标签 雪 下的文章

被雪覆盖的长城,中国 Snow on the Great Wall, China (© View Stock/Alamy Stock Photo)

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覆盖的长城中国 Snow on the Great Wall, China (© View Stock/Alamy Stock Photo)

银装素裹,巍峨壮丽 Sliver-covered and magnificent


如今,这个古老的奇迹绵延 13,000 多英里,横跨崎岖的山脉峡谷和数千年前修建的沙漠防御工事。长城上有陡峭的壕沟和瞭望塔,用以抵御入侵者。徒步攀登长城可以近距离感受这一历史地标,体验独特的长城之旅。从保存完好的慕田峪长城,到人迹罕至、最原始、最险峻的箭扣长城,每段长城的体验都不尽相同,有些台阶像梯子一样高。中国长城不仅仅是一堵墙,它还象征着坚韧和力量。今天,我们攀登长城,就是用顽强的毅力向更高的地方攀登!

National Take the Stairs Day

New year, new goals—so why not start by taking a step toward better health? On this National Take the Stairs Day, let's climb into the past. The Great Wall of China, one of the longest humanmade structures in the world, offers the perfect inspiration. Stretching more than 13,000 miles and dating back thousands of years, the ancient marvel in today's picture is a series of fortifications spanning rugged mountains, valleys, and deserts. Featuring steep trenches and watchtowers, parts of it were designed to keep invaders at bay. Hiking the Great Wall offers a unique glimpse into this historical landmark. The experience varies from well-preserved sections like Mutianyu to wild, unrestored parts such as Jiankou. Some steps are so high, they're more like steps on a ladder! Talk about a workout—taking these stairs could rival any modern fitness challenge.

The Great Wall of China isn't just a wall, but a symbol of perseverance and strength. Similarly, taking the stairs instead of the elevator is a small but empowering step toward better health. Millions of people live with chronic conditions like asthma, and by choosing the stairs, you're not just building strength, but also improving your overall health. So, the next time you face an elevator, think of the Great Wall and take the stairs. Your future self will thank you!

科瓦东加湖,阿斯图里亚斯,西班牙 (© Carlos Fernandez/Getty Images)

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科瓦东加阿斯图里亚斯西班牙 (© Carlos Fernandez/Getty Images)






满拉水库的雪景,日喀则,中国西藏自治区 Snow Scenery Of Manla Reservoir In Shigatse, Xizang Autonomous Region of China (© Zhang Zhenqi/VCG via Getty Images)

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满拉水库的景,日喀则,中国西藏自治区 Snow Scenery Of Manla Reservoir In Shigatse, Xizang Autonomous Region of China (© Zhang Zhenqi/VCG via Getty Images)

极致的冬日景色 The ultimate winter scenery




Kinder Scout,峰区国家公园,英国 (© john finney photography/Getty Images)

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Kinder Scout,峰区国家公园英国 (© john finney photography/Getty Images)




吕根岛的萨斯尼茨灯塔,德国 Sassnitz lighthouse on Rügen island, Germany (© Christian Back/eStock)

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吕根岛的萨斯尼茨灯塔德国 Sassnitz lighthouse on Rügen island, Germany (© Christian Back/eStock)

塔 Glowing snow tower





艾纳, 塞古拉山脉, 阿尔瓦塞特, 西班牙 Ayna, Sierra del Segura, Albacete, Spain (© Juan Maria Coy Vergara/Getty Images)

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艾纳, 塞古拉山脉, 阿尔瓦塞特, 西班牙 Ayna, Sierra del Segura, Albacete, Spain (© Juan Maria Coy Vergara/Getty Images)

西班牙的小瑞士 Spain's little Switzerland

艾纳,阿尔瓦塞特, 西班牙

说起西班牙,你脑海中首先浮现的可能不是,但从高耸入山峰到阳温暖的海滩,西班牙拥有各种地貌。图片中的小村庄艾纳坐落于由蒙多河冲刷而成的陡峭山谷中,周围环绕着塞古拉脉,人口不足1000人。季,这里白雪皑皑,因此人们常把这个小镇称为 “曼切根瑞士”。而这个名称中的“曼切根”则指的是艾纳所属的卡斯蒂利亚-拉曼恰自治区。艾纳距离西班牙首都马德里以南约150英里,是西班牙乡村生活的独特一瞥。

Aýna, Albacete, Spain

Welcome to the tiny Spanish village of Aýna, in a steep valley carved by the River Mundo in the Sierra del Segura range. This part of the Castile-La Mancha region is sometimes called Manchegan Switzerland, thanks to those snow-capped peaks during the winter months. The steep, rocky terrain here means the villagers, of whom there are less than 1,000, cultivate the land on terraces dug into the mountainside. To see Aýna from this perspective, you'll need to visit the Mirador del Diablo, or Devil's Viewpoint, one of several viewing areas dotted around this picturesque valley.

贝尔尼纳山口的滑雪场,格劳宾登州,瑞士 Skier at Bernina Pass, Graubünden, Switzerland(© Francesco Bergamaschi/Getty Images)

发布于 , 460 次浏览

贝尔尼纳口的滑雪场,格劳宾登州,瑞士 Skier at Bernina Pass, Graubünden, Switzerland(© Francesco Bergamaschi/Getty Images)

瑞士的雪花漱漱落下 Swish Swiss Swish



Bernina Pass, Graubünden, Switzerland

This awesome white winter expanse is found in the Alps of eastern Switzerland. The famous Bernina Pass stands tall at an elevation of 7,638 feet and attracts winter sports enthusiasts from all over the world. Fun fact: Evidence of the oldest wooden skis, dating back to around 6000 BCE, was found in Russia. Boasting excellent snow conditions from November to March, the Bernina Pass is a must-visit spot on every skier's bucket list.

巴伐利亚阿尔卑斯山脉,德国 (© JFL Photography/Adobe Stock)

发布于 , 457 次浏览

巴伐利亚阿尔卑斯山脉,德国 (© JFL Photography/Adobe Stock)





多洛米蒂山谷中的科莱圣卢恰小镇,意大利 Colle Santa Lucia in the Dolomites, Italy (© mauritius images GmbH/Alamy)

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多洛米蒂山谷中的科莱圣卢恰小镇意大利 Colle Santa Lucia in the Dolomites, Italy (© mauritius images GmbH/Alamy)

明信片和雪花球的取景地 The envy of postcards and snow globes



Colle Santa Lucia, Dolomites, Italy

This tiny hamlet on the slopes of the Dolomite Mountains is so picturesque, we'd understand if you mistook it for a movie set. But Colle Santa Lucia is a real village in Italy with about 400 residents. Despite its location in Italy's northern reaches, the village is more culturally Austrian than Italian, and is only a stone's throw from the Austrian border state of Tyrol. And like its Austrian neighbors, Colle Santa Lucia is known for its peaks and ski resorts. It has more in common with wintry Innsbruck than sunny Venice, which is less than 100 miles away to the south.

帕克城, 美国犹他州 Park City, Utah (© Kruck20/Getty Images)

发布于 , 647 次浏览

帕克城, 美国犹他州 Park City, Utah (© Kruck20/Getty Images)

圣丹斯上空的彩 Clouds dance above Sundance




Sundance Film Festival opens in Park City

As beautiful as this vista is, most of today's visitors to Park City are there to spend the day inside. Sundance Film Festival, the nation's biggest celebration of independent cinema, opens today and runs through January 29. The careers of Hollywood directors such as Quentin Tarantino and Steven Soderbergh were launched here, and every year a new crop of greenhorns arrives in this mountain enclave with the dream that they'll leave with a distribution deal.

It's a common misconception that the festival was founded by Robert Redford. It was actually started as the Utah Film Festival in Salt Lake City in 1978 by Sterling Van Wagenen, who then brought on Redford as chairman. Redford has remained involved with the festival ever since, presiding over its move to Park City and transformation into the largest festival of its kind in the United States. In the past decade, Sundance London and Sundance Hong Kong have expanded the mission of the Sundance Institute.