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意大利西西里岛康科迪亚神庙前的一棵橄榄树 An olive tree in front of the Temple of Concordia on the island of Sicily, Italy (© Alfio Finocchiaro/Shutterstock)
意大利西西里岛康科迪亚神庙前的一棵橄榄树 An olive tree in front of the Temple of Concordia on the island of Sicily, Italy (© Alfio Finocchiaro/Shutterstock)
和平的象征 A symbol of peace
World Olive Tree Day
While not everyone would recognize this as an olive tree, most of us understand the meaning of the phrase, 'extending an olive branch,' long known as a gesture of peace and friendship. That sentiment of compassion, harmony and wisdom is at the heart of UNESCO's World Olive Tree Day, created in 2019 and observed every November 26. The intent of the day is to bring attention to the resolution of conflict worldwide and to the preservation of the olive tree itself, like this one standing in front of the Temple of Concordia in Agrigento, Italy. The well-preserved, Greek Doric temple was built on what is now the south shore of Sicily, around 440 BCE. Olive trees are native to the coastal regions of the Mediterranean and are cultivated today in places with similar climates, like parts of California and Israel. About 90 percent of harvested olives are used to make olive oil, the quintessential ingredient in Mediterranean cooking.
The cultivation of olives is about as old as human civilization itself, as are some of the trees themselves. Although olive trees do not grow very tall, usually no more than 30 feet, they live a very long time. One of the oldest known trees in the world, in Portugal, is believed to be 3,350 years old. Many live for millennia, their trunks growing thick and gnarled, and their branches bearing fruit century after century. As civilizations rise and fall around them, these hardy trees remain resilient and steadfast.
伊索拉贝拉岛,意大利马焦雷湖 (© Massimo Ripani/eStock)
意大利威尼斯的叹息桥 Bridge of Sighs in Venice, Italy (© Doug Pearson/Alamy)
意大利威尼斯的叹息桥 Bridge of Sighs in Venice, Italy (© Doug Pearson/Alamy)
一个吻和一声叹息 A kiss and a sigh
在威尼斯的叹息桥(Ponte dei Sospiri)下,当你的船夫引导你穿过城市的运河时,是亲吻你心爱的人的好去处。但这个名字所指的叹息并不是因为你凝视着你亲爱的眼睛。这座封闭的桥于1600年完工,将新监狱(Prigioni Nuove)与总督府的审讯室连接起来,据说囚犯最后一次看到美丽的威尼斯是在这座桥上。这足以让人叹息。
Bridge of Sighs in Venice, Italy
Beneath Venice's Ponte dei Sospiri (Bridge of Sighs), is a popular place to kiss your beloved as your gondolier guides you through the city's canals. But the sighs that the name refers to aren't from staring into your darling's eyes. The enclosed bridge, completed in 1600, connects the Prigioni Nuove (New Prison) to the interrogation rooms in the Doge's Palace, and it is said that a prisoner's last look at beautiful Venice would be on that bridge. And that's reason enough to sigh indeed.
怪物公园里的奥库斯雕像, 意大利博马尔佐花园 Orcus sculpture in the Gardens of Bomarzo in Bomarzo, Italy (© Scott Wilson/Alamy)
怪物公园里的奥库斯雕像, 意大利博马尔佐花园 Orcus sculpture in the Gardens of Bomarzo in Bomarzo, Italy (© Scott Wilson/Alamy)
怪物公园 Park of the Monsters
加入我们的万圣节前夕之旅,前往罗马西北约60英里的意大利小镇。我们要带你去博马佐,那里有一座曾经被遗忘的16世纪花园,里面摆放着巨大的雕塑,这些雕塑的目的是唤起人们的愉悦。在我们的照片中,奥卡斯的嘴,一个罗马冥界之神,一个诅咒破坏者的惩罚者,给游客一种被深渊吞噬的感觉。在参观Parco dei Mostri(怪兽公园)期间,你会看到其他怪诞的景象,比如一条龙被狮子袭击,一个巨人撕碎一个人,以及汉尼拔的大象抓走一名罗马士兵。这些怪诞的人物在创作近500年后,仍然会让人产生一种发自内心的恐惧,也许这正是他们的本意。16世纪,博马佐的维奇诺·奥西尼公爵(Duke Vicino Orsini)委托他们来应对妻子去世的悲痛。
'Park of the Monsters,' Bomarzo, Italy
Join us for a pre-Halloween trip to a small Italian town about 60 miles northwest of Rome. We're taking you to Bomarzo, where a once-forgotten 16th-century garden holds monstrous sculptures that are meant to evoke anything but pleasure. In our photo, the mouth of Orcus, a Roman god of the underworld and punisher of broken oaths, gives visitors the feeling of being swallowed into the abyss. During a visit to the Parco dei Mostri (Park of the Monsters), as it's known, you'll come across other grotesque sights such as a dragon being attacked by lions, a giant shredding a man, and Hannibal's elephant snatching a Roman soldier. Nearly 500 years after their creation, the grotesque figures still conjure up a visceral horror, perhaps as they were always meant to do. They were commissioned by Bomarzo's Duke Vicino Orsini in the 16th century to cope with the grief of his wife's death.
瓦伦蒂诺大坝,意大利伦巴第大区布雷西亚省 Valvestino dam in the province of Brescia, Lombardy, Italy (© wmaster890/Getty Images)
瓦伦蒂诺大坝,意大利伦巴第大区布雷西亚省 Valvestino dam in the province of Brescia, Lombardy, Italy (© wmaster890/Getty Images)
穿越意大利峡湾之旅 Journey through the Italian fjords
巴伦蒂诺公园(又称瓦伦蒂诺乐园)是意大利都灵市一个受欢迎的公共公园。它位于蒲江西岸。它占地面积500000平方米,是都灵第二大公园(都灵最大的公园,840000平方米的佩莱里纳公园,是意大利最广阔的城市绿地)。这个公园里有一个中世纪的村庄,是都灵最受当地人欢迎的。当你准备好在一个紧凑的区域内游览河流、树木和花园、皇家宫殿等时,前往位于波河左岸的巴伦蒂诺公园(Parco del Valentino)。
Ponte Cola Dam near Lake Garda
Parco del Valentino (also known as Valentino Park) is a popular public park in Turin, Italy. It is located along the west bank of the Po river. It covers an area of 500,000m², which makes it Turin's second largest park (Turin's largest park, the 840,000m² Pellerina Park, is Italy's most extended urban green area). There is a medieval village set in this park that is the most popular in Torino—amongst locals. When you’re ready for a river, trees and gardens, royal palaces, and more in a compact area, head for the Parco del Valentino on the left bank of the Po.
巴斯利卡塔的卡斯泰尔梅扎诺村,意大利 Village of Castelmezzano, Potenza, Basilicata, Italy (© Roberto Moiola/Getty Images)
巴斯利卡塔的卡斯泰尔梅扎诺村,意大利 Village of Castelmezzano, Potenza, Basilicata, Italy (© Roberto Moiola/Getty Images)
山峦间的光辉之城 Shining city on the hill
Castelmezzano, Italy
What may appear to be an undulating ribbon of fire clinging to the side of a mountain is actually the medieval village of Castelmezzano, considered one of Italy's most beautiful and undiscovered places. The town is perched along the western side of the San Martino mountains in the southern part of the Italian Peninsula. The population of Castelmezzano has found protection on these craggy cliffs since it was first settled by Greeks around 2,500 years ago. The villagers who live there today speak a distinct but dying variant of Italian, and with an aging population, the village is hopeful it can find new arrivals who appreciate the old ways.
Looking for an unusual journey? Consider visiting Castelmezzano for the Volo dell'Angelo (Angel Flight), a high-speed zip line across the valley between Castelmezzano and neighboring Pietrapertosa that reaches speeds of more than 70 mph more than 1,300 feet off the ground. Hurtling through the air not your thing? Consider the enchanting Percorso delle Sette Pietre (Seven Stones Path), a literary walk based on ancient stories handed down orally. Each of the seven stations you'll visit has a huge stone statue that, as the visitor passes, activates voices and sounds, narratives and music. The 1.5-mile-long path connects the villages of Castelmezzano and Pietrapertosa.
寻找不寻常的旅程?考虑乘坐Volo dell’Angelo(天使航班)前往卡斯泰尔梅扎诺,这是一条横跨卡斯泰尔梅扎诺和邻近的彼得拉佩托萨之间山谷的高速拉链线路,其速度超过70英里/小时,离地面1300英尺以上。在空中飞驰不是你的事吗?想想迷人的珀科索·戴尔·塞特·皮特(七石之路),这是一部基于口头流传的古代故事的文学作品。你将参观的七个车站中的每一个都有一个巨大的石雕,当游客经过时,它会激活声音、故事和音乐。这条1.5英里长的小路连接了卡斯泰尔梅扎诺和彼得拉佩托萨两个村庄。
米利亚里诺自然公园,圣罗索尔,意大利马萨西犹可利 Regional Park of Migliarino, San Rossore, Massaciuccoli, Italy (© Stefano Valeri/Alamy)
米利亚里诺自然公园,圣罗索尔,意大利马萨西犹可利 Regional Park of Migliarino, San Rossore, Massaciuccoli, Italy (© Stefano Valeri/Alamy)
比萨不仅有斜塔 There's more to Pisa than leaning towers
Natural Park of Migliarino, San Rossore, Massaciuccoli, Italy
This idyllic road is a path to one of Italy's magnificent natural gifts. Just outside of the ancient city of Pisa in Tuscany is the Natural Park of Migliarino, San Rossore, and Massaciuccoli. This immense and diverse park boasts numerous distinct environments. Seaside sand dunes, bird-filled marshlands, deep pine forests, and vast deciduous forests of oak and elm all exist next to each other. A wide array of birds can be found in the park, and there are ample wild boar, rabbits, red foxes, and the impressively antlered fallow deer to be found. It has been suggested that there are wolves living in the deep reaches of the woods.
While the park is popular for its beaches, hikes, and wildlife viewing, its attributes don't end with its natural amenities. There are Roman ruins to be explored here, along with working farms, and environmental education opportunities. It is also home to the Villa del Gomba, once the presidential palace of Italy, and before that the palace of the House of Savoy, one of Europe's oldest and most powerful dynasties. Today the facility hosts conferences and tourists.
虽然该公园因其海滩、徒步旅行和野生动物观赏而受欢迎,但它的属性并不以其自然设施而结束。这里有罗马遗址可供探索,还有工作农场和环境教育机会。它也是Villa del Gomba的所在地,它曾是意大利总统府,在此之前是欧洲最古老、最强大的王朝之一萨伏伊宫的所在地。今天,该设施举办会议和游客。
阿罗内镇的村落,意大利翁布里亚大区 The village of Arrone in Umbria, Italy (© Maurizio Rellini/eStock Photo)
阿罗内镇的村落,意大利翁布里亚大区 The village of Arrone in Umbria, Italy (© Maurizio Rellini/eStock Photo)
时光倒流...... Step back in time...
Arrone in Umbria, Italy
Close your eyes and picture a charming medieval Italian village, perched on a hill, church bells marking the hours, a hazy spread of patchwork fields fading into the distance. Well, that's the ancient village of Arrone. (On second thought, we probably didn't need the photo.) Arrone looks over the Valnerina, a valley carved by the river Nera, which twists its way through Italy's scenic Umbria region, known as the Green Heart of Italy.
When you stroll through the narrow alleys between 9th-century stone houses, it's like entering a time warp. Gaze out from the fortifications, imagining battles of the past. You'll easily spot the iconic square clock tower, with an ancient olive tree on top—it's what remains of the fortress built by the founders of the village, the Arroni family.
As you're walking through the past, make sure to visit both of Arrone's churches. Since you're at the top of the village—'la Terra,' to locals—explore the modest 13th-century San Giovanni Battista church and its stunning works of art. Check out the bell tower, too: The 'Campanari di Arrone' (bell ringers of Arrone) are guardians of traditional bell-ringing methods. In the village's lower section, you'll find the Church of Santa Maria Assunta, which is filled with gorgeous frescoes dating to the early-16th and 17th centuries. And don't forget to marvel at the 16th-century glazed terra-cotta sculptures. So many ways to explore history in such a little village.
当你回顾过去时,一定要参观阿隆的两座教堂。既然你在“la Terra”村的顶端,当地人就可以探索13世纪的圣乔瓦尼·巴蒂斯塔教堂(San Giovanni Battista church)及其令人叹为观止的艺术品。也可以去看看钟楼:“坎帕纳里·迪·阿隆”(阿隆的敲钟者)是传统敲钟方法的守护者。在村庄的较低部分,你会发现圣玛利亚阿桑塔教堂,教堂内有16世纪和17世纪早期的华丽壁画。别忘了惊叹16世纪的釉面陶俑雕塑。在这样一个小村庄里,探索历史的方式有很多。
多洛米蒂山上空的银河,意大利 Dolomite Mountains at night with the Milky Way, Italy (© Carlos Fernandez/Getty Images)
多洛米蒂山上空的银河,意大利 Dolomite Mountains at night with the Milky Way, Italy (© Carlos Fernandez/Getty Images)
Few places in Europe offer the opportunity to take in the Milky Way like the Dolomites. Far from cities and light pollution, and thousands of feet above sea level, the Dolomites offer a stunning, vibrant night sky above shear, jagged peaks that cut the dark. Also known as the 'Pale Mountains,' the Dolomites are named for the carbonate rock they are composed of, which was in turn named after 18th-century French mineralogist Déodat Gratet de Dolomieu, the first scientist to describe the mineral.
The Dolomite region in northeastern Italy boasts more than 2,100 named mountains, including the 'Queen of the Dolomites,' Marmolada, whose Punta Penía is the highest peak of the range. Nature lovers, hikers, and climbers flock to the Dolomites in summer, and the slopes are dominated by skiers and snowboarders during the long winter months. One sure way to appreciate the Dolomites' impressive peaks is to take a hot air balloon over the range.
欧洲很少有地方像白云石那样有机会进入银河系。远离城市和光污染,海拔数千英尺,白云石在剪切、参差不齐的山峰上提供了一个令人惊叹的、充满活力的夜空,切断了黑暗。白云石也被称为“苍白山脉”,因其组成的碳酸盐岩而命名,而碳酸盐岩又是以18世纪法国矿物学家Déodat Gratte de Dolomieu的名字命名的,他是第一位描述这种矿物的科学家。
意大利东北部的白云石地区拥有2100多座被命名的山脉,其中包括“白云石女王”马尔莫拉达(Marmolada),其蓬塔彭尼亚峰(Punta Penía)是该山脉的最高峰。夏季,热爱大自然的人、徒步旅行者和登山者成群结队地来到白云石,在漫长的冬季,山坡上主要是滑雪者和滑雪者。欣赏白云石令人印象深刻的山峰的一个可靠方法是乘坐热气球飞越这一范围。
陶尔米纳古剧院,意大利西西里岛 Ancient theatre of Taormina in Sicily, Italy (© Antonino Bartuccio/eStock Photo)
陶尔米纳古剧院,意大利西西里岛 Ancient theatre of Taormina in Sicily, Italy (© Antonino Bartuccio/eStock Photo)
戏剧演出 The play's the thing
Theatre of Taormina in Sicily
What better place to celebrate World Theatre Day than the Ancient theatre of Taormina, an amphitheater built in the Hellenistic style of the Greeks in the third century BCE. The venue was later expanded by the Romans and is one of the signature sights in the Sicilian town of Taormina. And if you look in the upper-right corner of the photo, that's Mount Etna giving a performance of its own, spewing a little ash and smoke.
The theater is still in use, hosting operas, theatrical productions, and concerts. The beauty of this town, built into a steep hill overlooking the Ionian Sea and Mount Etna, is said to have inspired writers and thinkers both ancient and modern, from Plato to D.H. Lawrence and Truman Capote.
Since 1962 World Theatre Day has been celebrated every March 27th by theatre professionals, organizations, universities and theatre lovers across the continents. Each year a speaker is selected to deliver a message about the importance of theatre and its value to humanity.