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大使馆花园的空中游泳池, 英国伦敦 The Sky Pool at Embassy Gardens in London, England (© Xinhua News Agency/Getty Images)

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大使馆花园的空中游泳池, 英国伦敦 The Sky Pool at Embassy Gardens in London, England (© Xinhua News Agency/Getty Images)

A swim in the sky

A lap in this 'sky pool' may have you holding your breath, and not just because you're underwater. With the streets of London looming 10 stories down, the view through the pool's clear bottom is a bit freaky to all but the fearless. But swimming here is a one-of-a-kind experience, and for some lucky residents of these twin apartment blocks near the US Embassy, a convenient way to pop in on neighbors the next building over.

The pool is suspended 115 feet in the air, but its origin is even loftier: It was manufactured at 4,600 feet in the good ol' USA—Grand Junction, Colorado, to be precise—then shipped across the pond to its new home in sea-level London.



游泳池悬挂在115英尺的空中,但它的起源更为崇高:它是在4600英尺高的科罗拉多州的古德奥美大枢纽(good ol’USA Grand Junction)制造的,准确地说,然后穿过游泳池运到它位于海平面伦敦的新家。

蒙特城堡,意大利普利亚大区 Castel del Monte, Apulia, Italy (© Toni Spagone/Alamy)

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蒙特城堡意大利普利亚大区 Castel del Monte, Apulia, Italy (© Toni Spagone/Alamy)

An octagonal architectural treasure

Built in the 1240s by the Holy Roman Emperor Frederick II in southeast Italy, Castel del Monte (Castle of the Mount) features an unusual octagonal design. Eight stone walls stretch between eight octagonal towers and enclose an octagonal courtyard. Each of the two floors also has eight trapezoidal rooms. Acclaimed and protected as a World Heritage Site in 1966, the castle symbolically reflects a harmonious integration of classical Roman, Arabic, and medieval architecture and design—and to some, its octagonal symmetry suggests a connection between heaven and earth.

Its original purpose is unclear. Without a drawbridge, moat, or curtain wall to protect it, it was clearly not a defensive fortress, and its lack of stables call into question its function as a hunting lodge. Over the centuries it has served as a prison and as a refuge from the plague. But whatever the emperor's intention, he left a captivating monument that still enchants today.




圆顶礁国家公园的大教堂谷,犹他州 Mesas, Upper Cathedral Valley, Capitol Reef National Park, Utah (© Tim Fitzharris/Minden Pictures)

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圆顶礁国家公园的大教堂谷,犹他州 Mesas, Upper Cathedral Valley, Capitol Reef National Park, Utah (© Tim Fitzharris/Minden Pictures)

This 'reef' is nowhere near the sea…

…nor the US Capitol building it's named for. Utah's Capitol Reef National Park—first established as a national monument this day in 1937—is named for its massive rock domes that reminded explorers of that famous rotunda back in Washington, DC. Why Capitol 'Reef,' though? Because the imposing formations were a major obstacle to travelers through the region, the same way a coral reef is an obstacle to sailors.

This section of the park, Cathedral Valley, is dotted with monoliths that differ from the namesake domes, instead featuring sheer, jagged walls. While most of the park rests on a steeply warped section of Earth's crust, Cathedral Valley is relatively flat—so rather than carving out gently sloping domes, water erosion here has tended to cut deep, narrow recesses down the rock faces.




东洛锡安的金黄麦田,苏格兰 Barley field in East Lothian, Scotland (© Scott Masterton/plainpicture)

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东洛锡安的金黄麦田苏格兰 Barley field in East Lothian, Scotland (© Scott Masterton/plainpicture)

Welcome to Scotland's garden

Today, we're in the 'Garden of Scotland,' better known as the East Lothian region, to pay homage to the area's agricultural roots on Lammas Day. Also known as Loaf Mass Day, it's an observance that marks the beginning of the harvest season and is traditionally celebrated on August 1. The holiday is descended from the ancient British tradition known during the Middle Ages as the Gule of August and was gradually incorporated into the Christian liturgy celebrating Holy Communion. It gets its name from loaves of bread baked from the first harvested grain of the season each year.

Traditionally, Lammastide festivals would mean up to 10 days of raucous eating, drinking, and general merriment. Scottish couples could also take advantage of another common practice during a Lammas fair: a trial marriage, or 'handfast,' where a young couple could live together for a trial period that could last as long as the Lammas festival itself, or even up to a full year. If at the end of the trial the couple decided to call things off, the woman could return to her family with all of her possessions. If a child was born from this union, it would go live with the father without stigma. And while this arrangement seems awfully modern, it was likely just a consequence of a lack of priests—handfasts allowed a single traveling priest to perform all the town's weddings in one day.




阿卡迪亚国家公园里的水獭悬崖,缅因州 Otter Cliffs, Acadia National Park, Maine (© dbimages/Alamy)

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阿卡迪亚国家公园里的水獭悬崖缅因州 Otter Cliffs, Acadia National Park, Maine (© dbimages/Alamy)

Working for that cliffside view

Maine's Acadia National Park serves up spectacular views at most every turn. But the park's Otter Cliffs on Mount Desert Island offer the adventurous among us a chance to take in the picturesque Atlantic shoreline from the edge of a sheer granite wall. Rising some 60 feet above the crashing waves below, the cliffs are shown here at low tide—when the tide is up, that ledge at the bottom is completely submerged.

The spot's become one of New England's premier climbing destinations, with routes beloved by experts and beginners alike. Climbers begin by either rappelling down the cliff or being lowered from the top. The heart races at the bottom, as waves crash against the seawall right below the climber's shoes and ocean spray makes the first few hand- and footholds slippery. From there, the only way out is up, back to the top of this stunning crag and the cap to a thrilling ascent.




密歇根湖畔的阿德勒天文馆, 芝加哥伊利诺伊州 Adler Planetarium near Lake Michigan, Chicago, Illinois (© Amazing Aerial Agency/Offset by Shutterstock)

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密歇根畔的阿德勒天文馆, 芝加哥伊利诺伊州 Adler Planetarium near Lake Michigan, Chicago, Illinois (© Amazing Aerial Agency/Offset by Shutterstock)

America's oldest planetarium

When it first flicked on the projector lights in 1930, the Adler Planetarium in Chicago was the only one in the Western Hemisphere. At the time, planetariums themselves were only a 7-year-old invention imported from German lens grinders. But the American public's fascination with stars and distant worlds, it turned out, was skyrocketing. By 1934, the Adler had welcomed over a million visitors.

And though our love for space endures, these days in Chicagoland it's tough to catch a clear night sky past all those wonderful bright lights of the Windy City. That helps explain why the Adler still pulls half a million visitors in a typical year, with three state-of-the-art auditoriums and even a massive telescope that lets visitors view far-off galaxies.


1930年,芝加哥的阿德勒天文馆(Adler Planetarium)第一次打开投影仪的灯光时,是西半球唯一的天文馆。当时,天文馆本身只是从德国镜头研磨机进口的一项7年发明。但事实证明,美国公众对星星和遥远世界的迷恋正在飙升。到1934年,阿德勒号已经接待了超过一百万的游客。


乌鲁鲁艺术家布鲁斯·蒙罗的《光之领域》, 澳大利亚 'Field of Light' by artist Bruce Munro at Uluru, Australia (© Sheralee Stoll/Alamy

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乌鲁鲁艺术家布鲁斯·蒙罗的《之领域》, 澳大利亚 'Field of Light' by artist Bruce Munro at Uluru, Australia (© Sheralee Stoll/Alamy)

Illuminated Uluru

This landmark of the Land Down Under is usually pictured in sweltering desert sunlight. Now a 21st-century addition near the ancient rock of Uluru has people flocking here even at night.

Bruce Munro's 'Field of Light' installations—which blanket landscapes in thousands of small LED lights—have appeared around the globe, first in the artist's native England. But it was decades ago while camping here at Uluru that Munro first had the idea for an immersive artwork that would bathe its surroundings in soft light nightly, like desert flowers that bloom after dusk in the Australian Outback. Munro was finally able to bring 'Field of Light' to this forest near Uluru in 2016, and it became so popular with visitors that it's been extended indefinitely.





Walakiri海滩的红树林,印度尼西亚松巴岛 Mangrove trees, Walakiri Beach, Sumba Island, Indonesia (© Tengguo Wu/Getty Images)

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Walakiri海滩红树林印度尼西亚松巴 Mangrove trees, Walakiri Beach, Sumba Island, Indonesia (© Tengguo Wu/Getty Images)

The 'dancing trees' of Sumba Island

On the northern coast of Indonesia's Sumba Island, a stand of mangrove trees appears to dip and sway to summon another dreamy sunrise. Walakiri Beach is gently sloped, so it's easy for a visitor to walk out into the knee-deep water to examine the extraordinary transitional zone of a mangrove ecosystem. Mangroves thrive here at the boundary between land and sea, growing in coastal salt water and low-oxygen conditions where other trees would quickly die. Their complex root systems filter out the salt and form a strong natural defense against storm surges, rising sea levels, and coastal erosion. Mangroves also create aquatic nursery habitats that support a highly diverse range of juvenile fish and crustaceans.

But despite their critical role in maintaining healthy oceans and coastlines, mangroves are disappearing fast, several times faster than forests on land. The United Nations estimates that the world has lost half its mangrove coverage in just the last 40 years. To raise awareness of the importance of mangrove ecosystems and to promote solutions for their sustainable management and conservation, the UN has declared that July 26 is International Day for the Conservation of the Mangrove Ecosystem. We'll dance to that.


