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安塞尔·亚当斯的荒野,加利福尼亚 View of Banner Peak from Thousand Island Pass, Ansel Adams Wilderness, California (© Michael DeYoung Photography/Tandem Stills + Motion)

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安塞尔·亚当斯的荒野加利福尼亚 View of Banner Peak from Thousand Island Pass, Ansel Adams Wilderness, California (© Michael DeYoung Photography/Tandem Stills + Motion)

前往林,今天是国家步道日! Head for the hills, it's National Trails Day!

National Trails Day

Whether you're a leisurely day walker or a hardcore hiker, there's a US National Trail with your name on it. Thankfully the trails in the national network are categorized as 'Scenic,' 'Historic,' or 'Recreational' to simplify things. The most famous pathway is the Appalachian Trail ('Scenic'), which was the first to be officially named to the National Trails System when President Lyndon B. Johnson signed the system into law in 1968.

In a speech three years earlier, Johnson had said, 'We can and should have an abundance of trails for walking, cycling, and horseback riding, in and close to our cities. In the backcountry, we need to copy the great Appalachian Trail in all parts of America.' His vision took root, and today there are protected trails across the US, with much of their upkeep carried out by enthusiastic volunteers. If you need an incentive to hit the great outdoors, we reckon this image should do the trick. Banner Peak and Thousand Island Lake in the Ansel Adam Wilderness are highlighted along both the Pacific Crest Trail and the John Muir Trail.

Today is National Trails Day, established by the American Hiking Society as a day of public events aimed at advocacy and trail service. On this day, 'Thousands of hikers, bikers, rowers, horseback riders, trail clubs, federal and local agencies, land trusts, and businesses come together in partnership to advocate for, maintain, and clean up public lands and trails,' the AHS explains. The society aims to protect and enhance US National Trails for generations to come. A current focus is to make sure that trails are inclusive and accessible to everyone.





广角镜头下的厦门龙舟池,日落的光洒在传统龙舟上,中国 Wide angle view of the sunset landscapes in Longzhou Lake with traditional Dragon boats in front in Xiamen, China (© Sen Li/Getty Image)

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广角镜头下的厦门龙舟池,日落洒在传统龙舟上,中国 Wide angle view of the sunset landscapes in Longzhou Lake with traditional Dragon boats in front in Xiamen, China (© Sen Li/Getty Image)

端午节安康 Safe and Healthy Dragon Boat Festival

Dragon Boat for the Festival, Xiamen

Among the legends about the origins of the Dragon Boat Festival, the most popular one is in commemoration of Qu Yuan. The great poet drowned himself in the Miluo River, from then on the locals would beat drums and rowboats on the river on this day, and put zongzi in the river in order to keep the fish and evil spirits away from his body.



白金汉宫, 英国伦敦 Buckingham Palace in London, England (© Pajor Pawel/Shutterstock)

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白金汉宫, 英国伦敦 Buckingham Palace in London, England (© Pajor Pawel/Shutterstock)

白金禧年庆典 Platinum Jubilee celebrations

Buckingham Palace in London

Any royal watcher will tell you that the Brits know how to throw a good party. For Queen Elizabeth II's platinum jubilee—she's been monarch for an amazing 70 years—a slew of events are planned, hitting all the notes from pomp and ceremony to picnics on the village green. Of course, the Trooping of the Colour will take center stage today as the official birthday parade, with 1,400 soldiers in full military regalia, 200 horses, and 400 military band musicians. The royal family will watch the parade and then turn their gaze to the skies as the Royal Air Force flies past. The rest of the jubilee week will include a service of Thanksgiving at St. Paul's Cathedral in London, a live concert here at Buckingham Palace, and a special pageant featuring people from throughout Britain.

Locally, beacons will be lighted the length of the land, and we can't deny that we're excited about a nationwide baking contest to discover a new dessert fit for the queen. Another delicious way to celebrate the jubilee is with the Big Lunch. The idea took off in 2009 and is now a beloved annual tradition. Communities get together to celebrate and enjoy themselves, sharing food and friendship in gatherings large and small. The lunch can be a neighborhood barbecue or a street party—or even an impromptu wine-and-cheese affair, with people sitting on folding chairs in someone's driveway. While no one really needs an excuse to show their national pride, a platinum jubilee is quite a remarkable reason to celebrate.


任何一位皇家观察家都会告诉你,英国人知道如何举办一个好的派对。伊丽莎白女王二世(Queen Elizabeth II)的白金周年纪念日,她担任国王长达70年之久,计划举办一系列活动,从盛大的仪式到乡村绿地上的野餐,无不引人注目。当然,今天的官方生日阅兵式将以彩色骑兵为中心,1400名士兵身着华丽的军装,200匹马,400名军乐团音乐家。王室将观看阅兵式,然后在皇家空军飞过时将目投向天空。庆祝周的其余时间将包括在伦敦圣保罗教堂举行的感恩节仪式、在白金汉宫举行的现场音乐会,以及由来自英国各地的人们参加的特别盛会。


马罗沃泻湖中的珊瑚礁,所罗门群岛 Coral reef in Marovo Lagoon in the Solomon Islands (© WaterFrame/Alamy)

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马罗沃泻中的珊瑚礁所罗门群岛 Coral reef in Marovo Lagoon in the Solomon Islands (© WaterFrame/Alamy)

水下的奇妙景观 The beauty that lies below

World Reef Day

The Marovo Lagoon in the Solomon Islands is the largest saltwater lagoon in the world. Protected by a double barrier reef, it's home to unique marine life and coral, making it a bucket-list destination for divers. The beauty and diversity of life contained within its pristine, 270 square miles are the perfect inspiration for World Reef Day, observed every year on June 1 to bring awareness to this vital but largely unseen part of our natural world. Reef Day also kicks off World Oceans Month, a time to celebrate and learn more about these vital ecosystems.

Although coral reefs occupy less than 0.1% of the planet's oceans, they support up to 25% of the world's marine species. They have rightfully earned their nickname, 'Rainforests of the Sea.' Coral is not a plant, but part animal and part mineral, a marine invertebrate that secretes calcium carbonate to form a hard skeleton. They grow in colonies, usually in warm, shallow waters, and form vast colonies that we see as reefs, providing the basic platform for marine life to flourish around them. They even provide benefits to land, protecting shorelines from the forces of the ocean.

Unfortunately, coral reefs are under immense environmental pressure due to pollution, overfishing, and particularly from changing ocean temperatures. A warming ocean and acidification due to increased carbon dioxide have resulted in coral bleaching—when under stress, corals lose their color. The yellow whip and red gorgonian you see here are what healthy corals look like, but vibrant, hearty corals are swiftly becoming the exception rather than the rule. Recently, even the previously robust and thriving Marovo Lagoon began showing signs of bleaching, a sobering reminder that the beauty we see here is fragile and becoming more precious.





日落时分的阿萨巴斯卡瀑布,加拿大 Sunset lights up Mount Fryatt as the Athabasca River flows over Athabasca Falls in Jasper National Park, Alberta, Canada (© Robert Postma/Getty Images)

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日落时分的阿萨巴斯瀑布加拿大 Sunset lights up Mount Fryatt as the Athabasca River flows over Athabasca Falls in Jasper National Park, Alberta, Canada (© Robert Postma/Getty Images)

奔腾不息的自然力量 Small but mighty

Athabasca Falls in Jasper National Park

Athabasca Falls is one of the most striking waterfalls on the Icefields Parkway, and a visit to Jasper National Park in Alberta wouldn't be complete without it. Despite its low height of just 23 meters, the incredible volume and intensity of the falls make it a renowned gem of the Canadian Rockies. The falls are fed with pristine water flowing from the Columbia Icefield glaciers and snowmelt from neighboring mountains. Mount Fryatt makes for the perfect backdrop with its horn-shaped summit; a result of being carved and sculpted by glaciers from all angles over the years. Mount Fryatt consists of sedimentary rocks deposited from the Precambrian to Jurassic eras.



加勒廷国家森林里的小溪,美国蒙大拿州 Hyalite Creek in the Custer Gallatin National Forest, Montana (© Jared Lloyd/Getty Images)

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加勒廷国家森林里的小溪美国蒙大拿州 Hyalite Creek in the Custer Gallatin National Forest, Montana (© Jared Lloyd/Getty Images)

垂钓者的天堂 An angler's paradise

Hyalite Creek at Custer-Gallatin National Forest, Montana

Today we're taking a little fishing trip just south of Bozeman, Montana, to Hyalite Creek, which runs through Custer Gallatin National Forest. This is one of the most heavily visited recreation areas in Montana, especially for those who like to fish. Late 1800s logging operations in the surrounding forest damaged the habitat for trout in Hyalite Creek, but stream restoration projects have increased trout populations to such an extent that this is now considered a world-class destination for fly fishing.

Even if you're not the fishing type, the ecologically diverse landscapes of Custer Gallatin National Forest will delight most any visitor. Stretching across more than 3 million acres, there's plenty of hiking, camping, and mountain climbing to be had. If you're up for something a little different, hop over to Grasshopper Glacier in the Beartooth Mountains. Entombed inside the ice are millions of the now extinct Rocky Mountain locusts that were trapped long ago while swarming during severe storms.


今天,我们将在蒙大拿州博兹曼南部进行一次小钓鱼之旅,前往穿过卡斯特加拉廷国家森林的Hyalite Creek。这是蒙大拿州游客最多的休闲区之一,尤其是对于那些喜欢钓鱼的人来说。19世纪后期,在周围森林进行的伐木作业破坏了Hyalite Creek鳟鱼的栖息地,但河流恢复项目增加了鳟鱼的数量,以至于现在这里被认为是世界级的飞钓目的地。

即使你不是钓鱼爱好者,卡斯特·加拉廷国家森林的生态多样性景观也会让所有游客感到愉悦。绵延300多万英亩,有大量的徒步旅行、露营和登活动。如果你想做一些不同的事情,那就跳到Beartooth山脉的Grasshopper Glacier。数百万现已灭绝的落基山脉蝗虫被埋在中,这些蝗虫很久以前就被困在暴风雨中成群结队。

波奴鲁鲁国家公园里的邦格尔邦格尔山脉,澳大利亚 Bungle Bungle Range in Purnululu National Park, Australia (© Francesco Riccardo Iacomino/Getty Images)

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波奴鲁鲁国家公园里的邦格尔邦格尔山脉澳大利亚 Bungle Bungle Range in Purnululu National Park, Australia (© Francesco Riccardo Iacomino/Getty Images)

蜂巢状的脉 Bungle beehives

Bungle Bungle Range in Purnululu National Park, Australia

Aboriginal Australians have lived in this area for more than 20,000 years. But only recently did the rest of the world learn of the otherworldly terrain of the mountains known as the Bungle Bungle Range. In 1982, a nature-documentary crew was filming remote areas within the Kimberley region of Western Australia and 'discovered' the little-known mountain range. Today it is the most popular aspect of Purnululu National Park, a UNESCO World Heritage site.

The Bungle Bungle Range is composed of sandstone domes that can be up to 800 feet tall. Formed by wind and rain over millions of years, the domes get their striking look due to alternating rusty orange bands colored by iron-oxide and grey bands colored by colonies of single-celled microbes called cyanobacteria. Beneath the beehive formations are large pools and caverns, some of which have ancient Aboriginal cave paintings on the walls.

澳大利亚Purnululu国家公园的Bungle Bungle山脉


Bungle Bungle山脉由高达800英尺的砂岩圆顶组成。这些圆顶是由数百万年的风雨形成的,由于交替出现由氧化铁着色的锈橙色带和由称为蓝藻的单细胞微生物菌落着色的灰色带,圆顶显得格外引人注目。在蜂巢的下面是大型的水池和洞穴,其中一些墙上有古老的土著绘画

金门大桥和马林岬角,美国加利福尼亚州 Golden Gate Bridge and Marin Headlands photographed from Golden Gate Overlook in San Francisco, California (© Jeff Lewis/Tandem Stills + Motion)

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金门大桥和马林岬角,美国加利福尼亚州 Golden Gate Bridge and Marin Headlands photographed from Golden Gate Overlook in San Francisco, California (© Jeff Lewis/Tandem Stills + Motion)

没有哪儿比这里更能代表旧金山… Nothing says 'San Francisco' quite like...

Golden Gate Bridge, San Francisco

Few structures achieve the status of the Golden Gate Bridge—so recognizable that it needs no introduction. Opened on this day in 1937, the bridge was a marvel of engineering, built to withstand ferocious winds above and swirling currents below. Its construction was embraced by the local population because it would finally connect the rising metropolis of San Francisco to communities in Marin County and all that lay north. Before the bridge was completed, a ferry was the only way across the Golden Gate, the mile-wide strait that connects the Pacific Ocean to San Francisco Bay. Building a bridge to cross the span would be no small feat, and many thought it impossible.

Financing for the construction was another hurtle and was put further at risk with the Great Crash of 1929. But eventually voters in the Bay Area supported a bond measure worth $35 million ($473 million today), using their homes, farms, and business properties as collateral—the infusion of cash allowed construction to begin in 1933. In the midst of the Great Depression, the bridge became a jobs generator, putting 2,000 men to work. In four years they completed the engineering triumph ahead of schedule and under budget.

Its two towers rise to 755 feet above the water, and the span suspended between them is 4,200 feet long, which made it the longest suspension bridge in the world upon its completion. Seventeen longer suspension bridges have since been built (most of them in China), but the Golden Gate remains the star among them, considered the most beautiful, most photographed, a symbol of American style and ingenuity, and a calling card for a city. There are few better reasons to leave your heart in San Francisco.





蒙特维德云雾森林中的吊桥,哥斯达黎加 Hanging bridge in Monteverde Cloud Forest, Costa Rica (© Dmitriy Burlakov/Getty Images)

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蒙特维德森林中的吊桥哥斯达黎加 Hanging bridge in Monteverde Cloud Forest, Costa Rica (© Dmitriy Burlakov/Getty Images)

上面的空气怎么样? How's the air up there?

Monteverde Cloud Forest in Costa Rica

Today we're taking a walk through the clouds to visit one of the most beautiful and biodiverse places on the planet. Costa Rica's Monteverde Cloud Forest is in the Tilarán mountain range 5,000 feet above sea level. Hundreds of different animal species and thousands of insect and plant species call the forest home. Diligent nature lovers could count nearly 700 different types of butterflies and 500 different species of orchids during a visit. Famous in the scientific community, the forest also attracts more than 70,000 tourists a year.

You may be wondering, what exactly is a 'cloud forest?' Different than a rainforest, they're forests high enough above sea level to be covered by persistent mist and fog generated by the forest's own evaporating moisture. This makes for a damp and humid, yet cool environment. Generally tropical, they're pretty rare. Only 1% of the current global woodland is considered true cloud forest. Entirely dependent on an area's local climate, it is expected that many of the 736 locations currently identified as cloud forests will be strongly impacted and altered in the coming years. Monteverde, in fact, is known as the location where the first climate-related species extinction was recorded—in the 1980s, the golden toad fell victim to a parasitic fungus that spread into the area due to the changing climate.


