被雪覆盖的长城,中国 Snow on the Great Wall, China (© View Stock/Alamy Stock Photo)

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覆盖的长城中国 Snow on the Great Wall, China (© View Stock/Alamy Stock Photo)

银装素裹,巍峨壮丽 Sliver-covered and magnificent


如今,这个古老的奇迹绵延 13,000 多英里,横跨崎岖的山脉峡谷和数千年前修建的沙漠防御工事。长城上有陡峭的壕沟和瞭望塔,用以抵御入侵者。徒步攀登长城可以近距离感受这一历史地标,体验独特的长城之旅。从保存完好的慕田峪长城,到人迹罕至、最原始、最险峻的箭扣长城,每段长城的体验都不尽相同,有些台阶像梯子一样高。中国长城不仅仅是一堵墙,它还象征着坚韧和力量。今天,我们攀登长城,就是用顽强的毅力向更高的地方攀登!

National Take the Stairs Day

New year, new goals—so why not start by taking a step toward better health? On this National Take the Stairs Day, let's climb into the past. The Great Wall of China, one of the longest humanmade structures in the world, offers the perfect inspiration. Stretching more than 13,000 miles and dating back thousands of years, the ancient marvel in today's picture is a series of fortifications spanning rugged mountains, valleys, and deserts. Featuring steep trenches and watchtowers, parts of it were designed to keep invaders at bay. Hiking the Great Wall offers a unique glimpse into this historical landmark. The experience varies from well-preserved sections like Mutianyu to wild, unrestored parts such as Jiankou. Some steps are so high, they're more like steps on a ladder! Talk about a workout—taking these stairs could rival any modern fitness challenge.

The Great Wall of China isn't just a wall, but a symbol of perseverance and strength. Similarly, taking the stairs instead of the elevator is a small but empowering step toward better health. Millions of people live with chronic conditions like asthma, and by choosing the stairs, you're not just building strength, but also improving your overall health. So, the next time you face an elevator, think of the Great Wall and take the stairs. Your future self will thank you!

标签: 中国, , 长城

