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美瑛町的四季彩之丘,日本 Shikisai no Oka flower gardens in Biei, Japan (© Tanya Jones/Shutterstock)

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美瑛町的四季彩之丘日本 Shikisai no Oka flower gardens in Biei, Japan (© Tanya Jones/Shutterstock)

Hues of Hokkaido

The Japanese prefecture of Hokkaido is known the world over as a winter wonderland. But once the snow melts, it's not long before the northerly island becomes a summery extravaganza of color. Just outside the town of Biei in central Hokkaido's hilly highlands, gardeners cultivate a rainbow blanket of tulips, lupine, marigolds, dahlias, and many more flowering plants. So wide is the assortment here at Shikisai no Oka (meaning 'Hills of Seasonal Colors') that if you visit between April and October, you're sure to find at least one type of flower in full bloom.


日本北海道县被全世界称为季仙境。但一旦融化,不久,北风就变成了夏季色彩的盛宴。就在北海道中部丘陵高地的碧井镇外,园丁们种植着一片彩虹般的郁金香羽扇豆、万寿菊、大丽和更多的开花植物。Shikisai Nooka(意为“季节性色彩的山丘”)的品种繁多,如果你在4月至10月期间造访,你肯定会发现至少有一种花开得很茂盛。

香浓河对岸的景色,爱尔兰利默里克 A view across the River Shannon in Limerick, County Limerick, Ireland (© Piotr Machowczyk/Shutterstock)

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香浓对岸的景色,爱尔兰利默里克 A view across the River Shannon in Limerick, County Limerick, Ireland (© Piotr Machowczyk/Shutterstock)

A visit to Limerick on Limerick

Today is Limerick Day, and what better place to celebrate this unofficial holiday than in Limerick, Ireland. The connection between the historic city and the humorous, five-line verse is unclear. Several theories have been purported, none of them definitive. But the city of Limerick has embraced its namesake poetry style and in recent years the Limerick Writers' Centre has hosted an annual competition called Bring Your Limericks to Limerick.

We're looking across the River Shannon at the historic part of the city, a medieval section once walled off by the Vikings around 812 and known today as King's Island. That's King John's Castle on the left, built on the order of King John in 1200. Over on the right is St. Mary's Cathedral, which dates from 1168 and is the oldest building in Limerick still in use. History suggests the area was settled long before the Vikings conquered it and set about destroying Irish public records. The earliest map of Ireland, produced in 150 CE by historian and overall polymath Ptolemy, shows a place called 'Regia' at the same site as King's Island.




格林内尔湖,蒙大拿州冰川国家公园 Grinnell Lake, Glacier National Park, Montana (© Pung/Shutterstock)

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格林内尔蒙大拿冰川国家公园 Grinnell Lake, Glacier National Park, Montana (© Pung/Shutterstock)

'The Crown of the Continent'

With one million acres of rugged, northwestern Montana wilderness to explore, a trip to Glacier National Park could fill up an entire summer and more. But let's just take one day and virtually visit Grinnell Lake. A 7-mile loop trail, a relatively easy one in this rugged country, takes you to the shores of the lake turned emerald-green by glacial silt. Grinnell Lake—as well as Mount Grinnell and Grinnell Glacier—is named for the naturalist and Audubon Society founder George Bird Grinnell. For two decades, he lobbied for the creation of the park, and on May 11, 1910, the 'Crown of the Continent,' as Grinnell dubbed this area, became the nation's 10th national park.



穆斯黑德湖附近的Norcross Brook河与湿地,缅因州皮斯卡特奎斯 Norcross Brook and wetlands near Moosehead Lake in Piscataquis County, Maine (© Aaron Black-Schmidt/Tandem Stills + Motion)

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穆斯黑德附近的Norcross Brook湿地缅因州皮斯卡特奎斯 Norcross Brook and wetlands near Moosehead Lake in Piscataquis County, Maine (© Aaron Black-Schmidt/Tandem Stills + Motion

Deep in the North Woods wetlands

To celebrate American Wetlands Month, we're flying over Norcross Brook, which snakes through the wetlands of Maine's North Woods near Moosehead Lake. Wetlands like these are an often-underappreciated natural resource. They act as vital link between land and our planet's watersheds, playing a crucial role in protecting healthy ecosystems. In addition to providing indispensable habitat for the many species that call them home, wetlands filter our drinking water and cycle nutrients. They also provide a natural buffer from storms, absorb flood waters, and capture carbon from the atmosphere—all of which help to mitigate the impact of climate change.

Some of the wetlands here around Moosehead Lake include the West Shirley Bog and the Lazy Tom Bog, both of which are well-known moose-watching hotspots. The hulking animals of Maine's North Woods are so common they're said to outnumber residents three to one. Surely there's a moose or five down there among those trees…




托塞加尔瀑布,印度马哈拉施特拉邦 Thoseghar Waterfalls in Maharashtra, India (© Sonali Kumar/iStock/Getty Images Plus)

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托塞加尔瀑布印度马哈拉施特拉邦 Thoseghar Waterfalls in Maharashtra, India (© Sonali Kumar/iStock/Getty Images Plus)

The roaring waterfalls…

Situated at the edge of the Konkan region in Maharashtra, India, the waterfall is formed of many small streams flowing from Panchgani and Mahabaleshwar and a series of other waterfalls that sprout up during the monsoon season. The sight of the waterfall is magical! You get to see the water swishing over the rocks joyfully. It thunders down into a pool like a gigantic waterspout, making a roaring sound. Needless to say, the place is rich in flora and fauna and you can see the species of exotic and local birds that you would have never seen before.

Another reason for featuring this beautiful waterfall today is that we are celebrating Maharashtra Day. On this day in 1960, Maharashtra gained statehood after the division from the Bombay State.




乔鲁拉大金字塔,墨西哥乔鲁拉 The Great Pyramid of Cholula, in Cholula, Puebla, Mexico (© mauritius images GmbH/Alamy)

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乔鲁拉金字塔墨西哥乔鲁拉 The Great Pyramid of Cholula, in Cholula, Puebla, Mexico (© mauritius images GmbH/Alamy)

The birthplace of Cinco de Mayo

The church we see on the grassy hill was built after Hernan Cortez and his Spanish army conquered Cholula one October day in 1519. The Spanish ravaged the holy city that day, murdering 10% of its population and burning down the many pyramids that dotted the area. But just underneath this church, buried for centuries, lay an ancient secret never discovered by the Spanish. It's the largest pyramid in the world, the Great Pyramid of Cholula, so large its enormous base would span several Olympic-sized swimming pools.

It's apt then, that we visit this holy area on Cinco de Mayo. Just 20 miles away near the city of Puebla, on May 5, 1862, another battle was waged, this time by the Mexicans against French invaders. By some miracle, the vastly outnumbered and outarmed Mexicans won the Battle of Puebla. And so today, we in the United States join those in this part of Mexico to celebrate a win over would-be conquerors.

Cinco de Mayo的诞生地



鸟瞰博登湖上的迈瑙岛,德国 Aerial view of the island of Mainau on Lake Constance, Germany (© Amazing Aerial Agency/Offset by Shutterstock)

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鸟瞰博登上的迈瑙德国 Aerial view of the island of Mainau on Lake Constance, Germany (© Amazing Aerial Agency/Offset by Shutterstock)

Welcome to the "flower island"!

From this height it is not immediately apparent why this island is nicknamed the “flower island”. But even a bird's eye view already suggests that the island of Mainau in Lake Constance is a special kind of natural experience - in every season of the year. Millions of tulips, daffodils and hyacinths bloom there in spring, rhododendrons, azaleas and roses can be admired in summer, dahlias bloom in autumn and in the cold months the island is transformed into a magical winter garden.



金门公园中日本茶园里盛开的樱花,加州旧金山 Cherry blossoms in bloom at the Japanese Tea Garden in Golden Gate Park, San Francisco, California (© luisascanio/iStock/Getty Images)

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金门公园日本茶园里盛开的樱花加州旧金山 Cherry blossoms in bloom at the Japanese Tea Garden in Golden Gate Park, San Francisco, California (© luisascanio/iStock/Getty Images)

It's Asian American and Pacific Islander Heritage Month

With Asian American and Pacific Islander Heritage Month kicking off today, we're visiting the Japanese Tea Garden in San Francisco's Golden Gate Park. Originally designed as a temporary exhibit in the 1894 World's Fair, the gardens became a permanent fixture in the park, overseen by landscape designer Makoto Hagiwara.

Hagiwara poured his money, passion, and talents into giving visitors to the garden an authentic taste of Japanese horticulture. Visitors then and today cross bridges over koi ponds and wander through pagodas and gardens full of native Japanese plants and trees. Hagiwara died in 1925, but his family remained in the house he built on the property until they were sent to an internment camp during World War II and the gardens were renamed 'Oriental Garden.' Once the war was over, the original name returned, but the family did not. Hagiwara's vision lives on in the gardens, and as one example of the millions of Asian and Pacific Islander Americans who've helped build and beautify our nation.


今天,随着亚裔美国人和太平洋岛民遗产月的开幕,我们将参观旧金金门公园的日本茶园。最初设计为1894年世界博览会的临时展览,花园成为公园的永久固定设施,由景观设计师Makoto Hagiwara监督。


鸟瞰Mockhorn岛野生动植物管理区沼泽地内的潮汐通道,弗吉尼亚 Aerial view of tidal channels in marshland of the Mockhorn Island State Wildlife Management Area, Virginia (© Shane Gross/Minden Pictures)

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鸟瞰Mockhorn野生动植物管理区沼泽地内的潮汐通道,弗吉尼亚 Aerial view of tidal channels in marshland of the Mockhorn Island State Wildlife Management Area, Virginia (© Shane Gross/Minden Pictures)

When does the tide come in?

From the air, this tract of Mockhorn Island on the Atlantic coast of Virginia's Eastern Shore could pass for gentle farmland. But what you're really looking at is rugged tidal marshland, visible when the tide is out—the rest of the time, much of this area is underwater. Mockhorn is itself part of Virginia's coastal island chain called the Barrier Islands, which run down the east coast of the state from the Maryland-Delaware border for about 70 miles, stretching to the mouth of Chesapeake Bay. The green vegetation you see is grass, although not the kind you'll find in a suburban lawn. Instead, it's saltmarsh cordgrass, a type of perennial deciduous species that grows in wetlands and salt marshes like this one.

The only way to access the tidal channels of Mockhorn Island is by boat, and plenty of kayakers, hunters, and sport fishers are willing to brave the fickle, windy weather to enjoy the island's labyrinth of sloughs, bays, and inlets. The area's also a great destination for bird watchers, as many bird species fly directly overhead while migrating. Historically, the rugged terrain and remote location of the Barrier Islands made them a great place for those running from the authorities—it's said that pirates, including Blackbeard himself, spent time in hiding in the backwaters of this rugged coast.


