标签 沙漠 下的文章

苏丝斯黎沙丘,纳米布沙漠,纳米比亚 Sossusvlei sand dunes, Namib Desert, Namibia (© Airpano/Amazing Aerial Agency)

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苏丝斯黎沙丘纳米布沙漠纳米比亚 Sossusvlei sand dunes, Namib Desert, Namibia (© Airpano/Amazing Aerial Agency)

变换的地平线 Shifting horizons




撒哈拉沙漠的岩层和沙丘,贾奈特,阿尔及利亚 Rock formations and sand dunes in the Sahara, Djanet, Algeria (© Airpano/Amazing Aerial Agency)

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撒哈拉沙漠的岩层和沙丘,贾奈特,阿尔及利亚 Rock formations and sand dunes in the Sahara, Djanet, Algeria (© Airpano/Amazing Aerial Agency)

沙丘日和沙漠烟霞 Dune days and desert haze




Tassili n’Ajjer, Sahara, Algeria

From the Mediterranean coast to the vast Sahara, Algeria in North Africa has a wide variety of landscapes. Today, we're exploring the area around the Tassili n'Ajjer plateau. This UNESCO World Heritage Site is famed for its rock formations and cave art. More than 15,000 ancient engravings, some dating back 12,000 years, depict scenes of daily life, hunting, and mystical beings.

Djanet, a nearby oasis city, is known as the Jewel of the Desert. It is surrounded by rocky plateaus. Here, palm groves and gardens create a stark, beautiful contrast to the golden landscape. Djanet is home to roughly 15,000 people, most of whom belong to the Kel Ajjer Taureg community. You can get a feel for the city in its museum, or by wandering its streets, which are lined with colorful markets, mosques, and earthen houses.

春天盛开的沙漠毒菊,索诺拉沙漠,亚利桑那州 Brittlebushes blooming in springtime, Sonoran Desert, Arizona (© Charles Harker/Getty Images)

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春天盛开的沙漠毒菊,索诺拉沙漠,亚利桑那州 Brittlebushes blooming in springtime, Sonoran Desert, Arizona (© Charles Harker/Getty Images)

最热的地方也有凉爽之处 Even the hottest places are cool!



The Sonoran Desert, Arizona

Welcome to the Sonoran Desert, where life thrives despite the heat thanks to two seasons of rainfall. This subtropical desert spreads across parts of Mexico, California, and Arizona and is home to animals such as roadrunners, Gila monsters, and the Morafka's desert tortoise. Its rainy seasons are followed by the blossoming of colorful wildflowers such as the brittlebush, seen in today's image. These hardy shrubs are adapted to the dry seasons, with their silvery-gray leaves covered in fine hairs that help reduce water loss. Brittlebushes produce bright yellow flowers that bloom in clusters, adding splashes of color to the desert landscape. Another drought-loving desert flora is the saguaro cactus, which can live for over 150 years and grow up to 40 feet tall. The saguaro also provides food and shelter for desert species and is a sacred plant in the culture of the Tohono O'odham people.

安沙波利哥沙漠州立公园,美国加利福尼亚州 Anza-Borrego Desert State Park, California (© Stephen Matera/Tandem Stills + Motion)

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安沙波利哥沙漠州立公园美国加利福尼亚州 Anza-Borrego Desert State Park, California (© Stephen Matera/Tandem Stills + Motion)

一抹春色 Where is this colorful desert?



Anza-Borrego Desert State Park, California

The first day of spring may be just days away, but the season's wildflowers at California's largest state park—Anza-Borrego Desert State Park—are already here to say hello! Every spring, this barren desert floor undergoes a dramatic makeover. Flowers like heliotrope, brittlebush, and desert dandelion burst into a riot of bloom, creating a spectacle of color. For those seeking a more adventurous experience, this park has a lot to offer—from the mountains of the Peninsular Ranges and cactus-studded hills to slot canyons, badlands, and natural palm oases. In addition, as a designated International Dark Sky Park, it is an exceptional spot for stargazing. Beyond its natural wonders, the park, spanning over 600,000 acres, is also home to a rich cultural and historical legacy, including ancient pictographs, or rock paintings, from the Native American tribes that once lived here.

撒哈拉沙漠一组沙丘上最后的阳光, 阿尔及利亚 Last rays of sun on a group of dunes, Sahara, Algeria (© AWL Images/DanitaDelimont.com)

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撒哈拉沙漠一组沙丘上最后的阳, 阿尔及利亚 Last rays of sun on a group of dunes, Sahara, Algeria (© AWL Images/DanitaDelimont.com)

每天都有不同的沙丘 Each day a different dune



Sand dunes in the Sahara, Algeria

The Sahara spans over 3 million square miles of North Africa, covering large parts of various countries including Algeria, Egypt, Morocco, Sudan, and Tunisia. Vast sand dunes, rocky plateaus, and occasional oases create a landscape like no other. Although it is the largest hot desert in the world, the Sahara supports drought-resistant plants like acacia and palm trees, and hardy animals such as camels and fennec foxes. Intriguing features include its shifting sand dunes, pictured in today's image, some of which are over 500 feet high. Ancient rock art and fossils have also been discovered here, providing insights into early civilizations and prehistoric creatures. Sandstorms are common, shaping the ever-changing scenery and adding to the mystique of this natural wonder.

沙漠中的骆驼,阿拉伯联合酋长国 Camels in the desert, United Arab Emirates (© Amazing Aerial Premium/Shutterstock)

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沙漠中的骆驼,阿拉伯联合酋长国 Camels in the desert, United Arab Emirates (© Amazing Aerial Premium/Shutterstock)

沙漠之舟 Ships of the desert, ahoy!



Camels in the desert, United Arab Emirates

camels have been central to lives in the United Arab Emirates for
thousands of years. A key mode of transportation for Bedouins, camels
long helped them traverse the sweltering sands in search of water and
supplies. These dromedaries were also used as currency to fulfill
obligations such as dowries or zakat, an annual charitable fee in Muslim
communities. Camel milk is a valuable and nutritious ingredient in many
recipes in the region, while camel racing keeps people entertained to
this day, illustrating the versatility of these hardy creatures.

塞多纳,亚利桑那州,美国 Sedona, Arizona (© Jonathan Ross/Getty Images)

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塞多纳,亚利桑那州,美国 Sedona, Arizona (© Jonathan Ross/Getty Images)

红石的土地 Red rock country



Sedona, Arizona

Stunning sandstone cliffs rise from the desert floor amid spectacular scenery here in Sedona, Arizona, also known as Red Rock Country. Adventure enthusiasts come to enjoy the beautiful trails that dot the region, which is also steeped in Native American history. The earliest settlers are believed to have been the Ancestral Puebloans, who inhabited the area around 1,400 years ago. Without any written history, most of the information about these ancient people comes from the archaeological ruins that remain, including cliff dwellings built under overhangs in the area's red sandstone rocks. Other Native American groups came to the area such as the Hakataya, the Hohokam, the Sinagua, and the modern-day tribes that live in Arizona today, the Tonto Apache and the Yavapai.

安沙波利哥沙漠州立公园的野花,加利福尼亚州,美国 Wildflowers in Anza-Borrego Desert State Park, California (© Ron and Patty Thomas/Getty Images)

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安沙波利哥沙漠州立公园的野加利福尼亚州美国 Wildflowers in Anza-Borrego Desert State Park, California (© Ron and Patty Thomas/Getty Images)

大自然最为色彩鲜艳的一面 Nature at its colorful best



Anza-Borrego Desert State Park, California

Welcome to the largest state park in the golden state of California, Anza-Borrego. Located about 100 miles northeast of San Diego, the park is well known for its spectacular springtime wildflowers, stunning landscapes, and natural marvels. Spring and early summer are the best times to visit. That's when you'll find a myriad of magnificent, blooming species of flowers, including dune primrose, desert sunflowers, and desert sand verbena. These hardy wildflowers can survive in extreme heat and with little water–perfect for California's driest state park, in which some areas get just 2 inches of rain a year.

Heavier rains than usual brought a rare 'winter bloom' of wildflowers to Anza-Borrego earlier this year. And record-breaking rainstorms have continued, ensuring an excellent spring display. The wildflowers draw large crowds of tourists to the area. Though you might be tempted to take some home, the wildflowers are protected by state law and should be left for everyone to enjoy.

白沙国家公园,美国新墨西哥州 White Sands National Park, New Mexico (© Andrea Harrell/Tandem Stills + Motion)

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白沙国家公园美国新墨西哥州 White Sands National Park, New Mexico (© Andrea Harrell/Tandem Stills + Motion)

世界最大的石膏沙漠 The largest gypsum dune field



White Sands National Park turns 90

If today's photo evokes some chilly feelings inside of you, surprise! That's not snow, but part of the largest gypsum dune field on the planet. We're at White Sands National Park in New Mexico, which was first established as a monument on this date in 1933 and then became a national park in 2019. Roughly 4.5 billion tons of gypsum sand has massed in the Tularosa Basin over the past 12,000 years, having worn off the surrounding mountains. Thousands of species live in the park, many of which have evolved to have white coloration, allowing them to blend into the environment.

白沙漠中的岩石,埃及 Rock formations in the White Desert, Egypt (© Anton Petrus/Getty Images)

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沙漠中的岩石埃及 Rock formations in the White Desert, Egypt (© Anton Petrus/Getty Images)

这些永远不会融化 This snow will never melt



White Desert National Park, Egypt

Snow, in the desert? Not quite. Today we're in Egypt's White Desert, which gets its colorful name from an abundance of chalk, limestone, and quartz rock formations that give the sand its special hue. Tourists flock to this place to see these naturally occurring structures, honed over thousands of years into unique shapes through a process known as 'differential weathering.' Located about five hours to the southwest of Cairo, White Desert National Park is a lot more than just deteriorating rocks—it's also a protected refuge for several endangered animal species.