标签 法国 下的文章
Château de Sully-sur-Loire, Center-Val de Loire, France (© StockPhotoAstur/Shutterstock)
Château de Sully-sur-Loire, Center-Val de Loire, France
Standing strong
巴黎圣母院,巴黎,法国 Notre-Dame Cathedral, Paris, France (© Julien Fromentin/Getty Images)
巴黎圣母院,巴黎,法国 Notre-Dame Cathedral, Paris, France (© Julien Fromentin/Getty Images)
巴黎圣母院再度回归 The comeback of Notre-Dame
Notre-Dame Cathedral reopens
In the heart of Paris stands one of the city's most enduring icons: Notre-Dame Cathedral. Built between the 12th and 13th centuries on the Île de la Cité—an island in the Seine—Notre-Dame has witnessed centuries of French history, from the Hundred Years' War to the French Revolution, and beyond. Although it was chosen by Napoleon as the site of his coronation as emperor in 1804, by the early 19th century, the cathedral was in a state of disrepair. However, one novel changed its fortunes: 'The Hunchback of Notre-Dame' by Victor Hugo, published in 1831. The popularity of this book helped encourage a restoration project that renewed the cathedral's former beauty.
In April 2019, tragedy struck—a fire broke out in the roof space of Notre-Dame. By the time the blaze was extinguished, the cathedral's wooden spire had been destroyed, along with most of the roof, and there was extensive damage to the tops of the building's walls. Reconstruction efforts have been underway over the last five years , and today, Notre-Dame will reopen to the public. Finally, visitors will once again be able to marvel at the medieval majesty of this beautiful cathedral.
圣米歇尔山,诺曼底,法国 Mont-Saint-Michel, Normandy, France (© Captain Skyhigh/Getty Images)
圣米歇尔山,诺曼底,法国 Mont-Saint-Michel, Normandy, France (© Captain Skyhigh/Getty Images)
时间与潮汐之岛 An island of time and tide
欢迎来到法国北部诺曼底的圣米歇尔山,这里是潮汐奇观和中世纪生活的缩影。这个“西方奇迹 ”的故事可以追溯到8世纪初,据说当时大天使米迦勒在异象中出现在阿夫朗什的主教面前。神谕非常明确:在这块岩石上建造一座圣殿。这位主教认真听取了天使的建议,并为目前主宰这座岛屿的修道院奠定了基础。几个世纪以来,这座联合国教科文组织认定的世界遗产的规模和声誉不断扩大,吸引着众多修道士、朝圣者以及入侵者。
Mont-Saint-Michel, Normandy, France
A tidal marvel and a slice of medieval life all rolled into one rocky outcrop—welcome to Mont-Saint-Michel in Normandy, northern France. The story of this 'Wonder of the West' goes back to the early 8th century, when St. Michael the archangel was said to have appeared to the bishop of Avranches in a vision. The divine message was clear: build a sanctuary on this rock. Taking this angelic advice seriously, the bishop laid the foundations of what would eventually become the abbey that dominates the island today. Over the centuries, this UNESCO World Heritage Site grew in size and reputation, attracting monks, pilgrims, and invaders alike.
One of the things that makes Mont-Saint-Michel such a striking place is its dramatic tidal range. When the tide is low, you can stroll across the sandy flats and approach the island on foot. But when the tide rushes in, the sea encircles the mount, turning it back into an island that can only be reached over a bridge. It's easy to see why it attracts over 3 million visitors a year.
皮埃尔桥,波尔多,法国 (© SergiyN/Getty Images)
皮埃尔桥,波尔多,法国 (© SergiyN/Getty Images)
巴黎圣母院的奇美拉,法国 Chimera of Notre-Dame de Paris, France (© scaliger/Getty Images)
巴黎圣母院的奇美拉,法国 Chimera of Notre-Dame de Paris, France (© scaliger/Getty Images)
万圣节时冷冰冰的凝视 Stone-cold stares on Halloween
Happy Halloween!
Do you sometimes get spooked? If you do, that means you have a healthy sense of fun and fear. And what better day of the year than Halloween to indulge in all things scary? The holiday we know today traces its roots to ancient traditions, including the Celts' Samhain, the Romans' Feralia, and medieval Christian observances. Today, costumed people mingle in the streets, not unlike their ancestors who donned animal skins to divine the future or celebrate saints and martyrs.
Amid modern festivities like trick-or-treating, pumpkin carving, and parties, you might spot a few spooky decorations that look like the one pictured here—a chimera of Notre-Dame Cathedral in Paris. Perched high above the city, this mythical creature is often mistaken for a gargoyle, but unlike its waterspout cousins, the chimera is purely decorative. So today, let's remember the shadows and stories that dance around the edges of our brightly lit celebrations. Happy Halloween!
沙莫尼的勃朗峰,法国 Mont Blanc in Chamonix, France (© Simon Schöpf/Getty Images)
沙莫尼的勃朗峰,法国 Mont Blanc in Chamonix, France (© Simon Schöpf/Getty Images)
恐怖的高度 The heights of horror
Frankenstein Friday
Picture yourself at the highest peak in the Alps, where the air is crisp and the views are breathtaking. The towering presence of Mont Blanc has left an indelible mark on literature, most notably on Mary Shelley's 'Frankenstein.' The last Friday of October is Frankenstein Friday, honoring Shelley's literary genius and the fascinating creature born from her imagination. 'Frankenstein' was conceived during a ghost story challenge. In 1816, an 18-year-old Shelley, along with fellow writers Percy Bysshe Shelley, John Polidori, and Lord Byron, spent a stormy summer in Switzerland. Forced inside by incessant rain, she penned the tale of Victor Frankenstein and the Creature. A pivotal scene in the novel takes place on a glacier near Mont Blanc, where Victor is confronted by his monstrous creation. This setting, with its surreal beauty and treacherous terrain, perfectly captures a sense of awe and terror.
'Frankenstein,' also known as 'Frankenstein; or, The Modern Prometheus,' was first published anonymously in 1818. Shelley's use of the epistolary form—a novel told through letters—and her blend of Gothic and early science fiction made 'Frankenstein' a timeless classic.
加泰罗尼亚北部的圣马丁杜卡尼古修道院 ,法国 (© Cyril Gosselin/Getty Images)
加泰罗尼亚北部的圣马丁杜卡尼古修道院 ,法国 (© Cyril Gosselin/Getty Images)
圣马丁杜卡尼古修道院 ,法国
蒙马特和圣心大教堂,巴黎,法国 Montmartre and Sacré-Cœur, Paris, France (© Tuul & Bruno Morandi/Getty Images)
蒙马特和圣心大教堂,巴黎,法国 Montmartre and Sacré-Cœur, Paris, France (© Tuul & Bruno Morandi/Getty Images)
比赛开始! Game on
Paralympic Games begin in Paris
The Summer Paralympic Games get underway in Paris today. Over 4,000 athletes with a range of disabilities from all around the world will meet in the French capital to compete across 549 different events. For its first time hosting the Summer Paralympics, the city has got something special in store for the opening ceremony. Delegations from 184 nations will parade down the iconic Champs-Élysées to the Place de la Concorde, rather than entering a stadium. The first official Paralympic Games were held in Rome in 1960. Twenty-three nations took part, competing in eight sports, including wheelchair basketball and Para athletics.
Today's image takes us to an icon of Parisian life: the Sacré-Cœur Basilica in the Montmartre neighborhood. The church, which was completed in 1914, stands at the top of one of the highest points in Paris. It offers impressive views over the city, taking in the Eiffel Tower, Notre Dame, the Panthéon, and much more. If you're in Paris to enjoy the Paralympics, it's the perfect spot to soak up the beauty of the host city.
塞纳河上的新桥,巴黎,法国 Pont Neuf over the Seine, Paris, France (© f11photo/Getty Images)
塞纳河上的新桥,巴黎,法国 Pont Neuf over the Seine, Paris, France (© f11photo/Getty Images)
比赛开始 Let the Games begin!
Summer Olympics begin in Paris
Welcome to Paris, the City of Light, which is hosting the Summer Olympics for the third time. What makes these Games unique is the opening ceremony, which will be held outside a stadium for the first time. Participants will parade along the Seine on a flotilla of boats, passing under the Pont Neuf, pictured here, and cheered by spectators lining both banks. Paris is no stranger to historic firsts; the 1900 Games included women competing for the first time, although they made up only 22 of 997 athletes.
These Games are set to be rather special: Breakdancing will make its Summer Olympic debut in Paris. Competitors will be scored by a panel of nine judges who will look out for creativity and personality, along with other criteria. This could be a one-off, as breakdancing hasn't been included in the 2028 Olympics in Los Angeles. The surfing event at Paris 2024 is also rather unique: the competition will take place in Tahiti, part of French Polynesia. Almost 10,000 miles away from the host city, Tahiti was chosen because the island's huge waves make it perfect for surfing.
印度洋珊瑚礁, 马约特岛, 法国 Coral reef in the Indian Ocean, Mayotte, France (© Gabriel Barathieu/Minden Pictures)
印度洋珊瑚礁, 马约特岛, 法国 Coral reef in the Indian Ocean, Mayotte, France (© Gabriel Barathieu/Minden Pictures)
意义深远 Deep and meaningful
Coral Reef Awareness Week
Blooming pillar corals, green sea turtles, and colorful reef fishes—welcome to the underwater universe of coral reefs. They are formed by tiny marine organisms called coral polyps, which create vast colonies housing many species. As we celebrate their beauty and benefits, it's vital to recognize the lurking threats of climate change, pollution, and harmful human activities.
This underwater scene was photographed at Mayotte, a French island region in the Indian Ocean. Mayotte boasts one of the world's largest and deepest lagoons, encircled by a coral reef nearly 100 miles long. It is home to over 250 species of coral and more than 3,500 marine species. But it is facing numerous threats, including overfishing and coral bleaching, where corals expel the algae that live in their tissues, leading to a loss of color and essential energy sources. So, in Coral Reef Awareness Week, let's pledge to preserve coral reefs like this one.