
哈利路亚山,张家界国家森林公园,中国 'Avatar' Mountains, Zhangjiajie National Forest Park, China (© Amazing Aerial Premium/Shutterstock)

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哈利路亚张家界国家森林公园中国 'Avatar' Mountains, Zhangjiajie National Forest Park, China (© Amazing Aerial Premium/Shutterstock)

挑战地心引力的世界奇观 Gravity-defying wonders of the world



'Avatar Mountains,' Zhangjiajie National Forest Park, China

These stunning stone spires, rising from the forest in China's Hunan province, are said to have inspired the floating mountains of the movie 'Avatar.' There are more than 3,000 of these quartz-sandstone pillars in Zhangjiajie National Forest Park, often swathed in mist, part of a spectacular landscape that has inspired generations of painters. These days, they are popularly known as the 'Avatar Mountains' and one, the 3,544-foot-high Southern Sky Pillar, was officially renamed as 'Avatar Hallelujah Mountain' in 2010, the year after the blockbuster movie was released.

The spires sit within the wider Wulingyuan Scenic and Historic Interest Area, a UNESCO World Heritage Site, and attract millions of tourists each year who come to marvel at their otherworldly beauty. The park is dotted with numerous hiking trails and glass-bottomed skywalks, allowing visitors to enjoy panoramic views of this natural wonder.

罕肯瀑布,威尔斯格雷省立公园, 加拿大不列颠哥伦比亚省 Helmcken Falls, Wells Gray Provincial Park, British Columbia, Canada (© Laurens Verhoeven/Getty Images)

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罕肯瀑布,威尔斯格雷省立公园, 加拿大不列颠哥伦比亚省 Helmcken Falls, Wells Gray Provincial Park, British Columbia, Canada (© Laurens Verhoeven/Getty Images)

听它咆哮! Hear it roar!


罕肯瀑布 (Helmcken Falls) 坐落在威尔斯格雷省立公园 (Wells Gray Province Park) 内,是一处令人惊叹的自然奇观。 威尔斯格雷省立公园就是为了保护这座优美的瀑布而建立的。为政府工作的土地测量员罗伯特·亨利·李发现了这处大自然带给我们的天然珍宝。这座雄伟的瀑布是加拿大第五高的瀑布,从陡峭的大约有141米的高度火山悬崖上倾泻而下,释放出飘逸的气,在阳下翩翩起舞,也形成了彩虹与瀑布相互映衬的绝美景观。

基韦斯特的七英里大桥,佛罗里达州,美国 Seven Mile Bridge in the Florida Keys (© Evgeny Vasenev/Cavan Images)

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基韦斯特的七英里大佛罗里达州,美国 Seven Mile Bridge in the Florida Keys (© Evgeny Vasenev/Cavan Images)

一把通向屿的钥匙 A key to island travel




Overseas Highway, Florida Keys

Once upon a time, there lived a wealthy industrialist, Henry Flagler, who embarked on the herculean task of creating an overseas railway connecting mainland Florida to Key West. When it opened in 1912, it was dubbed the Eighth Wonder of the World. However, the triumph was short-lived. It was hit by a hurricane on Labor Day, 1935 and the railroad discontinued operations. The railway was sold to the US government and rebuilt as an automobile highway, opening in 1938.

These days, the Overseas Highway still stretches about 113 miles through the Florida Keys over 42 bridges, which jump from island to island over the Atlantic Ocean, Florida Bay, and the Gulf of Mexico. Many of the original bridges were replaced in 1982, including the longest, the Seven Mile Bridge pictured in the distance in our homepage image. Drivers crossing the Overseas Highway can still see remnants of some of the old bridges running alongside their replacements, including the Old Seven Mile Bridge, a section of which was renovated for cyclists and pedestrians. An engineering marvel, the ‘highway that goes to sea' has also featured in blockbusters like 'License to Kill' and 'True Lies.'

四月九日广场,陶尔米纳,西西里岛,意大利 Piazza IX Aprile, Taormina, Sicily, Italy (© rudi1976/Alamy)

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四月九日广场陶尔米纳西西里岛意大利 Piazza IX Aprile, Taormina, Sicily, Italy (© rudi1976/Alamy)

的矩形广场 A glowing square of squares



Piazza IX Aprile, Taormina, Sicily, Italy

Welcome to Taormina, an historic Italian resort built into a hillside high above the Ionian Sea on the coast of Sicily. From here you can take in panoramic views of the coast of Calabria, on the Italian mainland, the city of Syracuse, and Mount Etna, roughly 20 miles away.

Our homepage image shows the town's main square, the Piazza IX Aprile, with a Baroque church and bell tower, the Chiesa di San Giuseppe, and an historic clock tower. The square is seen as an elegant 'public living room' with many outdoor bars and artists waiting to paint your portrait.

英仙座流星雨,白杨木峡谷州立公园,俄勒冈州,美国 Perseid meteor shower, Cottonwood Canyon State Park, Oregon (© Joshua Meador/Tandem Stills + Motion)

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英仙座流星雨白杨峡谷州立公园俄勒冈州,美国 Perseid meteor shower, Cottonwood Canyon State Park, Oregon (© Joshua Meador/Tandem Stills + Motion)

抬头看,它来了 Look up, incoming…



Perseid meteor shower over Oregon

What must our ancestors have thought when they saw meteors light up the night sky? Was it terrifying or an event of wonder? Thankfully, we now know that this celestial cascade is a harmless annual event. The Perseid meteor shower thrills stargazers from mid-July to late August and is due to peak today. The Perseids are caused by Earth passing through debris left behind by the Comet Swift-Tuttle. When the cosmic debris hits our atmosphere, it disintegrates in a colorful, fiery light display. It's a good night to catch the Perseids if you can—the moon is projected to only be 10% illuminated, so the meteors should really stand out against the dark sky.

土著艺术品,Ngaruwanajirri艺术中心,Wurrumiyanga,巴瑟斯特岛,澳大利亚 Indigenous artwork, Ngaruwanajirri Art Centre, Wurrumiyanga, Bathurst Island, Australia (© Robert Wyatt/Alamy)

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土著艺术品,Ngaruwanajirri艺术中心,Wurrumiyanga,巴瑟斯特澳大利亚 Indigenous artwork, Ngaruwanajirri Art Centre, Wurrumiyanga, Bathurst Island, Australia (© Robert Wyatt/Alamy)

世界土著人民的一天 A day for the world's Indigenous populations



International Day of the World's Indigenous Peoples

Earth is home to an estimated 476 million Indigenous people, a term meaning 'sprung from the land' or native, which refers to the descendants of an area's first-known inhabitants. They represent about 6% of the global population but speak more than half of the world's estimated 7,000 languages. Our homepage today showcases the art of the Tiwi people of Australia, who speak a unique language unlinked to another other known language, in their community of only 2,000 people. Colonization has long impacted Indigenous people, contributing to high rates of poverty and loss of language and traditional lands. The UN first held the International Day of the World's Indigenous Peoples in 1994, and every August 9 they bring attention to the fight to preserve the rights, dignity, and existence of the world's oldest cultures.

马苏阿的甜面包海蚀柱,撒丁岛,意大利 (© DaLiu/Getty Images)

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马苏阿的甜面包海蚀柱,撒丁岛意大利 (© DaLiu/Getty Images)



马苏阿是意大利伊格莱西亚斯市的一个小镇,周围环绕着地中海植物群,两侧是高耸的石灰岩悬崖。 那些喜欢钓鱼、浮潜或水肺潜水的人会喜欢这个位置,因为这里晶莹剔透的海水和极佳的能见度。然而,壮丽的甜面包海蚀柱是一个巨大的石堆,从海滩前的水面上浮现出来——事实证明是它是该海湾的主要景点。它的名字来源于巴西里约热内卢的一个命名为甜面包的海蚀柱岩层,由于与它惊人的相似,游客们都会与它联系在一起。尽管甜面包海蚀柱的表面积只有30平方米,但它却异常高大,高出海面133米。小岛的西北和东南两侧有天然的拱门和画廊,石头是在这些地方被侵蚀而雕刻出来的。 如果有人敢的话,一艘小船可以穿过那里的一条隧道

五花海,阿坝九寨沟旅游景区,四川省,中国 five-flower lake, Aba Jiuzhaigou Tourist Area, Sichuan Province, China (© Michael Ver Sprill/Getty Images)

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海,阿坝九寨沟旅游景区,四川省,中国 five-flower lake, Aba Jiuzhaigou Tourist Area, Sichuan Province, China (© Michael Ver Sprill/Getty Images)

恍若童话世界,胜似人间仙境 Like a fairy tale world




博迪岛灯塔,马头城,北卡罗来纳州,美国 Bodie Island Lighthouse, Nags Head, North Carolina (© Michael Ver Sprill/Getty Images)

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博迪灯塔,马头城,北卡罗来纳州,美国 Bodie Island Lighthouse, Nags Head, North Carolina (© Michael Ver Sprill/Getty Images)

地上一点,天上万千 One on land, a million in space



National Lighthouse Day

Happy National Lighthouse Day! A beacon, a warning, and a symbol of hope and home, lighthouses have existed for thousands of years. The earliest known was the Pharos of Alexandria, which stood an estimated 330 feet tall. Built by the ancient Egyptians in the 3rd century BCE, an open fire was lit at its highest part to guide ships into port. Illumination technology advanced over the centuries, culminating in today's electric versions beaming light that can be seen from over 20 miles away. North Carolina's Bodie Island Lighthouse, pictured here, was built in 1872 and overlooks a section of ocean once known as the Graveyard of the Atlantic. Since then, it's been doing its best to outshine the stars above, as it guides sailors home to safe harbor.

镜池,长野,日本 Kagami-ike (Mirror Pond), Nagano, Japan (© Shoji Fujita/Getty Images)

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镜池,长野日本 Kagami-ike (Mirror Pond), Nagano, Japan (© Shoji Fujita/Getty Images)

一面反映大自然之美的镜子 A mirror reflecting nature's beauty



Kagami-ike, Nagano, Japan

This serene Japanese landscape is reflected in the still waters of an artificial reservoir known as Kagami-ike, meaning ‘mirror pond.' Surrounded by lush greenery and the Togakushi Mountain Range in Nagano Prefecture, Kagami-ike emerges from the morning mists to create an enchanting spectacle. During the cherry blossom season, visitors walk among sakura petals that float along the breeze while, in autumn, they can enjoy its surrounding orange and yellow foliage. This secluded spot is a wonderfully peaceful place for mindful meditation and self-reflection.