冰雪帆船欧洲锦标赛, 巴拉顿湖, 匈牙利 Ice and snow sailing European Championship on Lake Balaton in Hungary (© mauritius images GmbH/Alamy Stock Photo)

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帆船欧洲锦标赛, 巴拉顿, 匈牙利 Ice and snow sailing European Championship on Lake Balaton in Hungary (© mauritius images GmbH/Alamy Stock Photo)

风力冰上比赛 Wind-powered ice racing



Ice and Snow Sailing World Championships

Today is the opening day of the WISSA Ice and Snow Sailing World Championships, which take place this year in Lithuania. Iceboating, also known as ice sailing, began in 17th-century Europe. Travelers used vessels on blades to traverse the frozen Gulf of Riga in the Baltic Sea and the iced-over canals of the Netherlands. These days, the sport is enjoyed as a recreational and competitive activity using a variety of boats, boards, skates, and kites. The world championships, which fall under the broader umbrella of windsurfing competitions, have been held since 1980. Good luck to all those out there competing for fame and glory on the windswept ice!

标签: 帆船, 匈牙利

