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复活节岛上的摩艾石像,智利 Moai statues on Easter Island, Chile (© Karine Aigner/Tandem Stills + Motion)
复活节岛上的摩艾石像,智利 Moai statues on Easter Island, Chile (© Karine Aigner/Tandem Stills + Motion)
摩艾石像 Big rocks, big heads
Moai statues on Easter Island, Chile
Today we're looking at something you may have heard about before—the famous Moai statues on Chile's remote Easter Island. These big-headed statues were carved out of solidified volcanic ash by the Rapa Nui people between 1250 and 1500, and there are nearly 1,000 of them on the island. Archaeologists believe they were meant to honor Rapa Nui ancestors and were revered as symbols of power and authority. All but seven of the statues face away from the surrounding Pacific Ocean, and instead look inward toward the villages, as if positioned to watch protectively over the Rapa Nui.
春节的桃花和红灯笼 Close-Up Of Red Flowers On Tree (© David Ng+EyeEm/Getty Images)
春节的桃花和红灯笼 Close-Up Of Red Flowers On Tree (© David Ng+EyeEm/Getty Images)
春节快乐,兔年大吉! Happy the Year of Rabbit!
Mountain hare hopping into Lunar New Year
Today is the start of the Lunar New Year, which ushers in the Year of the Rabbit. Those born under the sign of the rabbit are believed to be ingenious, sweet, happy, quiet, and persistent. Famous rabbits include Albert Einstein, Frank Sinatra, Lionel Messi, and Ingrid Bergman. The Lunar New Year celebration starts with the first new moon in January and goes for the next 15 days, until the year's first full moon lights up the night sky. Historically it has been an occasion for feasting and honoring deities as well as ancestors. We're doing our part by sharing this lovely winter image of a mountain hare in Derbyshire, England.
除夕夜的中国新年灯笼 Chinese new year lanterns (© Toa55/Getty Images)
除夕夜的中国新年灯笼 Chinese new year lanterns (© Toa55/Getty Images)
爆竹声中一岁除 Happy Chinese New Year's Eve
帕克城, 美国犹他州 Park City, Utah (© Kruck20/Getty Images)
帕克城, 美国犹他州 Park City, Utah (© Kruck20/Getty Images)
圣丹斯上空的云彩 Clouds dance above Sundance
Sundance Film Festival opens in Park City
As beautiful as this vista is, most of today's visitors to Park City are there to spend the day inside. Sundance Film Festival, the nation's biggest celebration of independent cinema, opens today and runs through January 29. The careers of Hollywood directors such as Quentin Tarantino and Steven Soderbergh were launched here, and every year a new crop of greenhorns arrives in this mountain enclave with the dream that they'll leave with a distribution deal.
It's a common misconception that the festival was founded by Robert Redford. It was actually started as the Utah Film Festival in Salt Lake City in 1978 by Sterling Van Wagenen, who then brought on Redford as chairman. Redford has remained involved with the festival ever since, presiding over its move to Park City and transformation into the largest festival of its kind in the United States. In the past decade, Sundance London and Sundance Hong Kong have expanded the mission of the Sundance Institute.
白沙国家公园,美国新墨西哥州 White Sands National Park, New Mexico (© Andrea Harrell/Tandem Stills + Motion)
白沙国家公园,美国新墨西哥州 White Sands National Park, New Mexico (© Andrea Harrell/Tandem Stills + Motion)
世界最大的石膏沙漠 The largest gypsum dune field
White Sands National Park turns 90
If today's photo evokes some chilly feelings inside of you, surprise! That's not snow, but part of the largest gypsum dune field on the planet. We're at White Sands National Park in New Mexico, which was first established as a monument on this date in 1933 and then became a national park in 2019. Roughly 4.5 billion tons of gypsum sand has massed in the Tularosa Basin over the past 12,000 years, having worn off the surrounding mountains. Thousands of species live in the park, many of which have evolved to have white coloration, allowing them to blend into the environment.
穆涅略斯自然保护区,西班牙 Muniellos Nature Reserve in Asturias, Spain (© Andres M. Dominguez/Minden Pictures)
穆涅略斯自然保护区,西班牙 Muniellos Nature Reserve in Asturias, Spain (© Andres M. Dominguez/Minden Pictures)
树木之美 Beauty comes in trees
Muniellos Nature Reserve
The Muniellos Nature Reserve is one of Spain's best-preserved forests of Quercus robur, otherwise known as common oak, European oak, or English oak. The 13,560-acre reserve in Asturias province also includes sessile oaks, seen in our photo alongside beech trees.
In the 1970s logging was banned in the reserve. Soon after, hunting was also banned. Today, even human access to this UNESCO-designated biosphere is carefully controlled. There's a visitor center, and that's about as far as most tourists are allowed. We're just glad we have photos of this incredible forest.
麦切纳山和结冰的亚伯拉罕湖,加拿大艾伯塔省 Mount Michener and a frozen Abraham Lake in Alberta, Canada (© Tom Mackie/plainpicture)
横贯图尔库的奥拉河, 芬兰 Aura River in Turku, Finland (© Jarmo Piironen/Alamy)
横贯图尔库的奥拉河, 芬兰 Aura River in Turku, Finland (© Jarmo Piironen/Alamy)
Aura River in Turku, Finland
The Turku Cathedral rises above the frosted forests near the mouth of the Aura River, which runs through the middle of Turku, Finland.
Originally built out of wood in the late 13th century, the cathedral was expanded in the 14th and 15th centuries, mainly using stone as construction material. This would prove wise, as the Great Fire of Turku consumed much of the city in 1827 and badly damaged the cathedral. It was rebuilt over the next few years.
博斯普鲁斯海峡的如梅利堡垒,土耳其伊斯坦布尔 Rumelihisarı on the Bosporus Strait at Istanbul, Türkiye (© Drone in Wonderland/Amazing Aerial Agency)
博斯普鲁斯海峡的如梅利堡垒,土耳其伊斯坦布尔 Rumelihisarı on the Bosporus Strait at Istanbul, Türkiye (© Drone in Wonderland/Amazing Aerial Agency)
两大洲交接的地方 Where two continents meet
Rumelihisarı in Istanbul, Türkiye
Though Türkiye usually lives up to expectations as a warm Mediterranean country, snow occasionally falls here. This winter dusting of Istanbul, Türkiye's largest city, brings into sharper focus the lines of Rumelihisarı in the center of our image. The structure, also known as Rumeli Fortress, was built in the 15th century by an Ottoman sultan as a way to choke naval traffic through the narrow Bosporus Strait. The Bosporus connects the Sea of Marmara to the Black Sea, separating Istanbul into what is often referred to as its 'European side' and 'Asian side.' Today, the fortress isn't used to fire upon ships but serves as a museum and concert venue. While the place has changed over the centuries, the killer view hasn't.