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盛开的白延龄草,安大略省,加拿大 White trillium blooming in Ontario, Canada (© Jun Zhang/Getty Images)

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盛开的白延龄草,安大略省,加拿大 White trillium blooming in Ontario, Canada (© Jun Zhang/Getty Images)

嘿,今天长势如何? Hey, how's it growing today?



White trilliums blooming in Ontario, Canada

Three petals, three leaves, and three stigmas—that's the white trillium for you, whose name derived from the Latin word for 'three.' Native to eastern North America, the spring-blooming species is one of the most common woodland wildflowers. Unlike some impulsive blossoms that burst into color at the slightest hint of warmth, this plant is a slow bloomer. From gracing US postage stamps to being the state wildflower of Ohio and an official symbol of Canada's Ontario, the white trillium is ingrained in our culture. Beyond its aesthetic appeal, the plant has earned its stripes in the world of herbal medicine. So, next time you find yourself wandering through the woodland realm, keep an eye out for this floral gem!

弗雷泽河谷的郁金香田,阿伯兹福德,不列颠哥伦比亚省,加拿大 (© LeonU/Getty Images)

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弗雷泽河谷郁金香田,阿伯兹福德,不列颠哥伦比亚省加拿大 (© LeonU/Getty Images)





考伊琴山谷的薄雾,温哥华岛,加拿大不列颠哥伦比亚省 Mist in the Cowichan Valley on Vancouver Island, British Columbia, Canada (© Kevin Oke/Alamy)

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考伊琴山谷的薄温哥华,加拿大不列颠哥伦比亚省 Mist in the Cowichan Valley on Vancouver Island, British Columbia, Canada (© Kevin Oke/Alamy)

薄雾笼罩 Behind a blanket of mist




路易斯湖,班夫国家公园,阿尔伯塔省,加拿大 Lake Louise, Banff National Park, Alberta, Canada (© Mr. Simon Paul/Shutterstock)

发布于 , 433 次浏览

路易斯班夫国家公园阿尔伯塔省加拿大 Lake Louise, Banff National Park, Alberta, Canada (© Mr. Simon Paul/Shutterstock)

加拿大式的小憩和放松 A little Canadian rest and relaxation



Lake Louise, Banff National Park, Alberta

Glimmering in aquamarine tones, Lake Louise rests amid the Canadian Rockies in Alberta's Banff National Park. The Indigenous Nakoda people refer to the lake as Ho-run-num-nay, meaning 'lake of the little fishes.' It was later renamed by settlers, inspired by Britain's Princess Louise, whose husband was governor general of Canada between 1878 and 1883. The adjoining hamlet is also called Lake Louise and, at an elevation of almost 5,200 feet, is Canada's highest community.

This glacial lake is accessible throughout the year via the Trans-Canada Highway, and visitors enjoy hiking in the summer, skiing in the winter, and incredible mountain views at any time of the year.

明尼汪卡湖,阿尔伯塔省,加拿大 (© Ken Phung/500px/Getty Images)

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明尼汪卡阿尔伯塔省加拿大 (© Ken Phung/500px/Getty Images)




阿西尼博因山省级公园,加拿大 (© matt macpherson/500px/Getty Images)

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阿西尼博因省级公园加拿大 (© matt macpherson/500px/Getty Images)




罗布森山附近的弗雷泽河,大不列颠哥伦比亚省,加拿大 The Fraser River near Mount Robson, British Columbia, Canada (© phototropic/Getty Images)

发布于 , 475 次浏览

罗布森附近的弗雷泽大不列颠哥伦比亚省,加拿大 The Fraser River near Mount Robson, British Columbia, Canada (© phototropic/Getty Images)

时而潺潺细流,时而奔腾咆哮 Trickle, babble, or roar




World Rivers Day

If you are a nature enthusiast, or simply enjoy listening to the sound of rumbling rivers, you might like to know that today is World Rivers Day. First held in 2005 during the United Nations' 'Water for Life’ campaign, it was proposed by Canadian river conservationist Mark Angelo, who founded BC Rivers Day in western Canada in 1980. World Rivers Day is held on the fourth Sunday of September to celebrate and raise awareness of the benefits that rivers provide to people and the planet.

The star of today's image, the Fraser River, is the longest river in British Columbia and the 11th longest in Canada. The stream meanders from the Rocky Mountains, traveling more than 850 miles over slopes and flatlands before it merges with the Strait of Georgia, just south of Vancouver.

翡翠湖,加拿大育空地区 Emerald Lake, South Klondike Highway, Yukon, Canada (© artherng/Getty Images)

发布于 , 521 次浏览

翡翠加拿大育空地区 Emerald Lake, South Klondike Highway, Yukon, Canada (© artherng/Getty Images)

自内而外的彩 Glowing from within




Discovery Day in Yukon, Canada

It's Discovery Day in Yukon, Canada, a day to commemorate the 1896 discovery of gold at Bonanza Creek. The event set off the Klondike Gold Rush, which attracted thousands of prospectors to the region in search of gold, leading to significant economic and social changes. The population increase led to Yukon separating from the Northwest Territories and the formation of Yukon Territory in 1898.

Discovery Day celebrates Yukon's rich heritage, history, and natural resources—like Emerald Lake, seen in today's image, known for its deep green hues. You'll find it on the Klondike Highway, which roughly follows the route used by the prospectors more than a century ago. It is also a day to honor the spirit of adventure exhibited during the gold rush. Government offices, schools, and many businesses close to allow people to participate in the festivities, including parades, historical reenactments, gold panning competitions, and concerts.

罕肯瀑布,威尔斯格雷省立公园, 加拿大不列颠哥伦比亚省 Helmcken Falls, Wells Gray Provincial Park, British Columbia, Canada (© Laurens Verhoeven/Getty Images)

发布于 , 467 次浏览

罕肯瀑布,威尔斯格雷省立公园, 加拿大不列颠哥伦比亚省 Helmcken Falls, Wells Gray Provincial Park, British Columbia, Canada (© Laurens Verhoeven/Getty Images)

听它咆哮! Hear it roar!


罕肯瀑布 (Helmcken Falls) 坐落在威尔斯格雷省立公园 (Wells Gray Province Park) 内,是一处令人惊叹的自然奇观。 威尔斯格雷省立公园就是为了保护这座优美的瀑布而建立的。为政府工作的土地测量员罗伯特·亨利·李发现了这处大自然带给我们的天然珍宝。这座雄伟的瀑布是加拿大第五高的瀑布,从陡峭的大约有141米的高度火山悬崖上倾泻而下,释放出飘逸的气,在阳下翩翩起舞,也形成了彩虹与瀑布相互映衬的绝美景观。

草原国家公园,萨斯喀彻温省,加拿大 Grasslands National Park, Saskatchewan, Canada (© Robert Postma/Getty Images)

发布于 , 469 次浏览

草原国家公园萨斯喀彻温省,加拿大 Grasslands National Park, Saskatchewan, Canada (© Robert Postma/Getty Images)

体验孤独与奇迹 Experience the solitude and wonder




Happy Independence Day!

Break out the BBQ and unfurl your flags, Independence Day is here! Founding Father John Adams wrote to his wife, Abigail, that he believed the holiday would be celebrated with parades, sports, shows, and illuminations. After 247 years, Americans are keeping those traditions alive, though not on the date that Adams anticipated. The Second Continental Congress voted to approve the independence of the United States of America on July 2, 1776, but formally adopted the Declaration of Independence on July 4. That date, enshrined on the Declaration document, became the one we observe today. If you're looking for a grand way to celebrate, journey to New York City for views of their annual fireworks show and the Empire State Building lit up to match in red, white, and blue.