
屋前的鲜花和铁艺围栏,路易斯安那州新奥尔良 Flowers and ironwork fence in front of a house in New Orleans, Louisiana (© Lauren Mitchell/Offset by Shutterstock)

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屋前的鲜花和铁艺围栏,路易斯安那新奥尔良 Flowers and ironwork fence in front of a house in New Orleans, Louisiana (© Lauren Mitchell/Offset by Shutterstock)

Mardi Gras flower power

While the purple flowers and green ironwork may not look overly festive to the untrained eye, residents of New Orleans will no doubt spot the significance of both, especially today, on Mardi Gras, the final day of Carnival. Purple and green are two of the three official colors of Mardi Gras, together with gold, and in a normal year the streets would be full of revelers decked out in all three colors as they dance and parade down the streets of the city. Due to COVID-19, there won't be any parades this year, but the colors will still be on full display in the city's famous French Quarter and elsewhere, including as colorful icing atop king cakes, a beloved treat that's associated with the Carnival season.

The colors themselves have officially been part of Mardi Gras since 1872, when they were introduced by the newly formed Krewe of Rex, one of the private social clubs ('krewes') that stage parades and other Carnival festivities. The krewe's ceremonial King of Carnival ('Rex') proclaimed that gold represents power, green represents faith, and purple stands for justice.

The ironwork seen here is a characteristic feature of homes and buildings in the region. It traces back to the early 18th century, when slaves and freemen from West Africa, influenced by French and Spanish styles, crafted fences, gates, and railings from cast iron. The often elaborately ornamented designs adorn verandas and balconies, giving residents a pleasant place to cool off in the muggy Louisiana heat. In true New Orleans fashion, even the architecture reflects a blend of cultural influences that make the city so wonderful and unique.



自1872年起,颜色本身就正式成为狂欢节的一部分,当时新成立的雷克斯克鲁俱乐部(Krewe of Rex)推出了这种颜色,这是一家私人社交俱乐部(“krewes”),负责举办游行和其他狂欢节。克鲁的嘉年华仪式之王(“雷克斯”)宣称,黄金代表权力,绿色代表信仰,紫色代表正义。


安加白令嘉河与诺朗加港,南澳大利亚州 Onkaparinga River, Port Noarlunga, South Australia (© plainpicture/AWL/Marco Bottigelli)

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安加白令嘉与诺朗加,南澳大利亚州 Onkaparinga River, Port Noarlunga, South Australia (© plainpicture/AWL/Marco Bottigelli)

Stairway to heaven?

Where does this seemingly endless staircase lead? To the mighty Onkaparinga River, of course – a true South Australian highlight. The river itself is crucially important to the area’s ecosystem, acting as a beautiful home to a variety of fish that breed here, as well as hundreds of native plants and animal species. The Onkaparinga River estuary is even seen a habitat for endangered migratory birds.

It’s also a great place for us humans to visit as well. Between both Onkaparinga River Recreation Park and Onkaparinga River National Park there is no shortage of activities to take part in or sights to see. Many locals often stroll along the wetland boardwalks, hike up to the cliff tops or find a cosy spot to camp the night. If the weather is as stunning as is looks in today’s image, kayaking is also a popular choice – providing the perfect opportunity to escape the hustle and bustle of life. Sounds peaceful, doesn’t it?




海浪冲击着悉尼海岸的一个心形岩石岛,澳大利亚 Ocean waves crashing over a heart-shaped rock island off the coast of Sydney, Australia (© Kristian Bell/Getty Images)

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海浪冲击着悉尼海岸的一个心形岩石岛澳大利亚 Ocean waves crashing over a heart-shaped rock island off the coast of Sydney, Australia (© Kristian Bell/Getty Images)

An oceanic Valentine

Just off the coast of Sydney, in New South Wales, Australia, the surf crashes over this cluster of rocks, sending an oceanic Valentine's Day card to a lucky bird—or photographer—flying overhead. We'll take nature's love letters wherever and whenever we can find them. But what makes February 14 the day we celebrate love? Some claim Valentine's Day has its roots in an ancient Roman fertility festival called Lupercalia that included goat sacrifices and a lottery that paired off eligible men and women. Others argue that the holiday began with Christians celebrating a martyr named Valentine. Chaucer romanticized the day with a poem about two birds mating for life. No matter its pagan or Christian origins, in the modern world, Valentine's Day is celebrated most everywhere as a day devoted to love.



奥拉基库克山国家公园中的塞夫顿山,新西兰南岛 Mount Sefton in Aoraki/Mount Cook National Park, South Island, New Zealand (© AWL Images/Danita Delimont)

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奥拉基库克国家公园中的塞夫顿山,新西兰 Mount Sefton in Aoraki/Mount Cook National Park, South Island, New Zealand (© AWL Images/Danita Delimont)

Where is this gorgeous peak?

This spectacular landscape might just be the perfect place to celebrate Waitangi Day, New Zealand's national holiday. It commemorates the 1840 treaty between Britain and some 500 Māori chiefs that established British law in the island nation. The Treaty of Waitangi is considered New Zealand's founding document and a cornerstone in the country's history. Another important legacy of the treaty is that it provided the framework for political relations between New Zealand's government and the indigenous Māori people.

Perhaps nothing symbolizes negotiations between those two parties better than the land you see here, which has been preserved as a national park since 1953. Our image shows the glacier-capped peak of Mount Sefton, one of the many tall mountains here in the Southern Alps. Just a few miles away towers New Zealand's tallest peak, originally called Aoraki by the Māori, who named it after a mythological figure. The mountain was given its English name, Mount Cook, in 1851, in honor of Captain James Cook, the British explorer who circumnavigated and mapped the country in the 1770s. An agreement in 1998 between the government and Māori leaders officially renamed both the peak and the park to Aoraki/Mount Cook. It's one of the few renamed areas in New Zealand where the Māori name precedes the English.



也许没有什么比你在这里看到的这块土地更能代表两党之间的谈判了,这块土地自1953年以来一直被保留为国家公园。我们的图片显示了塞夫顿山冰川覆盖的山峰,它是阿尔卑斯山脉南部众多高山之一。就在几英里远的地方,矗立着新西兰最高的山峰,毛利人最初称之为Aoraki,以一个神话人物的名字命名。1851年,为了纪念英国探险家詹姆斯·库克上尉(James Cook),这座山被命名为库克山(Mount Cook),詹姆斯·库克上尉于1770年代环游并绘制了该国地图。1998年,政府与毛利人领导人达成协议,正式将山顶和公园更名为Aoraki/Mount Cook。这是新西兰为数不多的几个更名地区之一,毛利人的名字先于英语。

波浪谷中的砂岩层和积水,亚利桑那州朱红悬崖国家纪念碑 Sandstone formation and pools of water in 'The Wave,' Paria Canyon-Vermilion Cliffs National Monument, Arizona (© Dennis Frates/Alamy)

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波浪谷中的砂岩层和积水,亚利桑那州朱红悬崖国家纪念碑 Sandstone formation and pools of water in 'The Wave,' Paria Canyon-Vermilion Cliffs National Monument, Arizona (© Dennis Frates/Alamy)

A sea of swirling stone

By showing you this coveted sight, we're saving you a bit of an ordeal. For close-up view like this of 'The Wave,' a whorled sandstone formation in the northern Arizona wilderness, you'd have to navigate a rugged and mostly trail-free route with a permit in your pocket (only a small number are available, offered via a daily lottery). But that's just one day hike of many in the expansive Vermilion Cliffs National Monument, which encompasses almost 300,000 acres of Arizona and Utah canyonland.



北孚日地区自然公园,法国 Northern Vosges Regional Nature Park, France (© Michel Rauch/Minden Pictures)

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北孚日地区自然公园法国 Northern Vosges Regional Nature Park, France (© Michel Rauch/Minden Pictures)

Where is this wintry road?

This wintry, wooded scene comes from the Northern Vosges Regional Nature Park in northeastern France, one of the country's most beautiful and pristine examples of natural beauty. The park, established in 1976, is over 322,000 acres in size, 65% of which is covered in forest, including the species of larch tree seen here. These larches are native to many of the mountains of central Europe, such as the Alps, Carpathians, and the Pyrenees.

Even though the area here is dotted with villages, because so much of its natural beauty remains, this rural park was named by UNESCO as one of its World Biosphere Reserves. UNESCO studies these reserves to trace the interaction between social systems and the natural world. This biodiversity of the Northern Vosges includes a wide array of forests and wetlands, fauna and flora, but also contains over 100 municipalities, farmlands and even five structures left over from France's infamous WWII-era Maginot Line of fortifications built to deter invading German forces. With its many hiking trails, the Northern Vosges region is a favorite for outdoor enthusiasts and nature lovers.




内姆鲁特山上巨大的石灰岩雕像,土耳其阿德亚曼 Colossal limestone statues on Mount Nemrut, Adıyaman, Turkey (© Peerakit JIrachetthakun/Getty Images)

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内姆鲁特上巨大的石灰岩雕像土耳其阿德亚曼 Colossal limestone statues on Mount Nemrut, Adıyaman, Turkey (© Peerakit JIrachetthakun/Getty Images)

The mountaintop of toppled gods

The ruins on Mount Nemrut depict a gaggle of gods from both Greek and Persian traditions, plus a few deities that King Antiochus I made up himself. The range of spiritual faiths represented in the statues found near the 7,000-foot summit reflects southeastern Turkey's long history as a crossroads of cultures. Today, the derelict statues are protected as a UNESCO World Heritage Site.

In 70 BCE, Antiochus took power here in Commagene, one of several small onetime states formed from the shambles of the Seleucid Empire. Looking to unify his populace, he synthesized a mythology that hailed Greek and Persian figures, from Ares to Zarathustra—plus the king himself and his family. Antiochus' claim to godhood wasn't eternal, as he was deposed in 31 BCE, but sometime before that he cemented his customized state religion in history by having its partial pantheon—including, of course, himself—carved into stone statues on the peak overlooking his kingdom.




日落后的托莱多全景,西班牙 Panoramic view of the city of Toledo after sunset, Spain (© Frank Fischbach/Alamy)

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日落后的托莱多全景,西班牙 Panoramic view of the city of Toledo after sunset, Spain (© Frank Fischbach/Alamy)

Desde la otra orilla del Tajo

The image that we offer you today is the panoramic view of the old town that can be seen from the viewpoint of the Valley, on the other bank of the Tagus. To the right is the Alcázar, one of the most representative buildings in the city, with the Gothic cathedral of Santa María looming on its left. And a little further on, the Jewish quarter, where among other outstanding buildings you can find El Greco's house.

