标签 彩虹 下的文章

象鼻湾,维尔京群岛国家公园,圣约翰岛 Trunk Bay, St. John, Virgin Islands National Park (© wheatley/Getty Images)

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象鼻,维尔京群岛国家公园圣约翰岛 Trunk Bay, St. John, Virgin Islands National Park (© wheatley/Getty Images)

彩虹之下的某个地方 Somewhere under the rainbow



Virgin Islands National Park established

In 1956, businessman and conservationist Laurance Rockefeller saw the beauty of St. John, one of the US Virgin Islands in the Caribbean, and knew it had to be preserved. He donated more than 5,000 acres of land to the National Park Service, and today we're marking the 68th anniversary of Virgin Islands National Park. Covering about 60% of St. John and 5,650 acres of submerged lands, the park boasts stunning white-sand beaches, coral reefs, and historic sites.

On the Reef Bay Trail, hikers can see ancient Taino petroglyphs and old sugar plantation ruins, showcasing the island's colonial past. From an underwater snorkeling trail in Trunk Bay, pictured here, to Maho Bay's turtle-filled waters, the park offers a diverse array of marine adventures.

At-Bashy地区的彩虹,Kakshaal Too山脉,纳伦省,吉尔吉斯斯坦 A rainbow in At-Bashy District , Kakshaal Too Mountains, Naryn Province, Kyrgyzstan (© Emad aljumah/Getty Images)

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At-Bashy地区的彩虹,Kakshaal Too山脉,纳伦省,吉尔吉斯斯坦 A rainbow in At-Bashy District  , Kakshaal Too Mountains, Naryn Province, Kyrgyzstan (© Emad aljumah/Getty Images)

希望彩虹留在这里 Wish hue were here


正如青蛙科米特(《布偶电影》中的主角)曾在歌曲《彩虹般的连接》中所唱的那样:“彩虹是幻象,但只是幻象,彩虹没有什么可以隐藏的……”每年4月3日是美国的 “全国寻找彩虹日”,这一天旨在庆祝这一多彩的自然现象,它让世界各地的人们都欣喜不已。当阳通过大气中的雨滴,光线被反射和散射时,彩虹就会出现。在“寻找彩虹日”这天,人们会参加相关的活动,例如在雨后寻找彩虹或者是创作以彩虹为主题的艺术。在今天的图片中,我们看到一道彩虹挂在吉尔吉斯斯坦雄伟的Kakshaal Too 脉上,崎岖的山峰和纯净原始的山谷构成了一副绝美的背景图,与稍纵即逝的彩虹美景相得益彰。

Find a Rainbow Day

As Kermit the Frog once sang, 'Rainbows are visions, but only illusions, and rainbows have nothing to hide.' Every year on April 3, National Find a Rainbow Day celebrates this colorful natural phenomenon that delights people all around the world. Rainbows occur when sunlight reflects and disperses through raindrops in the atmosphere. On Find a Rainbow Day, people take part in activities like searching for rainbows after rainfall or creating rainbow-themed art. In today's image, we see a rainbow splashed across the majestic Kakshaal Too Mountains in Kyrgyzstan. The Kakshaal Too range, with its rugged peaks and pristine valleys, is a fitting backdrop for the fleeting beauty of rainbows.

内格罗河,亚马逊河流域,巴西 Río Negro, Amazon basin, Brazil (© Timothy Allen/Getty Images)

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内格罗亚马逊河流域,巴西 Río Negro, Amazon basin, Brazil (© Timothy Allen/Getty Images)

水上明镜 Mirror, mirror, on the water



Río Negro, Amazon basin, Brazil

From its source in Colombia, the Río Negro flows about 1,400 miles to become one of the largest tributaries of the Amazon River at the Meeting of Waters in Manaus, Brazil. It is also the largest blackwater river in the world, its water stained by decomposing organic matter that seeps in from swamps. These slow-moving, dark waters beautifully reflect the colors of the sky, including the rainbows which form over the Amazon basin, as seen here. The river also plays a crucial role in the ecosystem, as the home of many plants and animals, including the critically endangered Brazilian barefaced tamarin, the giant river otter, and nearly 700 species of fish.

大岛上的霍瑙瑙国家历史公园,夏威夷 Pu'uhonua o Hōnaunau National Historical Park, Big Island, Hawaii (© Westend61/Getty Images)

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上的霍瑙瑙国家历史公园夏威夷 Pu'uhonua o Hōnaunau National Historical Park, Big Island, Hawaii (© Westend61/Getty Images)

追逐彩虹 Chasing rainbows




National Find a Rainbow Day

Happy National Find a Rainbow Day!  These colorful natural marvels appear when light strikes water droplets, creating a natural prism effect. So, areas that have plenty of sunshine and showers are a good place to start your search.

And where better to look than Hawaii, said to be the rainbow capital of the world? At Pu'uhonua o Hōnaunau National Historical Park on the Big Island, a combination of mountains, clear air, and trade winds bringing rain showers helps create the perfect conditions for rainbow sightings.

ballyvooney海岸,科佩海岸地质公园,爱尔兰 Ballyvooney Cove, Copper Coast Geopark, Ireland (© Andrea Pistolesi/Getty Images)

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ballyvooney海岸,科佩海岸地质公园爱尔兰 Ballyvooney Cove, Copper Coast Geopark, Ireland (© Andrea Pistolesi/Getty Images)

彩虹的尽头 Where the rainbow ends




St. Patrick's Day

Get ready for shamrocks, parades, and all things green, because today is St. Patrick's Day. Many countries around the world recognize the holiday, but the first celebration was in Ireland more than 1,000 years ago. St. Patrick's Day, also known as the Feast of Saint Patrick, is both a cultural and religious celebration recognizing Saint Patrick himself, an Irish, 5th century Christian missionary and bishop.

This view is of Copper Coast Geopark, a UNESCO Global Geopark on the southeast coast of Ireland. The area also boasts a rich cultural heritage, and is dotted with numerous historical sites, including Iron Age forts, inscribed stones, and ruins of medieval churches. This magnificent stretch of undulating cliffs and sandy coves is named after the 19th century copper mines that once operated there.

威美亚峡谷和怀波奥瀑布上空的彩虹, 考艾岛, 夏威夷, 美国 Rainbow over Waimea Canyon and Waipo'o Falls, Kauai, Hawaii (© Beverley Van Praagh/Getty Images)

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威美亚峡谷和怀波奥瀑布上空的彩虹, 考艾, 夏威夷, 美国 Rainbow over Waimea Canyon and Waipo'o Falls, Kauai, Hawaii (© Beverley Van Praagh/Getty Images)

雨后见彩虹 A rainbow that's worth the rainfall



Waimea Canyon and Waipo'o Falls, Kauai, Hawaii

Waimea Canyon, sometimes referred to as the Grand Canyon of the Pacific, is home to the picturesque Waipo'o Falls. The water that flows through the falls and canyon descends from Mount Wai'ale'ale, one of the rainiest places on Earth. Around 4 million years ago, a portion of the volcanic Kaua'i collapsed, creating a depression that the Waimea River has further eroded into today's canyon. If you want to see the true variety of Kauai, leave the beach behind and take winding State Route 550 into the mountains. Along the way you will see stunning views of the shore and the canyon before arriving at the lookout for Waipo'o Falls.

维多利亚瀑布上的彩虹,赞比亚 Rainbow at Victoria Falls in Zambia (© Dietmar Temps/Shutterstock)

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维多利亚瀑布上的彩虹赞比亚 Rainbow at Victoria Falls in Zambia (© Dietmar Temps/Shutterstock)

The rainbow connection

April showers bring rainbows, and on April 3, the celebration of Find a Rainbow Day. The rainbow shown here is at Victoria Falls in southern Africa on the Zambezi River, on the border between Zambia and Zimbabwe. Scottish explorer David Livingstone named the falls in honor of Britain's Queen Victoria, though it's also still called by its indigenous Lozi language name, Mosi-oa-Tunya, which means 'the smoke that thunders.' According to some historical records, local villagers described the falls to Livingstone as 'Seongo' or 'Chongwe,' which means 'The Place of the Rainbow,' since rainbows usually appear in the fall's constant spray. Under a bright moon, the falls will produce a 'moonbow.'

French philosopher and scientist René Descartes did some of the first studies of optics and rainbows around 1637--but no one at the time understood where the colors came from. In 1666, Isaac Newton explained that sunlight is really a mixture of the colors of the rainbow: red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo, and violet.