标签 秋天 下的文章

秋天的巨人之墓,布永市,比利时 Tombeau du Géant (Giant's Tomb) in autumn, Bouillon, Belgium (© David Briard/Getty)

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秋天的巨人之墓,布永市,比利时 Tombeau du Géant (Giant's Tomb) in autumn, Bouillon, Belgium (© David Briard/Getty)

巨人的安息之地 The giant's resting place




Tombeau du Géant in Bouillon, Belgium

Tombeau du Géant in Bouillon, Belgium, offers a picturesque panorama for those who make the journey to see it. The Giant's Tomb, as the hill is known in English, resembles a giant resting in the crook of the 130-mile-long Semois River. The name originates from a local legend about a Gallic giant, Treviso, who chose to leap off the cliffs of Rocher des Gattes rather than be captured by Roman soldiers. This vantage point, popular among hikers and road-trippers, provides a view that shifts dramatically with the seasons. During autumn, the landscape dons warm colors, as seen in today's image, making it an ideal spot for nature enthusiasts and photographers.

While here, you might want to visit Bouillon, a town that invites you to step back in time. It's famous for its medieval castle, Château de Bouillon, once home to Godfrey of Bouillon, a leader of the First Crusade. Visitors can explore the tunnels and towers of the castle, imagining what life was like during the Middle Ages.

曼哈顿中央公园的秋天,纽约,美国 Autumn in Central Park, Manhattan, New York (© mapman/Shutterstock)

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曼哈顿中央公园秋天纽约美国 Autumn in Central Park, Manhattan, New York (© mapman/Shutterstock)

邂逅日的林荫道 Fall in the Mall




Autumn in Central Park, New York

Every autumn, many of the 18,000 trees in Central Park, New York, are painted in shades of yellow, red, and orange. It's one of Central Park's most photographed seasons, and fall in the park has provided iconic backdrops for movies like 'When Harry Met Sally…' and 'Hair.' Trees sense the coming of winter not only by temperature, but by the angle at which sunlight hits their leaves. Because of New York's buildings, the unique interaction of light, shadows, and temperatures often results in fall foliage occurring later in the park than the rest of the city.

Today's image features fall in the Mall, a pedestrian walkway designed and built in the mid-1800s. Flanked by benches and American elm trees, the Mall's canopy was meant to evoke an architectural space like a cathedral. The quarter-mile promenade is the park's only straight path, and it was intended to be a place for New Yorkers of all classes and backgrounds to gather, stroll, sit, and perhaps ponder the passing seasons.

地肤草,茨城县,日本 Kochia, Ibaraki prefecture, Japan (© DigiPub/Getty Images)

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地肤草,茨城县,日本 Kochia, Ibaraki prefecture, Japan (© DigiPub/Getty Images)

随风摆动,进入秋天 Rolling into fall




马布尔附近的白杨树,科罗拉多州,美国 Aspens near Marble, Colorado (© Jason Hatfield/TANDEM Stills + Motion)

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马布尔附近的白杨科罗拉多州,美国 Aspens near Marble, Colorado (© Jason Hatfield/TANDEM Stills + Motion)

色彩斑斓的秋天 Colorado in full color



Aspens in the White River National Forest, Colorado

Slender white trunks reaching skyward and leaves fluttering even in the gentlest breeze—aspen trees are a symbol of the American wilderness. Found across the western states, especially in Utah and Colorado, these trees are the most widespread native species in North America. Their fall foliage is breathtaking, with their leaves turning a vibrant yellow that lights up the landscape, as seen in today's photo, which was taken in the White River National Forest, Colorado.

Aspens are not only beautiful but also biologically fascinating. They grow in large colonies that originate from a single root system, making them some of the largest living organisms on Earth. Each tree in the colony is genetically identical. When an aspen tree is cut down or damaged, the root system remains alive, allowing new shoots to emerge and grow, which helps create a tenacious network that can survive harsh conditions, including wildfires. This species quickly colonizes areas that have been recently burned down and can regenerate even after frequent fires. Aspen trees are more than just a treat for the eyes; they are an example of nature's resilience.

秋天的白桦树,德拉门,挪威 Birch trees in autumn, Drammen, Norway (© Baac3nes/Getty Images)

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秋天的白桦,德拉门,挪威 Birch trees in autumn, Drammen, Norway (© Baac3nes/Getty Images)

天的影子 Shades of autumn



Birch trees, Drammen, Norway

Surrounded by forests and embraced by fjords, the Norwegian port city of Drammen is a haven for outdoor enthusiasts. Birch trees flourish at high altitudes, making them a natural fit for the mountainous region. When autumn arrives, their leaves transform into a mosaic of gold and crimson, in stark contrast to their pale, slender trunks. Long associated with new beginnings and renewal, birch trees don't just look good, they provide a home and sustenance for wildlife, and can be used for firewood and in construction.

秋季的落羽杉,美国佐治亚州 Cypress trees in autumn, Georgia (© Chris Moore/Tandem Stills + Motion)

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季的落羽杉美国佐治亚州 Cypress trees in autumn, Georgia (© Chris Moore/Tandem Stills + Motion)

美国南部的别样秋景 Leaf-peeping Southern style




Bald cypress trees in Georgia

Fall foliage is the hallmark of autumn, when thoughts turn to flannel and corduroy, pumpkin spice and s'mores. Sunny days and crisp nights invite us to step outside to enjoy the changing colors of the leaves. While some may consider the maples of New England the leaf-peeping gold standard, others would give the prize to the aspens of the Rocky Mountains or the cypress trees of the South.

These bald cypress trees in Georgia turn brilliant shades of gold, orange, and crimson that rival their northern competitors. Most varieties of cypress are evergreen, but bald cypresses are deciduous—their lacy needles turn this vibrant copper color in autumn, fall in winter, then the trees grow a new set of needles in the spring. Bald cypresses are native to the southeastern US and flourish in the Mississippi River basin along the Gulf Coast. They're a familiar sight in the bayous of Louisiana and also grow in the coastal plains of the mid-Atlantic, like this regal grove. Bald cypresses thrive in wet conditions like riverbanks and swamps. Commonly reaching well over 100 feet tall, these slow growers provide important habitat for amphibians, fish, and birds, and they protect coastlines from erosion and flooding. If you're in the area this time of year, head to the swamp to see the autumn display before the gentle giants shed their fall outfits.

秋天的图林根森林与瓦特堡城堡,德国 Thuringian Forest in autumn with Wartburg Castle, Germany (© ezypix/Getty Images)

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秋天图林根森林与瓦特堡城堡德国 Thuringian Forest in autumn with Wartburg Castle, Germany (© ezypix/Getty Images)

等等,这上得有座城堡! 'Wait, mountain—you shall bear my castle!'



关于沃特堡的命名,有一些巧妙的文字游戏正在进行。”“Warte”是德语中“watchtower”和“wait”的意思传统认为,城堡的创建者惊呼“Warte,Berg du sollst mir eine Burg tragen!”或者“等等,大山,你将承受我的城堡!”看到位置后。注意那句引语中的“berg”和“burg”,它们分别翻译为山和堡垒。因此,在德国将单词拼凑在一起的伟大传统中,沃特堡这个名字应运而生。


Wartburg Castle overlooking Thuringian Forest in Germany

As you glance over today's photo of the trees changing color in Thuringian Forest in Germany, make note of the castle in the distance. That's Wartburg, a castle built in the Middle Ages that holds significance to people of faith. It was the home of the Catholic Saint Elizabeth of Thuringia, and also where Martin Luther translated the New Testament into German while in exile. It's the area's most popular tourist attraction and has been recognized for its quintessential medieval architecture.

There's some clever wordplay going on regarding how Wartburg was named. 'Warte' is German for both 'watchtower' and 'wait.' Tradition suggests the castle's founder exclaimed 'Warte, Berg—du sollst mir eine Burg tragen!' or 'Wait, mountain—you shall bear my castle!' upon seeing the location. Note the 'berg' and 'burg' in that quote, which translate to mountain and fortress, respectively. And so in the grand German tradition of mashing words together, the name Wartburg came to be.

If the castle isn't of interest to you, Thuringian Forest, known as the Green Heart of Germany, has plenty of its own charm for tourists. The oldest and most popular long-distance hiking trail in Germany, the Rennsteig, runs for about 110 miles within the forest. If you're out for a hike you'll notice the general quietness of the area and fresh, unpolluted air. You may even happen upon the tiny villages that pepper the area and have a reputation for welcoming outsiders.

最后一美元公路旁的白杨树,科罗拉多州特鲁莱德市附近 The aspen canopy along Last Dollar Road near Telluride, Colorado (© Grant Ordelheide/Tandem Stills + Motion)

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最后一美元公路旁的白杨科罗拉多州特鲁莱德市附近 The aspen canopy along Last Dollar Road near Telluride, Colorado (© Grant Ordelheide/Tandem Stills + Motion)

属于秋天的色彩 Fall colors

Autumnal equinox

This thicket of aspen trees is on the Last Dollar Road, an 18-mile scenic drive in southwest Colorado that is as dramatic as its name suggests, with switchbacks and stunning views of peaks and meadows and of course the aspen trees that paint the land come September. Aspens thrive in the cold winters and cool summers of Colorado, where they grow at altitudes between 5,000 to 11,000 feet, typically reaching heights of 50 feet. Their distinct, round leaves quake in the wind making it appear as if the trees are glittering in the sunlight. Aspens generally grow on west-facing slopes, gorging on the afternoon sun. They're among the world's largest living organisms because aspen groves share a single root system. They're also the state's only native deciduous tree and cover about a fifth of its forested land.


这片白杨树灌木丛位于科罗拉多州西南部的Last Dollar Road,这是一条18英里长的风景线,正如它的名字所暗示的那样引人注目,在这里可以看到山峰和草地的转弯和令人叹为观止的美景,当然,到了9月份,白杨树也将为这片土地锦上添。白杨在科罗拉多州的寒冷季和凉爽夏季生长旺盛,在那里它们生长在5000至11000英尺的高度,通常达到50英尺的高度。它们独特的圆形叶子在风中摇曳,使树木在阳下显得闪闪发光。白杨通常生长在向西的斜坡上,饱食午后的阳光。它们是世界上最大的生物之一,因为白杨树林共享一个单一的根系。它们也是该州唯一的本土落叶树,约占该州林地的五分之一。