
巴尼亚群岛,苏门答腊,印度尼西亚 Banyak Islands, Sumatra, Indonesia (© fbxx/Getty Imagesz)

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巴尼亚群岛苏门答腊印度尼西亚 Banyak Islands, Sumatra, Indonesia (© fbxx/Getty Imagesz)

赞美热带 Celebrating the tropics



International Day of the Tropics

On the International Day of the Tropics, we are in the Banyak Islands of Indonesia, a group of more than 70 islands, most of which are uninhabited and unnamed. The Banyak Islands offer miles of pristine sandy beaches, lush green trees, and clear waters as far as the eyes can see. This tropical paradise also boasts some great surfing and snorkeling spots and draws millions of visitors a year.

But the tropics, roughly defined as the area above and below the equator between the Tropic of Cancer and Tropic of Capricorn, face various challenges including climate change, urbanization, and high levels of poverty. They also make up approximately one-third of the Earth’s landmass and are home to about 40% of the world’s population. On June 29, International Day of the Tropics celebrates the uniqueness and biodiversity of the tropics, while highlighting their challenges and progress made to address them.

韦尔纳扎,五渔村,意大利 Vernazza in the Cinque Terre region of Italy (© Rubin Versigny/Getty Images)

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韦尔纳扎,五渔村,意大利 Vernazza in the Cinque Terre region of Italy (© Rubin Versigny/Getty Images)

天堂之景! A paradise view!




塞多纳,亚利桑那州,美国 Sedona, Arizona (© Jonathan Ross/Getty Images)

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塞多纳,亚利桑那州,美国 Sedona, Arizona (© Jonathan Ross/Getty Images)

红石的土地 Red rock country



Sedona, Arizona

Stunning sandstone cliffs rise from the desert floor amid spectacular scenery here in Sedona, Arizona, also known as Red Rock Country. Adventure enthusiasts come to enjoy the beautiful trails that dot the region, which is also steeped in Native American history. The earliest settlers are believed to have been the Ancestral Puebloans, who inhabited the area around 1,400 years ago. Without any written history, most of the information about these ancient people comes from the archaeological ruins that remain, including cliff dwellings built under overhangs in the area's red sandstone rocks. Other Native American groups came to the area such as the Hakataya, the Hohokam, the Sinagua, and the modern-day tribes that live in Arizona today, the Tonto Apache and the Yavapai.

维朗德里城堡及花园,卢瓦尔河谷,法国 Château de Villandry and its garden, Loire Valley, France (© VLADJ55/Shutterstock)

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维朗德里城堡花园,卢瓦尔河谷法国 Château de Villandry and its garden, Loire Valley, France (© VLADJ55/Shutterstock)

奢华的迷宫 A labyrinth of luxury



Château de Villandry, France

The Château de Villandry in France is renowned for its exquisite gardens that are considered a masterpiece of Renaissance horticulture. The gardens, which are divided into sections, feature geometric patterns, vibrant flowerbeds, serene water elements, and meticulously trimmed hedges. Each section has its own theme, ranging from ornamental to practical, and is bursting with a stunning blend of colors and textures. The château's gardens showcase the harmonious relationship between architecture and nature. Stunning gardens have surrounded the château since it was built in 1532, but their appearance changed drastically over the centuries. After Joachim Carvallo acquired the estate, he spent 10 years from 1918 reinventing and restoring the Renaissance formal gardens. Other elements have been added in the decades since and the gardens continue to captivate visitors to this day.

佩特拉的宝库,约旦 Al-Khazneh (the Treasury), Petra, Jordan (© WitthayaP/Shutterstock)

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佩特拉的宝库,约旦 Al-Khazneh (the Treasury), Petra, Jordan (© WitthayaP/Shutterstock)

一座宝库 A temple to treasure




Al-Khazneh in Petra, Jordan

Welcome to the ancient temple of Al-Khazneh in the desert city of Petra, Jordan. Carved out of a single sandstone rock about 2,000 years ago by the Nabataean people, it is believed to have been a mausoleum for King Aretas IV. Standing 141 feet tall, its massive doorway is framed with towering columns and intricate carvings. It is the most recognizable structure of this 'rose city' of temples and tombs carved from pink sandstone.

The Nabataeans, the original inhabitants of Petra, were skilled architects who built an impressive network of cisterns and water channels here. Once a thriving center, Petra is thought to have been largely abandoned around the 8th century and was 'lost' to the Western world until the 19th century. Only the Bedouin people, who lived in the surrounding desert, knew of it, and it is they who are thought to have named it Al-Khazneh, believing it contained treasures.

芽富湾,芽庄,越南 Nha Phu Bay, Nha Trang, Vietnam (© Thang Tat Nguyen/Getty Images)

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芽富,芽庄,越南 Nha Phu Bay, Nha Trang, Vietnam (© Thang Tat Nguyen/Getty Images)

海湾之美 Beauty by the bay



Nha Phu Bay, Nha Trang, Vietnam

Nha Phu Bay is a hidden treasure near the Vietnamese city of Nha Trang. Visitors from all over the world come here to snorkel, go island hopping, savor delicious seafood, and enjoy water sports. Hon Mun Island in Nha Trang Bay is the site of Vietnam's only official marine reserve. Here you can explore coral reefs teeming with fish, including snakeheads and cyprinids. Among the bay's popular attractions are Monkey Island which, as the name suggests, is home to gray-haired and red-faced monkeys, and Orchid Island, which boasts a great variety of orchid species.

在加利福尼亚州圣地亚哥举行的“为团结划桨”活动 'Paddle Out for Unity' event in San Diego, California (© Brandon Colbert Photography/Getty Images)

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加利福尼亚州圣地亚哥举行的“为团结划桨”活动 'Paddle Out for Unity' event in San Diego, California (© Brandon Colbert Photography/Getty Images)

桨叶动力 Paddle power


每年 6 月的第三个星期六,人们都会聚集在一起参加冲浪比赛、烧烤、海滩清理和其他活动,以帮助恢复和保护海洋环境。
为一项事业走到一起是全球冲浪社区的标志,无论是为了自然还是为了反对不公正,正如他们在 2020

冲浪的历史可以追溯到12世纪的波利尼西亚,那里的人民将这项传统带到了夏威夷。冲浪运动于1885 年在加利福尼亚州圣克鲁斯附近首次在美国亮相,当时四位夏威夷王子在红木板上冲浪圣洛伦佐。如今,冲浪运动已遍布全球。

International Surfing Day

International Surfing Day promotes the protection of the ocean alongside celebrating the sport itself, every year on the third Saturday in June. People gather for surfing contests, barbeques, beach cleanups, and other activities to help restore the ocean environment. Coming together for a cause is a hallmark of the global surfing community, whether campaigning for cleaner waters or standing together against injustice, as they did at the Paddle Out for Unity gathering in 2020 in Encinitas, California, pictured on our homepage.

Surfing traces back to 12th-century Polynesia, whose people carried the tradition to Hawaii. The sport made its US debut in 1885 near Santa Cruz, California, when four Hawaiian princes surfed the San Lorenzo River on redwood boards. Today, surfing has expanded around the world.

同步萤火虫,大烟山国家公园,田纳西州,美国 Synchronous fireflies, Great Smoky Mountains National Park, Tennessee (© Floris Van Bruegel/Minden Pictures)

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同步萤火虫,大烟国家公园田纳西州,美国 Synchronous fireflies, Great Smoky Mountains National Park, Tennessee (© Floris Van Bruegel/Minden Pictures)

一闪一闪亮晶晶(的小虫子) Twinkle, twinkle, little bugs



Nature Photography Day

Towering trees, rushing streams, and luminous fireflies combine to create this magical landscape in Tennessee's Great Smoky Mountains National Park. The park is famous for its firefly season between May and June when these 'lightning bugs' gather to put on a light show as part of a mating display. Today, we celebrate the anniversary of this magnificent national park, as well as Nature Photography Day. There may be no better subject than the lightning bug to mark the day—as photography is the art of capturing light in lasting images.

多瑙河畔的帕绍市,巴伐利亚,德国 The city of Passau reflecting in the Danube river, Bavaria, Germany (© Scott Wilson/Alamy)

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多瑙河畔的帕绍市,巴伐利亚德国 The city of Passau reflecting in the Danube river, Bavaria, Germany (© Scott Wilson/Alamy)

巴洛克风盛宴 A Baroque treasure




奥克弗诺基沼泽木板路上的西班牙苔藓,佐治亚州,美国 Spanish moss trees over a boardwalk in the Okefenokee Swamp, Folkston, Georgia (© Emmer Photo/Alamy)

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奥克弗诺基沼泽木板路上的西班牙苔藓,佐治亚州美国 Spanish moss trees over a boardwalk in the Okefenokee Swamp, Folkston, Georgia (© Emmer Photo/Alamy)

你是否有勇气进入这片茂密的沼泽 Dare to delve into this dense swamp



Okefenokee Swamp

The Okefenokee Swamp, on the border of Georgia and Florida, is the largest intact freshwater swamp in the US. Its slow-moving blackwaters are stained by tannins from decaying organic matter and this vast ecosystem, covering 700 square miles, is packed with wildlife. Herons, cranes, bitterns, American alligators, turtles, snakes, frogs, and Florida black bears are among creatures who roam the swamp, which is largely protected by the Okefenokee National Wildlife Refuge. In the early years of the 20th century, part of the swamp was logged, and its peat deposits were mined for use as fuel. Remnants of railroad lines can still be seen crossing swamp waterways as well as other equipment dating from its time as a logging area.