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菊石亚纲壳体的横截面 Cross-section of a fossilized ammonite shell (© Marianna Armata/Getty Images)
菊石亚纲壳体的横截面 Cross-section of a fossilized ammonite shell (© Marianna Armata/Getty Images)
Fibonacci Day
It's a bit of a fib that Fibonacci, the 13th-century Italian math whiz, was the first to sketch out a number sequence by adding each number to the preceding number: 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, and so on forever. In fact, Hindu scholars described the sequence centuries before Fibonacci, and they probably weren't the first to figure it out either. But in any case, each November 23—that is, 11/23—we celebrate the infinite series known as the Fibonacci sequence.
What is clear—maybe, if you can picture it: If you properly arrange squares of the areas 1x1, 1x1, 2x2, 3x3, 5x5, 8x8, etc., on graphing paper, a curved line drawn through each square will form a perfect expanding spiral not unlike the ammonite fossil cross-sectioned here. Not every spiral in nature expresses a perfect Fibonacci sequence, but nature does seem to have a thing for spirals. And in that sense the Fibonacci sequence seems especially elegant.
伊吕波坂山道,日本日光市 Irohazaka road near Nikko, Japan (© LightRecords/Shutterstock)
伊吕波坂山道,日本日光市 Irohazaka road near Nikko, Japan (© LightRecords/Shutterstock)
Irohazaka road
If you've ever wanted to learn written Japanese, a joy ride on this undulating uphill road offers an unexpected tutorial. These hairpin turns in our photo are just eight of the 48 curves you'll negotiate on your way up and down Irohazaka road, a scenic loop in the highlands outside the city of Nikkō. That's one switchback for each of the 48 hiragana symbols in an ancient Japanese writing system, with each marked by a sign showing one symbol. Not a bad visual aid for the still-learning visitor!
Invergarry村庄附近的森林,苏格兰 Forest near the village of Invergarry, Scotland (© Matt Anderson Photography/Getty Images)
Invergarry村庄附近的森林,苏格兰 Forest near the village of Invergarry, Scotland (© Matt Anderson Photography/Getty Images)
The Great Glen
Was this photo taken in a peppermint forest? This rare and delicate hoarfrost may look like a confectioner's coating, but it's just the ice that forms when the Scottish Highlands' fog mixes perfectly with a sharp cold snap.
We're in a storied section of Scotland—sort of a lowland of the Highlands—called the Great Glen. This deep valley runs 62 miles coast to coast—from a North Sea inlet on the east to Loch Linnhe on the west. The Great Glen's gentle slopes enclose fairytale forests like these as well as quaint villages and lochs—including nearby Invergarry and Loch Oich, respectively.
莫利森艺术家塞佩的《新呼吸》, 瑞士格鲁埃河畔 'A New Breath' by artist Saype in Moléson-sur-Gruyères, Switzerland (© Valentin Flauraud/Shutterstock)
莫利森艺术家塞佩的《新呼吸》, 瑞士格鲁埃河畔 'A New Breath' by artist Saype in Moléson-sur-Gruyères, Switzerland (© Valentin Flauraud/Shutterstock)
World Children's Day
For World Children's Day, we're featuring an aerial view of a larger-than-life painting next to the summit of the Moléson in the Swiss Prealps. The 16,000-square-foot fresco is titled 'Un Nouveau Souffle' (A New Breath) and depicts a child blowing clouds toward the horizon. It was created by French-Swiss artist Saype—real name Guillaume Legros—who is known for his grassy graffiti around the world. The eco-friendly artist uses biodegradable paints made from natural pigments such as coal and chalk, so by the time you read this, his land art will have already disappeared into the soil.
Saype's mountaintop mural aims to inspire childlike wonder, which is an apt message for World Children's Day. Though there are numerous Children's Day celebrations around the globe, and on varying dates, the United Nations created World Children's Day—observed every November 20—to celebrate kids worldwide and to promote their welfare.
Perhaps you can recall picking out shapes and pictures in the clouds as they drifted by when you were young. Why not turn that fuzzy feeling into action and find out how you can help build a better future for children. Just like watching clouds, all you need is a little imagination.
为了庆祝世界儿童节,我们将在瑞士公园的莫利森峰旁鸟瞰一幅超凡脱俗的油画。这幅16000平方英尺的壁画名为“新口味的蛋奶酥”(一种新气息),描绘了一个孩子将云朵吹向地平线。它是由法国瑞士艺术家赛义普(Saype)创作的,真名纪尧姆·勒格罗斯(Guillaume Legros),他以其草草涂鸦闻名于世。这位环保艺术家使用由煤和白垩等天然颜料制成的可生物降解的颜料,所以当你读到这篇文章时,他的土地艺术已经消失在土壤中。
阿西尼博因山公园的秋叶,加拿大不列颠哥伦比亚省 (© Mitch Pittman/TANDEM Stills + Motion)
酷似隧道的峡谷,犹他州锡安国家公园 The Subway slot canyon in Zion National Park, Utah (© Stan Moniz/Tandem Stills + Motion)
锡安国家公园的地铁槽峡谷, 犹他州 The Subway slot canyon in Zion National Park, Utah (© Stan Moniz/Tandem Stills + Motion)
Zion National Park, Utah
Today, we're celebrating the 102nd anniversary of Southwest Utah's Zion National Park with a visit to its Subway slot canyon. Zion is defined by its breathtakingly steep red cliffs, its maze of sandstone canyons, and its waterfalls with colorful hanging gardens. Visitors here can trek for miles, ducking into crevices and resting in canyons once occupied by the Ancestral Puebloans.
The bravest souls might venture into Zion's Subway. Yes, there's a 'subway' here, but it's not a transit system nor a sandwich shop. You see the image we are featuring today? That's the Subway. It's a geologic marvel, a hollowed-out canyon reminiscent of a subway tunnel. To get here requires some technical experience, or at least a guide. There will be bouldering, climbing down waterfalls, possibly rappelling, and a 9-mile roundtrip hike on a trail which is a running stream with parts so deep, hikers have to wade or swim, depending on water levels. Did we mention the water is cold? But all that work will be worth it in the end for a photo like this. Zion is the third most-visited national park in the country, but the park grants just 60 permits a day to hikers who want to attempt a visit to the Subway.
蒂萨附近的波希米亚瑞士国家公园, 捷克共和国 Bohemian Switzerland National Park near Tisá, Czech Republic (© Amazing Aerial Agency/Offset)
蒂萨附近的波希米亚瑞士国家公园, 捷克共和国 Bohemian Switzerland National Park near Tisá, Czech Republic (© Amazing Aerial Agency/Offset)
Bohemian Switzerland National Park
Today we rhapsodize about the beautiful Bohemian Switzerland National Park, but we're hundreds of miles from Switzerland. The park's name originated with Swiss painters visiting the Kingdom of Bohemia, now the western half of the Czech Republic. They were reminded of their homeland by this region's dramatic sandstone formations. Turns out the acclaimed artist named Mother Nature finds inspiration here, too, turning the park's pockets of thick forest into a canvas of warm oranges and yellows every autumn.
螺旋沼泽鸟兽禁猎区的小径, 佛罗里达州 Boardwalk Trail at Corkscrew Swamp Sanctuary in Florida (© Bill Gozansky/Alamy)
螺旋沼泽鸟兽禁猎区的小径, 佛罗里达州 Boardwalk Trail at Corkscrew Swamp Sanctuary in Florida (© Bill Gozansky/Alamy)
Florida Corkscrew Swamp Sanctuary
And we mean that in the nicest possible way. After all, what's nicer on a crisp November day than lacing up those hiking boots and hitting the trail? (Especially when that day happens to be Take a Hike Day!) Of course, there might be no trails to hit were it not for state and national park rangers, foresters, nonprofit employees, volunteers, and others who forge them through the wilderness. Or in some cases build them, as with this boardwalk in the Corkscrew Swamp Sanctuary near Florida's Gulf Coast.
Construction of Corkscrew's Boardwalk Trail started in the mid-1950s by National Audubon, which manages Corkscrew Swamp as a wildlife sanctuary. It's clearly built for the terrain—particularly this cypress poking through a bespoke hole in the path. The walkway allows trekkers to easily traverse the wetlands without trampling the diverse flora and fauna on the damp ground.
20世纪50年代中期,国家奥杜邦(National Audubon)开始修建科克斯勒(Corkscrew)的木板路小径,该公司将科克斯勒沼泽作为野生动物保护区进行管理。它显然是专为地形而建的,尤其是这棵柏树穿过小路上一个定制的洞。这条人行道让徒步旅行者可以轻松地穿越湿地,而不会践踏潮湿地面上的各种动植物。
穿越格伦菲南高架桥的蒸汽火车,苏格兰因弗内斯郡 The Jacobite steam train crossing the Glenfinnan Viaduct in Inverness-shire, Scotland (© The Escape of Malee/Shutterstock)
穿越格伦菲南高架桥的蒸汽火车,苏格兰因弗内斯郡 The Jacobite steam train crossing the Glenfinnan Viaduct in Inverness-shire, Scotland (© The Escape of Malee/Shutterstock)
Scotland Glenfinnan Viaduct
Muggles from around the world flock to this iconic scene at the top of Loch Shiel in the West Highlands of Scotland to marvel at the 21-arched Glenfinnan Viaduct, also known as the 'Harry Potter bridge.' The curving structure was made famous in the film adaptation of J.K. Rowling's novels as part of the route taken by the Hogwarts Express, which carries students to and from the wizarding boarding school at the start and end of every term. And today is a reason to celebrate for Potterheads, as we are marking the 20th anniversary of Harry Potter's big screen debut.
In real life, the Hogwarts Express is the Jacobite steam train. It's described as one of the greatest railway journeys in the world, taking passengers across the viaduct on a magical 84-mile round-trip between the towns of Fort William and Mallaig in summer months, passing Ben Nevis, the highest mountain in the United Kingdom, and some of Scotland's most splendid scenery.
第一悬崖步道,瑞士格林德瓦 First Cliff Walk on First near Grindelwald, Switzerland (© Hans-Georg Eiben/eStock Photo)
第一悬崖步道,瑞士格林德瓦 First Cliff Walk on First near Grindelwald, Switzerland (© Hans-Georg Eiben/eStock Photo)
Switzerland First Cliff Walk
When it comes to breathtaking mountain scenery, it's difficult to top the village of Grindelwald in the center of the Swiss Alps, flanked as it is on all sides by towering peaks such as Mannlichen, Faulhorn, and the Wetterhorn. In winter, Grindelwald is home to one of the biggest ski resorts in Switzerland's Jungfrau region, and even in the offseason there's still plenty of adrenaline-inducing activity to be found here.
For example, you can take a gondola from the village up to a a small peak called First, home of the First Cliff Walk observation platform, seen in our photo. Visitors walk up the metal footbridge that winds along the side of First and onto the platform, which extends out nearly 150 feet over the abyss. The sheer beauty and verticality of the views from this spot are sure to set just about anyone's heart racing.