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阿卡迪亚国家公园上空的银河系,美国缅因州 Milky Way over Acadia National Park, Maine (© Harry Collins/Getty Images)

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阿卡迪亚国家公园上空的银河系,美国缅因州 Milky Way over Acadia National Park, Maine (© Harry Collins/Getty Images)

繁星闪烁的夜晚 Starry, starry night

Acadia National Park, Maine

This striking photo lets us showcase two noteworthy events in one day, at no extra charge. (You’re welcome.) National Public Lands Day is observed on the fourth Saturday in September, and today’s also part of the Acadia Night Sky Festival, which celebrates the starlit skies over Maine’s gem of a national park.

It’s easy to take our national parks for granted. We certainly appreciate them and enjoy visiting, but today’s commemoration reminds us that they also need our help. National Public Lands Day turns the spotlight on parks and other public lands, inviting everyone to explore but also to volunteer to plant trees, work on trail-maintenance projects, and more. As a bonus: Admission is free today at national parks, monuments, and other participating federal sites.

Acadia is one of the smallest of the nation's 63 national parks, though it attracts an impressive 3 million visitors a year. Aside from its natural beauty, Acadia has some of the most spectacular star-filled night skies in the eastern United States. The natural darkness is protected, with restrictions on outdoor lighting in the park and surrounding areas. The Acadia Night Sky Festival, which started on September 21 and continues through tomorrow, celebrates the natural darkness and the celestial star show. A favorite way to mark the occasion is by kayaking in Castine's harbor, where bioluminescent phytoplankton illuminate the water with a swirling, unearthly glow. With sparkling waters below and out-of-this-world stargazing above, it's been called Acadia's 'Floating Planetarium.'





最后一美元公路旁的白杨树,科罗拉多州特鲁莱德市附近 The aspen canopy along Last Dollar Road near Telluride, Colorado (© Grant Ordelheide/Tandem Stills + Motion)

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最后一美元公路旁的白杨科罗拉多州特鲁莱德市附近 The aspen canopy along Last Dollar Road near Telluride, Colorado (© Grant Ordelheide/Tandem Stills + Motion)

属于秋天的色彩 Fall colors

Autumnal equinox

This thicket of aspen trees is on the Last Dollar Road, an 18-mile scenic drive in southwest Colorado that is as dramatic as its name suggests, with switchbacks and stunning views of peaks and meadows and of course the aspen trees that paint the land come September. Aspens thrive in the cold winters and cool summers of Colorado, where they grow at altitudes between 5,000 to 11,000 feet, typically reaching heights of 50 feet. Their distinct, round leaves quake in the wind making it appear as if the trees are glittering in the sunlight. Aspens generally grow on west-facing slopes, gorging on the afternoon sun. They're among the world's largest living organisms because aspen groves share a single root system. They're also the state's only native deciduous tree and cover about a fifth of its forested land.


这片白杨树灌木丛位于科罗拉多州西南部的Last Dollar Road,这是一条18英里长的风景线,正如它的名字所暗示的那样引人注目,在这里可以看到山峰和草地的转弯和令人叹为观止的美景,当然,到了9月份,白杨树也将为这片土地锦上添。白杨在科罗拉多州的寒冷季和凉爽夏季生长旺盛,在那里它们生长在5000至11000英尺的高度,通常达到50英尺的高度。它们独特的圆形叶子在风中摇曳,使树木在阳下显得闪闪发光。白杨通常生长在向西的斜坡上,饱食午后的阳光。它们是世界上最大的生物之一,因为白杨树林共享一个单一的根系。它们也是该州唯一的本土落叶树,约占该州林地的五分之一。

春角礁灯塔,缅因州南波特兰 Spring Point Ledge Light in South Portland, Maine (© Haizhan Zheng/Getty Images)

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春角礁灯塔缅因州南波特兰 Spring Point Ledge Light in South Portland, Maine (© Haizhan Zheng/Getty Images)

一个小而强大的守护者 A small but mighty guardian

Spring Point Ledge Light

Spring Point Ledge Light warns boats approaching Portland Harbor of the hazardous ledge that it's named for. This underwater ridge reaches out into the shipping channel and was the cause of many shipwrecks in the late 19th century when the harbor was one of the busiest on the entire east coast. Built by the United States Army Corps of Engineers, Spring Point Ledge Light has been a reliable guardian of Casco Bay and Portland Harbor since 1897. The brick and cast-iron lighthouse earned its spot on the National Historic Register in 1988. In May 2022, people celebrated the 125th anniversary of the first time the lamp was lit, back when it guided schooners and hulking steamships safely to shore.



日本京都荒山竹林步道 Footpath in the Arashiyama Bamboo Grove, Kyoto, Japan (© Razvan Ciuca/Getty Images)

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日本京都竹林步道 Footpath in the Arashiyama Bamboo Grove, Kyoto, Japan (© Razvan Ciuca/Getty Images)

A grove glows green 小树林泛着绿色

arashiyama bamboo forest

One of the most photographed places in Japan is this otherworldly grove of towering bamboo. The Arashiyama Bamboo Grove in the outskirts of Kyoto is surrounded by temples and shrines along the Katsura River, rising as a manicured oasis of stories-high bamboo that seems to turn the world green. The former villas and temples of the old noble class are located near the Arashiyama Grove, and its single 500-yard path is usually filled with visitors wielding cameras and selfie sticks, making this serene view a rare one.

World Bamboo Day, celebrated September 18, was created in 2009 to bring attention to this useful and versatile plant that flourishes in East Asia. Though the tallest bamboo can grow up to 100 feet, bamboo is not a tree but a grass. Known for its light weight, strength, and rapid growth, bamboo can be used to make almost anything, from clothing to building materials—and its shoots can even be consumed as food. Because it grows as much as 3 feet in a day, it's a highly renewable resource. Though for the same reason, it's also an invasive species in some places, as a small stand of bamboo can quickly become a large one. While bamboo grows best in tropical and warm climates, it adapts well to cool temperatures and high altitudes. And though it might have the most cultural value in Asia, it grows wild in Africa, the Americas, and Australia, too. Could there be bamboo growing near you?




巴斯利卡塔的卡斯泰尔梅扎诺村,意大利 Village of Castelmezzano, Potenza, Basilicata, Italy (© Roberto Moiola/Getty Images)

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巴斯利卡塔的卡斯泰尔梅扎诺村,意大利 Village of Castelmezzano, Potenza, Basilicata, Italy (© Roberto Moiola/Getty Images)

峦间的辉之城 Shining city on the hill

Castelmezzano, Italy

What may appear to be an undulating ribbon of fire clinging to the side of a mountain is actually the medieval village of Castelmezzano, considered one of Italy's most beautiful and undiscovered places. The town is perched along the western side of the San Martino mountains in the southern part of the Italian Peninsula. The population of Castelmezzano has found protection on these craggy cliffs since it was first settled by Greeks around 2,500 years ago. The villagers who live there today speak a distinct but dying variant of Italian, and with an aging population, the village is hopeful it can find new arrivals who appreciate the old ways.

Looking for an unusual journey? Consider visiting Castelmezzano for the Volo dell'Angelo (Angel Flight), a high-speed zip line across the valley between Castelmezzano and neighboring Pietrapertosa that reaches speeds of more than 70 mph more than 1,300 feet off the ground. Hurtling through the air not your thing? Consider the enchanting Percorso delle Sette Pietre (Seven Stones Path), a literary walk based on ancient stories handed down orally. Each of the seven stations you'll visit has a huge stone statue that, as the visitor passes, activates voices and sounds, narratives and music. The 1.5-mile-long path connects the villages of Castelmezzano and Pietrapertosa.



寻找不寻常的旅程?考虑乘坐Volo dell’Angelo(天使航班)前往卡斯泰尔梅扎诺,这是一条横跨卡斯泰尔梅扎诺和邻近的彼得拉佩托萨之间山谷的高速拉链线路,其速度超过70英里/小时,离地面1300英尺以上。在空中飞驰不是你的事吗?想想迷人的珀科索·戴尔·塞特·皮特(七石之路),这是一部基于口头流传的古代故事的文学作品。你将参观的七个车站中的每一个都有一个巨大的石雕,当游客经过时,它会激活声音、故事和音乐。这条1.5英里长的小路连接了卡斯泰尔梅扎诺和彼得拉佩托萨两个村庄

罗兰豁口上空的银河,法国上比利牛斯省 Milky Way behind Roland's Breach in the Pyrenees, Hautes-Pyrénées, France (© SPANI Arnaud/Alamy)

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罗兰豁口上空的银河法国比利牛斯省 Milky Way behind Roland's Breach in the Pyrenees, Hautes-Pyrénées, France (© SPANI Arnaud/Alamy)

从天而降的魔法 Magic fallen from the sky

Roland's Breach in the Pyrenees

This is the kind of image in front of which one cannot help but emit a "wow" of wonder. We are in front of the Roland's Breach, located on the periphery of the Cirque de Gavarnie, in the Hautes-Pyrénées, and behind which flow the billions of stars of the Milky Way. Very popular with hikers, this gap is a natural hole, 40 meters wide and 70 meters deep. Located at an altitude of 2807 meters, it plays the role of a mountain pass which marks the border between Spain and France on all its width.

According to the legend, the breach was created by Roland, Charlemagne's nephew, while he was trying to destroy his sword by hitting it against the rock.

The Cirque de Gavarnie is one of the most impressive sites in the French Pyrenees and was even listed as a UNESCO World Heritage Site in 1997.





大理石峡谷中横跨科罗拉多河的纳瓦霍桥,美国亚利桑那州北部 Marble Canyon bridges over the Colorado River at the Glen Canyon National Recreation Area in northern Arizona (© trekandshoot/Alamy)

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大理石峡谷中横跨科罗拉多河的纳瓦霍美国亚利桑那州北部 Marble Canyon bridges over the Colorado River at the Glen Canyon National Recreation Area in northern Arizona (© trekandshoot/Alamy)

横跨峡谷裂缝的两座桥 Bridging the gap two ways

Happy birthday, bridges

Today we're taking a trip to a part of northern Arizona cut off from the rest of the state by the Colorado River and its deep canyons. No doubt you've heard of the Grand Canyon, but today is an important milestone to another canyon about 70 miles away. On this date in 1995, the twin Marble Canyon bridges, better known collectively as Navajo Bridge, were officially dedicated as the second bridge was installed.

The first, in place since 1929 when it was hailed as a 'modern marvel' and 'the biggest news in Southwest history,' had long been key to travel across the 834-foot gap of Marble Canyon. But as time passed, the area saw heavier vehicles and more traffic. After much debate about the impact on Native land and endangered plants, and the likelihood of debris falling into the river below, plans were developed for the $14.7 million, nearly identical second bridge. Now, Marble Canyon has two bridges, each about 470 feet over the Colorado River. The original serves as a path for humans and horses while the new bridge carries vehicles. Both bridges hold the title of ninth-highest in the United States (though the newer one is about three feet higher).


