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俯瞰那不勒斯湾和维苏威火山,意大利 Looking over the Gulf of Naples towards Mount Vesuvius, Italy (© ezypix/Getty Images)

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俯瞰那不勒斯和维苏威火山意大利 Looking over the Gulf of Naples towards Mount Vesuvius, Italy (© ezypix/Getty Images)

迷人的海湾 'Charming bay scenery


那不勒斯湾(意大利语:Golfo di Napoli)是位于意大利西南海岸(大都市区那不勒斯,坎帕尼亚地区)的一个海湾,宽约15公里,向西通往地中海。那不勒斯湾因风景优美而闻名,是著名的旅游区,沿岸有陡峭的火山峰,包括维苏威火山等活火山以及庞贝古城、赫库兰尼姆古城遗址。海湾入口处有卡普里、伊斯基亚岛和普罗奇达岛等风景名胜。据说罗马皇帝卡里古拉在海湾上建造了一座,他身穿亚历山大大帝的盔甲,乘坐战车横跨海湾。

海王星石窟,撒丁岛, 意大利 Neptune's Grotto, Sardinia, Italy (© Carlo Murenu/Getty Images)

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海王星石窟撒丁岛意大利 Neptune's Grotto, Sardinia, Italy (© Carlo Murenu/Getty Images)

一座适合神居住的石窟 A grotto fit for a god




Neptune's Grotto, Sardinia, Italy

Down 654 steps, perched perilously over the sea in Sardinia, Italy, you'll find a surprise waiting for you. Neptune's Grotto is a stunning stalactite cave that sits just over 3 feet above sea level. First discovered by local fishermen in the 18th century, the grotto was named after the Roman god of the sea. The entire cave complex stretches on for around 2.5 miles, although visitors can only access about 1,000 feet of the total. Inside, there's a labyrinth of lit pathways winding past stalactite and stalagmite formations, leading to a 390-foot-long saltwater lake.

Neptune's Grotto is near the town of Alghero on the northwest coast of Sardinia, the second-largest island in the Mediterranean. It has been inhabited for at least 10,000 years, but its most important ancient civilization, the Nuragic peoples, lived there from around 1800 BCE until the 2nd century CE. At this time, villages were built around nuraghes, a kind of round tower fortress. Today, there are still around 7,000 of these nuraghes across the island, and they have become a symbol of Sardinia. Beyond its history, Sardinia is known for its beaches, mountains, and cuisine.

被水淹没的地下室,圣弗朗西斯大教堂,拉文纳,意大利 Flooded crypt, Basilica of San Francesco, Ravenna, Italy (© Andrea Pucci/Getty Images)

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被水淹没的地下室,圣弗朗西斯大教堂,拉文纳,意大利 Flooded crypt, Basilica of San Francesco, Ravenna, Italy (© Andrea Pucci/Getty Images)

神圣的深渊 Divine depths




Flooded crypt, Basilica of San Francesco, Ravenna, Italy

In the Italian province of Ravenna lies the Basilica of San Francesco, recognized for its beauty and historical significance. This Romanesque church, originally built in 450, features a sturdy square bell tower added in the 9th century, enhancing the basilica's exterior. Its design features three naves, divided by two rows of 12 columns each. Featured in today's image is the basilica's real showstopper: The basement crypt, or burial chamber, is a stunning model of early religious design. Complete with vaulted ceilings that slope down into rows of stone columns, its floor is a work of art itself. It's inlaid with beautifully intricate mosaic tiles that have withstood the test of time.

Built on soft marshland, Ravenna faces ongoing structural challenges because the entire city is gradually sinking. This is particularly evident in the crypt, which now remains perpetually submerged under about a foot of water. But instead of battling the slow flood, the basilica has embraced it, filling the pool with goldfish that glide between the ancient columns and above the submerged mosaics. Visitors often toss coins into the water, making the crypt more of a wishing well than a burial site.

米苏里纳湖,多洛米蒂山脉,意大利 Lake Misurina, Dolomites, Italy (© Marco Bottigelli/Getty Images)

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米苏里纳多洛米蒂山脉意大利 Lake Misurina, Dolomites, Italy (© Marco Bottigelli/Getty Images)

泪水之湖 A lake of tears



Lake Misurina, Dolomites, Italy

You might have heard of a pool of tears, but have you ever heard of a lake of tears? Well, legend has it that Lake Misurina, pictured here, in Italy's Dolomites, was born from the sorrow of a giant named Sorapis. At more than 5,700 feet above sea level, it is the largest natural lake in the Cadore region, with its perimeter stretching more than 1.5 miles. The area around the lake is known for its beneficial climate, especially for those with respiratory conditions. Its crystal-clear waters and surrounding hotels provide a perfect getaway for up to 500 visitors. The lake played a role in the 1956 Winter Olympics, where it hosted speed skating events on natural ice, and it has even been immortalized in a pop song by singer Claudio Baglioni. With astounding views, mythical roots, and activities for every season, this lake may well be the Dolomites' most alluring reflection.

拉瓦雷多三峰山, 意大利 Tre Cime di Lavaredo, Sexten Dolomites, Italy (© Daniel Maran/Getty Images)

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拉瓦雷多三峰山, 意大利 Tre Cime di Lavaredo, Sexten Dolomites, Italy (© Daniel Maran/Getty Images)

山峰的“胜利三重奏” The triumphant trio




International Mountain Day

Today, we celebrate International Mountain Day, an event to honor the towering giants of our planet. Among them are the Tre Cime di Lavaredo, or the 'Three Peaks of Lavaredo,' seen on the right in today's image. A part of the Sexten Dolomites in northeastern Italy, they're one of the most famous mountain groups in the Alps. These three peaks—Cima Grande, Cima Ovest, and Cima Piccola—are a UNESCO World Heritage Site that captivates adventurers and nature lovers alike. During World War I, the front line between Italy and Austria-Hungary cut through the peaks, leaving the area with many remnants of the conflict, such as fortifications, trenches, tunnels, and commemorative plaques.

International Mountain Day promotes sustainable mountain development and the preservation of these landscapes. Mountains are not only home to thousands of species of land animals and plants, but also to 15% of the world's human population. Because of climate change and overexploitation, the fragile ecosystems that mountains support—and the time we have to protect them—are slipping away faster than we think. Sometimes, even the mightiest peaks can't hold out forever.

橄榄树林,伊特里亚山谷,普利亚,意大利 Olive grove, Valle d'Itria, Puglia, Italy (© Massimo Santi/Shutterstock)

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橄榄树林,伊特里亚山谷,普利亚,意大利 Olive grove, Valle d'Itria, Puglia, Italy (© Massimo Santi/Shutterstock)

有数百年历史的橄榄 Many centuries of olive trees




Celebrating World Olive Tree Day

Today, we're not just offering you an olive branch—we've got the whole tree. November 26 is World Olive Tree Day, so we're taking some time to appreciate this amazing plant. Olive trees were first cultivated in the eastern Mediterranean around 8,000 years ago. From there, they were introduced to the Greek islands and mainland by the Phoenicians, then farther afield, reaching Spain and the western edge of the Mediterranean by around 1000 BCE. The olive branch has been a symbol of peace since ancient times, and olive trees have been grown for their oil, wood, and fruit for millennia.

The southern region of Puglia in Italy, seen here, has an estimated 60 million olive trees and produces about 40% of the country's olive oil. The oldest olive tree in Puglia, and one of the oldest in Italy, is thought to be almost 4,000 years old and its olives are still used to make oil. The olive grove in today's image also has another link to the past: The structure between the trees is a trullo. These dwellings, made without mortar, are only found in Puglia. They show how deeply rooted the traditions of this region are.

马纳罗拉,五渔村国家公园,利古里亚,意大利 Manarola, Cinque Terre National Park, Liguria, Italy (© John_Silver/Shutterstock)

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马纳罗拉,五渔村国家公园,利古里亚,意大利 Manarola, Cinque Terre National Park, Liguria, Italy (© John_Silver/Shutterstock)

悬崖边的故事 A cliffside story


蜡笔画一样的房子层叠而下,延伸至地中海,马纳罗拉因此美景而出名,如同今天的照片一样,这里看起来就像童话故事中的场景。镶嵌在意大利利古里亚海岸崎岖悬崖上,马纳罗拉是组成五渔村国家公园的五个村庄之一,被联合国教科文组织列为世界遗产。而马纳罗拉(Manarola)这个名字可能是从拉丁语“Magna rota”演变而来的,在当地方言中变成了“Magna roea”,意思是“大轮子”,以此向该村历史悠久的水车致敬。马纳罗拉的历史可以追溯到1338年,它被认为是五渔村最古老的村庄,其历史根植于渔业和酿酒业。夏克特拉是这一地区独有的餐后甜酒,在意大利诗人的诗篇中,这种酒早已成为不朽的名酒。沿着这里的“爱之路”漫步,您可以感受到这个地区独有的浪漫和魅力,这条风景优美的滨海小径连接着马纳罗拉和五渔村的另一个村庄里奥马焦雷。在马纳罗拉,时间会变得慢下来,那是海边的魔法开始发挥作用了。

Manarola, Cinque Terre National Park, Liguria, Italy

Known for its rows of pastel houses that stretch down to the Mediterranean Sea, Manarola, seen in today's image, is a picturesque village on the Italian Riviera. Perched on the rugged cliffs of the Ligurian coast, it's one of the five villages that make up Cinque Terre National Park, a UNESCO World Heritage Site. The name 'Manarola' might have evolved from the Latin 'Magna rota,' which means 'large wheel,' a nod to the village's historical mill wheel.

Believed to be the oldest village in the Cinque Terre, dating to 1338, Manarola's history is rooted in fishing and winemaking. Sciacchetrà, a dessert wine unique to this area, has long been immortalized in the verses of Italian poets. Take a walk along the Via dell'Amore, or 'Path of Love'—a scenic coastal trail connecting Manarola to its neighboring village, Riomaggiore—and you can sense the romance and charm that defines this region. Legend has it that the footpath became a meeting place for lovers from the two villages. Time slows down when you're in Manarola, and the magic of the country's coastal heritage comes to life.

祖卡里宫,罗马,意大利 Palazzo Zuccari, Rome, Italy (© Photon-Photos/Getty Images)

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祖卡里宫,罗马意大利 Palazzo Zuccari, Rome, Italy (© Photon-Photos/Getty Images)

可怕的外墙 Fearsome façade



Palazzo Zuccari, Rome

At the top of the Spanish Steps in Rome, take a left underneath the imposing Catholic church. Down an unassuming side street, there's a surprise waiting for you: a house of monsters. Welcome to the Palazzo Zuccari, a 16th-century palace where myths seem to come to life on its façade—grotesque faces swallow up its doors and windows. Federico Zuccari, who built the palace, was well-versed in monsters. His painting of the Last Judgment in Florence Cathedral and his illustrations of Dante's Inferno are replete with mythical beings. The monster door originally led to the palazzo's garden because Zuccari enjoyed making his guests experience the contrast between the scary entrance and the beautiful serenity of the garden. These days, the door leads to the Bibliotheca Hertziana, a library specializing in Italian art history, from the Middle Ages to the modern day, which has occupied the site of the garden since 1912.

If you're looking for more monstrous mouths in Rome, not far from the Palazzo Zuccari is the Bocca della Verità, an ancient Roman mask. According to legend, it will bite off any liar's hand that's placed in its mouth.

索拉诺,托斯卡纳,意大利 Sorano, Tuscany, Italy (© Luigi Vaccarella/eStock Photo)

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索拉诺,托斯卡纳意大利 Sorano, Tuscany, Italy (© Luigi Vaccarella/eStock Photo)

托斯卡纳的石头小镇 The stone town of Tuscany



大运河和安康圣母教堂的鸟瞰图,威尼斯,意大利 Aerial view of the Grand Canal and the Basilica di Santa Maria della Salute, Venice, Italy (© Bachir Moukarzel/Amazing Aerial Agency)

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大运河和安康圣母教堂鸟瞰图,威尼斯意大利 Aerial view of the Grand Canal and the Basilica di Santa Maria della Salute, Venice, Italy (© Bachir Moukarzel/Amazing Aerial Agency)

在漂浮的城市之上 Above the floating city



Basilica of Santa Maria della Salute, Venice, Italy

The Santa Maria della Salute church in Venice is steeped in history. As a plague devastated the city in 1630, its leader, Doge Nicolò Contarini, vowed to build a majestic church dedicated to the Virgin Mary if the city was spared. In 1631 the epidemic ended, and construction began. The church, built in the Baroque style, was completed around 50 years later, a lifelong project for architect Baldassare Longhena.

Built at the entrance to the Grand Canal, its dome dominates the Venice skyline. Each November, Venice commemorates the church's significance during the Festa della Madonna della Salute, a cultural celebration that includes festive processions and offering of candles in gratitude for deliverance from the plague.