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温德河,布鲁克斯山脉,北极国家野生动物保护区,阿拉斯加州,美国 Wind River, Brooks Range, Arctic National Wildlife Refuge, Alaska (© Design Pics/DanitaDelimont)

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温德,布鲁克斯山脉北极国家野生动物保护区,阿拉斯加州,美国 Wind River, Brooks Range, Arctic National Wildlife Refuge, Alaska (© Design Pics/DanitaDelimont)

河流的狂野舞蹈 River's wild dance



Wild and Scenic Rivers Act

Ever wonder how some of our rivers stay unspoiled? It's thanks to the Wild and Scenic Rivers Act, which was signed into law on this day in 1968. This legislation created the National Wild and Scenic Rivers System, which preserves rivers with exceptional natural, cultural, and recreational qualities.

The national rivers system oversees more than 13,000 miles of 228 rivers across 41 states and Puerto Rico, a tiny fraction of the 3.5 million miles of US rivers. It categorizes rivers as wild, scenic, or recreational. The Wind River in northeastern Alaska, seen in today's image, is a wild river, isolated and undeveloped. It flows for 85 miles, from the Philip Smith Mountains to the East Fork of the Chandalar River, winding through a valley filled with lakes and wetlands. Part of the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge, this river valley is a bustling habitat for Dall sheep, moose, caribou, and grizzly bears. In a changing world, it's comforting to know these rivers will remain unchanged.

复活节溪和基利克河的交汇处,北极之门国家公园,阿拉斯加州,美国 Confluence of Easter Creek and Killik River, Gates of the Arctic National Park, Alaska (© Patrick J. Endres/Getty Images)

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复活节溪和基利克的交汇处,北极之门国家公园阿拉斯加州,美国 Confluence of Easter Creek and Killik River, Gates of the Arctic National Park, Alaska (© Patrick J. Endres/Getty Images)

河流的交汇 The meeting of the waters



National Rivers Month

The lush greenery of June is here, and so is National Rivers Month, a tribute to the veins of our planet, created by Canadian activist Mark Angelo. Just like the confluence featured here today, where Alaska's Easter Creek and Killik River unite in a beautiful display, we too come together every year to help preserve the nation's rivers. With increasing threats such as pollution, habitat destruction, and overuse, it's more important than ever to advocate for their protection. Whether you're paddling down a gentle stream, casting a fishing line, or simply enjoying a leisurely stroll along the riverbank, there are countless ways to connect with our waterways. The US alone boasts a vast network of over 250,000 rivers, stretching more than 3 million miles. Which one are you heading to?

座头鲸家族,荷兰港,阿拉斯加州 Family of humpback whales, Dutch Harbor, Alaska (© Jude Newkirk/Amazing Aerial Agency)

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座头家族,荷兰阿拉斯加州 Family of humpback whales, Dutch Harbor, Alaska (© Jude Newkirk/Amazing Aerial Agency)

希望的浪潮 Waves of hope




World Oceans Day

Today, let's embark on a watery adventure for World Oceans Day, a celebration of the critical role played by oceans in supporting life on Earth. These gargantuan water bodies teem with wonders, from the tiniest plankton to the grandest whales, like the humpbacks we see here. The oceans also produce almost half of the oxygen on our planet thanks to the photosynthesis of plankton—tiny plants, algae, and bacteria. Moreover, they absorb carbon dioxide from the atmosphere, helping mitigate the impacts of climate change.

Oceans, and the marine species they support, face many threats, including rising sea temperatures thanks to global warming, plastic pollution, and ocean acidification. The theme for this year's World Oceans Day is 'Awaken New Depths.' This motto encourages us to delve deeper into the ocean's complexities and ensure that fascinating, ocean-dwelling animals, like our homepage whales, continue to grace our planet for generations to come. Are you ready to take the plunge?

科迪亚克国家野生动物保护区,科迪亚克岛,阿拉斯加州,美国 Kodiak National Wildlife Refuge, Kodiak Island, Alaska (© Ian Shive/Tandem Stills + Motion)

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科迪亚克国家野生动物保护区,科迪亚克阿拉斯加州,美国 Kodiak National Wildlife Refuge, Kodiak Island, Alaska (© Ian Shive/Tandem Stills + Motion)

西沃德的财富 Seward's fortune




Alaska Day

On October 18, 1867, the Russian Empire transferred the territory of Alaska to the United States following negotiations by US Secretary of State William Seward. The US paid $7.2 million, or about 2 cents per acre, for the land, adding more than 586,0000 square miles to its territory. Today the date is known as Alaska Day and honors the history, untamed wilderness, and unwavering resilience of the state.

To mark the day, we are in the Kodiak National Wildlife Refuge, spread over several islands in the Kodiak Archipelago in southwestern Alaska. Our homepage image shows Kodiak Island, whose landscape includes hundreds of miles of shoreline as well as lakes, marshes, bogs, and meadows. Its towering mountains are home to fjord inlets and lush vegetation, including sedges, alders, spruces, wildflowers, and berries. A wild inhabitant of the islands, the Kodiak bear, the largest subspecies of brown bear, is named after the archipelago.

从德纳里山看福克拉山,德纳里国家公园,美国阿拉斯加州 Climber on Denali, Denali National Park, Alaska (© Andrew Peacock/Tandem Stills + Motion)

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从德纳里看福克拉山,德纳里国家公园美国阿拉斯加州 Climber on Denali, Denali National Park, Alaska (© Andrew Peacock/Tandem Stills + Motion)

德纳里山的力量无可否认 There's no denying the power of Denali



National Mountain Climbing Day

Today is National Mountain Climbing Day, dedicated to celebrating the sport while highlighting its many risks and rewards. In a bid to scale the tallest peaks and conquer difficult terrain around the world, mountain climbers embark on physically strenuous journeys that demand exceptional training and experience. But the panoramic views and sense of achievement after reaching the summit makes the effort worthwhile. Our image today is that of Denali, North America's highest peak at 20,310 feet, in south-central Alaska. The name 'Denali' means 'the high one' in the native Athabascan language. Four climbers, Walter Harper, Harry Karstens, Robert Tatum, and Hudson Stuck, were the first to set foot on the top of the mountain in 1913.

阿玛咖港, 阿拉斯加美国 Amalga Harbor, Alaska (© Mark Kelley/Tandem Stills + Motion)

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阿玛咖, 阿拉斯加美国 Amalga Harbor, Alaska (© Mark Kelley/Tandem Stills + Motion)

一切都很平静 All is calm



Christmas in Amalga Harbor, Alaska

This isolated cove on 'the Last Frontier' is the least likely place you'd expect to find a Christmas tree decorated from head to toe with lights aglow. Amalga Harbor lies about 15 miles north of Juneau (one of the few coastal state capitals in the US) and shows that the public expression of Christmas cheer knows few limitations–and may include use of a small barge. This photograph was taken from nearby Ernest Gruening State Historical Park, which was named for the former governor of the Alaska Territory. Gruening led the territory from 1939 to 1953 before becoming one of the state's first US senators when Alaska became a state in 1959. After his political career ended, he and his wife lived in a cabin that was preserved as part of this historic site.

特里卡基拉河三角洲,阿拉斯加州克拉克湖国家公园,美国 Tlikakila River Delta in Lake Clark National Park, Alaska (© Dawn Wilson Photography/Getty Images)

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特里卡基拉三角洲阿拉斯加州克拉克国家公园美国 Tlikakila River Delta in Lake Clark National Park, Alaska (© Dawn Wilson Photography/Getty Images)

保护阿拉斯加的自然之美 Preserving Alaska's natural beauty




Tlikakila River Delta

On this day in 1980, the single largest expansion of protected lands in history doubled the size of the US National Park System. Prior to that day, Alaska had no national parks, but now the state has eight, plus numerous monuments and preserves that protect more than 157 million total acres. When President Carter signed the Alaska National Interest Lands Conservation Act, the public was granted the right to appreciate stunning locations like the one in today's photo: the braided river delta of the 51-mile long Tlikakila River in Lake Clark National Park.

In the native Athabaskan language, Tlikakila literally means 'salmon are there river.' The park is known for its salmon-laden waterways and, as such, the fish is of major importance to the local economy and ecosystem. Local bear populations benefit from the excess salmon, and bear watching is very popular at Lake Clark. The abundance of salmon has also benefited a wolf pack within the park—the only one in the world known to be solely dependent on salmon.

楚科奇海的浮游植物水华,美国阿拉斯加州海岸附近 Blooms of phytoplankton in the Chukchi Sea off the coast of Alaska (© Norman Kuring/Kathryn Hansen/U.S. Geological Survey/NASA)

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楚科奇海的浮游植物水华,美国阿拉斯加海岸附近 Blooms of phytoplankton in the Chukchi Sea off the coast of Alaska (© Norman Kuring/Kathryn Hansen/U.S. Geological Survey/NASA)

什么生长得这样茂盛? What's blooming so brightly?





Blooms of phytoplankton in the Chukchi Sea

Hundreds of shades of blue are marbled together in this cool shot. No, it's not a work of modern art, it's right off the brush of nature. This is a satellite photo of phytoplankton blooming near Alaska as the cool, salty Chukchi Sea mingles with warmer, fresher water closer to shore.

But just what are phytoplankton? They're microscopic sun-powered organisms that float near the surface of the ocean, drifting with the currents. In fact, their name derives from the Greek 'phyton' for plant and 'planktos' for wanderer or drifter. Delicious and nutritious to various creatures living in oceans and estuaries, they're also vital to everyone on Earth: Phytoplankton are responsible for about half of the world's photosynthesis, the sun-powered process that takes in carbon dioxide and releases oxygen.

We're talking phytoplankton today in honor of Earth Science Week, an international event encouraging all of us to learn about or even devote our life to the Earth sciences. This year's theme is 'Earth Science for a Sustainable World,' emphasizing science's role in sustaining our planet. So, time to dust off that microscope, visit your local science museum, or perhaps just learn more about beautiful, swirling phytoplankton.

两头穿越苏西特纳河的驯鹿,美国阿拉斯加 Caribou crossing the Susitna River during the autumn rut, Alaska (© Tim Plowden/Alamy)

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两头穿越苏西特纳驯鹿美国阿拉斯加 Caribou crossing the Susitna River during the autumn rut, Alaska (© Tim Plowden/Alamy)

令人印象深刻的时刻 Time to make an impression

Caribou rutting season in Alaska

It's that time of year when Alaskan caribou are beginning to feel a little frisky. From late September until early November, males will be strutting their stuff, locking antlers with one another, and competing for the attention of females in hopes of furthering the species. Successful males will mate with 15-20 females a season. After the rutting season males will shed their antlers while females keep theirs until spring. In today's photo we're looking at some caribou in southcentral Alaska crossing the Susitna River.

Alaska has 32 distinct caribou herds. It's likely today's caribou are members of the Nelchina herd, which roams across about 20,000 square miles in the high basin surrounded by the Talkeetna, Chugach, Wrangell, and Alaska ranges. The Nelchina herd is among the most studied and recognized of Alaskan caribou partly because their range is relatively close to the major human population centers of the state. The herd has provided food for Alaskans for hundreds of years and its population is maintained through carefully monitored hunting regulations. But caribou populations can fluctuate from one year to the next depending on the availability of food and severity of the weather.




冰川湾国家公园里的兰普鲁冰川,美国阿拉斯加州 Lamplugh Glacier in Glacier Bay National Park, Alaska (© Andrew Peacock/Getty Images)

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 冰川国家公园里的兰普鲁川,美国阿拉斯加州 Lamplugh Glacier in Glacier Bay National Park, Alaska (© Andrew Peacock/Getty Images)

古老的冰川与大海相遇的地方 Where ancient ice meets the sea

Glacier Bay National Park and Preserve

Think of this special spot as the place where two different Alaskas meet—its vast icy north and its verdant maritime south. Glacier Bay is named for this area's dominant feature, the rivers of ice that carve the landscape and periodically calve icebergs into the sea. On February 26, 1925, President Calvin Coolidge declared much of the land around the bay a national monument. But the protected area was greatly expanded in 1980, when a 3.3-million-acre expanse of glaciers, fjords, rainforest, coastline, and mountain peaks was named a national park and preserve.

Pictured here is Lamplugh Glacier, one of the relatively few tidewater glaciers in the park; the vast majority are found inland. Lamplugh is known for its intense blue color—ice and water absorb the red wavelength of white light and transmit blue light, which is what we end up seeing. The thicker and more pure the ice, the more blue it appears.


