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西西伯利亚森林中的阳光,俄罗斯拉杜日内市附近 Sunlight in the forest of Western Siberia, near the city of Raduzhny, Russia (© Leonid Ikan/Shutterstock)

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西西伯利亚森林中的阳俄罗斯拉杜日内市附近 Sunlight in the forest of Western Siberia, near the city of Raduzhny, Russia (© Leonid Ikan/Shutterstock)

Winter solstice

The whole Northern Hemisphere will experience the winter solstice today, but the farther north you get, the more obvious it'll be. In high-latitude areas like here in Siberia, the sun's arc cuts especially low across the sky as winter sets in. Today, this spot near the city of Raduzhny will barely get 5 hours' daylight.

Of course, even in the hotter climes of Earth's northern half, today is the shortest day of the year. So, while you wait for the long night to set in, make those daylight hours count!




Invergarry村庄附近的森林,苏格兰 Forest near the village of Invergarry, Scotland (© Matt Anderson Photography/Getty Images)

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Invergarry村庄附近的森林苏格兰 Forest near the village of Invergarry, Scotland (© Matt Anderson Photography/Getty Images)

The Great Glen

Was this photo taken in a peppermint forest? This rare and delicate hoarfrost may look like a confectioner's coating, but it's just the ice that forms when the Scottish Highlands' fog mixes perfectly with a sharp cold snap.

We're in a storied section of Scotland—sort of a lowland of the Highlands—called the Great Glen. This deep valley runs 62 miles coast to coast—from a North Sea inlet on the east to Loch Linnhe on the west. The Great Glen's gentle slopes enclose fairytale forests like these as well as quaint villages and lochs—including nearby Invergarry and Loch Oich, respectively.




马德拉岛的法纳尔森林,葡萄牙 The Fanal Forest on Madeira Island, Portugal (© Val Thoermer/Alamy)

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马德拉的法纳尔森林葡萄牙 The Fanal Forest on Madeira Island, Portugal (© Val Thoermer/Alamy)

These laurels are hardy

Go back 15 million years and you'll find most of Southern Europe looking like this fantasy forest: thick, scrubby underbrush canopied by wizened laurel trees. An epoch or two of human agricultural advances cleared those ancient woods, but patches persist on a few temperate Atlantic islands—Especially here on Madeira, a Portuguese-held island off northwest Africa.

The Fanal Forest, at almost 60 square miles, is the largest surviving laurel forest in the world. Ninety percent of the forest's growth remains uncut, and some of these long-in-the-root laurels have stood for 500 years.




华卡雷瓦雷瓦森林的红木纪念树林,新西兰北岛 Redwood Memorial Grove in Whakarewarewa Forest, North Island, New Zealand (© Michael Breitung/Huber/eStock Photo)

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华卡雷瓦雷瓦森林的红木纪念树林新西兰 Redwood Memorial Grove in Whakarewarewa Forest, North Island, New Zealand (© Michael Breitung/Huber/eStock Photo)

A walk among the giants

On the New Zealand's North Island, Whakarewarewa Forest is home to a diverse range of native plants and animals. There's also a series of lakes as well as hot springs, bubbling mud pools, and even active geysers. But Whakarewarewa Forest features something that no other forest in New Zealand can claim: a grove of majestic redwood trees called the Redwood Memorial Grove. The trees in the grove were introduced from their native California at the beginning of the 20th century.

Today, the Redwood Memorial Grove is a popular hotspot for tourists hoping to walk among the giants, with an elevated walkway that winds through the roughly 600 acres of redwoods. Some of the trees have grown as high as 230-feet in the century since they were planted. These California transplants seem to have taken to their new home quite well.




阿巴拉契亚国家步道,新泽西州斯托克斯州立森林 The Appalachian Trail in Stokes State Forest, New Jersey (© Frank DeBonis/Getty Images)

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阿巴拉契亚国家步道,新泽西州斯托克斯州立森林 The Appalachian Trail in Stokes State Forest, New Jersey (© Frank DeBonis/Getty Images)

A storied trail marks a century

This is but a tiny portion of what's often called the longest hiking-only trail in the world. Today we're in Stokes State Forest along the top edge of New Jersey and those tell-tale two-by-six-inch white blazes tell us that we're on the famous Appalachian Trail (the 'AT' to those in the know). And what a day to be here, for July 8, 2021, is the trail's 100th birthday.

It was 100 years ago today that the trail was first conceived by a Connecticut forester named Benton MacKaye. MacKaye wanted to connect a series of farms and wilderness study camps across many states, and he liked the idea that the trail would be accessible to many via the towns and roads it would pass by. After more than a decade of work, the AT was completed in 1937 and currently stretches 2,190 miles (give or take a few) from Georgia to Maine and 12 states in between. Today we raise a birthday toast to 100 years of hiking and the millions of people from all over the world who have trekked at least a portion of these trails. Cheers!




飘落的杜鹃花瓣铺在Grassy Ridge Bald山的小径上,北卡罗莱纳州皮斯加国家森林 Fallen rhododendron petals line a trail on Grassy Ridge Bald, Pisgah National Forest, North Carolina (© aheflin/Getty Images Plus)

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飘落的杜鹃瓣铺在Grassy Ridge Bald的小径上,北卡罗莱纳州皮斯加国家森林 Fallen rhododendron petals line a trail on Grassy Ridge Bald, Pisgah National Forest, North Carolina (© aheflin/Getty Images Plus)

A path lain with petals

Pisgah National Forest, in western North Carolina, is primarily a hardwood forest boasting 500,000 acres of mountainous peaks and cascading waterfalls that attract hikers, anglers, mountain bikers, and more. But from mid-May to mid-June, the crowds flock here to hike trails that lead to incredible views: acres of native Catawba rhododendrons in full blossom.

The trail pictured here leads to Grassy Ridge Bald and to the 'rhodies.' Grassy Ridge Bald is one of several treeless, grassy ridges found in Pisgah's Roan Mountains, which straddle the Tennessee and North Carolina border. The area boasts not just Catawba rhododendrons, but also huge swaths of orange flame azaleas and wildflowers. If you're lucky, you may even spot the rare Gray's Lily, which was first discovered on Roan Mountain.




布里瓦德附近的皮斯加国家森林,北卡罗来纳州 View of Pisgah National Forest near Brevard, North Carolina (© Adam Jones/Danita Delimont)

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布里瓦德附近的皮斯加国家森林北卡罗来纳州 View of Pisgah National Forest near Brevard, North Carolina (© Adam Jones/Danita Delimont)

Fog above the forest

Today we're looking out over Pisgah National Forest, which was established on this day in 1916. One of the first national forests in the eastern United States, it's comprised of more than 500,000 acres of mountainous peaks, cascading waterfalls, and heavily forested slopes. With hundreds of miles of trails, Pisgah is a popular place for hiking, backpacking, road biking, mountain biking, fishing, and rock climbing.

The land here was first set aside as a public forest with approximately 86,700 acres that were previously part of the Biltmore Estate owned by George Vanderbilt II. But when he passed away in 1914, his wife, Edith Vanderbilt, sold the land to the federal government for $5 an acre, fulfilling her husband's wishes to create the core of the Pisgah National Forest.