菲希特尔山脉上的和平钟,萨克森州,德国 Peace bell on the summit of Fichtelberg, Saxony, Germany (© Jan Drahokoupil/Getty Images)

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菲希特尔山脉上的和平钟,萨克森州,德国 Peace bell on the summit of Fichtelberg, Saxony, Germany (© Jan Drahokoupil/Getty Images)

和平之钟 A bell for peace



Peace bell on Fichtelberg, Germany

The Fichtelberg is located on the Oberwiesenthal in the Ore Mountains. This mountain is 1214 m high, making it not only the highest mountain in East Germany but also a very prestigious place for winter sports enthusiasts. All kinds of sports are offered. From classic skiing and snowboarding to cross-country skiing, cross-country skiing tours, tobogganing, and horse-drawn sleigh rides. If you prefer summer, you can also enjoy this place in the warm season and completely immerse yourself in untouched nature. At the top of the mountain, you can visit the Fichtelberghaus. From there you have a breathtaking view of the surrounding mountains.

标签: 德国, 山脉

