
霍金山州立公园的岩石屋,俄亥俄州,美国 Rock House, Hocking Hills State Park, Ohio (© Kenneth Keifer/Getty Images)

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霍金州立公园的岩石屋俄亥俄州,美国 Rock House, Hocking Hills State Park, Ohio (© Kenneth Keifer/Getty Images)

有人在家吗? Is anybody home?




Rock House in Hocking Hills State Park, Ohio

Ancient and beautiful, Rock House is the only true cave in Ohio's Hocking Hills State Park. This corridor, halfway up a 150-foot cliff, was carved by erosion and has offered shelter to various dwellers over different periods. Long before European settlers arrived, the area's Native American people are believed to have used Rock House as a refuge. Small recesses in the rock walls are thought to have been used as baking ovens, while troughs gouged in the cave's floor helped them to collect water. The walls of Rock House have seven window-like openings, allowing sunlight to filter through, casting beautiful patterns inside the cave and offering cliffside views over the trees for generations of Rock House dwellers.

帕卢斯的农田,华盛顿州,美国 Farmland in the Palouse, Washington (© EJ-J/Getty Images)

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帕卢斯的农田,华盛顿州,美国 Farmland in the Palouse, Washington (© EJ-J/Getty Images)

宛若仙境的帕卢斯田园 Perfect, pastoral Palouse



Palouse farmland, Washington state

The Palouse region in the Pacific Northwest is known for its picturesque landscapes, agricultural heritage, and unique geological features. Those stunning hills in our homepage image were formed over tens of thousands of years, from dust and silt blown by the wind, known as loess. The Palouse's fertile soil and climate make it ideal for farming and it is known for its wheat, barley, lentils, and other crops. With its beautiful rolling hills covered in patchworks of green and golden fields, it is often compared to Italy's Tuscany region or the French countryside.

圣布拉斯群岛,巴拿马 San Blas Islands, Panama (© bgremler/Shutterstock)

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圣布拉斯群岛巴拿马 San Blas Islands, Panama (© bgremler/Shutterstock)

美丽的蓝色屿 A blue-tiful island



San Blas Islands, Panama

Nestled off the northern coast of Panama, the San Blas Islands are an archipelago of more than 360 islands in the Caribbean Sea. Known for their clean, calm waters, they are the perfect place for adventure sports such as snorkeling, surfing, and diving. Staghorn and pillar coral are among the species found in coral reefs surrounding the islands, which teem with marine life. The islands are inhabited primarily by Gunas—people indigenous to Guna Yala—who preserve their way of living with vibrant, traditional clothing, thatched-roof huts known as 'bohíos,' and intricate, handcrafted mola textiles.

卡鲁塞尔凯旋门和卢浮宫金字塔,巴黎,法国 Arc de Triomphe du Carrousel and Louvre Pyramid, Paris, France (© Jon Hicks/Getty Images)

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卡鲁塞尔凯旋门卢浮宫金字塔巴黎法国 Arc de Triomphe du Carrousel and Louvre Pyramid, Paris, France (© Jon Hicks/Getty Images)

凯旋的姿态 A triumphant pose



Arc de Triomphe du Carrousel and the Louvre Pyramid

Paris features an impressive stretch of parks, gardens, and monuments called the Axe historique, or historical axis, that starts at the Louvre Museum, in the city center, and extends west, ending at La Grande Arche. Today's image shows the Arc de Triomphe du Carrousel at the eastern end of the route, with the embodiment of Peace riding a chariot atop it. It shouldn't be confused with the better-known and much larger Arc de Triomphe de l'Étoile, which stands 2 miles away, halfway along the Axe historique. It's a lovely walk from one to the other, through the Jardin Des Tuileries and along the famous Avenue des Champs-Élysées. If the statue on the left side of the photo caught your eye, wave hello to King Louis XIV on horseback.

朱拜勒红树林公园,阿布扎比,阿拉伯联合酋长国 Jubail Mangrove Park in Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates (© Amazing Aerial Premium/Shutterstock)

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朱拜勒红树林公园阿布扎比阿拉伯联合酋长国 Jubail Mangrove Park in Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates (© Amazing Aerial Premium/Shutterstock)

和这些耐盐植物问好! Say hello to these halophytes!



International Day of Mangrove Conservation

Natural vegetation is sparse in the United Arab Emirates, due to its hot and dry desert climate. But along its coast, mangroves have taken root. These hardy trees and shrubs are halophytes, salt-tolerant plants that can filter 90% of the salt from the seawater they live in. Despite their resilience, mangroves are threatened globally, largely due to human activity. Mangrove coverage is thought to have halved over the past 40 years, and they are dwindling much faster than forests overall. The UN has established the International Day of Mangrove Conservation, scientific funding, Global Geoparks, and World Heritage sites to try to reverse these trends. These efforts are vital; mangroves help prevent erosion and protect against storm surges, as well as providing a home for fish, crustaceans, and other wildlife.

托雷维耶哈潟湖,阿利坎特,西班牙 Laguna de Torrevieja, Alicante, Spain (© Juan Maria Coy Vergara/Getty Images)

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托雷维耶哈潟,阿利坎特,西班牙 Laguna de Torrevieja, Alicante, Spain (© Juan Maria Coy Vergara/Getty Images)

粉红色,很好看 Pretty in pink



Laguna de Torrevieja, Spain

When we encounter bodies of water in nature, we might expect hues of blue, from the pale cyan shade of lagoons to the navy blue of deep lakes. But pink water—where on Earth could that be found? At (deep breath) El Parque Natural de Las Lagunas de La Mata y Torrevieja in Alicante, Spain. Here, there are two lakes: one green and one pink, and it is the latter that you see on our homepage. The highly saline water, dotted with clusters of salt crystals, is the perfect environment for microscopic algae, which are rich in carotenes. This results in the rosy tinge that protects the algae from solar radiation. And the pink is just getting started, as the algae are eaten by tiny crustaceans, which turn pink and are then eaten by flamingos, which acquire the rosy hue as well.

爱丁堡茶园, 努沃勒埃利耶, 斯里兰卡 Edinburgh Tea Estate, Nuwara Eliya, Sri Lanka (© Jeremy Woodhouse/Getty Images)

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爱丁堡茶园, 努沃勒埃利耶, 斯里兰卡 Edinburgh Tea Estate, Nuwara Eliya, Sri Lanka (© Jeremy Woodhouse/Getty Images)

你好,你在找“茶”吗? Hello, is it 'tea' you're looking for?

努沃勒埃利耶, 斯里兰卡


Nuwara Eliya, Sri Lanka

Legend has it that tea was first brewed accidentally around 2737 BC in China thanks to a strong wind and some loose leaves. If you find that hard to swallow, there are other origin stories to choose from. However, one thing is certain—the feeling it stirs in tea drinkers worldwide. From gongfu tea practice in China to darye in Korea, there are plenty of fascinating tea cultures to savor. Tea tourism has gained popularity, with visitors to tea plantations and estates learning all about their history. Our homepage image shows one such place, Nuwara Eliya's Edinburgh Estate in the central highlands of Sri Lanka. Nuwara Eliya's colonial-era buildings and mist-shrouded tea gardens have earned it the name 'Little England.' The area is known for producing some of the world's finest orange pekoe tea. So, for your next trip, are you willing to 'chai' something new?

在一棵秃柏树上吊床露营,佛罗里达州,美国 Hammock camping in a bald cypress tree, Florida (© Mac Stone/Tandem Stills + Motion)

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在一棵秃柏上吊床露营,佛罗里达州,美国 Hammock camping in a bald cypress tree, Florida (© Mac Stone/Tandem Stills + Motion)

想出去玩吗? Want to hang out?



National Hammock Day

It’s National Hammock Day! A day to slowly unwind while rocking gently from side to side. These days, hammocks are associated with summer relaxation, but they were originally developed by Central Americans to protect them from dangerous insects and animals. Today the hammock is a traveler's best buddy, made from a variety of materials like fabric, netting, or rope. But where best to hang it? Florida boasts some beautiful hammock hang-out spots, like the bald cypress tree pictured on our homepage. Have hammock, will travel and relax. It's just that simple.

斯托尔桑德特大桥,挪威 Storseisundet Bridge, Atlantic Ocean Road, Norway (© Morten Falch Sortland/Getty Images)

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斯托尔桑德特大挪威 Storseisundet Bridge, Atlantic Ocean Road, Norway (© Morten Falch Sortland/Getty Images)

将散落的屿连接在一起 Connecting the dots



Storseisundet Bridge, Norway

Norway's picturesque Atlantic Ocean Road crosses eight bridges as it makes its way across islands, islets, and reefs to link the island of Averøya with the Romsdal Peninsula on the mainland. The longest of them, pictured here, is the Storseisundet Bridge. This bridge, surrounded by ample natural beauty, was tough to build. It took six years, and during construction workers were pelted by the region's unpredictable weather, including 12 hurricanes. It opened in 1989 and remains a popular visitor attraction. With its dramatic curve and sudden incline, Storseisundet Bridge creates the illusion of suddenly disappearing into the ocean, making drivers skip a heartbeat. Its construction showcases the brilliance of Norwegian engineering, blending seamlessly with the landscape.

从美国宇航局猎户座飞船上看到的月球 The moon seen from the Orion spacecraft of NASA's Artemis mission (© NASA

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美国宇航局猎户座飞上看到的月球 The moon seen from the Orion spacecraft of NASA's Artemis mission (© NASA)

为我们的近邻月球而庆祝 Celebrating our looming lunar neighbor



International Moon Day

International Moon Day is celebrated on July 20, the day humans first set foot on the moon during the Apollo 11 mission in 1969. It recognizes our lunar achievements and highlights scientific and technological advancements, like NASA's Orion spacecraft, seen here. Designed for deep space exploration, Orion completed a test flight to the moon without astronauts in 2022 and will carry out a crewed orbit in 2024. The plan is to return astronauts to the moon's surface in 2025. NASA hopes that these flights, along with events like International Moon Day, will encourage public engagement and education about the moon and its influence on Earth, as well as the potential for future space exploration and colonization.