咒破坏者的惩罚者,给游客一种被深渊吞噬的感觉。在参观Parco dei Mostri(怪兽公园)期间,你会看到其他怪诞的景象,比如一条龙被狮子袭击,一个巨人撕碎一个人,以及汉尼拔的大象抓走一名罗马士兵。这些怪诞的人物在创作近500年后,仍然会让人产生一种发自内心的恐惧,也许这正是他们的本意。16世纪,博马佐的维奇诺·奥西尼公爵(Duke Vicino Orsini)委托他们来应对妻子去世的悲痛。

'Park of the Monsters,' Bomarzo, Italy

Join us for a pre-Halloween trip to a small Italian town about 60 miles northwest of Rome. We're taking you to Bomarzo, where a once-forgotten 16th-century garden holds monstrous sculptures that are meant to evoke anything but pleasure. In our photo, the mouth of Orcus, a Roman god of the underworld and punisher of broken oaths, gives visitors the feeling of being swallowed into the abyss. During a visit to the Parco dei Mostri (Park of the Monsters), as it's known, you'll come across other grotesque sights such as a dragon being attacked by lions, a giant shredding a man, and Hannibal's elephant snatching a Roman soldier. Nearly 500 years after their creation, the grotesque figures still conjure up a visceral horror, perhaps as they were always meant to do. They were commissioned by Bomarzo's Duke Vicino Orsini in the 16th century to cope with the grief of his wife's death.

玛利恩堡,德国莱茵兰-普法尔茨州采尔县附近 Marienburg near Zell, Rhineland-Palatinate, Germany (© Eiben, Hans Georg/Alamy)

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玛利恩堡,德国莱茵兰-普法尔茨州采尔县附近 Marienburg near Zell, Rhineland-Palatinate, Germany (© Eiben, Hans Georg/Alamy)

维尔茨堡美因畔的一座城堡 Riverside castle


马里恩堡是德国维尔茨堡市美因河畔的一座城堡。它是维尔茨堡的象征,近5个世纪以来一直是王子和主教的故乡。它自古以来就是一座要塞。1631年,瑞典古斯塔夫二世阿道夫(Gustav II Adolf)征服该地区后,城堡被重建为巴洛克式要塞。今天,它是一个公园博物馆

Marienburg, Rhineland-Palatinate

Marienburg is a castle on the River Main in Wurzburg, Germany. It is the symbol of Wurzburg and has been the home of princes and bishops for nearly 5 centuries. It has been a fortress since ancient times. After Gustav II Adolf of Sweden conquered the area in 1631, the castle was rebuilt as a Baroque fortress. Today, it is a park and museum.

中国桂林漓江国家公园的喀斯特山脉 Karst mountains in Guilin and Lijiang River National Park, China (© Sean Pavone/Alamy)

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中国桂林漓江国家公园喀斯特山脉 Karst mountains in Guilin and Lijiang River National Park, China (© Sean Pavone/Alamy)

绕 Misty mountain hop




Guilin and Lijiang River National Park, China

Mountains pierce the mist like dragon's teeth in this enchanting location. Though it may look like the setting of a fantasy story or science fiction epic, the remarkable Guilin and Lijiang River National Park is quite real.

The park is one of the most popular natural attractions in China. The Lijiang, or Li River, flows through the region's limestone karst landscape. It's the karst that gives the area its unusual geologic features, notably the cone-like hills covered in lush greenery, but also the craggy caves below the surface.

秋季的落羽杉,美国佐治亚州 Cypress trees in autumn, Georgia (© Chris Moore/Tandem Stills + Motion)

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季的落羽杉美国佐治亚州 Cypress trees in autumn, Georgia (© Chris Moore/Tandem Stills + Motion)

美国南部的别样秋景 Leaf-peeping Southern style




Bald cypress trees in Georgia

Fall foliage is the hallmark of autumn, when thoughts turn to flannel and corduroy, pumpkin spice and s'mores. Sunny days and crisp nights invite us to step outside to enjoy the changing colors of the leaves. While some may consider the maples of New England the leaf-peeping gold standard, others would give the prize to the aspens of the Rocky Mountains or the cypress trees of the South.

These bald cypress trees in Georgia turn brilliant shades of gold, orange, and crimson that rival their northern competitors. Most varieties of cypress are evergreen, but bald cypresses are deciduous—their lacy needles turn this vibrant copper color in autumn, fall in winter, then the trees grow a new set of needles in the spring. Bald cypresses are native to the southeastern US and flourish in the Mississippi River basin along the Gulf Coast. They're a familiar sight in the bayous of Louisiana and also grow in the coastal plains of the mid-Atlantic, like this regal grove. Bald cypresses thrive in wet conditions like riverbanks and swamps. Commonly reaching well over 100 feet tall, these slow growers provide important habitat for amphibians, fish, and birds, and they protect coastlines from erosion and flooding. If you're in the area this time of year, head to the swamp to see the autumn display before the gentle giants shed their fall outfits.

秋天的图林根森林与瓦特堡城堡,德国 Thuringian Forest in autumn with Wartburg Castle, Germany (© ezypix/Getty Images)

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秋天图林根森林与瓦特堡城堡德国 Thuringian Forest in autumn with Wartburg Castle, Germany (© ezypix/Getty Images)

等等,这上得有座城堡! 'Wait, mountain—you shall bear my castle!'



关于沃特堡的命名,有一些巧妙的文字游戏正在进行。”“Warte”是德语中“watchtower”和“wait”的意思传统认为,城堡的创建者惊呼“Warte,Berg du sollst mir eine Burg tragen!”或者“等等,大山,你将承受我的城堡!”看到位置后。注意那句引语中的“berg”和“burg”,它们分别翻译为山和堡垒。因此,在德国将单词拼凑在一起的伟大传统中,沃特堡这个名字应运而生。


Wartburg Castle overlooking Thuringian Forest in Germany

As you glance over today's photo of the trees changing color in Thuringian Forest in Germany, make note of the castle in the distance. That's Wartburg, a castle built in the Middle Ages that holds significance to people of faith. It was the home of the Catholic Saint Elizabeth of Thuringia, and also where Martin Luther translated the New Testament into German while in exile. It's the area's most popular tourist attraction and has been recognized for its quintessential medieval architecture.

There's some clever wordplay going on regarding how Wartburg was named. 'Warte' is German for both 'watchtower' and 'wait.' Tradition suggests the castle's founder exclaimed 'Warte, Berg—du sollst mir eine Burg tragen!' or 'Wait, mountain—you shall bear my castle!' upon seeing the location. Note the 'berg' and 'burg' in that quote, which translate to mountain and fortress, respectively. And so in the grand German tradition of mashing words together, the name Wartburg came to be.

If the castle isn't of interest to you, Thuringian Forest, known as the Green Heart of Germany, has plenty of its own charm for tourists. The oldest and most popular long-distance hiking trail in Germany, the Rennsteig, runs for about 110 miles within the forest. If you're out for a hike you'll notice the general quietness of the area and fresh, unpolluted air. You may even happen upon the tiny villages that pepper the area and have a reputation for welcoming outsiders.

克里斯蒂安王子之声,格陵兰岛 Prince Christian Sound in southern Greenland (© Posnov/Getty Images)

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克里斯蒂安王子之声,格陵兰岛 Prince Christian Sound in southern Greenland (© Posnov/Getty Images)

一座北部屿的南端 Southern tip of a northern isle




Prince Christian Sound in southern Greenland

The sheer size of Greenland is hard to put in perspective. The world's largest island is more than 836,000 square miles—that's more than three times the size of Texas and more than 170,000 square miles larger than Alaska. It is a land of deep fjords and ice that must have made the Norse explorers who landed there a thousand years ago feel right at home.

Today we find ourselves at the southern tip of Greenland, in Prince Christian Sound, a long, narrow fjord system 60 miles long, at times as narrow as 1,500 feet across. It flows through steep canyons of granite that soar over 1,200 feet above. The placid calm of these waters is frequently disrupted by calving glaciers, breaching whales, and the cruise ships that visit the region. The only human habitation in this frozen landscape is the Inuit village of Aappilattoq, home to about 100 people.