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塞西尔布鲁尔楼梯,伦敦,英国 Cecil Brewer Staircase, the Heal's Building, London, England (© Yiran An/Getty Images)

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塞西尔布鲁尔楼梯,伦敦英国 Cecil Brewer Staircase, the Heal's Building, London, England (© Yiran An/Getty Images)

通往天堂的楼梯? Stairway to heaven?



Cecil Brewer Staircase, London

This stunning staircase spirals up through three floors at Heal's department store in central London, where it has been helping shoppers get around in stylish fashion since 1916. It was designed by architect Cecil Brewer ahead of the opening of an in-store art gallery. While the gallery no longer exists, the Cecil Brewer Staircase remains a popular part of the store's heritage, particularly with photographers looking to capture a little London glamour. The lights at the outer edge of the stairs were added after World War II, and the elegant chandelier cascading from top to bottom was installed in 2013. If you visit, keep an eye out for a bronze cat on a windowsill overlooking the stairs, the store's not-for-sale official mascot.

盛开的野蒜,海尼希国家公园,德国 (© Frank Sommariva/Getty Images)

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盛开的野蒜,海尼希国家公园德国 (© Frank Sommariva/Getty Images)





透镜状云,巴塔哥尼亚 Lenticular clouds, Patagonia (© Sasha Juliard/Shutterstock)

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透镜状巴塔哥尼亚 Lenticular clouds, Patagonia (© Sasha Juliard/Shutterstock)

我们已经确认了这些“飞行物体” We've identified these 'flying objects'




World Meteorological Day

Though they may look like retro sci-fi spaceships, these strange shapes are lenticular clouds. Their name, like the word lens, comes from the Latin word for lentil, as they often take that shape. They begin to form in the troposphere when moist, stable air meets an updraft caused by a large standing object like a building or mountain. The air rises and if its crest goes below the dew point, it condenses into these fascinating clouds.

Thanks to the science of meteorology, we can explain these atmospheric phenomena. Today is World Meteorological Day, which commemorates the UN led World Meteorological Organization. Since 1950, this group has exchanged information between its members so the world can benefit from better understanding and predicting our atmosphere and weather.

杜费里峡谷,上萨瓦省,法国 (© Jean-Philippe Delobelle/Biosphoto/Alamy)

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杜费里峡谷,上萨瓦省,法国 (© Jean-Philippe Delobelle/Biosphoto/Alamy)






鲍威尔湖,美国 Lake Powell on the Colorado River (© Peter Schaefer/Alamy)

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鲍威尔美国 Lake Powell on the Colorado River (© Peter Schaefer/Alamy)

蜿蜒曲折的人工湖泊,鲍威尔湖 Man-made, meandering Lake Powell



World Water Day

Lake Powell is a man-made reservoir on the Colorado River, stretching across the Utah and Nevada border. It was formed in the 1960s after the US built the Glen Canyon Dam. Though the dam creates power through hydroelectricity, it also causes water loss due to evaporation from the broader surface area of the lake. When the drought took hold around 2000, the lake's water levels began to plummet, and in 2005 it lost nearly half of its volume compared to 1999. It's important to consider our dependence on freshwater, which is why the United Nations created World Water Day in 1993. Through education and activism, they aim to create better water practices on governmental and individual levels. As our global population increases, it's crucial that we all do our part to conserve our freshwater and keep it clean.

甘博阿陨击坑,火星 Gamboa Crater, Mars (© NASA/JPL-Caltech/University of Arizona)

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甘博阿陨击坑,火星 Gamboa Crater, Mars (© NASA/JPL-Caltech/University of Arizona)

此景只应天上有 Out of this world




Gamboa Crater, Mars

It would be pretty tough to live on Mars. It's cold, dry, and the conditions are harsh. The planet's average temperature is about –81 degrees Fahrenheit, but it can get as low as –243 at the poles. But with many canyons, extinct volcanoes, and ice caps, it's beautiful to look at from afar. Most photos of the Red Planet highlight its rusty color, caused by high levels of iron oxide.

This photo shows us Mars' Gamboa Crater, but not with accurate colors. Scientists have recolored the wavelengths that our eyes can't see on their own. These added details let us see the effects of wind inside the crater, providing a perfect example of the spectacularly complex features of this planet.

ballyvooney海岸,科佩海岸地质公园,爱尔兰 Ballyvooney Cove, Copper Coast Geopark, Ireland (© Andrea Pistolesi/Getty Images)

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ballyvooney海岸,科佩海岸地质公园爱尔兰 Ballyvooney Cove, Copper Coast Geopark, Ireland (© Andrea Pistolesi/Getty Images)

彩虹的尽头 Where the rainbow ends




St. Patrick's Day

Get ready for shamrocks, parades, and all things green, because today is St. Patrick's Day. Many countries around the world recognize the holiday, but the first celebration was in Ireland more than 1,000 years ago. St. Patrick's Day, also known as the Feast of Saint Patrick, is both a cultural and religious celebration recognizing Saint Patrick himself, an Irish, 5th century Christian missionary and bishop.

This view is of Copper Coast Geopark, a UNESCO Global Geopark on the southeast coast of Ireland. The area also boasts a rich cultural heritage, and is dotted with numerous historical sites, including Iron Age forts, inscribed stones, and ruins of medieval churches. This magnificent stretch of undulating cliffs and sandy coves is named after the 19th century copper mines that once operated there.

阿圭罗村庄,西班牙 Agüero, Spain (© Andrea Comi/Getty Images)

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阿圭罗村庄西班牙 Agüero, Spain (© Andrea Comi/Getty Images)

如此美景在何处? Where is this scenic view?



Agüero, Huesca province, Spain

Residing in the lap of the distinctive pink-grey mountains is the pretty village of Agüero in the Huesca province of Spain. The textured cliffs known as Los Mallos act as a backdrop to the village, making it incredibly photogenic. The miniature village with its 130 inhabitants is a tourist attraction due to the 12th-century Romanesque Church of Santiago. This national monument is also a sight to behold with its intricate carvings of remarkable beasts and religious scenes created by the artist known only as the Master of San Juan de la Pena. If you consider yourself a history buff, a rock climber, or both, put Agüero on your travel list.

阿伊纳帕植物园灌木丛迷宫,塞浦路斯 Labyrinth in Cyherbia Botanical Park, Cyprus (© Tpopova/Getty Images)

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阿伊纳帕植物园灌木丛迷宫塞浦路斯 Labyrinth in Cyherbia Botanical Park, Cyprus (© Tpopova/Getty Images)

美丽的曲径迷宫 A beautiful labyrinth



Pi Day

Today we're celebrating Pi Day with this magnificent bird's-eye image of the maze of bushes at Cyherbia Botanical Park in Ayia Napa, Cyprus. The significance of this day is to remember the mathematical constant Pi. If you use a calculator to find the value of Pi, it may truncate at 15 decimal digits or less, but in mathematics it is considered a never-ending ratio. The circular pattern of the labyrinth at the Cyherbia Botanical Park brings this equation to life and is a must-visit for people who love long walks. If you're ready for a challenge, give this large hedge maze a go.

罗马尼亚克卢日-纳波卡国家剧院 National Theater, Cluj-Napoca, Romania (© Thomas Mueller/Shutterstock)

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罗马尼亚克卢日-纳波卡国家剧院 National Theater, Cluj-Napoca, Romania (© Thomas Mueller/Shutterstock)

欣赏建筑奇迹 Behold the architectural marvel



National Theater, Cluj-Napoca, Romania

The Lucian Blaga National Theater, located in the Romanian city of Cluj-Napoca, is a cultural icon of the area. Performances there showcase classical and contemporary Hungarian dramas based on progressive and international trends. The opulent theater was built in the Neo-Baroque style, popular in the late 19th century, which calls back to the grandiosity, color, and detail of the Baroque movement that aims to dazzle anyone who enters the space. It is one of three national theaters in Romania, alongside National Theater Bucharest and Iași National Theater.