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梅兰加尔堡,印度焦特布尔 Mehrangarh Fort in Jodhpur, Rajasthan, India (© Jayakumar/Shutterstock)

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梅兰加尔堡,印度焦特布尔 Mehrangarh Fort in Jodhpur, Rajasthan, India (© Jayakumar/Shutterstock)

India Republic Day

You might never guess that this ornate, skylit building, with an exterior covered in intricate carvings and artwork, was once a military base. Perched high on a hill above the city of Jodhpur, the colossal Mehrangarh Fort—aka the Citadel of the Sun—was built nearly five centuries before its home country became a democratic republic. Know which nation we're paying a birthday visit?

India's Republic Day commemorates January 26, 1950, when the constitution of India was adopted and the newly independent nation became a democratic republic. At the time of independence, the Republic of India had a population of 370 million, making the new nation the world's most populous democracy. It remains so today, with a population nearing 1.4 billion.




安格尔西岛上的Tŵr Mawr 灯塔,英国威尔士 Tŵr Mawr lighthouse on Llanddwyn Island, Anglesey, Wales (© Joe Daniel Price/Getty Images)

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安格尔西岛上的Tŵr Mawr 灯塔英国威尔士 Tŵr Mawr lighthouse on Llanddwyn Island, Anglesey, Wales (© Joe Daniel Price/Getty Images)

Saint Dwynwen's Day

Love is in the air on Llanddwyn Island at the southern tip of Anglesey, a much bigger island just off the north-west coast of Wales. Each year on January 25, Cupid aims his arrow toward the people of Wales who celebrate St. Dwynwen's Day–the Welsh version of St. Valentine's Day. St. Dwynwen is Wales' patron saint of lovers, although she was rather unlucky in that department after falling head over heels for a man she wasn't allowed to marry. The 5th-century princess' heartache led her to dedicate her life to God and pray for true lovers to have better fortune than her own. In return, Dwynwen became a nun and set up a convent here on Llanddwyn.

Despite its name, Llanddwyn Island is cut off from Anglesey's mainland only during very high tides. Since the 19th century, it has been home to Tŵr Mawr lighthouse (meaning 'great tower' in Welsh). The design of the lighthouse, seen in our photo today, is inspired by the area's many windmills. Just out of frame, you will find the remains of the church Dwynwen founded, along with a well named after her. It became a place of pilgrimage following her death. Legend has it that the well is home to sacred fish that can predict whether couples' relationships will succeed.



尽管兰德温岛名为兰德温岛,但只有在涨潮时,它才与安格西岛的大陆隔绝。自19世纪以来,它一直是Tŵr Mawr灯塔(威尔士语中的“大塔”意思)的所在地。我们今天的照片中看到的灯塔的设计灵感来自该地区的许多风车。刚走出画面,你会发现德温温创建的教堂遗迹,以及一座以她的名字命名的教堂。她死后,这里成了朝圣之地。传说这口井是圣鱼的家园,可以预测夫妻关系是否会成功。

灯光璀璨的曼哈顿下城,美国纽约 Lower Manhattan in New York City (© New York On Air/Offset/Shutterstock)

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灯光璀璨的曼哈顿下城,美国纽约 Lower Manhattan in New York City (© New York On Air/Offset/Shutterstock)


Ahhh, New York City. Well, Manhattan specifically, one of New York's five boroughs. This aerial view is of Lower Manhattan, what New Yorkers consider the heart of the city. That's New Jersey sparkling across the Hudson River in the distance. And those two bridges pictured on the left are the Brooklyn Bridge (above) and the Manhattan Bridge (below), linking the island of Manhattan to the borough of Brooklyn.

Anytime is the right time to take in the nighttime views of New York City from high above, but the cityscape in January might be especially beguiling. For one thing, you won't have to fight crowds to stand at the windows to view the dazzling lights. May we recommend the observation decks of the Empire State Building, Top of the Rock, and the One World Trade Center Observatory? Happy gazing.




海岸旁的二见浦夫妇岩,日本三重县 Meoto Iwa (Wedded Rocks) off the coast of Ise, Mie Prefecture, Honshu, Japan (© Marco Gaiotti/plainpicture)

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海岸旁的二见浦夫妇岩,日本三重县 Meoto Iwa (Wedded Rocks) off the coast of Ise, Mie Prefecture, Honshu, Japan (© Marco Gaiotti/plainpicture)

Wedded Rocks, Japan

Just off the shore of the city of Ise, in the southern-central region of Japan's main island, Honshu, two rocks represent a sacred union between a divine couple. Known collectively as Meoto Iwa (Wedded Rocks), these sea stacks represent Izanagi and Izanami, the married brother-and-sister deities who created the islands of Japan and its gods in Japanese mythology. The large rock on the left is said to be the husband, Izanagi–at its peak is a small torii, a symbolic gateway marking the entrance to a Shinto shrine. The smaller rock represents his wife, Izanami.

The smitten sea stacks are joined together in matrimony by a thick rope braided of rice straw called 'shimenawa,' which is used as a symbol of purity and protection in the Shinto religion. The sacred rope is replaced in a special ceremony, held three times each year during the months of May, September, and December. The best time to see the rocks is at dawn during summer or twilight in winter, when the sun and moon, respectively, rise between them. If the weather is clear and the gods are on your side, you might even catch a glimpse of Mount Fuji in the distance. But we think it's just as beguiling with heavy snowflakes gently falling all around.


离日本本州中南部的伊瑟市不远,两块岩石代表着一对神圣的夫妻之间的神圣结合。这些海堆被统称为Meoto Iwa(Wedded Rocks),它们代表了在日本神话中创造了日本岛屿及其诸神的已婚兄弟姐妹神Izanagi和Izanami。左边的大石头据说是丈夫Izanagi——山顶上是一个小牌坊,一个象征性的大门,标志着神社的入口。较小的岩石代表他的妻子伊扎纳米。


蔚蓝海域中的马提尼克岛,加勒比海 Martinique, Lesser Antilles, Caribbean Sea (© Airpano LLC/Amazing Aerial Agency)

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蔚蓝海域中的马提尼克加勒比海 Martinique, Lesser Antilles, Caribbean Sea (© Airpano LLC/Amazing Aerial Agency)


Welcome to France—but don't expect your picture taken at the Eiffel Tower today. Folks from this island destination may speak French and spend Euros, but we're more than 4,000 miles from Paris.

The isle of Martinique in the Caribbean is one of many overseas territories of France. That means not only do locals enjoy the same French citizenship as anyone in European France, but French people from the mainland side can visit these warm blue shores all year without setting foot on foreign soil.




克卢恩国家公园保护区的山脉和冰川,加拿大育空地区 Saint Elias Mountains and Kaskawulsh Glacier in Kluane National Park and Reserve, Yukon, Canada (© Design Pics Inc/Alamy)

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克卢恩国家公园保护区的山脉冰川加拿大育空地区 Saint Elias Mountains and Kaskawulsh Glacier in Kluane National Park and Reserve, Yukon, Canada (© Design Pics Inc/Alamy)

Kluane National Park

What looks here like an ice road for 50-foot-tall truckers is really Kaskawulsh Glacier in Canada's Kluane National Park. This corner of the Yukon is home to the largest ice field on Earth outside of the poles, with the slow, steady flow of more than 2,000 glaciers continually carving these vast canyons amid the peaks.

Speaking of peaks, glance up and you'll see the Yukon is also paradise for mountain lovers. And Kluane is its pinnacle, literally: Located within the park is Mount Logan, the highest mountain in Canada (and second-highest on the continent after Alaska's Denali).




博格豪森镇和萨尔察赫河,德国巴伐利亚州 Burghausen town and Salzach river, Bavaria, Germany (© Harald Nachtmann/Moment/Getty Images)

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博格豪森镇和萨尔察赫德国巴伐利亚州 Burghausen town and Salzach river, Bavaria, Germany (© Harald Nachtmann/Moment/Getty Images)

Burghausen town and Salzach river, Bavaria, Germany

The town of Borghausen is located on the banks of the Salchach, a large river in the Alps, which at 225 km. The name "castle" is rarely as specific as it is in upper Bavarian town, cause Borghausen boasts the world's longest castle complex at 1,051 meters.

The impressive defensive structure sits on a ridge above the old town, with a total of six courtyards. The oldest part dates back to the Middle Ages, with the first documentary mentioning around 1025. The main castle represents the oldest part of it, which can be seen clearly on the left side in the picture.




莱达尔湖, 英格兰坎布里亚郡湖区 Rydal Water in the Lake District, Cumbria, England (© Tranquillian1/iStock/Getty Images Plus)

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莱达尔, 英格兰坎布里亚湖区 Rydal Water in the Lake District, Cumbria, England (© Tranquillian1/iStock/Getty Images Plus)

Rydal Water in the Lake District, Cumbria, England

Reflecting winter skies and frozen fells in our homepage image is Rydal Water, one of the smallest but prettiest lakes in the Lake District. Rydal Water is one of the two lakes most associated with William Wordsworth, one of England’s greatest poets. (The other is neighbouring Grasmere, to which Rydal is connected by the River Rothay.) Wordsworth lived around these bodies of water, first at Dove Cottage and later Rydal Mount, between 1799 and 1850, writing some of his best-known works and hosting leading lights of the Romantic movement, including his friend, Samuel Taylor Coleridge. To the western edge of the lake is Wordsworth’s Seat, a rocky outcrop said to be the writer’s favourite spot.

Rydal Water is in a glacial valley, one of 13 valleys in the Lake District. Partly owned by the National Trust, it sits at the foot of Loughrigg Fell and has been known to freeze over on winter days like this one. You can walk around Rydal Water and take in Wordsworth’s former homes as well as passing by Rydal Cave in the hill above the lake. Surrounded by woodland, pasture and craggy fells, with several historic properties and beautifully designed landscapes, this is an inspiring place for aspiring poets, whatever the season.



莱德尔河位于一个冰川峡谷中,是湖区13个山谷之一。部分归国家信托基金所有,坐落在Loughrigg Fall脚下,在像这样的冬天会结冰。你可以在莱达尔水边散步,参观华兹华斯的故居,也可以经过湖上小山上的莱达尔洞穴。这里被林地、牧场和崎岖的小林所环绕,有几处历史古迹和设计精美的景观,无论什么季节,这都是一个让有抱负的诗人感到振奋的地方。

农场上晾晒的红辣椒,孟加拉国博格拉县 Sorting chili peppers at a farm in Bogra, Bangladesh (© Amazing Aerial Agency/Offset/Shutterstock)

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农场上晾晒的红辣椒,孟加拉国博格拉县 Sorting chili peppers at a farm in Bogra, Bangladesh (© Amazing Aerial Agency/Offset/Shutterstock)

Hot and Spicy Food Day

The super-spicy curries of Bangladeshi cuisine start out here in the chili fields, where workers harvest and sort red chili peppers by hand. Once picked, the peppers are sun-dried and used whole or ground to powder. The chilis not only add a flavorful kick to foods but help kill bacteria as well. Plus, hot foods actually help diners cool down: One natural reaction to capsaicin, the active chemical in chilis, is sweating, which can help chill the skin amid tropical heat.

We're visiting this chili harvest in honor of International Hot and Spicy Food Day. Whether you're already crazy for chilis or just looking to broaden your spicy-food horizons, today's the day to try that level 5 Thai curry or a burrito with habanero salsa—or if you're truly capsaicin-averse, turn up the heat with a Spice Girls or Red Hot Chili Peppers playlist.




苏阿海沟,萨摩亚乌波卢岛南海岸 To Sua Ocean Trench on the south coast of Upolu Island in Samoa (© Chris McLennan/Alamy)

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苏阿海沟,萨摩亚乌波卢海岸 (© Chris McLennan/Alamy)

To Sua Ocean Trench

This majestic swimming hole on Samoa's Upolu Island sits just inland from the Pacific coast. It was formed when the roof of an ancient lava tube collapsed, exposing the 98-foot-deep teal-blue pool. This is the largest of many such tide pools and blow holes formed in the area many thousands of years ago. An underground cave system connects this swimming hole to the nearby ocean, and the water rises and falls with the tides.

'To Sua' translates to English as 'big hole.' While accurate, it feels like an understatement in this context. For adventurous visitors to Upolu Island, To Sua Ocean Trench can feel like a trip to another world. To get to this natural saltwater pool, make your way along a cliffside path surrounded by lush forest. Then climb down to the waters via the wooden ladder. After your swim, you can squeeze through a cave-like lava tube to find yourself on a short, sandy beach.



“To Sua”在英语中译为“big hole”虽然准确,但在这种情况下,这感觉像是轻描淡写。对于到乌波卢岛探险的游客来说,到苏亚海沟就像到另一个世界旅行。要到达这个天然的咸水池,请沿着一条被茂密森林环绕的悬崖边小径前进。然后通过木梯爬下水面。游泳后,你可以挤过一个洞穴状的熔岩管,发现自己在一个短的沙滩上。