
冰雪帆船欧洲锦标赛, 巴拉顿湖, 匈牙利 Ice and snow sailing European Championship on Lake Balaton in Hungary (© mauritius images GmbH/Alamy Stock Photo)

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帆船欧洲锦标赛, 巴拉顿, 匈牙利 Ice and snow sailing European Championship on Lake Balaton in Hungary (© mauritius images GmbH/Alamy Stock Photo)

风力冰上比赛 Wind-powered ice racing



Ice and Snow Sailing World Championships

Today is the opening day of the WISSA Ice and Snow Sailing World Championships, which take place this year in Lithuania. Iceboating, also known as ice sailing, began in 17th-century Europe. Travelers used vessels on blades to traverse the frozen Gulf of Riga in the Baltic Sea and the iced-over canals of the Netherlands. These days, the sport is enjoyed as a recreational and competitive activity using a variety of boats, boards, skates, and kites. The world championships, which fall under the broader umbrella of windsurfing competitions, have been held since 1980. Good luck to all those out there competing for fame and glory on the windswept ice!

卡纳塔克邦的纳加尔霍雷国家公园,印度 (© Vivek BR/Shutterstock)

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卡纳塔克邦的纳加尔霍雷国家公园印度 (© Vivek BR/Shutterstock)





从国际空间站看到的巴哈马周围的蓝绿色水域 Blue-green waters around the Bahamas as seen from the International Space Station (© NASA)

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国际空间站看到的巴哈马周围的蓝绿色水域 Blue-green waters around the Bahamas as seen from the International Space Station (© NASA)

像极了艺术画作的真实照片 When life imitates art



The Bahamas as seen from the ISS

The islands of the Bahamas are an easy photo op for astronauts aboard the International Space Station. The massive hills under the water's surface make for striking images when seen from the ISS's vantage point high above Earth. These undersea hills, which appear dark blue in this ocean image, indicate depths that can reach 13,000 feet.

瓜纳阿卡维韦斯半岛国家公园的红树林,古巴 Red mangrove tree seedlings in Guanahacabibes National Park, Cuba (© Claudio Contreras/Minden Pictures)

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瓜纳阿卡维韦斯半岛国家公园红树林古巴 Red mangrove tree seedlings in Guanahacabibes National Park, Cuba (© Claudio Contreras/Minden Pictures)

向伟大的红树林致敬! All hail the mighty mangrove!




Guanahacabibes National Park, Cuba

Today we're admiring red mangrove seedlings at Guanahacabibes National Park in Cuba. Mangrove forests not only protect coastlines but are a crucial component of tropical coastal ecosystems and are uniquely suited to thrive in brackish or salty water. These hardy trees can withstand the force of tremendous waves and ferocious winds, fending off the damaging effects of storms and erosion.

Below the surface, they work just as hard: Their complex root systems filter out salt and provide shelter and protection for marine life, encouraging biodiversity. Here in Guanahacabibes, that marine life includes several species of turtles as well as red swamp crayfish and a slew of reptiles and amphibians.

Another reason to tip our hats to the mighty mangroves? They capture up to 10 times more carbon dioxide from the atmosphere than tropical forests do. They're also incredible carbon sinks, storing much more carbon in their roots than their terrestrial counterparts.

天门洞,湖南天门山国家森林公园,中国 Heaven's Gate Cave in Tianmen Mountain National Park, China (© Shane P. White/Minden Pictures)

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天门湖南天门山国家森林公园中国 Heaven's Gate Cave in Tianmen Mountain National Park, China (© Shane P. White/Minden Pictures)

通往天门的阶梯 Stairway to heaven



Heaven's Gate Cave, Tianmen Mountain National Park, China

The rock arch formation you're looking at today is Heaven's Gate Cave, a popular landmark in Hunan province, China. This busy tourist destination is located on Tianmen (Heaven's Gate) Mountain in Tianmen Mountain National Park. To reach the arch, you must either ride a cable car or take a bus up a twisty, winding road with 99 turns. (The number 9 represents eternity in Chinese numerology.) Once off the bus, you'll need to walk 999 steps up a 45-degree incline—a stairway to the heavens. It's no easy feat, but this is no ordinary cave. At an elevation of 4,100 feet, the arch is 440 feet high and 180 feet wide.

位于阿伯费尔迪桦树林中的罗伯特·彭斯雕像, 苏格兰 Statue of Robert Burns in the Birks of Aberfeldy, Perth and Kinross, Scotland (© Dennis Barnes/Getty Images)

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位于阿伯费尔迪桦树林中的罗伯特·彭斯雕像, 苏格兰 Statue of Robert Burns in the Birks of Aberfeldy, Perth and Kinross, Scotland (© Dennis Barnes/Getty Images)

谁写下了友谊天长地久? Celebrating the Scottish Bard



Burns Night

Today we're wishing a very happy birthday to the man regarded as Scotland's national poet and a pioneer of the Romantic movement, Robert Burns. Perhaps you can celebrate by visiting his statue at the Birks of Aberfeldy in Perth and Kinross, as seen in today's photo. The birch trees here ('birks' in the Scots language) and a local waterfall inspired him to write a song lyric, 'The Birks of Aberfeldy,' in 1787.

You might also take part in Burns Night, a worldwide celebration that involves a lavish, multicourse dinner, a recital of Burns' 'Address to a Haggis,' and a serving of that poem's titular dish. After much discussion and several poetry readings, the night traditionally ends with guests singing the New Year's standard, 'Auld Lang Syne,' with words written by Burns himself in 1788.

多洛米蒂山谷中的科莱圣卢恰小镇,意大利 Colle Santa Lucia in the Dolomites, Italy (© mauritius images GmbH/Alamy)

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多洛米蒂山谷中的科莱圣卢恰小镇意大利 Colle Santa Lucia in the Dolomites, Italy (© mauritius images GmbH/Alamy)

明信片和雪花球的取景地 The envy of postcards and snow globes



Colle Santa Lucia, Dolomites, Italy

This tiny hamlet on the slopes of the Dolomite Mountains is so picturesque, we'd understand if you mistook it for a movie set. But Colle Santa Lucia is a real village in Italy with about 400 residents. Despite its location in Italy's northern reaches, the village is more culturally Austrian than Italian, and is only a stone's throw from the Austrian border state of Tyrol. And like its Austrian neighbors, Colle Santa Lucia is known for its peaks and ski resorts. It has more in common with wintry Innsbruck than sunny Venice, which is less than 100 miles away to the south.

复活节岛上的摩艾石像,智利 Moai statues on Easter Island, Chile (© Karine Aigner/Tandem Stills + Motion)

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复活节岛上的摩艾石像智利 Moai statues on Easter Island, Chile (© Karine Aigner/Tandem Stills + Motion)

摩艾石像 Big rocks, big heads



Moai statues on Easter Island, Chile

Today we're looking at something you may have heard about before—the famous Moai statues on Chile's remote Easter Island. These big-headed statues were carved out of solidified volcanic ash by the Rapa Nui people between 1250 and 1500, and there are nearly 1,000 of them on the island. Archaeologists believe they were meant to honor Rapa Nui ancestors and were revered as symbols of power and authority. All but seven of the statues face away from the surrounding Pacific Ocean, and instead look inward toward the villages, as if positioned to watch protectively over the Rapa Nui.

春节的桃花和红灯笼 Close-Up Of Red Flowers On Tree (© David Ng+EyeEm/Getty Images)

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春节的桃和红灯笼 Close-Up Of Red Flowers On Tree (© David Ng+EyeEm/Getty Images)

春节快乐,兔年大吉! Happy the Year of Rabbit!



Mountain hare hopping into Lunar New Year

Today is the start of the Lunar New Year, which ushers in the Year of the Rabbit. Those born under the sign of the rabbit are believed to be ingenious, sweet, happy, quiet, and persistent. Famous rabbits include Albert Einstein, Frank Sinatra, Lionel Messi, and Ingrid Bergman. The Lunar New Year celebration starts with the first new moon in January and goes for the next 15 days, until the year's first full moon lights up the night sky. Historically it has been an occasion for feasting and honoring deities as well as ancestors. We're doing our part by sharing this lovely winter image of a mountain hare in Derbyshire, England.

除夕夜的中国新年灯笼 Chinese new year lanterns (© Toa55/Getty Images)

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除夕夜的中国新年灯笼 Chinese new year lanterns (© Toa55/Getty Images)

爆竹声中一岁除 Happy Chinese New Year's Eve

