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Manicouagan火山口, 魁北克加拿大 Manicouagan Crater in Québec, Canada (© Universal History Archive/Universal Images Group via Getty Images)

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Manicouagan火山口, 魁北克加拿大  Manicouagan Crater in Québec, Canada (© Universal History Archive/Universal Images Group via Getty Images)

An impactful day

We'll be the ones to drop the news on you: It's Asteroid Day! Today you're invited to explore a realm of science usually encountered only through white-knuckle action flicks: Asteroid impact avoidance, or the study of what the heck we do if we spot a big chunk of space junk hurtling right at Earth. That's right, don't worry: People somewhere are coming up with plans for this.

Good thing, because as our photo shows, asteroid impacts do happen. Manicouagan Crater, aka the 'eye of Québec,' was formed by a 3-mile-wide meteorite that hit Earth about 215 million years ago. Much more recently, an explosive meteoroid leveled 800 square miles of Siberian forest in what's called the Tunguska event. It was 113 years ago today, and Asteroid Day's date was chosen in recognition.

So, if you find yourself casting paranoid glances at the sky today, maybe do a little searching on how scientists are learning to prevent potential impacts. Proposed plans involve everything from altering an asteroid's course via a gravitational field, to delaying its approach by attaching rocket thrusters, to good old-fashioned blowing it up. Yay science!





薰衣草田,英国牛津 Lavender fields at lavender farm, Oxfordshire, England (© Peter Greenway/EyeEm/Getty Images)

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薰衣草田,英国牛津 Lavender fields at lavender farm, Oxfordshire, England (© Peter Greenway/EyeEm/Getty Images)

The scent of summer

These fragrant purple blooms are a quintessential summer sight - and not just in Provence. Once a favourite in Victorian gardens, homegrown lavender production has seen a renaissance in recent decades, with many small-scale producers growing it and producing lavender-based goods, from creams and oils to cider and chocolate. There are more than 40 different types but Lavendula angustifolia, also known as English lavender, is particularly popular here, especially with bees.

Lavender, which comes from the same family as mint, has been long been a popular plant, associated with cleanliness (the name is thought to have its roots in the Latin verb ‘lavare’ to wash), as well as relaxation and healing. The Ancient Egyptians are thought to have used it in the mummification process, while the Ancient Greeks used it for minor ailments and the Romans used it to clean their clothes. It’s not native to the UK and it is not certain when exactly it arrived on these shores, but it has been popular here for centuries. Lavender is said to have been Queen Elizabeth I’s favourite perfume, posies of lavender were carried and scattered before her to fend off bad smells. More than 200 years later, it was still a royal favourite - Queen Victoria is said to have had a taste for lavender jelly served with roast mutton.



薰衣草与薄荷来自同一科,长期以来一直是一种受欢迎的植物,它与清洁(这个名字被认为来源于拉丁语动词“lavare”to wash)以及放松和疗伤有关。古埃及人被认为是在木乃伊制作过程中使用的,而古希腊人用它来治疗小病,罗马人用它来清洗衣服。它不是英国本土的,也不确定它何时到达这些海岸,但它在这里流行了几个世纪。据说,薰衣草是伊丽莎白女王一世最喜欢的香水,一束束薰衣草被带到她面前,撒在她面前,以抵御难闻的气味。200多年后,它仍然是皇室的最爱——据说维多利亚女王尝过薰衣草果冻配烤羊肉。

拉迪格岛德阿让海滩上的岩石,塞舌尔 Rocks on Anse Source d'Argent beach, La Digue Island, Seychelles (© Roland Gerth/eStock Photo)

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拉迪格德阿让海滩上的岩石塞舌尔 Rocks on Anse Source d'Argent beach, La Digue Island, Seychelles (© Roland Gerth/eStock Photo)

An island hopper's paradise

Welcome to the sunny and sultry Seychelles, a tropical island nation just south of the equator in the Indian Ocean, roughly 900 miles off the eastern coast of Africa. The gorgeous beach you see here is the Anse Source d'Argent on the island of La Digue, one of 115 islands that make up this tropical republic. Anse Source d'Argent has long been a favorite of photographers, who are drawn to its contoured, dark granite boulders, pristine white sand, and turquoise-colored water. Beachcombers and sun worshippers also flock to the Seychelles because of the islands' consistently great weather—daily high temperatures almost always stay within a comfortable range of between 75 and 90 degrees Fahrenheit all year round.

Most any day is a day worth celebrating in the Seychelles, but today is cause for double celebration: June 29 is Independence Day in the Seychelles, commemorating the nation's 1976 independence from centuries of colonial rule under the French and British. It also happens to be the UN's International Day of the Tropics, a day of special recognition for the Seychelles and other locales within the zone between the tropics of Cancer and Capricorn. That accounts for about 36% of Earth's land mass and close to 40% of its population. The intent of International Day of the Tropics is twofold: as a celebration of the extraordinary diversity of this zone while also highlighting the challenges facing the region, like poverty, climate change, deforestation, urbanization, and demographic shifts.




戈佐岛上的Cittadella城堡,马耳他 Cittadella on the island of Gozo, Malta (© Davide Seddio/Getty Images)

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戈佐上的Cittadella城堡,马耳他 Cittadella on the island of Gozo, Malta (© Davide Seddio/Getty Images)

A celebration of Maltese culture

That mighty fortress at the top of the hill is called the Cittadella—it's a medieval fortified city at the geographical center of the island of Gozo. Gozo is the second-largest island in the Maltese archipelago (after the island of Malta itself), and despite all appearances it's the less densely populated of the two.

On both Gozo and Malta, today marks the start of a two-day celebration of Maltese culture called Mnarja (sometimes spelled Imnarja). The national festival dates from the 16th century and is dedicated to the feast day of Saints Peter and Paul. During Mnarja, centuries-old Maltese customs and traditions are on full display. The streets come alive with traditional folk songs called ghana, as well as dancing, and horse and donkey races, some of which feature jockeys riding behind in chariots. Malta's national dish, a rabbit stew called fenkata, is served at nearly all Mnarja events. During the festival's medieval origins this was the only time of year when ordinary Maltese people were allowed to eat rabbit, which was usually reserved for the knights that then ruled the islands. To wash down the rabbit stew? Maltese wine, of course. Saħħa! ('Cheers!')




石林峡风景区玻璃观景台, 中国北京平谷 Glass sightseeing platform in Shilinxia Scenic Area, Pinggu District of Beijing, China (© STR/AFP via Getty Images)

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石林风景区玻璃观景台, 中国北京平谷 Glass sightseeing platform in Shilinxia Scenic Area, Pinggu District of Beijing, China (© STR/AFP via Getty Images)

Spectacular views below!

When residents of the bustling metropolis of Beijing, China, need a break from their daily grind, many will head about 45 miles north of the city to take in the sights at the Shilinxia Scenic Area. Meaning 'Gorge of Stone Forest,' Shilinxia is a protected 7-and-a-half mile gorge which, since 2016 has featured an amazing main attraction—one of the world's largest glass sightseeing platforms.

If you're scared of heights, this platform may not be for you, as it sits roughly 1,300 feet above the valley floor and juts out nearly 108 feet from the tallest point in the gorge. But don't worry: Even though it may inspire a bit of vertigo and has been known to sway a bit with the wind, the platform is perfectly safe—the glass floor is reinforced by titanium alloys. Once out on the platform, viewers can look down through glass into the rugged sandstone rocks and forest of the Shilinxia gorge below. It's easy to also catch a glimpse of some local landmarks, including the nearby Huangsongyu reservoir, Diaowo Village, and the Shilin River.




上高地 日本长野县, Kamikōchi, Nagano Prefecture, Japan (© sadao/Shutterstock)

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高地 日本长野县, Kamikōchi, Nagano Prefecture, Japan (© sadao/Shutterstock)

"Kamikochi" Nagano Prefecture

Kamikochi, located in the valley of the Northern Alps, is a large plateau with abundant greenery. The original kanji is "Kamigakiuchi", and it was named because the deity of Hotaka Shrine, Hotaka Mikoto, descended to Mt. It was. It is also a hot spring resort, and there is also a hot spring inn where you can take a day trip bath ...

At an altitude of 1500 meters, the area has a wet continental climate, with cool summers and cold winters. It is blessed with a variety of vegetation because it extends from the mountainous area to the subalpine zone. The snowy landscape and the fresh green of early summer are wonderful, but the autumn leaves are also wonderful. Forests and lakes are inhabited by ancient Japanese creatures such as Japanese macaques, mallards, and chars.




德纳利国家公园和自然保护区的驯鹿,阿拉斯加 Caribou in Denali National Park and Preserve, Alaska (© Design Pics/Danita Delimont)

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德纳利国家公园和自然保护区的驯鹿阿拉斯加 Caribou in Denali National Park and Preserve, Alaska (© Design Pics/Danita Delimont)

The call of the wild in Alaska

Most visitors to Denali National Park and Preserve in Alaska come with a checklist for the 'big five' mammals that live here: Grizzly bears, moose, wolves, Dall sheep, and caribou like this small group walking along a ridge. These are barren-ground caribou, a migratory subspecies of caribou found across the arctic band of North America to western Greenland. Barren-ground caribou migrate in large herds, some traveling over 600 miles one way, between their summer and winter ranges. But the Denali herd, today which numbers around 3,000 animals, generally stay on the park's 6 million acres. For good reason, too—they're the only large herd that aren't hunted.



日南市的萤火虫,日本鸟取县 Fireflies in Nichinan, Tottori, Japan (© north-tail/Getty Images Plus)

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日南市的萤火虫日本鸟取县 Fireflies in Nichinan, Tottori, Japan (© north-tail/Getty Images Plus)

A firefly frolic

You might be crashing the biggest party in Japan's least populous region. Each summer, fireflies turn this forest in rural Tottori prefecture into their own glitzy nightclub. There's no telling which fireflies are the males in this shot, but be assured they'll spend mating season trying to flicker their way into the females' hearts.

The buzzkill here is that fireflies' heyday each June and July amounts to their entire two-month adult lives—so when the rave dies, the flies shortly follow. Fortunately, that's plenty of time for the reveling bugs to produce countless eggs, soon to hatch into larvae who'll emerge from their pupae next summer and kick off the light show once again.




塞里雅兰瀑布后的午夜太阳,冰岛南海岸附近 View of the midnight sun behind Seljalandsfoss waterfall near the south coast of Iceland (© Tom Mackie/plainpicture)

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塞里雅兰瀑布后的午夜太阳,冰岛海岸附近 View of the midnight sun behind Seljalandsfoss waterfall near the south coast of Iceland (© Tom Mackie/plainpicture)

Land of the midnight sun

Here we are in the land of the midnight sun, just after the summer solstice. These days of seemingly endless sunlight are especially dramatic here at the Seljalandsfoss waterfall on the south coast of Iceland. The famous waterfall is less than a two-hour drive from Reykjavik, Iceland's capital city. Intrepid explorers, hopefully kitted out in good traction shoes and raincoats, can explore the walkways behind and surrounding the raging walls of water.

The peak of Iceland's famous midnight sun occurs in the days around the summer solstice, when the sun reaches its highest and northernmost points in the sky. This time of year, the sun never seems to set here, delivering up to 21 full hours of sunlight and 3 hours of twilight. Iceland experiences the long days of midnight sun between mid-May and mid-August. Then the days become shorter, with the entire country plunging into a dark polar night around winter solstice in December.


