标签 城堡 下的文章

阿赫雷湖畔的泰莫特罗萨克斯城堡酒店,苏格兰 Tigh Mor Trossachs on Loch Achray, Scotland (© Fortunato Gatto/eStock Photo)

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阿赫雷畔的泰莫特罗萨克斯城堡酒店苏格兰 Tigh Mor Trossachs on Loch Achray, Scotland (© Fortunato Gatto/eStock Photo)

重温往日辉煌 Reflecting its stylish past today

苏格兰Achray湖上的Tigh Mor Trossachs

童话城堡?检查迷人的苏格兰背景?检查平静,宁静的湖水?检查如果Tigh Mor在你看来像田园诗一样,你并不孤单。维多利亚女王在这里度过了全盛时期,尽管这座建于1849年的老酒店多年来衰落了,但耗资数百万美元的修复让它重新回到了昔日的辉煌。

Tigh Mor坐落在苏格兰特罗萨赫的Achray湖上方,这一地区的景色令人惊叹,让艺术家和画家如飞蛾扑火。作家们也受到了它的美丽的启发:早在19世纪初,沃尔特·斯科特爵士的诗歌《湖中的女士》和小说《罗布·罗伊》就激起了人们对游览这片被称为“特罗萨克斯”的森林峡谷、布雷斯和水道的兴趣


Tigh Mor Trossachs on Loch Achray, Scotland

Fairy-tale castle? Check. Stunning Scottish backdrop? Check. Calm, tranquil loch? Check. If Tigh Mor looks idyllic to you, you're not alone. Queen Victoria spent time here in its heyday, and though the old hotel (it was built in 1849) declined over the years, a multimillion-dollar restoration has brought it right back to its former glory.

Tigh Mor sits above Loch Achray in Scotland's Trossachs, a region with scenery so stunning it draws artists and painters like moths to a flame. Writers are also inspired by its beauty: Way back in the early 1800s Sir Walter Scott's poem 'The Lady of the Lake' and novel 'Rob Roy' stirred interest in visiting this area of wooded glens, braes, and waterways called 'Trossachs.'

Today many visitors hike or bike the Trossachs Trail, a beautiful 40-mile route that starts at Loch Lomond and winds along rivers and through woods, offering family-friendly adventures as well as challenges for mountain bikers and rock-climbers. More of a water person? The Trossachs are also great for canoeing, kayaking, paddle boarding, sailing, swimming, and fishing on rivers and lochs aplenty.

玛利恩堡,德国莱茵兰-普法尔茨州采尔县附近 Marienburg near Zell, Rhineland-Palatinate, Germany (© Eiben, Hans Georg/Alamy)

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玛利恩堡,德国莱茵兰-普法尔茨州采尔县附近 Marienburg near Zell, Rhineland-Palatinate, Germany (© Eiben, Hans Georg/Alamy)

维尔茨堡美因畔的一座城堡 Riverside castle


马里恩堡是德国维尔茨堡市美因河畔的一座城堡。它是维尔茨堡的象征,近5个世纪以来一直是王子和主教的故乡。它自古以来就是一座要塞。1631年,瑞典古斯塔夫二世阿道夫(Gustav II Adolf)征服该地区后,城堡被重建为巴洛克式要塞。今天,它是一个公园博物馆

Marienburg, Rhineland-Palatinate

Marienburg is a castle on the River Main in Wurzburg, Germany. It is the symbol of Wurzburg and has been the home of princes and bishops for nearly 5 centuries. It has been a fortress since ancient times. After Gustav II Adolf of Sweden conquered the area in 1631, the castle was rebuilt as a Baroque fortress. Today, it is a park and museum.

秋天的图林根森林与瓦特堡城堡,德国 Thuringian Forest in autumn with Wartburg Castle, Germany (© ezypix/Getty Images)

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秋天图林根森林与瓦特堡城堡德国 Thuringian Forest in autumn with Wartburg Castle, Germany (© ezypix/Getty Images)

等等,这上得有座城堡! 'Wait, mountain—you shall bear my castle!'



关于沃特堡的命名,有一些巧妙的文字游戏正在进行。”“Warte”是德语中“watchtower”和“wait”的意思传统认为,城堡的创建者惊呼“Warte,Berg du sollst mir eine Burg tragen!”或者“等等,大山,你将承受我的城堡!”看到位置后。注意那句引语中的“berg”和“burg”,它们分别翻译为山和堡垒。因此,在德国将单词拼凑在一起的伟大传统中,沃特堡这个名字应运而生。


Wartburg Castle overlooking Thuringian Forest in Germany

As you glance over today's photo of the trees changing color in Thuringian Forest in Germany, make note of the castle in the distance. That's Wartburg, a castle built in the Middle Ages that holds significance to people of faith. It was the home of the Catholic Saint Elizabeth of Thuringia, and also where Martin Luther translated the New Testament into German while in exile. It's the area's most popular tourist attraction and has been recognized for its quintessential medieval architecture.

There's some clever wordplay going on regarding how Wartburg was named. 'Warte' is German for both 'watchtower' and 'wait.' Tradition suggests the castle's founder exclaimed 'Warte, Berg—du sollst mir eine Burg tragen!' or 'Wait, mountain—you shall bear my castle!' upon seeing the location. Note the 'berg' and 'burg' in that quote, which translate to mountain and fortress, respectively. And so in the grand German tradition of mashing words together, the name Wartburg came to be.

If the castle isn't of interest to you, Thuringian Forest, known as the Green Heart of Germany, has plenty of its own charm for tourists. The oldest and most popular long-distance hiking trail in Germany, the Rennsteig, runs for about 110 miles within the forest. If you're out for a hike you'll notice the general quietness of the area and fresh, unpolluted air. You may even happen upon the tiny villages that pepper the area and have a reputation for welcoming outsiders.

奇陶尔加尔堡,印度 Chittorgarh Fort, India (© Anand Purohit/Getty Images)

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奇陶尔加尔堡,印度 Chittorgarh Fort, India (© Anand Purohit/Getty Images)

古代中世纪城堡 Medieval castle

Chittorgarh Fort Rajasthan India

At 8 miles in circumference, the Chittorgarh Fort is one of the largest forts in India, a nation with scores of ancient and medieval fortresses. For starters there are seven massive gates from which to enter. Inside you'll find four palaces and 19 temples. At one time there were almost 100 bodies of water, most of them ponds fed by natural catchment and rainfall, although now there are only 20. Chittorgarh ('garh' means 'fort,' so it's also known as Chittor Fort) is so old, no one is sure exactly when it was built, although reports of its earliest capture go back to the 8th century. It is one of a cluster of six large forts in the northwestern state of Rajasthan referred to as the Hill Forts of Rajasthan, all of them collectively designated a UNESCO World Heritage Site. We're featuring this important and ancient complex on India's 75th Independence Day, one of India's three national holidays.

On August 15, 1947, India officially broke free of Great Britain and became a sovereign and democratic nation with the speedy passage of the Indian Independence Act. The paperwork might have been fast, but the struggle for independence from British rule lasted 90 years and cost many Indian lives. The British controlled the Indian subcontinent for nearly 200 years, after winning the decisive Battle of Plassey in 1757. The victory allowed the English East India Company to eventually exercise control over most of the rest of the Indian subcontinent, Burma, and Afghanistan. East India remained the supreme authority in India for a century until 1857 when a massive rebellion by civilians and Indian soldiers against the company was suppressed, resulting in direct British rule, referred to as the British raj.

The ensuing decades saw the formation of the Indian National Congress, the rise of Indian nationalism, various armed rebellions, and many acts of civil disobedience led by Mahatma Gandhi and others, before independence was finally achieved. While India as we know it is still a very young nation, the Chittor Fort reminds us the land and people that created modern India have endured and thrived for millennia.





塔菲拉勒地区的一座古老古堡, 摩洛哥 An old kasbah in the Tafilalet region, Morocco (© José Antonio Moreno/agefotostock)

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塔菲拉勒地区的一座古老古堡, 摩洛哥 An old kasbah in the Tafilalet region, Morocco (© José Antonio Moreno/agefotostock)

沙海中的绿洲 An oasis in a sea of sand

Tafilalet oasis in Morocco

Tafilalet means 'jug' in the language of the ancient Amazigh people (aka Berbers), and that's surely an appropriate moniker for the largest oasis in Morocco. After the first permanent settlement of the region, Sijilmassa, was founded in 757 CE, Tafilalet became a stopping point for caravans traveling from the Niger River to Tangier on the northern tip of Morocco and the gateway to Europe.

The oasis here at Tafilalet thrives thanks to underground springs and wells, which are supplied by sandstone aquifers that can be hundreds of miles away. Surrounded by the dry sands of the Sahara, the lifegiving waters here at Tafilalet support miles of date palm groves, a major industry in North Africa. Over the centuries, several villages have sprung up in this oasis, some of them with fortified kasbahs like this one, to withstand attacks from invaders.




下莱茵省的胡内城堡,法国阿尔萨斯大区 Château de Hunebourg, Bas-Rhin, Alsace, France (© Leonid Andronov/Alamy)

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下莱茵省的胡内城堡法国阿尔萨斯大区 Château de Hunebourg, Bas-Rhin, Alsace, France (© Leonid Andronov/Alamy)

12世纪的历史遗迹 The castle of a thousand and one lives

Château de Hunebourg

Today, we take a breath of fresh air, nature and history with this view of the Alsatian castle of Hunenbourg, located west of Neuwiller-lès-Saverne, in the Bas-Rhin, in Alsace. The castle of Hunebourg, listed as a Historic Monument since June 2007, is installed on a sandstone rock 425 meters above sea level and accessible by the Zinsel valley.

Formerly owned by the Counts of Hunebourg, the castle was built in the 12th century. Years after years, it passed from hand to hand. In the second half of the 20th century, the castle became what it still is today, a hotel.

The site welcomes its visitors in an exceptional natural setting where you can still admire the remains of the original building such as the floors and furniture, the cave of Love, which was used as a place for romantic dates, reconstructed by Spieser, or the markers of divided areas.





梅萨维德国家公园的方形塔楼,美国科罗拉多州 Square Tower House in Mesa Verde National Park, Colorado (© lightphoto/Getty Images)

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梅萨维德国家公园的方形塔楼,美国科罗拉多州 Square Tower House in Mesa Verde National Park, Colorado (© lightphoto/Getty Images)

普韦布洛城堡 Castle of the Ancestral Puebloans

Square Tower House in Mesa Verde National Park

We continue our celebration of National Park Week (through April 24)–and the UNESCO International Day for Monuments and Sites–with a visit to the impressive Square Tower House in Mesa Verde National Park. Square Tower House is one of many cliff dwellings constructed by the Ancestral Puebloans in what is now the American Southwest. At 27 feet, it's the tallest structure in the park. Square Tower House is also notable for its kiva, a round, sunken room used for ceremonies. Unlike most of the ancient kivas found in the region, the kiva at Square Tower House has an intact original clay roof supported by wooden beams.

Ancestral Puebloans lived in today's Four Corners region, where the borders of Colorado, Utah, Arizona, and New Mexico meet at a single point. It's unclear when exactly this culture emerged, but the current consensus is that the Ancestral Puebloans appeared in this area a little more than 3,000 years ago. They're believed to have built the series of cliff dwellings for defensive reasons as various factions competed for scarce resources when the region suffered from a prolonged drought. It's thought that the changing climate eventually became so severe that it likely drove them from the cliff dwellings sometime around 1300 CE, just a century or so after construction began. Today, many of the cliff dwellings have been restored and visitors can view the homes and kivas of the builders.




孚日山脉上的国王城堡,法国阿尔萨斯 The Château du Haut-Kœnigsbourg in the Vosges mountains, Alsace, France (© Leonid Andronov/Shutterstock)

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孚日山脉上的国王城堡法国阿尔萨斯 The Château du Haut-Kœnigsbourg in the Vosges mountains, Alsace, France (© Leonid Andronov/Shutterstock)

Haut-Koenigsbourg Castle

Haut-Koenigsbourg Castle is an old medieval castle left over from the Vosges Mountains in the Alsace region of northeastern France. It has a history of 850 years, and due to its proper preservation, this allows us to see what it looked like back then. Also, you can have an overlook of the city of Alsace from the top of a hill...

The castle was built in the 12th century to monitor the trade routes of silver and wine. It was destroyed in the Thirty Years' War in the 17th century and rebuilt in the early 20th century. Today, it is a popular tourist destination, visited by 500,000 people every year, as a museum displaying medieval weapons and Renaissance frescoes.


