- 国王岩堡垒 , 瑞士撒克逊, 德国 Königstein Fortress, Saxon Switzerland, Germany (© Bildagentur-online/Exss/Alamy)
- 被雪覆盖的长城,中国 Snow on the Great Wall, China (© View Stock/Alamy Stock Photo)
- 科瓦东加湖,阿斯图里亚斯,西班牙 (© Carlos Fernandez/Getty Images)
- 满拉水库的雪景,日喀则,中国西藏自治区 Snow Scenery Of Manla Reservoir In Shigatse, Xizang Autonomous Region of China (© Zhang Zhenqi/VCG via Getty Images)
- 秋季葡萄园的鸟瞰图,瓦恩哈尔特,黑森林,德国 Aerial view of vineyards in autumn, Varnhalt, Black Forest, Germany (© Sabine Gerold/Amazing Aerial Agency)