
贝纳吉尔洞穴,葡萄牙阿尔加维 Benagil Cave in the Algarve, Portugal (© Michael Malorny/Offset by Shutterstock)

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贝纳吉尔洞穴葡萄牙阿尔加维 Benagil Cave in the Algarve, Portugal (© Michael Malorny/Offset by Shutterstock)

Eye of the cave

Many sea caves and rock formations line the alluring Algarve coast in the south of Portugal, and today we’re shedding light on Benagil Cave—one of the region’s most spectacular and famous natural landmarks. Just east of the small fishing village of Benagil, the cave was formed about 20 million years ago from the pounding waves that sweep in from the Atlantic. Rainfall has caused the softer segments of limestone to erode, creating a giant hole in the cave’s roof, which is what we’re looking down through in our photo.

The eye-shaped opening allows sunlight to stream into the cave, illuminating the golden beach and azure waters within its layered walls. The only way to explore the inside is by sea, so visitors need to hop on a boat, kayak, or paddleboard to enter the grotto.



墨西哥城贝拉斯艺术宫 Palacio de Bellas Artes, Mexico City (© Lukas Bischoff Photograph/Shutterstock)

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墨西哥城贝拉斯艺术宫 Palacio de Bellas Artes, Mexico City (© Lukas Bischoff Photograph/Shutterstock)

A cry for independence

The Palacio de Bellas Artes in Mexico City has hosted art exhibits, music and dance performances, and much more since its opening. The decadent Art Nouveau building opened in 1934 but was originally planned to open for Mexico's 100th birthday years earlier, in 1916. To get that story, we must travel 200 miles from this spot and back in time even further than the early 20th century.

On September 16, 1810, in Dolores, Mexico, the 'Cry of Dolores' rang out, signaling a call to arms. The Mexican War of Independence would last 11 years, finally breaking the country free from Spain. Though the war also ended in the month of September, it is the start of the conflict—September 16—that Mexicans celebrate as their Independence Day.




布里斯托尔海峡的伯恩贝克码头,英国滨海韦斯顿北索美塞得 Birnbeck Pier on the Bristol Channel in Weston-super-Mare, England (© Stephen Davies/Adobe Stock)

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布里斯托尔海峡的伯恩贝克码头英国滨海韦斯顿北索美塞得 Birnbeck Pier on the Bristol Channel in Weston-super-Mare, England (© Stephen Davies/Adobe Stock)

End of the pier?

This peaceful but derelict pier, on England’s south-west coast, was a hub of activity back in its heyday. Designed by the famous pier builder Eugenius Birch, Birnbeck Pier – sometimes called the Old Pier – opened in Weston-super-Mare in 1867. Victorian day trippers would arrive on steamships to enjoy fairground rides, a travelling cinema and skating rink. Welsh visitors would turn up to buy a drink in the pier’s bars on a Sunday, a day when the sale of alcohol was banned over the border. You can still see the old lifeboat house and slipway on Birnbeck Island, a reminder of its history as a base for the RNLI. The Bristol Channel has the second highest tidal range in the world and the island offered a good launching point for its lifeboats, which might otherwise have been cut off by mudflats at lower tides.

Birnbeck Pier is the only British pier which connects the mainland to an island, and its light structure, based on 15 groups of iron columns, has helped it weather 150 years of battering by the sea. But the end of paddle steamers in the 1970s, the opening of the Severn Bridge linking England to Wales, the boom in foreign holidays and competition from a rival pier marked the beginning of the end for the Old Pier which finally closed to the public in 1994. The elements have long battered the Grade II listed structure and it was added to Historic England’s at-risk register in 1999. Local campaigners are trying to save it from collapse and the RNLI has expressed an interest in returning to the island if efforts by North Somerset Council to purchase the pier are successful.


这座位于英格兰西南海岸的宁静而废弃的码头,在其鼎盛时期曾是一个活动中心。由著名的码头建造商尤金·伯奇(Euginius Birch)设计的Birnbeck码头——有时被称为旧码头——于1867年在威斯顿超级马尔(Weston super Mare)开业。维多利亚时代的一日游者将乘坐汽抵达,享受游乐场、电影院和溜场的乐趣。威尔士游客会在周日出现在码头的酒吧里买饮料,而这一天,边境地区禁止出售酒精饮料。你仍然可以看到Birnbeck上的旧救生艇屋和滑道,这让人想起它作为RNLI基地的历史。布里斯托尔海峡拥有世界上第二高的潮差,该岛为其救生艇提供了一个良好的下水点,否则在低潮时可能会被泥滩切断。


冰岛北部内陆景观中的Aldeyjarfoss瀑布 Aldeyjarfoss waterfall in northern Iceland's interior landscape (© Jim Patterson/Tandem Stills + Motion)

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冰岛北部内陆景观中的Aldeyjarfoss瀑布 Aldeyjarfoss waterfall in northern Iceland's interior landscape (© Jim Patterson/Tandem Stills + Motion)

Behold the mighty Aldeyjarfoss

In waterfall-dense Iceland, it says something that Aldeyjarfoss is considered one of the most beautiful sights in the country. Fed by Iceland's largest ice cap, the 65-foot falls are flanked by distinctive hexagon-shaped basalt columns seemingly carved by some Norse god.

Okay, they may not have their origins with Odin's kin. Geologists will tell us that they're formed as lava flows cool and buckle under stress, with cracks penetrating deep into newly formed rock. The path of least resistance places these cracks at 120-degree intersections. So as cracks run deeper, their shape averages out to a near-perfect hexagon—exposing neatly geometric columns when the rock face eventually shears off.




威尼斯海滩滑板公园鸟瞰图,洛杉矶 Aerial view of the Venice Skatepark in Venice Beach, Los Angeles (© Ingus Kruklitis/Getty Images)

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威尼斯海滩滑板公园鸟瞰图,洛杉矶 Aerial view of the Venice Skatepark in Venice Beach, Los Angeles (© Ingus Kruklitis/Getty Images)

Sand, sun, and sk8ers

Walk the busy boardwalk of Venice Beach, in Los Angeles, and you'll see more sailing past than distant yachts—like an endless stream of skateboarders whizzing by within inches, always seeming to dodge you and your snow cone at the last second. Wanna bet they're headed to this world-famous skatepark right on the beach?

First poured in 2009 and serving locals, tourists, and pros alike ever since, Venice Skatepark's three bowls are usually brimming with skilled skaters—and visitors crowding the railings hoping to spy sick tricks. It's an appropriate setting for a top-notch skate spot: Bustling SoCal beaches like Venice were the birthplace of skateboarding, invented by bored surfers who wanted to cruise the land on days when waves were weak.




德国图林根海尼克国家公园的树梢走道 Treetop walkway in Hainich National Park, Thuringia, Germany (© mauritius images GmbH/Alamy)

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德国图林根海尼克国家公园梢走道 Treetop walkway in Hainich National Park, Thuringia, Germany (© mauritius images GmbH/Alamy)

Top of the trees

There are 16 national parks in Germany, but Hainich National Park is the only one in the central state of Thuringia. One of the main objectives of this park is the protection of a native beech forest that is part of a UNESCO World Heritage listing. A treetop path allows visitors to enjoy a bird's eye view of the forest. The 530-meter-long wooden walkway winds along the tops of towering trees and spirals upwards to an observation tower. Along the walk, there is information about the park's flora and fauna – thousands of animal species live in the forest, including wildcats, bats, and woodpeckers.



英国巴斯的埃文河 River Avon in Bath, England (© Robert Harding World Imagery/Offset by Shutterstock)

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英国巴斯的埃文 River Avon in Bath, England (© Robert Harding World Imagery/Offset by Shutterstock)

Celebrating all things Austen

Bath, in southwestern England, was the first home Jane Austen knew away from her tiny home village when she moved here at about age 25. Though the author only lived in Bath from 1801 to 1806 and did little writing here, no doubt this spa city on the River Avon gave her inspiration. After all, Bath was a popular resort at the time for Britain's upper crust—the posh, mannered society types whom Austen satirized so wittily in novels like 'Pride and Prejudice.'

The Jane Austen Festival kicks off here in town today and runs for 10 days, offering theatrical performances, walking and driving tours, a masked ball, and much more. Drawing thousands of fans each year, it's the largest and longest-running Austen event in the world.




圣胡安群岛,华盛顿州 San Juan Islands, Washington (© Stephen Matera/Tandem Stills + Motion)

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圣胡安群岛华盛顿州 San Juan Islands, Washington (© Stephen Matera/Tandem Stills + Motion)

Islands of the Salish Sea

The San Juan archipelago is made up of over 400 islands and rocks, some only visible during low tide, in the Salish Sea between Washington state and Vancouver Island, British Columbia. No bridges connect the San Juans to the mainland, but four of the largest islands—San Juan, Orcas, Lopez, and Shaw—are accessible via the Washington State Ferries. Tourists come to the islands to take in the stunning coastal views, catch a glimpse of resident orcas, and partake in many outdoor activities, such as sea kayaking, biking, and hiking. One popular destination is the San Juan Island National Historical Park, which was established on September 9, 1966, to commemorate the Pig War. That strangely named confrontation between the US and the UK was sparked, in part, by the killing of a pig in 1859. But it was really a dispute over ownership of the islands.


圣胡安群岛由400多个岛屿和岩石组成,其中一些只有在退潮时才能看到,位于华盛顿州和不列颠哥伦比亚省温哥华岛之间的萨利什海。圣胡安岛与大陆之间没有梁连接,但圣胡安岛、奥卡斯岛、洛佩兹岛和肖岛四个最大的岛屿可以通过华盛顿州的渡轮到达。游客来到这些岛屿是为了欣赏美丽的海岸,欣赏当地的虎,并参与许多户外活动,如海上皮划艇、骑自行车和徒步旅行。圣胡安岛国家历史公园(San Juan Island National Historical Park)是一个受欢迎的目的地,它建于1966年9月9日,是为了纪念猪战争。美英之间那场奇怪的对峙,部分是由1859年一头猪被杀引发的。但这确实是一场关于岛屿所有权的争端。