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巴布亚企鹅,南极洲 Gentoo penguins, Antarctica (© Art Wolfe/Getty Images)
巴布亚企鹅,南极洲 Gentoo penguins, Antarctica (© Art Wolfe/Getty Images)
这是怎么做到的! Here's how it's done!
World Teachers' Day
It's World Teachers' Day, time to celebrate those who dedicate their lives to transmitting knowledge, skills, and experience. Just as teachers shape minds and futures, nature too offers its own ways of passing knowledge. Nestled in the rocky landscapes of the Antarctic Peninsula and Antarctic islands, gentoo penguin hatchlings, born in pairs, benefit from dedicated parental support. The father and mother raise them in a bonded, monogamous pair, bringing food back to the stony nest they have built together. After being fed and raised for 30 days, the chicks join a larger flock known as a crèche or nursery for safety and to learn social behavior. Penguin parents and their community pass on their wisdom through the language of survival.
狼蛛星云中形成的年轻恒星,詹姆斯·韦布空间望远镜 Young stars forming in the Tarantula Nebula, James Webb Space Telescope (© NASA, ESA, CSA, STScI, Webb ERO Production Team)
狼蛛星云中形成的年轻恒星,詹姆斯·韦布空间望远镜 Young stars forming in the Tarantula Nebula, James Webb Space Telescope (© NASA, ESA, CSA, STScI, Webb ERO Production Team)
狼蛛星云 A spider's Webb of stars
World Space Week
It's World Space Week, an opportunity to celebrate humanity's extraterrestrial achievements, as well as the benefits that come from space exploration and technology. The star of our homepage is actually a star-forming region known as the Tarantula Nebula, found in the same group of galaxies as our Milky Way. This detailed image was captured by the powerful James Webb Space Telescope and shows thousands of never-before-seen stars, previously obscured by cosmic dust. The nebula's colossal size and dynamic energy offer plenty of compelling material for astronomers and stargazers of all stripes.
白天堂海滩,圣灵群岛,昆士兰州,澳大利亚 Whitehaven Beach, Whitsunday Island, Queensland, Australia (© Coral Brunner/Shutterstock)
白天堂海滩,圣灵群岛,昆士兰州,澳大利亚 Whitehaven Beach, Whitsunday Island, Queensland, Australia (© Coral Brunner/Shutterstock)
圣灵群岛之旅 Whitsunday wanderlust
Whitehaven Beach, Whitsunday Island, Australia
sand, and sea come together to create the stunning beaches of the
Whitsunday Islands, made up of 74 islands off the coast of Queensland,
Australia. The Great Barrier Reef Marine Park surrounds and protects the
islands, once home to the Ngaro people of Australia, an Aboriginal
group known as the 'canoe people' due to their seafaring lifestyle.
Today, the island's primary visitors are travelers, divers, campers, and
adventure seekers. So, pack your sunscreen and explore the pristine
white sand beaches on your next vacation down under!
韦尔东峡谷,普罗旺斯-阿尔卑斯-蓝色海岸,法国 (© luisapuccini/Getty Images)
韦尔东峡谷,普罗旺斯-阿尔卑斯-蓝色海岸,法国 (© luisapuccini/Getty Images)
雄伟壮丽的中国长城 The majestic Great Wall in China (© Jeff_Hu/Getty Images)
仙纳度国家公园的秋色,弗吉尼亚州 Fall colors in Shenandoah National Park, Virginia (© Michael Ver Sprill/Getty Images)
仙纳度国家公园的秋色,弗吉尼亚州 Fall colors in Shenandoah National Park, Virginia (© Michael Ver Sprill/Getty Images)
啊!仙纳度 Oh Shenandoah
Shenandoah National Park, Virginia
'Oak'tober is upon us and that means it's time to turn over a new leaf! Nestled in the heart of the Blue Ridge Mountains, Shenandoah National Park spans over 200,000 acres. As summer bids farewell, the park undergoes a transformation, unveiling its most enchanting chapter: the fall season. The leaves put on their fanciest outfits—reds, oranges, and golds—creating an amazing show you won't want to miss.
The Skyline Drive, a 105-mile route, offers a front-row seat, with more than 75 overlooks. And there are more than 300 species of trees, vines, and shrubs to see here. The sugar maples, hickories, and oaks are the rock stars of the color-changing game. So, whether you're an avid hiker, a nature photographer, or simply seeking a tranquil escape, this park has it all.
满月下的甲秀楼,中国贵州省贵阳市 Jiaxiu Tower under a full moon, Guiyang, Guizhou province, China (© Wang Yukun/Getty Images)
满月下的甲秀楼,中国贵州省贵阳市 Jiaxiu Tower under a full moon, Guiyang, Guizhou province, China (© Wang Yukun/Getty Images)
举杯邀明月 Under the full moon's gaze
Mid-Autumn Festival
As summer's warmth gently yields to autumn's cool embrace, the Mid-Autumn Festival lights up the Chinese city of Guiyang, celebrating the full moon and the autumn harvest. Also known as the Moon Festival, it takes place on the 15th day of the year's eighth lunar month in the Chinese calendar.
The harvest has been celebrated around the autumn full moon since China's Shang dynasty, more than 3,000 years ago. During the festival, families reunite to enjoy delectable mooncakes, admire the beauty of the moon, express gratitude, and tell tales of Chang'e, the Chinese goddess of the moon, and her husband Hou Yi, a legendary archer.
Similar festivals are celebrated in Japan, Vietnam, South Korea, and other countries in East and Southeast Asia. Jiaxiu Tower, pictured on our homepage, was built in 1598, so it has witnessed many Mid-Autumn Festivals. Under the moonlit sky, lanterns adorn the tower, illuminating the streets, symbolizing hope, good fortune, and unity.
泰国商业港口附近的集装箱船 Container ship near a commercial port in Thailand (© Suriyapong Thongsawang/Getty Images)
泰国商业港口附近的集装箱船 Container ship near a commercial port in Thailand (© Suriyapong Thongsawang/Getty Images)
遵命!船长! Aye aye, captain!
今年的主题是纪念《73/78 防污公约》发布50周年,这是一部管理船舶排放,防止海洋环境污染的国际法。海洋在全球贸易中扮演着重要的角色,同时,地球上许多物种的生存(包括人类)都依赖于一个健康的海洋环境,因此,保护海洋环境,人人有责。
World Maritime Day
The sea is a tough workplace, and a busy one—the shipping industry is the backbone of the global economy, transporting more than 80% of the world’s trade. On World Maritime Day, shipping professionals and leaders gather to raise awareness about maritime safety, sustainable shipping practices, and pollution. Organized by the International Maritime Organization, a UN agency, the day also honors maritime workers. These unsung heroes work long hours and spend months away from family to keep our trade flowing.
This year's theme focuses on the 50th anniversary of MARPOL 73/78, an international law that regulates emissions and aims to minimize pollution in our ocean waters. While the ocean plays a vital global role in trade, the survival of many species on Earth, including our own, depends on it remaining a healthy place.
克虏伯路,卡普里岛,意大利 The Via Krupp footpath on Capri island, Italy (© Mikolaj Niemczewski/Shutterstock)
克虏伯路,卡普里岛,意大利 The Via Krupp footpath on Capri island, Italy (© Mikolaj Niemczewski/Shutterstock)
缓慢平稳地攀登悬崖 Slow and steady climbs the cliff
Via Krupp, Capri, Italy
Via Krupp is a cliffside pathway on the Italian island of Capri, renowned for its dramatic serpentine design. Built between 1900 and 1902 by the German industrialist Friedrich Alfred Krupp, the footpath connects the town of Capri to Marina Piccola beach, and allowed Krupp to access his properties. The pathway's intricate layout, with its sharp turns and steep inclines, was an engineering marvel of its time. Via Krupp's panoramic vistas of the Tyrrhenian Sea, the Faraglioni rock formations, and the lush landscape of the island have drawn admiration for generations. Due to concerns over preservation and safety, because of falling rocks, the pathway has faced intermittent closures, though it reopened in June this year for the first time in nine years.
罗布森山附近的弗雷泽河,大不列颠哥伦比亚省,加拿大 The Fraser River near Mount Robson, British Columbia, Canada (© phototropic/Getty Images)
罗布森山附近的弗雷泽河,大不列颠哥伦比亚省,加拿大 The Fraser River near Mount Robson, British Columbia, Canada (© phototropic/Getty Images)
时而潺潺细流,时而奔腾咆哮 Trickle, babble, or roar
World Rivers Day
If you are a nature enthusiast, or simply enjoy listening to the sound of rumbling rivers, you might like to know that today is World Rivers Day. First held in 2005 during the United Nations' 'Water for Life’ campaign, it was proposed by Canadian river conservationist Mark Angelo, who founded BC Rivers Day in western Canada in 1980. World Rivers Day is held on the fourth Sunday of September to celebrate and raise awareness of the benefits that rivers provide to people and the planet.
The star of today's image, the Fraser River, is the longest river in British Columbia and the 11th longest in Canada. The stream meanders from the Rocky Mountains, traveling more than 850 miles over slopes and flatlands before it merges with the Strait of Georgia, just south of Vancouver.