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南唐斯国家公园的绵羊,东萨塞克斯郡,英国 (© Slawek Staszczuk/Alamy)

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南唐斯国家公园的绵羊,东萨塞克斯郡英国 (© Slawek Staszczuk/Alamy)





马萨诸塞州格洛斯特的沼泽地 Marshland, Gloucester, Massachusetts (© Thomas H. Mitchell/Getty Images)

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马萨诸塞州格洛斯特的沼泽地 Marshland, Gloucester, Massachusetts (© Thomas H. Mitchell/Getty Images)

像一张油画 Like paint on a canvas




Marshland, Gloucester, MA

Lit by bright New England sunshine, this salt marsh shows a strong contrast of color between the sea water and the salt-tolerant grass that grows there. Salt marshes serve as a major contributor to the aquatic food web and a nursery for wildlife, both terrestrial and aquatic.

These marshes are located in Gloucester, Massachusetts, America's oldest seaport. Tourists frequenting this tranquil summer vacation spot enjoy freshly caught delicious seafood, stunning beaches, marshes, museums, and boating. Though Gloucester may have a sleepy, small-town feel, it's only 45 minutes away from the bustling state capital city of Boston. Oh, and it's pronounced 'glosster' unless you're from Massachusetts—then it's 'glosstah.'

埃代尔,峰区,英国 Edale Valley, Peak District, England (© John Finney/Getty Images)

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埃代尔,峰区,英国 Edale Valley, Peak District, England (© John Finney/Getty Images)

巨人的谜题 A puzzle for giants



Edale Valley, Peak District, England

A quiet and secluded village, Edale is a walker's paradise. This picturesque hamlet, located in England's Peak District National Park, is surrounded by hills on all sides. The current spelling of the village was recorded in 1732; before this it was spelled Aidele, Eydale, Eydal, and Edall in different periods. It is the starting point of Pennine Way, a tough National Trail that reaches all the way to Scotland. Acorn-shaped markers dot the 17 National Trails in England and Wales—so if you find yourself wandering the area and see one of these signs, follow the path and you're sure to go on a scenic journey.

威美亚峡谷和怀波奥瀑布上空的彩虹, 考艾岛, 夏威夷, 美国 Rainbow over Waimea Canyon and Waipo'o Falls, Kauai, Hawaii (© Beverley Van Praagh/Getty Images)

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威美亚峡谷和怀波奥瀑布上空的彩虹, 考艾, 夏威夷, 美国 Rainbow over Waimea Canyon and Waipo'o Falls, Kauai, Hawaii (© Beverley Van Praagh/Getty Images)

雨后见彩虹 A rainbow that's worth the rainfall



Waimea Canyon and Waipo'o Falls, Kauai, Hawaii

Waimea Canyon, sometimes referred to as the Grand Canyon of the Pacific, is home to the picturesque Waipo'o Falls. The water that flows through the falls and canyon descends from Mount Wai'ale'ale, one of the rainiest places on Earth. Around 4 million years ago, a portion of the volcanic Kaua'i collapsed, creating a depression that the Waimea River has further eroded into today's canyon. If you want to see the true variety of Kauai, leave the beach behind and take winding State Route 550 into the mountains. Along the way you will see stunning views of the shore and the canyon before arriving at the lookout for Waipo'o Falls.

西班牙马德里,Cibeles喷泉和马德里市政厅为国际妇女节点亮 Cibeles Fountain and Madrid City Hall lit for International Women's Day, Madrid, Spain (© dpa picture alliance/Alamy)

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西班牙马德里,Cibeles喷和马德里市政厅为国际妇女节点亮 Cibeles Fountain and Madrid City Hall lit for International Women's Day, Madrid, Spain (© dpa picture alliance/Alamy)

庆祝女性 Celebrating women


今天是国际妇女节,这一天庆祝全世界的妇女,并采取行动创造一个多样化、包容和公平的世界。这一天起源于1910年德国活动家克拉拉·泽特金(Clara Zetkin)在一次会议上提出组织国际日的想法,并于次年开始。历史充满了妇女的重大成就和贡献。玛丽·居里获得了诺贝尔物理学和化学奖。Ada Lovelace于1836年编写了世界上第一个计算机程序。1964年,帕特西·明克是第一位当选美国国会议员的有色人种女性。姐姐Rosetta Tharpe影响了一代人,并帮助创建了摇滚乐流派。今天,我们与所有过去和现在的妇女一起庆祝她们的成就。今天你能做些什么来帮助创造一个性别平等的世界?

International Women's Day

Today is International Women's Day, a day to celebrate women all over the globe and to take action to create a world that's diverse, inclusive, and equitable. The day originated when German activist Clara Zetkin pitched the idea of organizing an international day at a conference in 1910 and it was observed starting the following year. History brims over with the significant accomplishments and contributions of women. Marie Curie won Nobel Prizes in both physics and chemistry. Ada Lovelace wrote the world's first computer program in 1836. In 1964, Patsy Mink was the first woman of color elected to US Congress. Sister Rosetta Tharpe influenced a generation and helped create the genre of rock and roll. Today we celebrate their achievements along with those of all women, past and present. What can you do today to help create a world with gender parity?

极光展示,怀特霍斯,育空地区,加拿大 (© John Hyde/plainpicture/Design Pics)

发布于 , 538 次浏览

极光展示,怀特霍斯,育空地区,加拿大 (© John Hyde/plainpicture/Design Pics)



极光通常也称为极光,是地球天空中的自然光显示,主要出现在高纬度地区(北极南极附近)。 极光显示出明亮光的动态模式,表现为覆盖整个天空的窗帘、光线、螺旋或动态闪烁。

在育空地区等北部地区,观赏极光的最佳时间是 8 月下旬至 4 月中旬。 在夏季的几个月里,即使在太阳风活动强烈的时候,夜空也不够黑,看不到北极光。 隆时节,气温可能降至零下 40 度,穿着合适的冬季服装欣赏展览非常重要。

梯田鸟瞰图,元阳,中国 Aerial view of terraced rice fields, Yuanyang County, China (© AlexGcs/Getty Images)

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梯田鸟瞰图,元阳,中国 Aerial view of terraced rice fields, Yuanyang County, China (© AlexGcs/Getty Images)

彩虹般的风景 An iridescent view



Terraced rice fields, Yuanyang County, China

The Yuanyang rice terraces are a sight to behold and a UNESCO World Heritage Site. Located in the Yunnan province in China, these spectacular terraced fields cover an area of more than 65 square miles and are more than 1,300 years old. The rice fields are carved along the original contour lines of the mountains, and their beautiful hues, eye-catching landscape, and gigantic size make them a marvel to look at and photograph. Nestled away from the ruckus of the city, Yuanyang County gives visitors a relaxing and tranquil setting to enjoy. The centuries-old culture of the indigenous Hani people is still very visible in this quiet space: Colorful outfits, traditional houses, and buffaloes working the fields complete the picture.

通往皮库山的道路,葡萄牙 Road to Mount Pico, Portugal (© Marco Bottigelli/Getty Images)

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通往皮库山道路葡萄牙 Road to Mount Pico, Portugal (© Marco Bottigelli/Getty Images)

人迹罕至的一条路 The road less taken?



Mount Pico, Portugal

At almost 8,000 feet above sea level, Mount Pico is the highest point on Pico Island in the Azores, a collection of islands in the Atlantic Ocean known as an autonomous region of Portugal. This stratovolcano made of basaltic lava has been lying dormant since December 1720. However, a 1562 eruption of Mount Pico lasted for more than two years. One of the most prominent sites in the Azores, Mount Pico is a popular hiking destination that allows determined visitors to reach the summit. The apex offers stunning views of Pico Island and many other islands around it, making a difficult climb that is absolutely worth it.

斯皮尔德拉的虎鲸,挪威 Killer whales in the waters off Spildra, Norway (© Alex Mustard/Minden Pictures)

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斯皮尔德拉的虎挪威 Killer whales in the waters off Spildra, Norway (© Alex Mustard/Minden Pictures)

这些捕食者在做什么? What are these predators doing?



Killer whales in Spildra, Norway

Today is World Wildlife Day and there is perhaps no better occasion to brush up on your killer whale—also known as an orca whale—knowledge. Killer whales are apex predators, which means they are at the top of the food chain. Orcas exhibit unmatched hunting skills, but there have not been any documented cases of orcas in the wild killing humans. Their diet usually includes a smorgasbord of sea creatures, such as fish, penguins, and even sharks and whales. Did you know that the name ‘killer whale' is a misnomer? Killer whales are not actually whales but dolphins. It is believed they were nicknamed ‘killer whale' by Spanish sailors who saw them hunting whales.

内格拉廷湖,格拉纳达,西班牙 Negratín Reservoir, Granada, Spain (© Andres Martinez Olmedo/Getty Images)

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内格拉廷,格拉纳达,西班牙 Negratín Reservoir, Granada, Spain (© Andres Martinez Olmedo/Getty Images)

大自然的画作 Nature's own canvas




Negratín Reservoir, Granada, Spain

Step into a world of beauty and serenity with one of the largest freshwater lakes in Andalusia, Spain. The Negratín Reservoir is a nature lover's paradise, created by the Negratín Dam on the Guadiana Menor River and located in the heart of the Granada Geopark. There is a sailing club by the lake, and a variety of aquatic activities make it a popular destination for people looking to relax and unwind in the lap of nature. With imposing cliffs, gullies, and a rugged desert setting all around, the area's landscape is simply breathtaking no matter the time of year.