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纳克什鲁斯塔姆遗址,伊朗波斯波利斯 Naqsh-e Rustam archaeological site near Persepolis, Iran (© mshirani/Shutterstock)

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纳克什鲁斯塔姆遗址伊朗波斯波利斯 Naqsh-e Rustam archaeological site near Persepolis, Iran (© mshirani/Shutterstock)

国际考古日 International Archaeology Day


Naqsh-e Rostam是一座雕刻在伊朗西南部山区古代墓地,是古代波斯最早繁荣的文明之一的门户。四位阿契美尼德国王的陵墓(你可以在这里看到其中三位)以高高地雕刻在悬崖表面的岩石浮雕为标志。这个遗址及其周围地区对伊朗及其人民的历史具有重大意义。它们也是考古学在理解我们的过去方面所起作用的辉范例。每年10月的第三个星期六,我们都会停下来庆祝并表彰考古学家作为人类历史解释者的贡献。

墓地是由坟墓和墓地组成的综合体,字面意思是“死者之城”这家离法尔斯省的西拉市很近。其中一座坟墓被铭文确定为大流士一世(又名大流士大帝)的安息之地,其他坟墓被认为是大流士的儿子薛西斯一世、阿尔塔克西斯一世和大流士二世的坟墓,这些人是公元前522-330年阿契美尼德王朝的领导人。纳什赫·罗斯坦也是描绘后来萨珊帝国国王的浮雕之乡,萨珊王朝是7世纪和8世纪穆斯林征服之前的最后一个伊朗帝国。只有几百码远的地方是被称为Naqsh-e Rajab的考古遗址,更多的石雕描绘了三位萨珊王朝国王和一位大祭司。虽然这些文明已经消亡,但它们创造的东西是人类历史的永久记录。

International Archaeology Day

Naqsh-e Rostam is an ancient necropolis carved into the mountains of southwestern Iran, a porthole into one of the earliest civilizations to flourish in ancient Persia. The tombs of four Achaemenid kings (you can see three of them here) are marked by rock reliefs carved high above the ground into the cliff face. This site and the area around it are of huge significance to the history of Iran and its people. They're also a shining example of the role archaeology plays in understanding our past. On the third Saturday of every October, we pause to celebrate and recognize the contributions of archaeologists as interpreters of human history.

A necropolis is a complex of tombs and burial plots, literally translated as a 'city of the dead.' This one is close to the city of Shiraz in Fars Province. One of the tombs is identified by an inscription as being the resting place of Darius I, aka Darius the Great, and the others are believed to be the tombs of Darius' son, Xerxes I, Artaxerxes I, and Darius II, leaders during the Achaemenid dynasty from 522-330 BCE. Naqsh-e Rostam is also home to relief carvings depicting kings of the later Sassanian Empire, the last Iranian empire before the Muslim conquests of the 7th and 8th centuries. Only a few hundred yards away is the archaeological site known as Naqsh-e Rajab, with more rock carvings depicting three Sassanid kings and a high priest. While these civilizations have faded, what they created endures as a permanent record of human history.

奥尔德萨和佩尔迪多山国家公园里的瀑布,西班牙比利牛斯山脉 Waterfall on the Rio Arazas in Ordesa y Monte Perdido National Park, Pyrenees, Spain (© David Santiago Garcia/Cavan Images)

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奥尔德萨和佩尔迪多国家公园里的瀑布西班牙比利牛斯山脉 Waterfall on the Rio Arazas in Ordesa y Monte Perdido National Park, Pyrenees, Spain (© David Santiago Garcia/Cavan Images)

通往伊比利亚的门户 Gateway to Iberia


比利牛斯山脉在任何季节都很引人注目,但在夏季温暖持续到季的年份尤其美丽,自最早的文明在那里扎根以来,比利牛斯半岛一直是伊比利亚半和欧洲其他地区之间的天然边界。位于山脉中心的Ordesa y Monte Perdido国家公园创建于1918年,并于1982年扩建。如今,它已成为联合国教科文组织的世界遗产


Rio Arazas in Ordesa and Monte Perdido National Park, Pyrenees, Spain

Striking in any season, but particularly beautiful in years when the warmth of summer stretches into fall, the Pyrenees have served as a natural border between the Iberian Peninsula and the rest of Europe since the earliest civilizations took root there. Located in the center of the range, the Ordesa y Monte Perdido National Park was created in 1918 and expanded in 1982. Today it is a UNESCO World Heritage Site.

Boasting sheer cliffs and deep, verdant valleys, the park is a photographer's dream, with a landscape marked by remarkable geological landforms and diverse ecologies shaped by the drastic elevation changes of the Pyrenees. The region is home to several species that can only be found here, including the Pyrenean chamois and the Pyrenean desman, or water mole. The mammal considered the most rare and important in the region, the bucardo or Pyrenean ibex, went extinct in January 2000 despite preservation efforts.

蒙茅斯海滩的菊石路面,英国多塞特侏罗纪海岸世界遗产地 Ammonite Pavement at Monmouth Beach, Jurassic Coast World Heritage Site, Dorset, England (© AWL Images/Danita Delimont)

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蒙茅斯海滩菊石路面,英国多塞特侏罗纪海岸世界遗产地 Ammonite Pavement at Monmouth Beach, Jurassic Coast World Heritage Site, Dorset, England (© AWL Images/Danita Delimont)

回到过去 Stepping back in time


回溯1.99亿年,前往英国多塞特的侏罗纪海岸世界遗产地。这幅令人惊叹的化石展示图被称为“氨岩路面”,数千块化石被埋藏在蒙茅斯海滩西端的石灰岩岩架中。虽然菊石看起来很像蜗牛壳,但它们是已灭绝海洋生物的化石,与当今的章鱼或鱿鱼关系更为密切。英国自然历史博物馆(British’s Natural History Museum)指出,由于菊石的数量和大小,这个充满化石的岩架在世界上是独一无二的:化石直径高达27英寸。如果你想看看,时间就是低潮时岩壁出现的一切,附近的大岩石中也有更多的菊石。


Jurassic Coast World Heritage Site, England

Travel back 199 million years with a trip to the Jurassic Coast World Heritage Site in Dorset, England. This stunning fossil display is known as the Ammonite Pavement, and thousands of these fossils are embedded in a limestone ledge at the west end of Monmouth Beach. Although the ammonites look rather like snail shells, these are fossils of extinct sea creatures that are more closely related to today's octopus or squid. Britain's Natural History Museum notes that the fossil-filled ledge is unique in the world because of the sheer number and size of the ammonites: The fossils reach up to 27 inches in diameter. If you want to check them out, timing is everything—the ledge emerges at low tide, and there are more ammonites in large rocks nearby, too.

Today is National Fossil Day, when we celebrate the fascinating world of extinct creatures and plants. It's no coincidence that it falls during Earth Science Week: We can learn more about our planet and all living things from this visible, touchable legacy of our past.

瓦伦蒂诺大坝,意大利伦巴第大区布雷西亚省 Valvestino dam in the province of Brescia, Lombardy, Italy (© wmaster890/Getty Images)

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瓦伦蒂诺大坝意大利伦巴第大区布雷西亚省 Valvestino dam in the province of Brescia, Lombardy, Italy (© wmaster890/Getty Images)

穿越意大利峡湾之旅 Journey through the Italian fjords


巴伦蒂诺公园(又称瓦伦蒂诺乐园)是意大利都灵市一个受欢迎的公共公园。它位于蒲江西岸。它占地面积500000平方米,是都灵第二大公园(都灵最大的公园,840000平方米的佩莱里纳公园,是意大利最广阔的城市绿地)。这个公园里有一个中世纪村庄,是都灵最受当地人欢迎的。当你准备好在一个紧凑的区域内游览河流木和花园、皇家宫殿等时,前往位于波左岸的巴伦蒂诺公园(Parco del Valentino)。

Ponte Cola Dam near Lake Garda

Parco del Valentino (also known as Valentino Park) is a popular public park in Turin, Italy. It is located along the west bank of the Po river. It covers an area of 500,000m², which makes it Turin's second largest park (Turin's largest park, the 840,000m² Pellerina Park, is Italy's most extended urban green area). There is a medieval village set in this park that is the most popular in Torino—amongst locals. When you’re ready for a river, trees and gardens, royal palaces, and more in a compact area, head for the Parco del Valentino on the left bank of the Po.

楚科奇海的浮游植物水华,美国阿拉斯加州海岸附近 Blooms of phytoplankton in the Chukchi Sea off the coast of Alaska (© Norman Kuring/Kathryn Hansen/U.S. Geological Survey/NASA)

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楚科奇海的浮游植物水华,美国阿拉斯加海岸附近 Blooms of phytoplankton in the Chukchi Sea off the coast of Alaska (© Norman Kuring/Kathryn Hansen/U.S. Geological Survey/NASA)

什么生长得这样茂盛? What's blooming so brightly?





Blooms of phytoplankton in the Chukchi Sea

Hundreds of shades of blue are marbled together in this cool shot. No, it's not a work of modern art, it's right off the brush of nature. This is a satellite photo of phytoplankton blooming near Alaska as the cool, salty Chukchi Sea mingles with warmer, fresher water closer to shore.

But just what are phytoplankton? They're microscopic sun-powered organisms that float near the surface of the ocean, drifting with the currents. In fact, their name derives from the Greek 'phyton' for plant and 'planktos' for wanderer or drifter. Delicious and nutritious to various creatures living in oceans and estuaries, they're also vital to everyone on Earth: Phytoplankton are responsible for about half of the world's photosynthesis, the sun-powered process that takes in carbon dioxide and releases oxygen.

We're talking phytoplankton today in honor of Earth Science Week, an international event encouraging all of us to learn about or even devote our life to the Earth sciences. This year's theme is 'Earth Science for a Sustainable World,' emphasizing science's role in sustaining our planet. So, time to dust off that microscope, visit your local science museum, or perhaps just learn more about beautiful, swirling phytoplankton.

一年一度的灯光节期间,奥伯巴姆大桥上的设计方案, 德国柏林 Designs projected on the Oberbaum Bridge during the yearly Festival of Lights in Berlin, Germany (© John MacDougall/AFP via Getty Images)

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一年一度的灯光节期间,奥伯巴姆大上的设计方案, 德国柏林 Designs projected on the Oberbaum Bridge during the yearly Festival of Lights in Berlin, Germany (© John MacDougall/AFP via Getty Images)

中的旧桥 An old bridge in a new light




Berlin Festival of Lights

The double-decker Oberbaum Bridge is one of Berlin's most beloved and iconic landmarks. This centuries-old span once connected two boroughs separated by the Berlin Wall, the barrier that physically and ideologically divided East and West Berlin from 1961 to 1989. The first bridge in this spot was built in the 1700s, although the current road-and-rail Oberbaum was constructed at the end of the 19th century.

It remains an important symbol of unified Berlin, and a prominently featured landmark in the city's annual, weeklong Festival of Lights, which begins today. The international festival, now in its 18th year, transforms Berlin's buildings and landmarks with artful displays of light, as colors, patterns, and images are projected onto structures across the city. Here we see the Oberbaum all lit up for the 2020 festival—a far cry from its Cold War days. For nearly 30 years, the bridge served as a border crossing between East and West Berlin. It became the end of the train lines as a checkpoint was installed and the historic towers were demolished. But after German reunification in 1990, the bridge was rebuilt and restored to its former glory—a fitting fate for a landmark that has transformed along with the city it serves.

巴斯克海岸世界地质公园的比斯开湾,西班牙 Bay of Biscay in the Basque Coast Geopark near Bilbao, Spain (© Olimpio Fantuz/eStock Photo)

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巴斯克海岸世界地质公园的比斯开西班牙 Bay of Biscay in the Basque Coast Geopark near Bilbao, Spain (© Olimpio Fantuz/eStock Photo)

隐入大海的龙尾  Dragon tails trail to the sea


这些龙尾巴状的结构延伸至西班牙北部巴斯克海岸的比斯开湾,是地球上最独特、最引人注目的地质构造之一。对于地质学家和喜欢看岩石的人来说,这是一个仙境。巴斯克海岸地质公园(Basque Coast Geopark)在导游的带领下,游客可以发现6000万年不间断的地质历史。


International Geodiversity Day

These dragon tail-like structures that stretch into the Bay of Biscay on the Basque Coast of northern Spain are part of one of the most unique and remarkable geological formations on the planet. It's a wonderland for geologists, and for people who just like looking at cool rocks. Guided tours of the Basque Coast Geopark allow visitors to discover 60 million years of uninterrupted geological history.

Today is International Geodiversity Day, which brings to light the importance of geoscience in solving major challenges that humanity is facing today. This can include the study of geology, the lithosphere, and the large-scale structure of Earth's interior, as well as the atmosphere, hydrosphere, and biosphere.

黄山的日出,中国 The Mt. Huangshan sunrise, Anhui, China (© zhouyousifang/Getty Images)

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黄山日出中国 The Mt. Huangshan sunrise, Anhui, China (© zhouyousifang/Getty Images)

今天我们去爬吧 Let ‘s climb the mountain today.

The Mt. Huangshan sunrise

Chongyang Festival is also called Double Ninth Festival. In Chinese, it is a day for people to eat Chongyang cake, drink chrysanthemum wine and climb mountains. Today we come to one of the most famous mountains in China.

Located in east China's Anhui Province, Mount Huangshan is renowned for its magnificent natural scenery including massive granitic boulders and ancient pine trees which are often further enhanced by cloud and mist effects. The property features numerous imposing peaks, many of which exceed an altitude of 1,000 meters, with the highest, the famous Lianhua Peak, reaching up to 1,864 meters.




Zaha Hadid Architects设计的港口大楼, 安特卫普, 比利时 Port House designed by Zaha Hadid Architects, Antwerp, Belgium (© Dmitry Rukhlenko/Alamy)

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Zaha Hadid Architects设计的港口大楼, 安特卫普, 比利时 Port House designed by Zaha Hadid Architects, Antwerp, Belgium (© Dmitry Rukhlenko/Alamy)

建立在过去之上的未来 A future built on the past


安特卫普口管理局大楼(又名港口大楼)是一座闪闪发的方尖碑,矗立在数百年前的建筑之上。这座引人注目的建筑是扎哈·哈迪德(Zaha Hadid)与她的团队在扎哈·海迪德建筑师事务所(Zaha-Hadid Architects)创造的愿景,该事务所在2009年赢得了围绕历史消防站修建新建筑的竞赛。工程于2016年竣工,同年这位著名建筑师去世。扩建计划类似于一艘帆船体,突出的船头闪烁着钻石,让人想起安特卫普长期以来的宝石贸易。


World Architecture Day

Antwerp's Port Authority Building (aka Port House) is a gleaming obelisk perched above a building from centuries past. This striking structure was the vision Zaha Hadid created with her team at Zaha Hadid Architects, which won a 2009 competition to build a new building around a historic firehouse. Work completed in 2016, the same year the famed architect died. The expansion is intended to resemble the hull of a sailing ship, with a protruding bow glimmering with diamonds, recalling Antwerp's longtime trade in precious stones.

Today we celebrate World Architecture Day and its 2022 theme of 'Architecture for wellbeing.' Architecture that preserves historic buildings by combining them with modern structures is becoming more prevalent as cities seek to retain the spirit of their earlier incarnations while creating new, modern spaces and never-before-seen constructions. Some famous examples of this style include the Brooklyn Museum in New York City, the Museum of Military History in Dresden, Germany, and another Hadid design, St. Antony's College in Oxford, England.