
新年跨年夜烟花, 悉尼悉尼海港大桥, 澳大利亚 New Year's Eve fireworks, Sydney Harbour Bridge in Sydney, Australia (© Wendell Teodoro/Getty Images)

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新年跨年烟花, 悉尼悉尼海港, 澳大利亚 New Year's Eve fireworks, Sydney Harbour Bridge in Sydney, Australia (© Wendell Teodoro/Getty Images)

跨年夜新年快乐 Happy New Year's Eve from down under

迎接2023年 / 澳大利亚悉尼跨年夜




New Year's Eve in Sydney, Australia

With New Year's Eve landing in midsummer, many Aussies choose to usher in the new year with a boat trip around beautiful Sydney Harbour to take in the annual fireworks display With the Sydney Harbour Bridge and world-famous Sydney Opera House as a dramatic backdrop, the first fireworks show will fire off this year at 9 pm local time, followed by a second show at midnight. Australia is one of the first nations to reach the new year, and more than 1.5 million people are typically in attendance for this spectacular celebration in Sydney.

白沙漠中的岩石,埃及 Rock formations in the White Desert, Egypt (© Anton Petrus/Getty Images)

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沙漠中的岩石埃及 Rock formations in the White Desert, Egypt (© Anton Petrus/Getty Images)

这些永远不会融化 This snow will never melt



White Desert National Park, Egypt

Snow, in the desert? Not quite. Today we're in Egypt's White Desert, which gets its colorful name from an abundance of chalk, limestone, and quartz rock formations that give the sand its special hue. Tourists flock to this place to see these naturally occurring structures, honed over thousands of years into unique shapes through a process known as 'differential weathering.' Located about five hours to the southwest of Cairo, White Desert National Park is a lot more than just deteriorating rocks—it's also a protected refuge for several endangered animal species.

斯托尔石山,天空之岛,苏格兰 (© Aliaume Chapelle/Tandem Stills + Motion)

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斯托尔石,天空之苏格兰 (© Aliaume Chapelle/Tandem Stills + Motion)






马洛亚,瑞士 Maloja, Switzerland (© Roberto Moiola/Getty)

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马洛亚,瑞士 Maloja, Switzerland (© Roberto Moiola/Getty)

雪花玻璃球一般的美景 A life-sized snow globe


在拍摄瑞士马洛加的这张照片时,如画这个词是一个轻描淡写的词。这个位于格里森州或地区的高村庄,无疑是全世界球的羡慕和鼓舞!这里距离意大利边境仅几英里,这里令人难以置信的完美季景色激发了几个世纪以来的画家和艺术家。马约拉也位于西尔斯的边缘,这使得该地区成为夏季和冬季的休闲胜地。这张照片的中心是马洛加的皇冠珠宝,即比利时伯爵在1880年代建造的教堂Chiesa Bianca。如今,曾经庄严的空间被用来举办展览和音乐会。

Maloja, Switzerland

The word picturesque is an understatement when taking in this image of Maloja, Switzerland. This alpine village in the canton, or district, of Grisons, is surely the envy and inspiration of snow globes the world over! Located just a few miles from the Italian border, the impossibly perfect winter scenes found here have inspired painters and artists for centuries. Majola is also located on the edge of Lake Sils, which makes this area a recreational destination in both summer and winter. At the center of this image is the crown jewel of Maloja, the Chiesa Bianca, a church built in the 1880s by a Belgian count. Today, the once solemn space is used to stage exhibitions and concerts.

格林达维克的蓝湖,冰岛 Blue Lagoon, Grindavík, Iceland (© Westend61/Getty Images)

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格林达维克的蓝冰岛 Blue Lagoon, Grindavík, Iceland (© Westend61/Getty Images)

治愈身心的“废水” The healing powers of wastewater



Blue Lagoon spa, Grindavík, Iceland

Let's be frank here, the origin of today's beautiful picture is a pool of wastewater from a nearby geothermal plant. While that may not sound enticing, Iceland's Blue Lagoon is one of the country's most visited attractions. The trick is to not get stuck on the 'waste' part of wastewater. The water here is clean, always hovers around 100° F, and is enriched with tons of silica—which is what makes it blue—and sulfur thanks to the plant's processes. Those minerals, along with a little algae, are believed to combine into a highly beneficial tonic for skin and overall well-being.

贝弗利·韦斯特伍德,东约克郡,英格兰 Beverley Westwood Common, East Yorkshire, England (© Les Gibbon/Alamy)

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贝弗利·韦斯特伍德,东约克郡,英格兰 Beverley Westwood Common, East Yorkshire, England (© Les Gibbon/Alamy)

阖家欢乐的一天 Giddy family fun

Beverley Westwood Common,东约克郡,英国

我们照片中的滑雪者正在享受英国的节礼日,他们在东约克郡黑磨坊附近的贝弗利韦斯特伍德公馆(Beverley Westwood Common)裹着行囊,冲下一座小。传统上,节礼日是圣诞节兴奋过后放松的一天。名字后面是什么?有几种说法,但最被广泛接受的说法是,这个名字来源于圣诞节后第二天向穷人赠送“盒子”(礼物)。也许我们今天都应该效仿这个例子,吃圣诞剩饭,听萦绕的颂歌。我们怎样才能给那些不幸的人一个小小的圣诞节呢?

Beverley Westwood Common, East Yorkshire, England

The sledders in our photo are enjoying Boxing Day in England, bundled up and hurtling down a hill at Beverley Westwood Common near Black Mill in East Yorkshire. Traditionally, Boxing Day is a day off to relax after the excitement of Christmas. What's behind the name? There are a few theories, but the most widely accepted one is that the name derives from the giving of 'boxes' (of gifts) to the poor the day after Christmas. Perhaps we should all follow that example today, as we eat Christmas leftovers and listen to lingering carols. How can we give a little Christmas to those who are less fortunate?

阿玛咖港, 阿拉斯加美国 Amalga Harbor, Alaska (© Mark Kelley/Tandem Stills + Motion)

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阿玛咖, 阿拉斯加美国 Amalga Harbor, Alaska (© Mark Kelley/Tandem Stills + Motion)

一切都很平静 All is calm



Christmas in Amalga Harbor, Alaska

This isolated cove on 'the Last Frontier' is the least likely place you'd expect to find a Christmas tree decorated from head to toe with lights aglow. Amalga Harbor lies about 15 miles north of Juneau (one of the few coastal state capitals in the US) and shows that the public expression of Christmas cheer knows few limitations–and may include use of a small barge. This photograph was taken from nearby Ernest Gruening State Historical Park, which was named for the former governor of the Alaska Territory. Gruening led the territory from 1939 to 1953 before becoming one of the state's first US senators when Alaska became a state in 1959. After his political career ended, he and his wife lived in a cabin that was preserved as part of this historic site.

南极洲的巴布亚企鹅 Gentoo penguins in Antarctica (© Nature Picture Library/Alamy)

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南极洲的巴布亚企鹅 Gentoo penguins in Antarctica (© Nature Picture Library/Alamy)

南极洲的巴布亚企鹅 'I've got a lot of problems with you penguins!'




Gentoo penguins in Antarctica

For the uninitiated, the origins of the made-up holiday Festivus can be traced back to an episode of the hit '90s show, 'Seinfeld.' Based on the real family tradition of one of the show's writers, Festivus has taken on a life of its own in the real world and provides fans with a fun, tongue-in-cheek way to celebrate the holiday season while ignoring its pressures and commercialism.

And with today's photo, it appears these Gentoo penguins in Antarctica are well aware of Festivus, as one seems to be engaging in one of the holiday's main traditions—the 'Airing of Grievances.' And as far as Gentoos go, it's not uncommon for them to have plenty of grievances to air. Whether over excommunication for infidelity, or jealousy over their neighbor's nesting stones, Gentoos can be salty. Maybe that's to be expected, though, as their diets are so loaded with the stuff that they literally leak highly concentrated saline from their beaks.